Lista de Exercícios: Question Tags

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Question Tags
Question Tags or Tag Endings ►são pequenas perguntas colocadas no final das orações para
pedir uma informação ou confirmação do que foi dito.

►Características gerais do question tag:

□ oração afirmativa – o question tag será negativo (forma contraída);

□ oração negativa – o question tag será afirmativo;
□ vem sempre após vírgula;
□ é sempre formado por um verbo auxiliar ou anômalo e um pronome.

Mary is working, isn’t she? Paul will come tomorrow, won’t he?
Mary isn’t working, is she? Paul will not come tomorrow, will he?

They work in the morning, don’t they? Bob plays the piano well, doesn’t he?
They don’t work in the morning, do they? Bob doesn’t play the piano well, does he?

Mary talked to you, didn’t she? There is a cat on the sofa, isn’t there?
Mary didn’t talk to you, did she? There isn’t a cat on the sofa, is there?

The kids can swim well, can’t they? The man’s fixed the fence, hasn’t he?
The kids cannot swim well, can they? The man hasn’t fixed the fence, has he?

►Casos Especiais:

□ I am very late, aren’t I / Am I not? □ Open the window, will you?

□ Let’s go home, shall we? □ Don’t open the window, will you?
□ Let’s not argue over that, shall we? □ That is good, isn’t it?
□ She may go now, may she not? □ This looks nice, doesn’t it?

► Com expressões negativas como: nobody, never, hardly, seldom, nothing, rarely, etc., o
tag ending será positivo.

There is nobody home, is there? There is nothing wrong, is there?

She never comes here, does she? They rarely walked to school, did they?

►Jorge’d buy a better car if he could, wouldn’t he?

►Kate was ill last week, but she’s better now, isn’t she?

01. Supply the correct tag ending.

a) They aren’t studying, ___________________________________?

b) I am your friend, _______________________________________?
c) She won’t arrive late, ____________________________________?
d) Let’s take a walk, _______________________________________?
e) That is a very bad idea, ___________________________________?
f) The kids couldn’t go there, _________________________________?
g) I am not late, ___________________________________________?
h) They haven’t met their families, _____________________________?
i) John never helps his brother, _______________________________?
j) The policemen may arrive soon, _____________________________?
k) Will was traveling a month ago, but he’s back now, __________________________?
l) People should have no prejudice, ___________________________?
m) This is not right, ________________________________?
n) Pamela hurt her leg, ___________________________?
o) Liz would invite her friends for dinner if she knew how to cook, ________________________?
p) Let’s pretend we are on vacation, _____________________________?
q) There must be something wrong with Joe, _______________________________?
r) There’s nothing we can do to help you? _______________________________?

02. Match the columns.

( 01 ) You don’t believe her, ( ) will he?

( 02 ) The children aren’t looking for Jack, ( ) may he?
( 03 ) Jane won’t be sleeping by 10 o’clock, ( ) do you?
( 04 ) I am going to travel tomorrow, ( ) am I?
( 05 ) The children don’t like the dog, ( ) will you?
( 06 ) That is wonderful, ( ) are they?
( 07 ) He won’t be back before lunch, ( ) will she?
( 08 ) Peter may not go, ( ) do they?
( 09 ) I’m not your friend, ( ) isn’t it?
( 10 ) Go to your bedroom, ( ) aren’t I?

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