Homework 01

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1.Write down the picture the right time of the day

_____________________ _____________________ ___________________ ____________________

2.Write the letter on the right answer

A It’s the time of the day after midday _ Dawn
B When it’s dark but you’re not going to sleep yet _ Breakfast
C Sunrise _ Noon/Midday
D Before noon _ Evening
E The first meal of the day _ Dusk
F The last meal of the day _ Morning
G Sunset _ Dinner
H When it’s 12:00 pm _ Afternoon

3.Journaling: Complete the following questions for five days

Date: ___________

Meal: __ Breakfast __ Launch __ Once __ Dinner

Hour: ___________

What did you have for breakfast?

Who prepared it?

Did you like it?

What was the best part of it?

Did you eat with someone else? If yes, with whom?

4.Order from the smallest measure to the biggest one

Seasons – Seconds – Nights – Years – Days – Minutes – Weeks – Hours - Months

5.Order the days in the right order and write bellow them what are they associated with
Thursday – Monday – Wednesday -Sunday – Friday – Tuesday – Saturday

Frigga/Freya (Love) – Saturn (Cronos, Time) – Tyr (War) – Wooden/Odin (Wind) – Moon – Sun – Thor (Lightning)
6.Write the right time on the clock
7.Write the right time under the clock
8. Write the right ordinal number

June 1st: December 15th: March 14th:

March 3rd: October 31st: February 28th:
August 2nd: January 11th: May 21st:
April 19th: June 25th: November 13th:

9. Write the cardinal number

45 ____________________ 7 _________________
98 _____________________ 275 _______________
4.587 __________________ 23.876_____________
41 _____________________ 1.000.000 __________
12 _____________________ 678_______________
704 ___________________ 528_______________
126 ___________________ 76.320_____________
1.296 __________________
2.002 __________________
487 ____________________

10. What year is it?

1999 ________________________ 2010 _________________________

2000 ________________________ 2023 __________________________

1845 _________________________ 1947 ___________________________

2002 _________________________ 1940 ___________________________

2005 _________________________

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