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The Effect of Facilities, Services, and Technology on Customer ………………………


(BCA KCP Pademangan Customer Case Study)

1stHanggoro Sapto Aji, 2nd Drs. Sumitro, Msc.

Indonesian College of Economics
Jakarta, Indonesia ;

Abstract -The purpose of this research is to know the

influence of facilities, services and technology to customer
satisfaction transactions in the Bank, case study of BCA
Bank KCP Pademangan customers. This research uses
primary data with the dissemination of a questionnaire. The
population of this research is BCA Bank customers who
transact at KCP Pademangan. The samples in this study
amounted to 154 respondents using the purposive
samplingtechnique. Analysis of this research data using
multiple linear regression analyses using SPSS version 23.0.
The results of this study prove that partially the facility
variabel has no effect on customers statisfaction, while the
service and technology variables partially affect customer
statisfaction. Furthemore, simultansouly the facilities,
services and technology variabels have an effect on
customers statisfaction. This shows that the better the
services and technology provided by Bank BCA KCP
Pademangan to its customers statisfaction, it does not mean
that it it not important but the customer is satisfied with the
exciting facilities at the bankThe findings of this study are
useful for Bank BCA KCP Pademangan to always provide
the best service in the form of accuracy and speed to it
customers, thus it is hoped that these custoemers will
become loyal customers of Bank BCA
Keywords: facilities, services, technology and customer

I. Introduction
The rapid and rapid growth of the financial industry is both a challenge and a threat in order
to win competition and get the satisfaction of its customers. Customer satisfaction is an absolute
thing that should be given to the customer, because customers who are satisfied with the company
will not hesitate to be the spreader of good news that always spreads the good of the company.
They choose high credibility because they are not paid by anyone to recommend such banking
products or brands.

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Hanggoro Sapto Aji1, Drs. Sumitro, M.Sc2

The Bank is a profit institution engaged in financial services by raising funds,

channeling funds, and providing various other financial services. The survival of a bank is
greatly influenced by the company's ability to win competition. One way to win
competition is to provide satisfaction to customers.
Currently one of the banks that is able to compete rapidly is bca bank. It is the largest private
bank in Indonesia, established on February 21, 1957 as the bank centra asia and was once an
important part of salim group.
Factors that can affect the position of a bank in Indonesia are one of them based on
the total assets owned by the bank. With the total assets owned by banks in Indonesia can
be explained in table 1.1 below
Tabel 1.1

Bank ranking in Indonesia by total assets as of Q3 2019

Peringkat Bank Total asset

1 PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) 1.238.657.773
2 PT. Bank Mandiri (MANDIRI) 1.097.658.366
3 PT. Bank Central Asia (BCA) 875.677.023
4 PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) 756.755.688
5 PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) 316.211.345
6 PT. Bank Cimb Niaga (CIMB NIAGA) 260.881.792
7 PT. PAN Indonesia Bank (PANIN) 192.939.358
8 PT. Bank OCBC Nisp (OCBC NISP) 175.449.266
9 PT. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN) 168.918.673
10 PT. Bank Danamon (DANAMON) 168.247.628
11 PT. Bank Maybank Indonesia (MAYBANK) 163.721.487
12 PT. Bank Permata (PERMATA) 154.908.997
13 PT. BPD Jawa Barat dan Banten (BJB) 117.346.330
14 PT. Bank HSBC Indonesia (HSBC INDONESIA) 111.706.071
15 PT. Bank DBS Indonesia (DBS) 93.948.133
16 PT. Bank Mayapada Internasional (MAYAPADA) 92.219.734
17 PT. Bank Bukopin (BUKOPIN) 91.221.902
18 PT. Bank Mega (MEGA) 87.808.884
19 PT. Bpd Jawa Tengah (BPD JATENG) 76.239.427

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The Effect of Facilities, Services, and Technology on Customer ………………………

20 PT. Bank Mizuho Indonesia (MIZUHO) 67.868.745

21 PT. Bank ICBC Indonesia (IBCB) 50.222.794
22 PT. BPD DKI (BPD DKI) 50.222.794
23 PT. Bank KEB HANA Indonesia (HANA) 47.732.585
24 PT. Bank Mandiri Taspen (MANDIRI TASPEN) 24.692.708
25 PT. Bank Commonwealth (COMMONWEALTH) 22.203536
26 PT. Bank Capital Indonesia (CAPITAL INDONESIA) 19.192.375
27 PT. Bank China Contruction (CHINA CONTRUCTION) 18.098.687
28 PT. Bank Jtrust Indonesia (J AND TRUST) 17.029.802
29 PT. Bank CTCB Indonesia (CTCB) 15.216.144
30 PT. Bank Index Selindo (INDEX SELINDO) 8.990.462
31 PT. Bank Maspion Indonesia (MASPION INDONESIA) 7.383.960
32 PT. Bank Bumi Arta (BUMI ARTA) 7.148.922
33 PT. Bank Jasa Jakarta (JASA JAKARTA) 6.034.588
34 PT. Bank INA Perdana (INA PERDANA) 4.523.152
35 PT. Bank Ganesha (GANESHA) 4.511.748

To make transactions in bca, customers can feel how the infrastructure is inside KCP
Pademangan. Customers will be happy when the bank complies with customer
expectations, such as cold air conditioning, comfortable seating to wait in line, and feel
safe and comfortable in making transactions. Customers will also be satisfied when the
waiting time for the queue is not long. Customers will be given food in the form of free
snacks and drinks while waiting in line, to clean their hands after transacting, bca bank also
provides hand sanitizer so that the customer's hands become clean again. For customers
who want to go to the toilet, bca provides a free toilet that is comfortable and clean so that
the customer does not feel pain when in the toilet.
With the rapid development of the times, it is also needed a technology. Technology is
a variety of needs and facilities in the form of various kinds of equipment or systems that
serve to provide comfort and convenience for (
Bank BCA is currently making innovations in the field of technology including cs digital,
star teller, and e-service. Cs digital is a machine where the machine is used to change the
savings book and also to replace the card by itself without having to go to customer
service. Meanwhile, star teller is a machine that when the customer wants to make a cash
deposit transaction the money is directly input into a machine without having to be
calculated manually by the teller. And the latter is an e-service machine used to print and
replace books without the help of a teller or cso

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Hanggoro Sapto Aji1, Drs. Sumitro, M.Sc2

So in the future bca bank in serving customers will use the machine. Meanwhile,
employees who work only to control tools and machines to work properly
In creating customer satisfaction when transacting at the bank, bca bank always
improves its service to customers. The service at bca bank is very important to increase
satisfaction ranging from security guarding to be friendly and greeting customers who will
enter the bank. Then the security also asks for the need and gives the queue number to the
customer. After that give instructions and directions well to the customer. When the
customer wants to do a transaction it will be served by the teller. Teller at bca bank always
give a smile and greetings when contacting customers. And have good appearance and
communication to create satisfaction. If the customer complains then it will be directed to
the customer service. Customer service will perform the service with a quick response to
complaints given by the customer as well as provide a responsible appointment.
The three considerations above play an important role in influencing satisfaction to
customers. So the banking authorities have to pay attention to that for the life of the
company. Based on this background, the authors are interested in conducting research on
the influence of facilities, services and technology on customer satisfaction in transactions
in banks.


2.1 Review Penelitian

The first research from Seanewati Oetama and Desy Herlina Sari (2017) from the journal
Applied Management and Business. This research aims to find out the positive effect of facilities
and quality of service on customer satisfaction on PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) in sampit. The
variables in this study are facilities (X1) and quality of service (X2) and customer satisfaction (Y).
The study used a population of 75 respondents. The sampling technique in this study is a random
sampling sample method. The data analysis in this study used multiple linear regression analysis
with spss program version 20.0 for windows. Based on the results of the analysis can be drawn the
conclusion that facility variables (X1) have a significant and positive influence on customer
satisfaction (Y) on PT Bank Mandiri in Sampit. The test results on service quality variables (X2)
show that the quality of service has a significant and positive influence on customer satisfaction
(Y) in PT Bank Mandiri di Sampit.
The second study from Dirwan (2018) from Akmen Jurnal Ilmiah. This research aims to find
out the effect of the convenience of services and the use of BNI Taplus ATM facilities on customer
satisfaction in KCU Makasar. The variables in this study are service satisfaction (X1), facility
usage (X2) and customer satisfaction (Y). The population in this study was 80 people who were
customers in the main branch office of makasar. The data collection methods in this study use
primary data. The study used multiple linear validity, reability and regression tests. The results
showed that the service comfort variable (X1) had a significant and positive influence on customer
satisfaction (Y) in KCU Makasar. Test results on facility usage variables (X2) show that the use of
facilities has a significant and positive influence on customer satisfaction (Y) in KCU Makasar.
The third study from Wirdayani Wahab (2017) from the Journal of Islamic Economic
Studies. This research aims to find out the effect of the quality of service, the guarantee of facilities
and the use of technology provided by the Islamic banking industry in Pekanbaru city on customer
satisfaction. The variables in this study are the quality of service (X1), the guarantee of facilities
(X2) and the use of technology (X3) to customer satisfaction (Y). Sampling technique using

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convenience sampling with 200 respondents. The method of data collection in this study uses
primary data by interview or questionnaire and secondary by taking from the literature according to
the research to be done, the object of the research is sharia banking customers who are in
pekanbaru city. The data analysis method used linear regression is multiple. The results showed
that service quality variables (X1) had a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction
(Y) The third study from Wirdayani Wahab (2017) from the Journal of Islamic Economic Studies.
This research aims to find out the effect of the quality of service, the guarantee of facilities and the
use of technology provided by the Islamic banking industry in Pekanbaru city on customer
satisfaction. The variables in this study are the quality of service (X1), the guarantee of facilities
(X2) and the use of technology (X3) to customer satisfaction (Y). Sampling technique using
convenience sampling with 200 respondents. The method of data collection in this study uses
primary data by interview or questionnaire and secondary by taking from the literature according to
the research to be done, the object of the research is sharia banking customers who are in
pekanbaru city. The data analysis method used linear regression is multiple. The results showed
that service quality variables (X1) had a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction
(Y) sharia banking in pekanbaru city. Test results on facility guarantee variable (X2) have a
significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction (Y) sharia banking in pekanbaru city. Test
results on variable use technology (X3) have a significant influence on customer satisfaction (Y)
sharia banking in pekanbaru city. Simultaneous test results that variable service quality, facility
guarantee and use of technology have a significant and simultaneous effect on the satisfaction of
sharia banking customers in pekanbaru city.
The fourth study from Sri Imelda and Hikmayanti Huwaida (2019) from the journal
Technical and Commercial Information. This research aims to find out the level of quality of
services, facilities and technology m-banking affects customer satisfaction at Bank BRI KCP Kayu
Tangi Banjarmasin. The variables in this study are service quality (X1), facilities (X2) and M-
Banking technology (X3) and customer satisfaction (Y). The population in this study was 100
people. The sample is determined by the slovin formula. Data collection techniques use
questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentation. This research uses quantative
methods, with the population being customers of Bank Rakyat Indonesia auxiliary branch office in
Kayu Tangi Banjarmasin. The results showed that service quality variables (X1) had an
insignificant influence on customer satisfaction (Y) at Bank BRI KCP Kayu Tangi Banjarmasin.
Test results on facility variables (X2). has a significant and positive influence on customer
satisfaction (Y) at Bank BRI KCP Kayu Tangi Banjarmasin. Test results on variable m-banking
technology (X3) have a significant and positive influence on customer satisfaction (Y) at Bank BRI
KCP Kayu Tangi Banjarmasin. Simultaneous test results can be concluded that the influence of the
quality of m-banking services, facilities and technology has a positive and simultaneous effect on
customer satisfaction at Bank BRI KCP Kayu Tangi Banjarmasin.
The fifth study from Wiyanto (2016) from the journal Muqtasid. This research aims to test
the quality of service in which there are service variables, facilities and guarantees to customer
satisfaction in sharia bank independent salatiga branch. The variables in this study are service (X1),
facility (X2), guarantee (X3) and customer satisfaction (Y). The population in this study was iain
students of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Islam which numbered 762 people. As many
as 150 samples used the slovin formula to determine the size of the sample. The sampling method
used is a purposive sampling method with the criteria of respondents is iain students. This research
uses data collection methods with primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method used
linear regression is multiple. Results show that the service variable (X1). has a significant and
partial influence on customer satisfaction (Y) in sharia bank mandiri salatiga branch. The results of
facility variable testing (X2) have a significant and partial effect on customer satisfaction (Y) in
sharia bank independent salatiga branch. The results show that the guarantee variable (X3) has a

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Hanggoro Sapto Aji1, Drs. Sumitro, M.Sc2

significant and partial influence on customer satisfaction (Y) in sharia bank mandiri salatiga
branch. .
The sixth study from Uma Maheswari and Sundaram (2017) from the International Journal
of Applied Business and Economic Research. This research aims to determine the effect of quality
elements of services such as convenience, technology, facilities and social factors on customer
satisfaction in public and private sector banks in India. The variables in this study are convenience
(X1), technology (X2), facilities (X3), social factors (X4) and customer satisfaction (Y). The
population in this study was 250 people who used banking services. The method of collecting data
by random sampling where visitors after making transactions in the bank. The result of the study is
that service convenience variables (X1) have a positive influence on bank customer satisfaction (Y)
in India. The results of the technology variable test (X2) have a positive effect on the customer
satisfaction (Y) of banks in India. The results of facility variable testing (X3) have a positive effect
on customer satisfaction (Y) of banks in India. The results of social factor variable testing (X4)
have a positive influence on customer satisfaction (Y) of banks in india.
The seventh study from Vetrivel et al., (2020) of the Journal Critical Review. This research
aims to find out how the quality of internet services affects customer satisfaction influenced by
several other variables in India. The population in this study was 250 customers. The study used a
kuesinoner method to collect data from bank customers. The questionnaire is divided into the first 3
sections consisting of demographics of bank customers and the second or third part related to the
quality of service. The variables in this study are service (X1), security facility (X2), M-Banking
technology (X3) and customer satisfaction (Y). Analyze the data used in multiple linear
regressions. The results of the study found that service variables (X1) have a significant and
positive influence on customer satisfaction (Y). The results of variable testing of security facilities
(X2) do not have a significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y). The results of the m-banking
technology variable test (X3) have a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction (Y).
Eighth study from Nushrat Nahida Afroz (2018) from journal management studies and
economic system. This research aims to determine the influence of quality of services, facilities and
technology on customer satisfaction from both public and private banks in Tangail city. The
variables in this study are service quality (X1), facilities (X2), technology (X3) and customer
satisfaction (Y). The population in this study was 200 respondents. The sampling technique used is
next to convience. The method used in this study is by way of questionnaire with a random sample
of customers in tangail city. Analyze the data used in multiple linear regressions. The result of the
study is that service quality variables (X1) do not affect customer satisfaction (Y) in tangail city.
The results of facility variable testing (X2) have a significant and positive effect on customer
satisfaction (Y) in tangail city. Technology variable testing (X3) has a significant and positive
influence on customer satisfaction (Y) in tangail city

2.1. Marketing Understanding

Marketing is a process by which companies create value for customers and build strong
relationships with customers, with the aim of capturing the value of customers in return (kottler and
Armstrong, 2014:27).
meanwhile, according to Sudaryono (2016:41) marketing is a management process that seeks to
maximise returns for shareholders by establishing relationships with valued customers and creating
a competitive advantage.

2.2 Definition of Marketing Services.

Marketing services are any action offered by one party to the other party that is in principle
intangible and does not cause any transfer of ownership (Lupiyoadi, 2013:6)

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Meanwhile, according to Daryanto (2011:236) said that regarding the promises made to
customers and should be maintained. The strategic framework is known as a service triangle that
strengthens the importance of corporate people in making their promises and succeeding in
building customer relationships.

2.3 Facilities

According to Tjiptono (2014:317) the facility is a physical resource that must exist before a
service is offered to consumers. Facilities are important in service business activities, therefore the
facility must be in good condition because it relates to consumers directly. Presepsi obtained from
customer interaction with service facilities affects the quality of the service in the eyes of
Kotller and Keller (2014:58) say that facilities are all physical equipment provided by the
seller of services to support consumer convenience.

2.4 Service

The service can be viewed as a system consisting of two main components, namely
service operations that are often unknown to back office or back stage customers and
service delivery that is usually seen or often known by customers or commonly called front
office or front stage (Tjiptono, 2016:4)

2.5 Technology

The indicators contained in the use of technology according to Feriyanto and Triana
(2015:39) as follows:
1. Social Factors
The social factor is defined as the degree to which an individual assumes that
another person convinces himself that he or she should use information
2. Feel
Feelings are defined by how individuals feel, whether stinging or unpleasant in
conducting activities using technology Kesesuaian Tugas
Kesesuaian tugas dapat diartikan teknologi informasi lebih spesifik menunjukan
hubungan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dengan kebutuhan
3. Long-Term consequences
The long-term consequences are measured by the resulting output whether it has
any future gains Kompleksitas
4. Complexity
Complexity is defined as the level of innovation that has been presepsikan

2.6 Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a person's level of feeling after comparing performance or results

that are felt then compared to his expectations (kotller and keller, 2014:65)
Meanwhile, according to Lovelock and Wirtz (2011:74) saying that satisfaction is an
attitude decided based on the experience obtained

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This research strategy uses survey methods as part of expansive research with
quantitative approaches. Survey research with direct observation and disseminating
questionnaires conducted for the collection of data from samples, so that it finds relative
events and influences between variables.

The target population in this study was active Bca Bank customers who transacted in
pademangan kcp. Based on internal data of BCA KCP Pademangan in 2020, the population in this
study is not known for certain.

According to Hair (2012:76) that if the sample size is too large then the method is so sensitive
that it is difficult to get definite sizes. So it is recommended that the minimum sample size is 5
multiplied by the number of indicators available. So in this drinking calculation is 5 X 30 = 150
minimum sample research. The study used a sample count of 154 which had to pass the minimum
limit of the hair formula
Data is all information that respondents make, as well as those derived from documents, either
in the form of statistics or in other forms for research purposes. Data is obtained with the value of
one or more variables in the sempel or population. Based on the purpose of the study, this study
uses quantitative data because researchers want to analyze customer satisfaction factors.
Quantitative data is data that can be measured on a numeric scale or a number. And in this study
used quantitative data. Procedures for collecting questionnaire data by distributing questionnaires
directly to BCA KCP Pademangan Bank customers. The researcher brings directly to the customer
who is doing the transaction at Bank BCA KCP Pademangan, then the researcher asks permission
to spread the questionnaire to the customer. After that the customer fills out a questionnaire which
has been provided by the researcher. This research takes 2 months between June and July 2020.
IV. Research Result and Discusion
4.1 Uji Validitas

To determine the validity or not of each statement of the research instrument, a

validity test is carried out per item. Testing uses product moment formulas, with the help
of the SPSS 23 program. Data processing results for all statements in instrument facility
(X1) consisting of 6 statement items, as follows:

Table 1. Instrument Validity per Item for Facilities (X1)

No. Pernyataan rhitung rkritis Keputusan

1 0,780 0,30 Valid

2 0,723 0,30 Valid

3 0,774 0,30 Valid

4 0,786 0,30 Valid

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The Effect of Facilities, Services, and Technology on Customer ………………………

5 0,817 0,30 Valid

6 0,781 0,30 Valid

Based on data processing, obtained for the facility variable result (X1) of the
statement, it has a rhitung value greater than 0.30 (Sugiyono, 2012:120). Then it can be
said that this research for facility variables can be said to be valid and can be used as
information on the results of research

Table 2. Instrument Validity per Item for Service (X2)

No. Pernyataan rhitung rkritis Keputusan

7 0,734 0,30 Valid

8 0,796 0,30 Valid

9 0,719 0,30 Valid

10 0,727 0,30 Valid

11 0,692 0,30 Valid

12 0,760 0,30 Valid

13 0,729 0,30 Valid

14 0,764 0,30 Valid

15 0,699 0,30 Valid

16 0,625 0,30 Valid

Based on the processing of the data, the result for the service variable (X2) of the statement,
has a rhitung value greater than 0.30 (Sugiyono, 2012:120). Then it can be said that this research
data is valid and can be used as information on the results of research

Table 3. Instrument Validity per Item for Technology (X3)

No. Pernyataan rhitung rkritis Keputusan

17 0,727 0,30 Valid

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18 0,693 0,30 Valid

19 0,723 0,30 Valid

20 0,802 0,30 Valid

21 0,803 0,30 Valid

22 0,760 0,30 Valid

23 0,768 0,30 Valid

24 0,561 0,30 Valid

25 0,759 0,30 Valid

26 0,767 0,30 Valid

Based on the processing of data, obtained results for the technology variable (X3) of
the statement, has rhitung greater than 0.30 (Sugiyono, 2012:120). Then it can be said that
this research data is valid and can be used as information in research.

Table 4. Instrument Validity per Item for Customer Satisfaction (Y)

No. rhitung rkritis Keputusan

27 0,832 0,30 Valid

28 0,820 0,30 Valid

29 0,894 0,30 Valid

30 0,847 0,30 Valid

Based on the processing of data, obtained results for the variable customer satisfaction (Y) of the
statement, has a rhitung value greater than 0.30 (Sugiyono, 2012:120). So it can be said that this
research data is valid and can be used as information
4.2 Uji Reabilitas

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After the validity test is done, then for the next valid statement is carried out a rehab test. The
realization test is done with the cronbach alpha method. Based on data processing, the results of the
facility realization test, service, technology and customer satisfaction, as follows:

Table 5. Reability Test Results

No Variabel Penelitian rb ri Keterangan

1 Fasilitas (X1) 0,869 0,60 Reliabel

2 Pelayanan (X2) 0,900 0,60 Reliabel

3 Teknologi (X3) 0,906 0,60 Reliabel

4 Kepuasan Nasabah 0,870 0,60 Reliabel


Reliability test results for facility variables (X1), service (X2), technology (X3) and customer
satisfaction (Y) showed a value of RB> 0.60 (Sugiyono, 2012:122). So that variable instrument
facilities (X1), service (X2), technology (X3) and customer satisfaction (Y) are declared reliabel.

4.3 Analisis Statistik Data

Table 6. Partial Correlation of Facilities (X1) to Customer Satisfaction

Fasilitas Nasabah
Control Variables (X1) (Y)

Pelayanan (X2) & Fasilitas (X1) Correlation 1.000 -.002

Tekonologi (X3) Significance (2-
. .985

Df 0 150

Kepuasan Correlation -.002 1.000

Nasabah (Y) Significance (2-
.985 .

Df 150 0

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Based on the results of table 6 obtained a partial correlation coefficient between X1 and Y of –
0.002. Thus the coefficient value of facility determination to customer satisfaction can be
calculated as follows:
KD 1.23 = ry1.232 x 100 %
= - 0,0022 x 100 %
= 0,0004 %
The coefficient value of facility determination to customer satisfaction is 0.0004%. It
can be concluded that the effect of the facility on customer satisfaction of 0.0004% the
remaining 99.9996 % is influenced by other variables

Tabel 7. Korelasi Parsial Pelayanan (X2) terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah

Pelayanan Nasabah
Control Variables (X2) (Y)

Fasilitas (X1) & Pelayanan (X2) Correlation 1.000 .335

Tekonologi (X3) Significance (2-
. .000

Df 0 150

Kepuasan Correlation .335 1.000

Nasabah (Y) Significance (2-
.000 .

Df 150 0

Based on table 7 obtained a partial correlation coefficient between X2 and Y of 0.335. Thus the
value of the coefficient of determining the Service to Customer Satisfaction can be calculated as
KD2.13 = ry2.132 x 100%
= 0,3352 x 100%
= 11,89%

The coefficient of determining service to customer satisfaction is 11.89%. It can be concluded that
the effect of the Service on Customer Satisfaction is 11.89%, the remaining 88.11% is influenced
by other variables.

Tabel 8. Partial Correlation of Technology (X3) to Customer Satisfaction

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Tekonologi Nasabah
Control Variables (X3) (Y)

Fasilitas (X1) & Tekonologi (X3) Correlation 1.000 .432

Pelayanan (X2) Significance (2-
. .000

Df 0 150

Kepuasan Correlation .432 1.000

Nasabah (Y) Significance (2-
.000 .

Df 150 0

Based on table 4.12 results. partial correlation coefficient between X3 and Y of 0.432. Thus the
value of technology determination coefficient to Customer Satisfaction can be calculated as
KD = ry3.122 x 100%
= 0,4322 x 100%
= 18,66%
The value of technology determination coefficient to Customer Satisfaction is 18.66%. This can
be concluded that the effect of Technology on Customer Satisfaction is 18.66%, the remaining
81.34% is influenced by other variables

Tabel 9. Koefisien Korelasi Berganda

Mode R Adjusted R Std. Error of Durbin-
l R Square Square the Estimate Watson

1 .828a .685 .678 1.303 2.087

Berdasarkan hasil tabel 4.13. diperoleh koefisien korelasi berganda antara X1, X2, X3 terhadap
Y sebesar 0,678. Dengan demikian nilai koefisien determinasi X1, X2, X3 terhadap Ydapat dihitung
sebagai berikut :
KD1.2.3. = ry123 x 100%
= 0,678 x 100%
= 67,8%
The coefficient value of determining facilities, services, and technology together on customer
satisfaction is 67.8%. It can be concluded that the effect of facilities, services and technology on
customer satisfaction is 67.8%, the remaining 32.2% is influenced by other variables
V. Result Research and Discusion

5.1 Conculsion
Based on the results of the research outlined in the previous chapter, it can be concluded the

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Hanggoro Sapto Aji1, Drs. Sumitro, M.Sc2

1. Facilities customer satisfaction of BCA KCP Pademangan with an influence of 0.0004%.

This proves that customers are more concerned with other factors than facilities. Because it
can be seen that customers if they want to do financial transactions in the bank prefer the
name of speed and accuracy in conducting such transactions:.
2. The service had a significant impact on bank KCP Pademangan Customer Satisfaction
with an influence of 11.89%. This proves that with good service, customers will feel
comfortable in doing transactions even those customers can always use the banking
services. With this service, customers can also invite new customers to make transactions
or save at Bank BCA KCP Pademangan:.
3. Technology has a significant impact on Bank BCA KCP Pademangan Customer
Satisfaction with an influence of 18.66%. This proves that with the current technological
innovations at Bank BCA KCP Pademangan, it can make it easier for customers to make
transactions quickly without having to queue. With current technology makes it easier for
customers not only transactions but in terms of making savings books and printing cards.:
4. Facilities, Services and Technology together have a significant impact on bank KCP
Pademangan Customer Satisfaction with an influence of 67.8%. This proves the three
variables above to be the main factor that will determine the customer to make transactions
at Bank BCA KCP Pademangan.

5.2 Sugestion
Based on the results of the study, the researchers recommend the following suggestions:
1. For facility variables, in statement no 4 about "Room facilities in attractive design" got the
lowest score. Therefore, bank BCA KCP Pademangan should improve the comfort of the
room with a design that suits the customer's wishes in waiting for the queue to remain in a
comfortable and safe state
2. For service variables, in statement no. 14 about "Bank BCA KCP Pademangan always
understands the needs of customers" got the lowest score. Therefore, bank BCA KCP
Pademangan should prioritize in the handling of complaints or things that are needed by
customers, because with such services it can create satisfaction in customers and customer
3. For technology variables, in statement no 24 about " Technology in the future can replace
the role of humans" got the lowest score. Therefore, bank BCA KCP Pademangan should
continue to employ people to perform services to customers, because technology can not
fully replace, there are customers who still do not understand how to use the technology.
And if this is done then it will lead to much more unemployment


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