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Secure Development Policy
Version Control
Owner Version Edited By Date Change History
IS Rep 0.1 Assent 14/07/2006 First Draft

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X Status Approved By Date
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X Draft
Provisional Approval

Please refer to ISMS 02 Information Handling & Classification Procedure
X Confidential

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Standard Clause Title

[ISO 27001:2013] [A14.2.1] [Secure Development Policy]


Licensed by Assent Risk Management via Under a Creative Commons Share Alike License.

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Secure Development Policy________________________________________________________________________2

Secure Development Policy________________________________________________________________________4
1.0 Overview______________________________________________________________________________________4
2.0 Policy___________________________________________________________________________________________4
2.1 Software Development Approach____________________________________________________________________4
2.2 Environments__________________________________________________________________________________________5
2.3 Development Lifecycle________________________________________________________________________________5
2.4 Outsourced Development_____________________________________________________________________________6
2.5 Pen Testing____________________________________________________________________________________________6
2.6 Source Control_________________________________________________________________________________________6
2.7 Escrow_________________________________________________________________________________________________7

3.0 Related Policies_______________________________________________________________________________7

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Secure Development Policy

1.0 Overview

This policy sets out the organization’s approach to developing systems in-house
and/or with the assistance of outsourced development.

2.0 Policy

2.1 Software Development Approach

2.1.1 Methodology

The organization uses an Agile development methodology

applied to a software development tool [TFS, Jira, Trello]

2.1.2 Stand Ups

Daily stand-up meetings include the whole development team to

discuss current and future work packages, delays, and issues.

2.1.3 Sprints

Work packages are sorted in to a two-weekly sprint by the head

of software development and the head of product development.

2.1.4 Releases

The core code base is released to the production environment

every two sprints.

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2.2 Environments

2.2.1 Table

Name Description
Development Source code distributed by GIT.  
Testing / Separate testing environment using virtual
Staging servers.
Host naming convention:
Production Live environment.

2.3 Development Lifecycle

2.3.1 Specification Analysis

Specifications are contained within “User Stories” and should be

registered on [TFS, Jira, Trello] as a separate item.

Information as possible should be collated from users, the

development team and the product development team, to
produce a complete specification.

2.3.2 Design

Information security considerations should be built in to the

specification of each user story.

The design should consider ways to ensure data protection and

integrity which could include:
 Input Validation
 Secure connections with other systems.
 Digital signatures.
 Logging and Clock Sync

2.3.3 Build (Dev Environment)

Code will be developed using the GIT process and completed

work committed back to the relevant branch.

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2.3.4 Testing (Test Environment)

A Peer review process may be used to check code produced.

Each user story goes through a QA process using the original

specification and any available test script to validate the results
of the coding.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is used to ensure the code has

produced the expected customer experience.

2.3.5 Deployment (Production Environment)

Code will not be deployed to live before all testing is completed


Only the head of development can move code to deployment.

2.3.6 Supporting Bugs & Features

Post-release, users may raise a bug or feature request from within

the application, or via the tech services desk.  In each case a user
story will be created, and the process followed from 2.3.1 above.

2.4 Outsourced Development

Where required, outsourced developers will be selected and supervised.

User stories and code branches will be assigned to outsourced developers

and code will undergo the QA process above.

2.5 Pen Testing

Every major release of the code will be Pen Tested with particular
emphasis on the OWASP Top 10.

2.6 Source Control

Source code will be held and controlled using Github.

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2.7 Escrow

Subject to customer requirement, the source code will be held in an

Escrow service.

3.0 Related Policies

 Password Policy.
 Access Control Policy
 Patching Policy

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