The Merciad, April 24, 1986

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To be aired on Erie Cablevision

Communications Department
receives grant to produce
television sitcom
By R.J. Zonna
his father returns home.
Other Mercyhurst students and
Communications Department faculty will play supporting roles, in-
Chairperson Richard Ragan has an- cluding Igor Stalsky, Dennis McCarthy
nounced that the Mercyhurst College and Brian Sheridan. *
Communications Department was Mercyhurst communications
selected to receive a $200 grant from students will produce, film, edit and
the Access Programming Grant Fund. record the episode. In all, 12 students
The grant will be used in the produc- will be included in the communica-
tion of a half hour situation comedy tions project. The Communication
written by Mercyhurst senior Jennifer Department's TV and editing eequip-
Laird. Laird wrote the sitcom for ment will also be utilized. "I think this
Ragan's "Writing for TV" class in the will be a tremendous opportunity for
fall of 1985. : t students to experience. They will go
Ragan has one year to film the sit- through the production from Step 1
com and he said shooting will probably and deal with all the challenges and
begin this summer. | i problems of producing a television sit-
Pictured in the Student Union are the newly elected Representatives. The filming will be done off campus com," said Ragan. I
in Erie in both residential and business [* Laird, who will help produce the
settings. * show said, "It'll be a lot of fun and a

MSG Student Reps elected Laird's script entitled, "The Vase

Episode" deals with a wealthy family's
young boy whose dog breaks an anti-
great experience for everyone involved.
It will give us a taste of network TV."
After completion, the half hour show
SG president, David Armstrong, Rail (CMIS), Naomi Romanchok (Com- que vase. The boy then tries to replace will be broadcast on Erie Cablevision,
has released the results of the recent munications), Kathy Schmidt (Criminal the vase with a duplicate one before channeri 1 A . ^ ^ - * *^ ^^
MSQ representative elections.} Arm- Justice), Mary Campbell (Dance), Sonia
strong termed the voter turnout as, Ellis (Dietetics), Karen Davidson At MSQ
"Just about average." , jrF } (Fashion M e r c h a n d i s i n g ), Dave
Armstrong added, "Most of the wlw Sawicki (Geology), Jim O'Connor
ners won by a large margin, which (History), Michelle Handal (Interior I ResidentstCommittee to suggest
means the students appointed the peo- Design), Mike Vincent (Political
ple they wanted to represent them." Science), Elayne Lewis (Social Work),
F "However," continued Armstrong, Dee Regester (Psychology), Norm
new methods of awarding housing
By Susan Marcy | cerning the change. Students felt that
"there were a: number of close elec- Gabriel (Sports Medicine), Paul Cefrick
In reaction to the letter sent to Hous-. the curriculum should not be changed
tions. Nursing, Music and Marketing (Math), Don Gibbon (Resident), Matt
ing Director Phyllis Aieilo concerning as it stands but that more of a diversity
all ended in three way ties, while Robaszkiewicz (Commuter), Amy Ward
the awarding of housing, President in classes should be available. Presi-
Elementary Education, Criminal (HRM), Susan Marcy (English), Theresa
Garvey has suggested that MSG ap- dent Garvey again suggested that a
J u s t i c e , Secondary Education,! Kirik (Special Education), Tom Pari I la
point a committee to write a letter student committee be formed that
Political, Science and Fashion Mer- (Secondary Education) and Kathy Dee
which would suggest a new method of would write a revised curriculum
chandising all were very close." (Elementary Education). * awarding housing in future years. The proposal. ?. J- £
MSQ president-elect, Mike Kelly said Residents' committee was given the The Mercyhurst International Stu-
he will discuss the ties with all those "I think this will be a great represen- j i responsibility of writing this letter. dent Organization (MISO) was given
involved and see if they can agree on a tation of the entire student body," Students should be aware of the fact $100 by MSG to cover the cost of dif-
winner. If not, Kelly will hold run-offs In commented Kelly. "We're getting that any write-ups that they are given ferent international foods they will be
the fall to select the representatives. representation from groups who were can be appealed to the newly formed preparing at Activities Day. Eight
The 1986-87 MSG student represen- not traditionally strong here at Mer- | Housing committee. jL booths will be set up, each represen-
tatives are: Rich Porter (Accounting), cyhurst. I think the rep election The new curriculum proposal wasg ting a different country.- This food will
Mike Hanes (Art), Mike Good (Biology),! reflects the diversity of the executive (discussed at last week's Senates be free to the Mercyhurst community.
Tamara Barco. (Business Administra- board and this will help us work well meeting and MSG President David Next week's meeting will take place
tion), Candy Try on (Chemistry), Gary together next year," Kelly added. Armstrong voiced MSG's opinion con- on Sunday, at 7:30 in II4 Zurn.

The Vietnam *VJar reconsidered: A Reappraisal Commencement!

^Zurn Recital Hall 7:30 p.m. Speaker* 2
Main Speaker Leslie H. Gelb Wine
"The Vietnam War Syndrome: Impact on the United States^ ^Research 6
t j 3:15-4:15; ; ^j. '4:30-5:30
I "Rock Music & Malaise in America, 19661972" uThe Vietnam War Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Controversy"' Bulletin
w H Recital Hall ?;.; ffa m \ Recital Hall • • . * * *
"The Origins of the Vietnam War The Dynamics of Decision'I
I Zurn 201 * ? *?
"The Vietnam War Experience as Reflected in Fiction & Film"
J Zurn 201 \ e *
Board pg! 7
"The Conduct of War: Failed Strategy or Failed Nerve"
? Zurn 203 .• jf
Tennisf. pg. 8

Bishop Murphy selected to give c o m m e n c e m e n t address

By Matthew J. Clark A m e r i c a n C o l l e g e and ed on the Advisory Board of On Doctrine, the Committee tional Conference of Catholic
Gregorian University of the Ohio Clergy and was active On Human Values, and the Bishops as Advisor for both
The weekend for the 58th America, both in Rome, Italy in the Economic Education C o m m i t t e e | For N o r t h the Committee on Doctrine
c o m m e n c e m e n t of Mer- and Theological College- Foundation^ ,'*• * §w American College as well as and the Committee for Priestly
cyhurst College has been set Catholic University of America " During a past meeting of the the Administrative Board. Formation and is serving on
for Sat. May 24, and Sun. May in Washington DC. I National Conferenc e of Currently, Bishop Murphy is the Committee' on Pastoral
25 as well as the schedule of Catholic Bishops, he served as on the Board of Trustees at St. Research and practices and
events 'for the year-ending Chairman of both the Commit- Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, on the C o l l e g e v i l l e '86
activity. | v SL tee For Priestly Formation and MD and on the Board of Committee. Ip
On Sat., May 24, starting at 6 the Committee For Priestly Regents at St. Vincent's His teaching fields are
p.m., there will be a graduation Life and Ministry and was also Seminary in Latrobe, PA. He is Social Ethics and Moral,
dinner and awards ceremony, a member of the Committee also active in the current Na- Pastoral Theology.
followed by^the Commence*
ment Eve dance from 9:00 p.m.
to midnight. All activities will
be at the Hilton Hotel. The ac-
tual dinner will begin at 7 p.m.
and will be of no charge to
students. The cost for parents
and guests will be $13.50
each. Tickets for Saturday's
events will be available In the
College Bookstore until Mon.,
May 19.
On{ Sun., May 25, Com-
mencement day, J festivities Most Reverend Bishop
begin at 10 a.m. with a Bac- j Michael Murphy
calaureate Mass in the chapel. He holds a bachelor's
Brunch will be served for degree in Philosophy from
graduates, parents, and Gregorian University in Rome
guests In Egan Dining Halt, im- and a Licentiate in Sacred
mediately following the Bac- Theology from Catholic
calaureate Mass. For those University in Washington, D.C.
not attending the Liturgy, Bishop Murphy, who has
Brunch will be served at 10:30 been Bishop of Erie since July
a.m. Tickets for the brunch are 16, 1982, has received ithree
required for all, and will cost major honors during his
$4.50 for adults, and $3.25 for clerical career, on Oct. 26.
[children under 12. Tickets for 1953, he was honored as-a
the brunch are available in the Papal Chamberlain; On Feb.
bookstore until May 23. 20, 1959, he was named a
Commencement activities Domestic Prelate. His most re-
will then get underway at 2 cent honor was awarded him
p.m. in* the Campus Center on Apr. 25, 1984, when he
with Most Reverend Michael J. received the Bishop Loras
Murphy, Bishop of Erie, as
honored speaker. fe
Bishop Murphy, 70, a native
Lane Award from the National
^ y
of Cleveland, OH, attended He has served on the Board
of Directors of the National
several colleges.and
seminaries, among them Catholic Education Associa-
Niagara University, in Niagara tion, The Cleveland Mental Sign up for Army ROTC Basic
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Two term cancer study

S t u d e n t s present research results at D u q u e s n e c o n f e r e n c e
Five senior biology majors F l a s h e r ' s p a p e r is in vitro" while Saxon's paper
will present papers on the Mahoney's paper is "Growth will learn from other investiga-
"Synergistic Interaction of is entitled "The Antitumor Ef- Inhibiting Properties of Cobalt tions and get tips on how to
results of their two term Cobalt Sulfate and ,Sodium fect of Cobalt Acetate and
cancer research experiments Acetate and Vitamin C on present a paper.
Ascorbate S on Mitoses of Vitamin C on Mitoses of Ehrlich Solid Tumor in Mice" The conference will be con-
at the Annual Eastern*Col- Ehrlich Carcinoma in vivo and Ascites! Tumors in Mice." and Gibbon's work is "The Ef- cluded by an awards presenta-
leges Science Conference fect of a Macrobiotic Diet*on
(ECSC) at Duquesne on April tion and banquet which will
an Induced Tumor in Mice." take place during a three hour
28-29. The Mercyhurst College
Cancer Research students in- Palmer's paper is entitled cruise on Pittsburgh's three
clude Michele Flasher, Marian "The Influence of a Cobalt rivers.*
Saxon, John Mahoney, Don Compound and Vitamin C on Arnold Palmer, whose ex-
Gibbon, and Arnold Palmer. the Survival of Mice Bearing periment showed an increased
Ehrlich Tumors." T * survival of tumorous mice in-
r< Sr. Eymard Poydock,
research director of the Mer- On Mon., April 28, Dr. Mike jected with a cobalt com-
cyhurst Cancer Research Unit Campbell and approximately pound as compared to
12 biology majors will drive to tumorous mice who were not
and faculty coordinator of the Pittsburgh to hear the cancer
ECSC, explained that the con- injected, is looking forward to
research students present delivering his results to other
ference Is a special conven- t h e i r r e s u l t s to the
tion at which undergraduate students. Says Palmer,"So far
conference. my paper has only been
and graduate students atten- presented to faculty. This will
ding colleges and universities give me a good opportunity to
in the eastern part of the U.S. "The purpose of the con-
ference is to give students a talk before a public audience
give results of their research. and I think more students
It provides the opportunity for taste of what an actual scien-
tific meeting should be like," should take their work to the
participation in the academic public." f l i
enterprise, exposing students stated Sr. Eymard. Students
Cancer Research students: (front) Marian Saxon, Michelle Flasher,
to the type* of exchange that Lisa Mackanos, Don Gibbon, John Mahoney, (back) Arnold Palmer
takes place in a professional and research assistant Melanle Ropski. > •' £ J

Slow but steady (jjj) SELIGSON LINCOLN


nrollment increases
By Jean Kellick mesters. after each winter term, depen-
Enrollment Is increasing-at
The biggest drop Is genrally
after the sophomore year, for
ding on the number qualified
to graduate early.
Mercyhurst College, accor- degree-earning students, ac- I As for commuters, the
ding to the Registrar's Office.
"The increase is small, but
steady," according to Marilyn
Moore, assistant registrar.
cording to Moore. The reason
being associate degrees can
be earned in a two-year time
period. The freshmen class is
count genreally stays the
same. The largest enrollment
for the non-campus housing
students Is generally in the
Presently, .there are 1,586
students enrolled at the
also larger because of the non-
degree students who are simp-
fall. Moore attributes this to
the fact that weather and
From Lincoln Mercury
'Hurst, consisting of 945
females and 641 males. The
ly taking classes, but are con-
sidered freshmen.
transportation are more con-
dusive in the fall, i
For Graduating Seniors
number' of students largely
depends> on adult members
Evidence of this is the drop-
from 725 _ — freshmen to 325
A large part of the J total
number in students is the From Mercyhurst College
and non-degree enrollment. sophomores and 264 juniors. Aduit College. Moore added
Fall term Is generally the The senior class generally that there are 390 adult
term with the-largest popula- loses a handful of students students enrolled. i
tion. This Is due to the number
of incoming freshmen. Each
freshmen class is getting
larger. According to Moore,
"There Is a definite increase, STUDENTS NEED GREEN?
just not at a rapid pace." Mer-
cyhurst is attracting more high
school graduates primarily] \

due to more students seeking

degrees in areas offered at the 1986 MereuryiCapri GS
college. ^
This fail marked one of the
largest classes to yet enroll in No Previous Credit
Mercyhurst, consisting of 745
Fortunately for the 'Hurst,
Become A Plasma Donor! Or Cosigner Needed
drops from semester to
semester remain to stay at a 10 PAID IN CA»M AFTEH EACH VISIT Credit Up To:
low count. The biggest drop
occurs between fall and winter
semester. This year .1,766
Ltd Lynx, $8,000 Topaz $10,000
Capri,$11,000 Cougar $13,500
students were enrolled from
September through I } NOW TAKING DONORS Scott Totten for complete details
D e c e m b e r , w i t h 1,631
students returning after the & F o r m formation or an appoi ntment
: or Call
holiday season. Those
numbers are kept stable by the
Mercyhurst gaining students
Male & Female
Donors Needed
Call 454-0070 868-4611
transferring in from other col-
leges in the last two tri-
F. D. A. Approved 111 W. 9th St. ask for Scott


Letter to the Editor Letter

Time to re-evaluate the housing selection process?
Studentlshocked by 'Hurst
Well, the housing awards for next year have been made.
But the problems and questions still cloud the Issues.
The past few issues of The Merciad have carried Letters to
the Editor and news articles regarding the housing awards. reaction tolattacks on Lib Student
p First the rumors of the "al I female townhouses" flourished.
And then residents got several notices explaining the "new"
point system. '*• 5 ^
Dear Editor,
and Israeli passan
Athens airport, are the victims
i was deeply shocked and of Israel's invasion of Lebanon
follows up
on housing
The new point system took into consideraton other factors frightened by the reaction of in 1982* They are the sons,
than just class year. It included a "reward for good behavior" my! fellow! students here at brothers and fathers of the
for those residents having no disciplinary action and took Mercyhurst about the U.S| at-' thousands of young children,
points away for each action a resident had against them. The
system also added bonus points for returning to the same tack on Ubya, There was a women and older people who
unit. J- f revived feeffhg of nationalism were ruthlessly butchered in Dear Editor,
and patriotism among most Sablra and Sniffla camps in
It seemed simple enough. Americans that t talked to|it Leilnon, an4 for f rich even I'd like to follow-up on my
But then the complications set in. The problem most was almost as If everyone Israel accepts responsibility!! letter on housing last week. I
vocalized about by the students regarded giving the same around me had turned fnto Most Americans find It a just want to emphasize that
(negative)j weight to R.A. write-ups as security reports. Rambo or John Wayne, I was puz2lff»g question that why are the appeal process does not
Students contend that when a security officer asks you to shocked to realize how little Ameflilrf citizens attacked end with the housing appeal
turn down loud music, that request Is written on their nightly |did they know about the world overseas? There are two board. Anyone can take their
security report and THAT then constitutes a write-up. they live inf and I was high ten* reason s | fori t hat | First I y, d u r« appeal further by making an
Many students were unaware that the security reports ed because they arelgotng to Ing the Israeli invasion of appointment with Dr. Garvey.
counted against them. This happened mostly because the h this country in the future. Lebanon, Reagan sent in the Dr. Garvey explained that the
students are given no notice of these reports, unlike R.A. What happened on April 13 marines, which was a big awarding system is not
write-ups where a student must sign the form, not as an ad- was a tragic and unnecessary mistake! as it is common, perfect, that it has abuses, yet
mission of guilt, but an acknowlegdement of the action show of violence and aggres- knowledge that America and because of. this year's crush
against them. Moreover, students were unaware of the securi- sion on part of the U.S. Don't Isreai are close allies. Sending jfor h o u s i n g , that it is
ty write-ups until they got closed out of the housing they get me wrong, I don't approve A m e r i c a n marines was necessary. The bestjthey can
wanted for next year. "*5 3j i ; of kilting innocent travellers in perceived as a reinforcement do is try and correct the
This Isn't the first year there have been major complaints an airport or hijacking a plane, to the invaders. Secondly, in abuses. Dr. Garvey said that
about the housing award system Every year around this time, bu% in my opinion, it the American society, human life any previous write-up and
tempers seem to flare and patience wears thin because up- Reagan administration's goal lis a very precious and valuable security report can be appeal-
perclass students seemingly have no where to live for the was to put a dent in terrorism thing, and especially if it hap- ed. He further emphasized
next school year. The system is far from perfect/The ad- against the U.S., they have faih> pens to be an American life. that you can separatei of-
vancements made this year were too hastey and didn't give ed miserably. If the U.S. wants By attacking An|ericarfe, the fenses from;, warnings in
residents enough time to appeal (or even find out about) ac- |o stop terrorism jagainst Jt§y| PfrlOft,jnjans ,arfr ttyinaAo tell
security reports, and that war*
tions against them. &• •'""> "^ citizens, ft has to re-evaluate t h e p o H e y makersy i n nings should not count
The housing award system should be clear and the its foreign policy in the Middle Washington that there are against you. He also stated
methods of awarding should be announced well in advance East. This Would be an uphill some great injustices and pro* that he saw no reason why a
for student response and fedback. - | £ task considering the strengths blems witrt their policy.
friend should not .be allowed
Maybe residents have taken advantage of the system too of the Zionist lobby &ln 1 In conclusion, the average, to assist us in the appeal pro-
long. The "Oh, I'll get someplace to place to live, later" at- Washington! D.Cj U S | person in America, especially cess.. Dr. Garvey was very
titude has gone on long enough. The awarding system didn't Terrorism is a weapon of the educated people, need to helpful, I'd like to thank him
change much when the college acquired the Briggs Avenue poor and the weak f irihting opl understand the reasonsfor the
anti-American |serftlment for the time he spent involved
apartments two years ago, but should have because of the ad- iression and imperialism, if i t with our appeal.
ditional buildings available. , eui|s American interests in abroad, ifh is great country of
Now, since all housing has been awarded, is the time to re- th^feare^it c h ^ g e s l i n that ours has haefca history of sup| Sincerely,
evaluate the system and clarify it for next year's awards. The area, it changes its name frorr|. ng dictators tike the Shah Andrew Lucchino
system shouldn't have been changed in the middle of the terrorism |tci|reedom lighting of Iran, Somozal Batista arfd
awarding process. You can't chnage the rules In the middle of i * * ! ^ ^ ^ s i p Nicaragua and Zla-Ui-Haqiof Pakfetartl There
the game, nor can you tear up contracts of those residents muiaHMK m Afghanistan)! are mar# sides to an issue and
already awarded housing. Now is the time to seek student And if | | l doesn't serve sometimes the bespwaf to
feedback and hopefully eliminated some of next year's A m e p c a n f p o l i t i c a l and show||b# lo|e fo| you| court!
headaches. economic interests, the op- I r j ^ s i t o question and
pressed Jand weak are labelled challenge some of ftie|decl|
The M e r c i a d
as *Mos l e m fanatics*• and •sionslphat people running | t
The Merciad
Mad Dogs", like in the Middle are making. ifRortatd Regan or welcomes
East. Mr. Reagan^you are right any of his so-called advisors your
N a o m i A. Romanchok, Editor-in-Chief
R. J . Z o n n a , M a n a g i n g Editor
\n calling them "Mad bogs of think that | violence is the comments and
Betsy L. Lantz, Assistant Editor the Middle East", because answer to the problems of the letters. Letters to
J a c k i e Rzomp, News Editor that Is exactly what they are. Middle East, they have got
Susan M a r c y , Perspectives Editor But what you fall to realize is another think coming-| the Editor should
Jennifer C o n m y , Sports Editor
Rena Zlcarelll, Photography Editor
that it's Israeli terrorism in
Lebanon that has turned them fHumayun Ahmed k
be typed, double-
G a r y La urn oft, G r a p h i c Artist
P a u l a Bruno, C a l e n d a r Editor into mad dogs. This new breed President, Mercyhurst inter- spaced, and signed
of Abu-Nidal style terrorists national JStudents Organiza- by the submitter.
who gunned down American tion (MlSO)
V O L 59 NO. 24 THURSDAY, APRIL24,1986 Letters are due by
Reporters LOOK Kib I M * * c r r y sr*A*i»cb F*R.
noon on Tuesjdays
Chris Alessi
Pat Callahan
Julie Cherico
Matthew Clark
Jennifer Laird
Jean Kelllck l B O R R O W -T6M rftoM yot/ O M T I U NCXT"
to The! Merciad
office, located in
\ A J C C W 9 • • " ^

Chris CardinaIi Cindy Ferraro Brian Sheridan

« »

Moll Duska, Editorial Cartoonist Keren Poulter, Asst. Business Manager N\ w

the ^basement of
H. L Beezub, Business Manager | Dennis McCarthy, Faculty Advisor • i

Photographers v V SV V Baldwin Hall, room

Toni Fleet Cindy Lochner V A
81.. <A phone
Typists I Distribution Manager


XV \

number should be
included:at the end
• •JW"

Rena Zicarelli, Chris Cardinal! T ' Matt Clark \

X \
• A*
of the letter for
The Merciad is the student-edited newspaper of Mercyhurst Col-
lege, 501 East 38th Street, Erie, PA 16546. The Merciad office is
'm* +±
verification but will
located in the basement of Baldwin Hall, phone 825-0376. ^ ^
MCS rK5ui_ \ not be published.

Student's parents "seize the opportunity »

By Jessie Lantz hung out the laundry. evening by announcing that
Although these people seem- she would need several men in
When our daughter Betsy ed poverty-stricken by our her hotel room at 2 a.m. Then
called and asked me if I standards, our guide assured she added that she needed
wanted to go to Mexico, my Is that the Mayans were help to t r a n s p o r t the
immediate reactions was "Of generally a happy people. telescope to the beach.
course, but we couldn't Never the less, my husband The beaches are by far Can-
possibly do it." * 4 was surrounded by children cun's greatest attraction. The
Then two years of exposure begging for pesos when we hotel zone stretches along
to "Seize the Opportunity" stopped among the huts for sparkling clean white sand.
took over and here we are In photos. t The Pacific has such incredi-
Cancun in the state of Quin- ble shades of blue and tur-
tana Roo. * -y. fc $j quoise that it defies descrip-
We came first of all to see tion and photography. We par-
Hal ley's Comet and see it we ticularly enjoyed the ocean on
did. However, it appeared as a our boat trip to Isla Mujeres,
fuzzy ball of light and was a lit- another island five miles from
tle disappointing. I must con- Cancun where many in our The Mayan temple at Chichen Itza.
fess I only dragged myself group snorkeled. >• J
from bed once to view it, but Betsy and I tried out hand Sharing our experiences made nodding a lot. I think the Mex-
others of our group were more (and fins) at snorkeling at
dedicated. Sr. Mary Matthew them all the more interesting. icans employed the same
Xelha, a gorgeous lagoon near Our farewell dinner was strategy with us. j
was a model of patience as Tulum. For those who were
she explained and we stag- climaxed with a huge birthday I just can't say enough to
successful, like my daughter, cake for Gena Kost, quite a thank Sr. Mary Matthew, Sr.
gered over her telescope parts the tropical fish they were able
In the sand and generally memorable way to turn 21. The Eymard and Dr. Marilyn Jewell.
to see were very impressive. I group again dissolved in They were our g u i d e s ,
made things difficult for her. managed to drink a good deal
We also saw the craters on the laughter when a waiter shepherds and above all
of sea water, but the fish mistakedly gave Gena the bill friends. Without them, half of
moon with unbefieveable seemed willing to share. * for the cake, which came to us would probably be stranded
clarity. J r In Cancun, we also attended 14,000 -v pesos, that Is. One somewhere in Mexico under a
But our week's adventure in the Mexican Folkloric Ballet American dollar is currently mango tree, trying to flag
|Mexico yielded much more where we thoroughly enjoyed worth 485 pesos. Our inability down a cab. ^
t h a n ' o u r introduction to jthe native music and dances to handle their currency was
astronomy. We traveled to of Mexico. well expressed by one waiter Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lantz
Chic hen Itza and Tulum, ar- Saturday evening the group whom my husband accidently own a dairy farm in Wattsburg,
chealogical zones where the Sr. Mary Matthew viewing the celebrated with a picture- short-changed* He §cried, PA. Their youngest daughter
mysterious ruins of the an- comet with a iMercy hurst taking session and dinner at "Amigo, you are confused." B e t s y is c u r r e n t l y a
cient Mayan Indians stand ma- telescope in Cancun. T r the hotel. Perhaps the, best And with most Mexicans sophomore at the 'Hurst.
jestically against the dazzling thing we gained from our Mex- speaking only broken English, Jessie Lantz has a B.S. In
blue'skies. One could only ican fiesta was friendship. Our we usually were lost. We biology from West Virginia
stand in awe of the beautiful Traveling by bus or taxi in diverse group was wonderful. found ourselves smiling and Wesleyan College. £
architecture which has surviv- Mexico is an experience in
ed centuries of looters and itself. Our guide to Chichen It-
weathering. za assured us that our bus
The route to Chichen Itza driver was the second best in
was through the dense low all of Mexico, and that the best
jungle of the Yucatan Penin- one would soon be released
sula, where villages of thatch- from the hospital. Generally,
ed huts occupied by present people don't hurry in Mexico ~
day Mayans fringe the isolated motorists are the exception.
roadway. One could see many) Everyone In the group was
pigs and turkeys in the In- quite breathless after a taxi
dians' fenced courtyards, ride to a restaurant by the sea
where adorable little children where we all dined Monday
night. Sr. Mary Matthew
This summerimay be your last chance to
piayed in the red dirt, while
their mothers gardened or brought down the house that graduate from college with a degree and an
officers commission. Sign up for ROTCs
six-week Basic Camp now. See your
Professor of Military Science for details.
But hurry. The time is short. |
The space is limited. The heat is on.


Call Cpt. Scott Tillson at
Jessie and Elmer Lantz are accosted by (be pirate on their boat trip to
Gannon University, 456-8376
Isala Mujeres. f* *

Chemistry students studying local wines to improve quality Nothing Sacred

By Susan Marcy wines in the northeastern Mahler, is s t u d y i n g the
United States had not been phenolic compositon of the by Brian Sheridan
It is probably true that not defined as the California wines. Once these results are Every? generation of school
many of us know that wine is wines had. :': studied, they can be used by children had something to
produced in- Pennsylvania. fear. Some had "The Bomb,"
When we think of wine, we pic- some had civil defense riots,
ture the California sun beating while others were afraid of
down on massive vineyards of Vietnam. Our parents were
grapes on the television series probably being scared of the
"Falcon Crest." "Permanent Record." If you
But wine is produced in Pen- think about it, our omen how wrong or ignorant our
nsylvania and Is being studied wasn't all that nasty. It was stands are. Metrics became
right here on .the campus of fear of the metric system and I looked upon as a Communist
Mercyhurst College. Dr. Paul can recall being in the fifth invasion of sorts.
Edwards, associate professor grade grade and having When we would ask the in-
of chemistry, along with six teachers threaten that the the structors for a reason why we
current research assistants, metric system would replace need to change to metrics, the
has developed chemical pro- the English system by the stock answer was that they
files Of some "northeastern 1980's. If we didn't know it, were more precise than the
Dr. Paul Edwards rises chemistry wine tests.
United States wines. "The winemakers to anticipate any they said, we would be lost in English system. Then we'd
ultimate goal of this research The researchers here at Mer- problems which might arise the world because everyone want to know how long a one
Is to improve the quality of cyhurst began by finding out if concerning the wine. would be using it. meter was and they would tell
Pennsylvania wines," said the published procedures for Well, the 80's are here and us "about the size of a golf
One example of this would
Edwards. § ?; analyzing California wines club." So much for accuracy.
be that if it was discovered the metric system is as scarce
Also working on the project were "appropriate for nor- that a certain wine contained a as liberals at a Klu Klux Klan So all of us children dutiful-
are Dr. Mary Chisholm of theastern wines. They pattern- metal compound which would meeting. Even the Saturday ly memorized the metric
Behrend College and Douglas ed their work after that which turn the wine cloudy in six morning cartoons would take system while the world around
Moorehead who owns the was done at Davis. months, then certain ingre- valuable time away from Bugs us talked in feet and inches.
Presque Isle Wine Cellars. ?: Using an apparatus called a dients or even the winemaking and Elmer to show kids dopey The result was bind ignorance
The wine research began in spectrophotometer, students process itself would have to animated shorts of rulers of both types of measurement.
1983 when it received its first discovered the metal content be changed to ensure a longer (wooden ones, not Prince Where today do you see the
funding from the Ben Franklin of n o r t h e a s t e r n w i n e s . shelf life because small Charles) singing about the metric system used in public?
Small Business Partnership Through other testing, such as winemakers, unlike large meters andf liters. Everywhere Only soda pop companies and
program. Research of this kind g a s a n d l i q u i d winemakers, do not use we looked we saw the drug dealers use the metric
|has been going on for years by chromotography, students preservatives to prolong shelf _ [igns that e*wouId system for the general public^
the Department of Oenology T e a r n e c ^ t h e aromsP^md life. s o o n be t a l k i n g a bo u t We don " c a r e that uoke
and Viniculture at the Universi- phenolic compositions of the Traditional tests, such as kilometers. Weather forecasts comes in a "two-liter" con-
ty of California at Davis. The wines. All of the results of sugar, alcohol, solid and acid would tell is the temperature tainer. We like it because it's
researchers there "defined" these experiments were put contents are also done on the in Fahrenheit and Celsius. Car big and cheap.
California wines in taste, how on graphs and charts to be speedometers would have the The metric system, as it
they were made and how they studied. wines. i
The type of wine being metric equivalent of miles per turns out, was just another
were analyzed. In other words, p Candy Tryon and Jeanne hour. Everyone back then hype, another scam Let me let
all California wines were very Nystrom are two of the studied is a white wine called
Vidal Blanc. This type was forgot one thing however. This you j n on another secret.
similar in their characteristics students who are studying the is the big U.S. of A. We don't There was no Permanent
and all followed the same |metal content of the wines. chosen because it is "relative-
ly unique to the northeastern change for anyone no matter Record" either.
criteria when produced. But A n o t h e r s t u d e n t , Susan
winemaking region," said Ed-
wards. This wine Is supplied
by over 20 area winemakers,
who also make monetary con-

UPf» tributions to aid the research.

The current student resear-
chers include: Susan Mahler,
Jeanne N y s t r o m , James
Parnell, Charles'^Piano, Karen
Pierce and Candace Tryon. ROLLING.
Former students have also Today's job market is a real jungle. Everyone
worked on the project./'This
Fast FREE ivery research provides experience
wants experience, but no one's willing to give it. The
Army's different. Jfe
for students that they have
Camp been able to put to good use,"
commented Edwards. Some of
Consider this: if you invest just two years in the
Army, you could come out with valuable experience
the students get research in a skill of your choice.
credit for doing this work The Army has a wealth of two-year skills to
while others receive financial choose from. Skills in Armor, Engineering, Com-
su pport. munications, and more. Many of these skills have
"So far we've gotten good
results," said Jeanne Nystrom civilian job applications. So you won't go into the
of the research. \ interview empty-handed.
Don't stall, lake off in a new direction with af
Large Cheese Pizza "This research is a good ex-
e r c i s e t o learn how t o two-year Army enlistment. Call your local Army
publicize what we have done," Recruiter far details.
FREE Uter said Candy Tryon.
Students will be giving a
practice presentation of their
wine research in preparation
for a presentation next week at 454-7156
the Eastern C o l l e g e ' s
Sciences Conference at Du-
quesne University. The prac-
tice will be given tomorrow at ARMY BE AUYOU CAN BE
3:30 in 314 Zurn and the public
is invited to a t t e n d .
APRIL 24,1986 •


Outlook Parents Weekend '86 Theatre

The Mercyhurst Literary Attention sophomores Mercyhurst's Nationa

Magazine is organizing a and juniors: anyone in in- Thurs., Apr. 24Bob Garner,
Playwrights Showcase wil Magician, in the Back Porch
staff for the 1986-87 schooi terested in working as co- present a world premiere of
year. Most of the present Cafe at 8:00 p.m. No charge. The Erie Playhouse "
chairperson for Parents Randall Silvis' "Driven To
staff will graduate in May. Weekend '86 or just helping Acts Of Kindness" on May Witness for the Prosecution"
We are on the Look Out for out, please contact Chris Sat., Apr. 26 Blizzard of opens tonight and continues
2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 at 8 p.m. April 25-27, 29, and May 4. Ad-
new editors, typists, artists Riazzi at 866-0237A and May 4 at 2:30 p.m. The Bucks Game Show, 8:00 p.m.
for new talent and submis- in the recital hall. Teams com- mission is $8. Call 454-2851 for
cost will be adults $5, additional information.
sions.? For more informa- students with I.D. and pete for money. Sign up in the
tion, please contact Sr. Lisa senior citizens $3. The play Union.
Mary, Preston 224, or mail Mercyhurst Honors will be performed in the Lit- Musical "A Chorus Line"
your submissions to Mer- tle Theatre. ^ last two shows Friday and
cyhurst College, Egan Box Saturday at 8:00 p.m. at
118, Erie, Pa. 16546. I > Anyone interested n join- Roosevelt Auditorium. For in-
ing the Mercyhurst Honors formation call 864-3923. K
Program, please contact Erie Civic Ballet
Lew Lutton for details at
D'Angelo Concert 825*0372 or Zurn 112.7 Summer Film Classics
The Erie Civic Ballet will preview night Sunday, April 27,
be giving a performance on Millcreek Mall will be show- 7:30 at the Warner Theater. Ad-
The Cleveland Junior Thur., May 1 at 8 p.m. at the ing the following movies; mission is $2.25. For informa-
Harp Ensemble will be per- Gannon University Theatre. "Sleeping Beauty", "Off tion call 452-4857. V
f o r m i n g at St. Marks Campus Ministry Beat", "Lucas", "Legend",
Tickets will be $4 for adults
Auditorium on Sat., Apr. 26 and $2 for children under 12 "The Money Pit". For times
at 1:30 p.m. The concert I s
free. For more in format ion Applications are being and senior citizens.
and more information call
868-5151. «T * * * it's spring...
call 825-0513 or 825-0394. a c c e p t e d at C a m p u s
Ministry for Peer Ministers
for the 1986-87 school year. Recruiters on Campus Cinema world will be show-
Interested students should ing the following movies;
"Murphy's Law", "Qung Ho",
come to Campus Ministry "Police Academy III: Back in
Campus Improvements at 211 Main and see Sr. T A recruiter from Califor- Training" "Heathcllff, The
Elizabeth. nia University of Penn- Movie", " Nightmare on Elm
sylvania will be on campus Street Part 2". For times and
Interested in improving
classrooms, visual aids or
Fri., Apr. 25 for anyone in-
t e r e s t e d in G r a d u a t e
more i n f o r m a t i o n c a l l
454-2881. • ** !
h o u s i n g ? The Ad-
ministrative Policy and
Operations Committee is
Film For Discussion
Degree Programs. For more
information .contact the
Career Services Office ex. Plaza Cinema will be show-
buzz *-."*;

forming a sub-committee to 426 or 427.1 ing the following movies;

make recomendations as to "NOMADS", "Band-of the
This week's film for H a n d " , " J u s t Between
ways in w h i c h the discussion is " A Man -*A--t

(classroom environment, Friends", "Hannah and Her * A. «

• : & :

Escaped", jthe film Sisters". For times and more <& •-

Any cjubs

audio-visual media and give us a v. ?123«£

•*\ *

describes a resistance information call 454-0050. d

campus housing might be
improved over the next five
leaders escape from a Nazi
prison. The film will be [rganizations ring
years. Areas of concern in-
clude such things as pur-
shown Wed., Apr. 30 at 7:30
p.m. in Zurn Recital Hall.
c h a s e ; of new i t e m s ,
repairs, basic im- 453-6938
provements, asthetics and publicizel 442 W. 18th S t £
health considerations. Any
faculty, staff or member of Music Recital
theii events
the s t u d e n t - b o d y who jfee
would be willing to serve on
such a committee is asked Cheryl Burgard, a Junior Bulleti f

to contact Dr. Norman

Raasch (128 Preston, ex.
D'Angelo School of Music
student, will give a soprano
board $1.00 off any 16"
large pizza
330), William Kennedy (201 r e c i t a l at S t . M a r k s shpuldsend One coupon per pizza
Expires: 6/15/86
Auditorium Sun., Apr 27 at
Main, Ex. 421) or Catherine
Crawford (Financial Aid Of- 3 p.m. The recital will be nefws items
fice, ex. 287). free and open to the public. HtoThe
Merciad, Box
Found: * J 2 9 by Junior D'Angelo School off Music
student Cheryl Burgard will give a
Gold Chain engraved MBJ 8-10-85. If Tuesday at soprano recital on Sunday, April
27 at 3 p.m. The recital will be
Open for lunch
11am-1am Sun. - Thurs.
you lost this chain please contact Mary held at St. Mark's Auditorium
Haiti-.2am Fri. & Sat'
Beth Joseph in Egan 34. and is free to the public.
T H E M E R O I AD APRIL 24,1986

Netters Add Four Wins

When Phil Nykyforuk punch- Andy Findlay. Balogun was Chester, Seemingly , the team
ed a forehand volley winner whisked Into the team van is getting stronger every
past Bloomsburg's Steve from Hamot Medical Center match.
Augustine on match point last where the doctor was busy
Sunday, It wrapped up a very scheduling him for surgery for , With four matches remain-
successful weekend for the a dangling knee cartilage, but ing on the schedule, the 15-6
'Hurst Netters. he played "common sense Lakers are optimistic for the
Playing at number three tennis", reserving his Carl nationals in Los Angeles, May
singles, Nykyforuk's volley Lewis speed for next month's 12. The national tournament is
was an integral part of the 8-1 nationals. 2£ divided into three segments --
victory over Bloomsburg. One Jonsson, plagued by a con- team, singles, and doubles.
day earlier the Blue and Green tinuous bronchial coughing "We have an outside chance
had bounced West Chester bout, his energy drained, still of a team bid," stated Findlay.
State 7-2. and last week managed to hit lethal passing "And an even bigger shot at
defeated Youngstown by the shots past his Bloomsburg entering four singles players
same score, plus Edinboro, a and West Chester opponents. and a couple of doubles
whitewashing 9-0. Trainer Norm Gabriel sat team."
Performing aggressively, courtside throughout the top "All we can do now is prac-
the Lakers' 14th rated NCAA two players' matches and kept tice hard, win our remaining
Div. II team defended Its posi- them "upright and mobile" m a t c h e s , and w a i t , " he Phil Nykyforuk, Laker senior, prepares for a backhand volley versus
tion with ease. With their pride said coach Findlay. "We continued. Bloomsburg last weekend. *
and their rankings on the line, couldn't have won the mat-
all top six players won a cou- ches without Norm," con-
ple of singles matches versus tinued the fourth-year coach.
top-notch regional teams last
Governor's Cup Regatta
Brian Demuth and Tom Con

Laker Crews Finish Third

weekend. % rad were undefeated last week
Segun Balogun and Mikael In both singles and doubles.
Jonsson, the top two Lakers, Walt Hader and Juan Blazquez
played " a g a i n s t d o c t o r ' s won everything except a tough by John McKenna The women's novice four womens' varsity lightweight
orders" according to Coach doubles encounter with West started the day off with se- fours did last minute weight
The Mercyhurst men's and cond place finish behind reduction in order to compete.
women's crew team traveled Marietta. They then teamed up The weight reduction paid off
to Charleston, W.V. to com- with four others to take
Baseball Splits
as the woman took the gold!
pete the MP another silver in the womens' jwhile the men. took a si I ver
Regatta on Apr. 19. Both the novice eight. They were edged finishing behind Charleston. ~~
men's and women's teams out by Charleston.
: | The varsity mens' and
faired well despite stiff com- The mens' novice had stiff womens' crews came up
petition from competetors, competition but came up with against stiff competition in
Marietta, Duke, University of key placements in their races their races, both coming up
By Jennifer Con my game hitting with Scott Goring Cincinatti, Alabama, Universi- for the day. In the novice with fourth place finishes. The
going 2 for 3 and and Scott ty of North Carolina, George lightweight eight, the men men did get some revenge
The Laker baseball team Thompson going 3 for 3. Mason, University of Ten-
finally played two games over Thompson also picked up 2 nessee and host team Univer- p l a c e d t h i r d b e h i n d when they captured the gold in
the weekend after being rain- runs and an RBI. \ Charleston and Marietta. The the 500 meter dash event.
sity of Charleston; as well as mens' novice heavyweight The highlight of the day
ed out all of last week. The gusty wind conditions.
The second game of the day eight placed fifth, edged out of Icame when Chris Spencer ac-
Lakers played Westminster in
|saw a turn-around for the Although the teams came a fourth place by a mere tenth complished a first in Mer-
a double-header Saturday. The
Lakers, Westminster got the |up with numerous first, se- of second by University of c y h u r s t rowing program
Lakers took the first game 5-1
hits while the 'Hurst got cold. cond, and third place finishes Cincinatti. 4 history. Spencer entered the
while dropping the second 4-0.
Westminster held the'Hurst to they were narrowly edged out The varsity teams also add- mens single race, a sculling
Earlier in the' week the Lakers
only 4 hits the entire game. by Marietta and Charleston for ed key placements on the day. event, and breezed down the
posted a victory over Penn
Earlier in the week the the total points trophy. Mariet- The mens' varsity four placed course to an easy victory.
State-Behrend 5-3. ) I ?
Lakers Senior Bill Julio pitch- ta took the trophy with a total second behind strong Univer- The crew teams will now
In the Saturday games Mer- of 58 accumulated while sity of Cincinatti. The mens'
cy hurst pitcher John Kosko ed a complete game against train intensively for the next
Penn State finishing with 12J Charleston and Mercyhurst pair also captured a silver; two weeks in preparation for
pitched for the first time in 18 trailed with 57 and 55 ac- they were beaten by Ohio
months. While he did not gain strikeouts. »*• the Mid America Regatta in
cumulated p o i n t s State. \ Marietta, May 3.
the win, Coach Fred Conger] Conger stated "the team respectively. B o t h the m e n s ' and
said he was "pleased with his looked good for their second
pitching". Freshman John Ritz and third outings. There were
(relieved Kosko to gain his first a few mistakes in the second
victory. Chris Frazier got the game." He went on to say that
save when he pitched the the lack of playing time show-
seventh inning.* ed and the team wasn't hitting
The Lakers had a great well in the second game.
Baseball Softball cont. Tennis
Mercyhurst ~ 5 Mercyhurst
WEEKEND SPORTS SCHEDULE ^Westminster........... 1 Mercyhurst....... 9 Youngstown State.,.2
4/24. .Baseball. at Fredonia St., 2:00 p.m. (DH)
Penn State-
Softball.. at Slippery Rock, 3:00 p.m. (DH) Mercyhurst 0 Behrend....!!: 4 Mercy hurst ...i. i..9
Tennis... at Gannon, 3:00 p.m. Westminster 4 Edinboro 0
Mercyhurst 6
4/26. .Baseball. at Pitt-Johnstown, 1:00 p.m. (DH) Softball Gannon....„..M Mercyhurst 8
Softball.. St. Bonaventure, 1:00 p.m. (DH) Mercyhurst 11 [ Bloomsburg...

Penn State- Mercyhurst 4...1 ..
4/27. .Base balk Penn State-Behrend, 1:00 p.m. (DH)
Softball.. :
IUP,1:00p.m. (DH) « Behrend...............! Gannon 4 ^ T ^ V "
West Chester,

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