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STANDARD: (PA/Common Core):

● (Science) Standard - 3.2.1.A1 - Observe and describe the properties of liquids and
● (ELA) Standard - CC.1.2.1.L - Read and comprehend literary non-fiction and
informational text on grade level, reading independently and proficiently.
● (ELA) Standard - CC.1.4.1.A - Write informative/ explanatory texts to examine a
topic and convey ideas and information.
● (ELA) Standard - CC.1.4.1.C - Develop the topic with two or more facts.
● (ELA Standard - Standard - CC.1.4.1.F - Demonstrate a grade-appropriate
command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling. • Capitalize dates and names of people. • Use end
punctuation; use commas in dates and words in series. • Spell words drawing on
common spelling patterns, phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.
● (Music) - Standard - 9.1.M.1.E1 - Use imagination and creativity to perform
music and dance.
● (Art) - Standard - 9.1.V.1.B1 - Create works of art and identify art materials,
techniques, and processes.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

● Students will demonstrate knowledge about liquids and solids by creating a poster
about a common liquid and solid.
● Students will apply the comprehension strategy by reading a nonfiction text about
a solid or a liquid.

II. Assessment/Evaluation plan

A. Formative

Assessment: Documentation Tool: Scale:

(e.g. product, quick (e.g. rating scale, (performance
response, interview) levels)
rubric, checklist,
anecdotal notes)

Solid/Liquid Poster Rubric Students will create

a poster based on
their assigned solid
or liquid. See the
rubric for scoring
guidelines. *Rubric
is found in the day
4 google drive.

based on the
Teacher observation Anecdotal notes student’s ability to
read a grade
nonfiction text.

B. Summative

III. Instructional Materials (includes amount)

● Solid and Liquid Song
● Day 4- Solids & Liquids google drive folder (all of today’s worksheets are found
● Solid & Liquids Book Room
● Epic! -books for students
● Pencil (one per student)
● Crayons/Colored pencils (one set per student)
● Science notebooks (one per student)
● Document camera
● Whiteboard
● Half sheet of paper (one per student)
IV. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, new content)
A. Prerequisite Skills
● Write using facts and information.
● Identify common liquids and solids in every day life.

B. Key Vocabulary

C. New Content

V. Implementation

A. Introduction –
● Begin by playing the Solids and Liquids song.
● “Friends during our last science day we talked about liquids.”
● “Do you remember what two liqquids we studied during our experiment?”
○ A student responds, “glue and water.”
● “Yes! Friends lets review our liquids by doing our liquid movement
● Demonstrate the acronym and body movements first for the students.
● Put your hands on your hips and then slowly fall to the ground.
● As you are falling to the ground say, “viscious means to move very
● Have the students do the same movements and say the same thing.
● Repeat the movement 2-3 times.
● Next, again put your hands on your hips and quickly fall to the ground.
● As you are falling to the ground say, “fluid means to move fast.”
● After you say it the first time remind the students that fluid and fast both
begin with the letter f a few times after you.
● Have the students do the same movements and say the same thing.
● Repeat the movement 2-3 times.

B. Development –
● “Friends now that we have learned so much about different solids and
liquids today you will have the chance to create your own poster about a
different solid or a liquid.”
● Display the liquids and solids day 4 pictures under the document camera.
● “Friends these are the four topics you might be writing about today.”
● “Lets see if we can identify if these things are solids or liquids.”
● Call on different students to help you identify if the thing is a solid or a
● Using a pencil write next to the picture if it is a solid or a liquid.
● “Friends today with your table/lab groups you will each receive a few
worksheets with facts and information about one of these things.”
● “You will read the worksheets together and then each create your own
poster about a solid or liquid.”
● “You may also log onto Epic and view the collections of books for your
● “Each group will have a different topic they are writing about.”
● “Friends I know you will all be experts in making these posters because in
writing workshop we have been writing nonfiction pieces.”
● Place the poster page under the document camera.
● “Friends when you go to create your poster make sure you write the name
of your topic and also if it is a solid or a liquid.”
● Point to the big box on the paper and tell the students a drawing/coloring
will go here.
● Point to the two small boxes on the front and tell the students that their
facts they learn will go here.
● Flip the paper over and show the students that if they have more time they
can write more information in the bottom two boxes and draw/color in the
top boxes.
● Remind students to write their names on the top of the paper too.
● Show an example for the students using your pencil.
○ All About Trees (Solid)
● “Friends I will first hand you all the worksheets to read. Today your job is
to read and start writing.”
● “You will only start coloring and drawing in your book after your are done
● “I will not hand out the coloring pages until you are done writing 2 facts.”
● Show the students an example of the tree worksheets and the coloring
● Remind the students they can read the worksheets together and share ideas
for facts.
● Remind students they can also use their science notebooks to reference
keywords if they would like to describe their solid/liquid.
● Students may also access google classroom to use the solids and liquids
book room for ideas.
● Show the studentson the screen how to access google classroom for the
book room.
● Allow time for questions by the students.
● Have the ranger assistants help you hand out the worksheets and writing
books to each group.
● Students should be working and talking quietly with their group members.
● If students get done with their writing you can hand out the coloring pages
and students can then begin coloring and drawing pictures in the book.
● Circulate the room to help students as needed.
● At the end of the period, the students should put all of the papers into their
yellow writing folders.

C. Closure –
● Grab the students' name sticks and call on a few students.
● “Friends, can someone tell me what topic you are writing about?”
○ A few students respond by saying their topic.
● Hand each student a half sheet of paper.
● Have the students write a fact they learned about their topic on the paper.
● Collect the paper as a formal assessment.

D. Accommodations / Differentiation -
● For students with reading difficulties, include pictures and visual aids on
the worksheets about their topic.
● For advanced learners have them include more advanced text features like
labels, captions, and describing words for sentences.
● For students with behavior, concerns have them work in a specialized
group for the poster project.
● For students with reading difficulties, allow them to use the read aloud
books from the solids and liquids book room.

VI. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives (Reflection on

students performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who failed to meet acceptable level of achievement)

B. Personal Reflection(Question written before lesson is taught.)(Reflective

answers to questions recorded after lesson is taught.)

1. In the future, what resources or materials would make this lesson better?

2. What did you learn about this teaching experience?

VII. Resources (APA Format)

● Epic. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2022, from

● National Geographic Kids. National Geographic. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20,
2022, from
● National Science Resources Center. (2014). Solids & Liquids Science and
Technology Concepts.
● Solid Liquid Gas - They Might be Giants - official video. YouTube. (2010, March
12). Retrieved February 20, 2022, from

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