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• Training & Development: Definition, Importance, Need & Objectives

of Training and Management Development, Benefits of Training,
Skills and Qualities of effective trainer, Current Training and

Development Practices-National and International Perspective.


• Infosys has huge facility in Mysore to train 4000 managers at any given
time. It has plans to expand the capacity to 10,000.

• LG Electronics has made it mandatory for its staff to do two modules a

month and each module has a test that has to be cleared. Every three
months a summary of all the tests is made.

• The American Society for training and Development says new

organizations typically deliver 20-30 percent of training via technology.
• Cisco uses web based training as an integral tool to make employee more
productive because it is available anytime, anywhere.

• WIPRO Spectramind ( BPO outfit of WIPRO, based in Delhi) does not

want to lose talented youth who want to pursue higher education. The BPO
firm has decided to start SEED(WIPRO Spectra mind Educational
Enhancement and Development) where talented youngsters are given help
and opportunities to study further.
• This are provide us the glimpse of training scenario prevailing in India and
out side.

In modern industrial environment, the need for training of

employees is widely recognized to keep the employees in touch with
the new technological developments. Every company must have a
systematic training programme for the growth and development of its
Need and Rationale of Training

• Training is important, not only from the point of view of the organization,
but also for the employees. It gives them greater job security and an
opportunity for career advancement. A skill acquired through training is an
asset for the organization and the employee. The benefits of training stay
for a very long time.
1. Changing Technology.

Technology is changing at a fast pace. Be it any industry, technological

changes are changing the way in which operations were done. Newer
machines are being used for automation of the processes. Computers have
made the controls very easy. In order to keep themselves abreast with the
changes, the employees must learn new techniques to make use of
advances in the technology

2. Demanding Customers.

As the free markets become stronger, customers are becoming more and
more demanding. They are much more informed about the products
• competition forces the organizations to provide better and better products
and services to them. Added to the customer conscious, their requirements
keep on changing. In order to satisfy the customers and to provide best of
the quality of products and services, the skills of those producing them
need to be continuously improved through training.
3. Thrust on Productivity.
In the competitive times, organizations cannot afford the extravaganza of
lethargy. They have to be productive in order to survive and grow.
Continuous improvement of the employees’ skills is an essential
requirement for maintaining high standards of productivity. Productivity
in the present times stems from knowledge, which has to be relearned
4.Improved motivation.
• Training is a source of motivation for the employees as well. They find
themselves more updated while facing the challenging situations at job.
Such skill development contributes to their career development as well.
Motivated employees have lesser turnover, providing an organization with
a stable work force, which ahs several advantages in the long run.

5.Accuracy of output
• Trained workers handle their job better. They run their machines safely.
They achieve greater accuracy is whatever job they do. This reduces
accidents in the organizations.
6. Better Management.
• Training can be used as an effective tool of planning and control. It
develops skills of the workers for future and also prepares them for
promotion. It helps them in reducing the costs of supervision, wastages and
industrial accidents. It also helps increase productivity and quality.
Definition of Training and development

• Training is the important subsystem of human resource development. Training is a

specialized function and is one of the fundamental operative function and is one of

Training is a short-term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by

which non-managerial personnel acquire technical knowledge and skills for a
definite purpose . It refers to instruction in is technical and mechanical operations,
like operation of some machines. It is designed primarily for non- managers, It is
for a short duration and it is for a specific job- related purpose.
• There are several textbook definitions of training, but the one by Edwin B
Flippo is generally well accepted. According to Flippo, “Training is the act
of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a
particular job”.

• According to Dale S Beach, "Training is the organized procedure by which

people learn knowledge and for skill for a definite purpose.“

• According to M.C Cord and Efferson, “ Training is the continuous

systematic development among all levels of employees of that knowledge
and their skills and attitudes which contribute to their welfare and that of
the company.
Characteristics of Training

1. Clearly Defined Parameters: Training is a process with clearly defined

parameters. It has a beginning and a definite end.
2. Planned Sequence of Events : Training activities are a planned sequence
of events carefully sequence and blended into a harmonious, integrated
and result oriented package.
3. Makes Optimal Use of opportunities for Learning: It can be seen a
process of empowerment of the participants inviting them to make
optimal use of the opportunities provided for learning.
4. Journey of Self awareness and self discovery: Training helps participants
to explore and realize their potential and talent. It facilitates a process to
identified his strength and shortcomings.
5. Establish Relationship between Theory and Practice: Training develops
ability to translate acquired concepts, principles, Knowledge into
perceptible functional behavior
Session 2
Objectives of Training

1. Enhancing Employee Performance -

2. Updating Employee Skills-

3. Avoiding or Delaying Managerial Obsolesces

4. Preparing for Promotion and Managerial Succession

5. Motivating and Preventing Employee Attrition

6. Gaining Organizational Excellence

Management Development

• Management development is a long-term process utilizing a systematic and

organized procedure by which managerial personnel get conceptual and
theoretical knowledge. It refers not to technical knowledge and skills in
operation but to philosophical and theoretical educational concepts.
Management development is a systematic process of growth and
development by which the managers develop their abilities to manage.

• According to Flippo “Management development includes the processes by

which managers and executives acquire not only skills and competency in
their present jobs but also capacities for future managerial tasks.”
Characteristics of Management Development

1. Continuous Process – It should encompass the entire professional career

of mangers and executives.
2. Knowledge Updating Activity: The imperative need for management
development should be appreciated as there is always a gap between
actual and potential performance. Therefore it provide scope for
continuous improvement in all functional areas.
3. Vehicle for Attitude Change : Human behavior is dynamic. Management
development programmes are attempted to understand the behavioral and
attitudinal aspects through simulating sessions.
4. Stimulant to higher competence: Management development Programmes
can be designed, considering such issue like, employee’s
motivation,habits,age mix, pattern of conflict.
5. Deficiency Improver : Mananagement development programmes are carried
to individual requirements to improve the functional deficiencies of the
individual mangers, thus enabling the organization to derive immediate
benefits such programmes.
6. Self Development Process: Mananagement development facilities self
development of mangers ,as they learn many things through action
learning methods like sharing the experiences of each other in stimulated
classroom atmosphere.
Objectives of Management Development

1. To improve the performance of managers at all levels in their present jobs

and to realize full potential for future jobs.
2. To assure the organization of availability of required numbers of managers
with the required skills to meet the present and anticipated future needs of
the business.
3. To accord opportunities to managers to fulfill their career aspirations.
4. To create vision making capability in the mangers.
5. To develop human relation skills in the mangers.
6. To develop mangers for key leadership position in future.
7. To stimulate innovation, creativity, and analytical ability.
Session 3

1 Training refers to an education Development refers to an

process in which employees get a informative process which mainly
chance to develop skills, helps in understanding about the
competency and learning as per the overall growth and improvement of
post duty requirements. the skills of the employee
2 So simply we can say it is a process So simply we can say it is a process
of increasing knowledge and skills of of learning and growth.
an employee
3 It is short time/term focused and for It is long time/term focused, which
a fixed duration. takes place through out the life of a
4 Training is a job oriented process. Development is a career oriented
5 It helps individual to learn how to It prepares individuals for future
perform his/her present job job and growth in all aspects.
Skills and Qualities of effective trainer

It’s often said that “the mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher
explains, the superior teacher demonstrates, and the great teacher
inspires”. Almost anyone who’s ever wondered how to be a good trainer
has also wondered how to inspire learners to perform at their best. And
when it comes to delivering an effective training program, the qualities of a
good trainer can make all the difference. A trainer is a craftsperson at work.
He is an important pillar and the type of the trainer is an important figure in
making a training programme a success.
1. Good communicators. They speak well, express their thoughts clearly,
and have an engaging presentation style.
2. Knowledgeable. They know their topic thorley. They understand all the
concepts and know all the details. They can answer questions thoroughly
and at a level that trainees understand. If they ever can’t answer a
question, they know exactly where to go to get that answer and they
promise to do so as soon as possible.
3. Good with people. Their personality styles may vary, but they enjoy
working with people. They can engage groups of people and work with
them to meet training goals.
4. Patient. They understand that people learn in different ways and at
different paces. They take the time to make sure each trainee
understands what’s going on and leaves training sessions with the skills
and knowledge he or she came to acquire.
5. Open-minded. They respect other people’s points of view and know that
there are often many ways to achieve the same objectives. They don’t
assume they know everything but instead are willing to listen to and learn
from trainees.
6. Strong Industry Knowledge and Subject Matter Expertise. A great trainer
should have in-depth knowledge of the industry and topic that they will be
training in. They should know what goes on in the marketplace, including
industry concepts and best practices.
7. Flexible. They are able to adjust their training plan to accommodate their
audience and still meet all training objectives. Be ready to change and
adapt to working in different situations and environments.
8. Time Management: Good time management habits are the secret weapon
of effective, efficient trainers.
Session 4
Current Training and Development Practices-National and
International Perspective .
• MNCs increasingly use expatriates on short term and long term
international job assignments for variety of purpose such as
1. to acquire and transfer knowledge
2 to manage a foreign subsidiary
3. to fill staffing need
4. to maintain communication
5. to develop global leadership qualities
• Methods of International Training and Development.
1. Technical Training
2. Functional Training
3. Cross Cultural Training
4. Language Training
5. Pre departure Training
6. Training for short term assignments
7. Global mind set training
• Amazon — Exploring Both Sides of the ‘Pivot’ Program

Last year, Amazon introduced its training program known as Pivot.

The goal behind the introduction of this program was to provide guidance
and support to underperforming employees. By pairing them with subject
matter experts, Amazon is offering the employees a chance to improve and
contribute towards the success of the organization.
• Google: G2G (Google-to-Google) Training Method
• G2G – A learning program by the employees for the
• Google is a master in training and development practices. Through its
employee-to-employee network “g2g”, Google is offering first-hand
knowledge to its employees in different fields. What makes this program so
successful is that it promotes a culture that values learning.

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