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1.Write down your swot analysis, based on the business plan of your group.

Identify the
following: (15 pts)


Customer Service – Our company takes our customer’s concerns and demands at all
costs ensuring every customer’s value and satisfaction.

Employees – Employees possessed positive attitudes towards our customer and have
their expertise in every aspect of the business.

Quality and Efficiency of Products and Materials - Our business always secure the
quality and efficiency of every products and materials that meets the customer’s
expectations, needs and desires that results to positive feedback and satisfaction of


Slow Process – Our business is more on hand-made products. Therefore, machineries

are not yet considered in the business since one of the business’s goals is to provide
entertainment to the customers. The company needs an allotted period of time to
provide the products demanded by the customers.

Lack of Industry Relationship – Since the company is a start-up business, it doesn’t have
that much industry relationship that require a long period of time to process. Lack of
industry relationship can affect the business since the company has competitors that are
more likely to do well than our business.

Poor Brand Recognition – Every start-up business can have poor brand recognition as
its weakness. This will require a lot of works and efforts to put the business in the sight
of people like continuously advertising the business through social media platforms or in
any ways to advertise the business.

Seasonal Demand – Customers interests, needs and wants change from time to time.
Our company is creative and flexible in our products and services that enables us to
provide the customers demands and can be a great way to build relationship between
the employees, company and the clients.

Develop Innovation Culture – Every product will not stay the same and it requires to
change and upgrade in order to meet market standard, and this will need creativity and
innovation in order to create a new and enhances products and services.

Partnership – Partnership with other company is a great opportunity that every start-up
business should consider as it benefits both company and promotes high rate of industry
relationship and brand recognition.


Location – Macramé is hoping to locate the business inside SM malls. However, this will
need a lot of requirements which can be a threat to the company since it is a start-up business.
The company will be more likely to be rejected as it may not meet the requirements of SM in
putting up a business inside the mall.

Trend – Trends changes from time to time. Therefore, there are products that are more
likely to be outdated and needs to be out of the market since does not meet the customers
interests any more which can make an impact on the company’s profitability.

Customer’s Practicality – Customers can consider crochet as a non-essential as it does

not align with the primary needs of people. The failure of business can increase when
customer’s practicality rises to the point that they will look for other things to do instead of
crocheting as their form of entertainment etc.

2. Enumerate the following and provide a brief explanation for item A. (15 pts)
a. Market Characteristic – describe the location, accessibility etc.

The Macramé can be found within the SM Mall Sta. Rosa, Laguna along with the clothing stores
near the entrance that is convenient for walk in customers. The business provides skillful hand-
made crochet products such as clothes. It also provides services such as teaching how to
crochet your own desired items.

b. Target Market Profile --- Market Segmentation.







Socio-economic status

Family life cycle

Geographic –



Time zone

Climate and Season

Cultural Preferences


Population Density


Personality Traits

A few defined personalities are creative, emotional, friendly, opinionated, introvert and extrovert
which is factor in deciding especially in purchasing. Macramé’s products and services will be the
bridge to identify what new features and can be launched in order to meet the customers
personality and characteristics. Our service like the face-to-face crochet lesson will suit those
extroverted customers and the online tutorials to introverted clients. In general, Macramé’s
products and services is a big help in filtering our customers in a systematic manner and help us
identify which products and services are aligned with the customer’s personalities.


Crocheting is one of the things you can do during your free time. It can be a way to express your
positive and negative emotions. It is also possible to seek for advice related to crocheting to
those individuals that has a knowledge about crochet.


What we wear is a representation of our personality and culture. Macramé provides a wide
range of apparel options that meet the customer’s standards. Our company concentrate on
creating and providing products that will favor the lifestyle of our clients like knitted summer and
winter clothing and also accessories that can be also given to your loved ones as a gift.

Socio-economic status

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