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Social Support Worksheet

Social support is important because there is a strong relationship between social support and
health. Other people can help you make and carry out plans, cope with challenges, and reduce
stress. There is strong evidence that engaging in social support, especially when families help,
makes it easier for people to make healthy lifestyle changes like increasing physical activity. The
following exercise will help you to identify what kinds of support might be available to you at
the present moment, and who you might approach to get the additional support that would
help you increase your physical activity.

First, it is important to understand the difference between social relationships that are helpful
to you and those that might make it more challenging for you to achieve your goals. Take a few
minutes to answer the questions below:

What are the positive things that you would look for in someone providing social support?

What are things to look out for in someone who’s support might be unhelpful?

Next, think about your current situation. How satisfied are you that you change enough of the
right type of social support available to you to help you make changes in your physical activity?

Not satisfied A little satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Highly satisfied

1 2 3 4 5

Finally, identify some things you can do and people you could approach to give you more of the
type of social support you find helpful.

Who are the people in your life that support you to become more physically active?
What kinds of things do people that you find supportive do in relation to helping you to be
physical activity?

In what ways are you supportive of other people about their physical activity?

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