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THE ANATOMICAL RECORD 222:95-102 (1988)

Nerve Pathways Between the Pterygopalatine

Ganglion and Eye in Cats
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Scheie
Eye Institute, Philadelphia, PA 19104

ABSTRACT By dissection of thiocholine-stained orbital preparations, it has been

determined that three different nerve pathways link the pterygopalatine ganglion
and the eye in cats. 1)Nerves from the proximal half of the ganglion join a plexus of
nerves and ganglion cells in the rete mirabile of the maxillary artery. Branches of
the internal carotid nerve also supply this plexus. Fine nerves from the plexus travel
to the optic nerve and then to the eye, accompanying both the nasociliary nerve that
passes through the rete and the ciliary arteries that arise from the rete. 2) One or
more nerves from the nerve of the pterygoid canal and from a prominent accessory
ganglion near the orbital apex course to the inferior optic nerve surface at the optic
foramen; these then run distally along the optic nerve to fuse with ciliary nerves or
to accompany ciliary arteries entering the eye. 3) Other nerves from the pterygopa-
latine ganglion travel medially around the extraocular muscle cone to join the eth-
moidal and infratrochlear branches of the nasociliary nerve; some nerves from the
ganglion then take a retrograde course to the optic nerve, where they join ciliary
nerves or arteries to the eye. All three pathways may transmit sympathetic, para-
sympathetic and somatic sensory nerve fibers.

Parasympathetic nerve fibers in the eye arise from ventricle with 0.85%NaCl solution prior to death. After
two ganglia, the ciliary and pterygopalatine, and from lateral orbitotomy and craniotomy, the complete orbital
scattered accessory cells. The pterygopalatine ganglion contents, including the pterygopalatine ganglion and
is the most recently recognized of these sources. In rab- maxillary nerve, were removed together with the in-
bits, monkeys, and man, rami orbitales from the pter- tracranial portions of the second through sixth cranial
ygopalatine ganglion join branches of the internal carotid nerves. The preparations were fixed by immersion in
nerve to form a retro-orbital plexus surrounding the 4% formaldehyde for 30 min and washed overnight in
oculomotor, trochlear, ophthalmic, and abducens nerves water.
just before they enter the orbit (Ruskell, 1965, 1970a). After careful removal of extraneous tissue, we stained
In rabbits and monkeys (Ruskell, 1965, 1970b), fine the preparations by a thiocholine method for detection
nerves from this plexus supply the eye. A similar path- of cholinesterase activity (Koelle and Friedenwald, 1949)
way between the pterygopalatine ganglion and the eye adapted for whole mounts of nerves and ganglia (Gienc,
has been identified recently in rats (Kuwayama et al., 1977; Kuwayama et al., 1987). The stained tissues were
1987). dissected to identify and trace nerves from the ptery-
The pterygopalatine ganglion contains many vaso- gopalatine ganglion to the eye.
active intestinal polypeptide-like (VIP-like) immuno- Specimens of the rete mirabile and of some nerves
reactive neurons (Uddman et al., 1980a; Hara et al., passing from the pterygopalatine ganglion to the eye
1985) and may be a source of VIP nerves found in var- were dissected from three additional cats for histolog-
ious cephalic structures, including the eye. In the cat, ical examination. The animals, under deep chloralose
VIP nerves in the posterior uvea of the eye disappear anesthesia, were perfused with Zamboni’ssolution (Ste-
following extirpation of the pterygopalatine ganglion fanini et al., 1967). The tissues were postfixed in 2%
(Uddmann et al., 1980b), but neural pathways between osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in graded alcohols, and
the ganglion and the eye have not been identified an- embedded in Araldite. Tissue sections, 1or 2 pm thick,
atomically in this species. To provide a basis for further were stained with methylene blue-azure B and ex-
analysis of the pterygopalatine contribution to the ocu- amined with light microscopy.
lar innervation, we describe the results of dissections
of the cat orbit that identify three routes by which nerves RESULTS
of the pterygopalatine ganglion reach the eye. The histochemical method for cholinesterase activity
as applied here to partially dissected orbital prepara-
METHODS tions effectively stains autonomic postganglionic nerves
We obtained orbital tissues from 19 cats euthanized arising from both the pterygopalatine ganglion and the
under deep chloralose anesthesia as part of unrelated ~

experiments. The cats were perfused through the left Received November 2, 1987; accepted February 4, 1988.

0 1988 ALAN R. LISS, INC.

96 T. LIN ET AL.


maxillary ‘Rete
artery m Ira bile
Fig. 1. Drawing of the pterygopalatine ganglion and its nerve pathways the eye: 1. Nerves to the rete mirabile. 2. Nerves to the inferior optic
to the eye. The rete mirabile is cut away and offset from contiguous nerve sheath. 3. Nerves connecting with terminal branches of the na-
structures to allow visualizaiton of all connections. Thiocholine-stained sociliary nerve. The thin dashed lines show the limits of the extraocular
autonomic nerves are represented by thick black lines, and the plexus muscle cone, omitted for simplicity. V-1, ophthalmic nerve; V-2, m d -
of fine stained fibers within arterial walls is indicated by cross-hatching. lary nerve; Vidian nerve, nerve of the pterygoid canal.
The numbers indicate each of the three pathways from the ganglion to

superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. Postganglionic apex. These nerves divide and anastamose as they travel
nerves from the ciliary ganglion are not stained, how- caudally and occasionally include small ganglion cell
ever, presumably because in cats the axons of ciliary aggregates at the junction points. We identified three
ganglion cells are myelinated (Christensen, 1935-1936). pathways by which some of these posteriorly directed
Somatic sensory and motor nerves are not stained by nerves reach the eye (Figs. 1, 2).
this procedure. The histochemical reaction greatly fa- 1 . Nerves to the rete mirabile. As they enter the orbit,
cilitates identification of fine autonomic nerves and mi- the maxillary artery and nerve are surrounded by a
croganglia. large rete mirabile formed from two or three branches
The pterygopalatine ganglion of the cat rests on the of the maxillary artery. Arterial branches leaving the
pterygoid muscle that forms the posterior orbital floor, rete communicate with the cranial circulation and also
approximately one-third of the way between the apex supply the eye (Davis and Story, 1943; Gillilan and
and inferior margin of the orbit. The ganglion is posi- Markesbery, 1963). The intraorbital portion of the rete
tioned between the medial orbital wall and the orbital extends from the foramen rotundum to the optic fora-
portion of the maxillary nerve and lies just posterola- men and overlies the nerve of the pterygoid canal as it
teral to the sphenopalatine foramen. The nerve of the enters the orbit. Branches from the nerve of the pter-
pterygoid canal conveys preganglionic parasympathetic ygoid canal and nerves from the proximal end of the
nerves that synapse in the ganglion; it also carries post- pterygopalatine ganglion enter the rete and join a com-
ganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers and possibly sen- plex nerve plexus within it (Fig. 3A). The stained nerves
sory fibers of facial nerve origin, both of which pass of the plexus divide and anastamose frequently between
through the ganglion without synapse. Additional sen- the rete vessels. Small aggregates of ganglion cells com-
sory and sympathetic fibers from sphenopalatine monly are seen in nerves entering the plexus as well
branches of the maxillary nerve also traverse the gan- as within the plexus (Fig. 4). In addition, the rete ves-
glion (Christensen, 1934). sels themselves, the maxillary artery, and all arterial
Figure 1 diagramatically illustrates and Figure 2 branches arising from the rete are invested with a dense
demonstrates the relation of the ganglion and its intramural plexus of fine stained nerve fibers.
branches to the maxillary nerve and artery. Large and Sympathetic nerves also join the nerve network in
small nerves from the distal end of the ganglion supply the arterial rete. Two or more branches of the internal
the nose, palate, and anterior orbital structures. Other carotid nerve beneath the trigeminal ganglion (Fig. 3B)
nerves branching from the proximal end of the ganglion course forward between the ophthalmic and maxillary
or from the nerve of the pterygoid canal, central to the nerves and enter the external rete mirabile at its caudal
ganglion, take a retrograde course towards the orbital edge. Ramifications of the sympathetic nerves mix with

Fig. 2. Relation of the pterygopalatine ganglion (PPG)to the m d a r y away. The numbers indicate the approximate sites of origin of the three
nerve (V-8) and artery on the orbital floor. The proximal portions of the nerve pathways to the eye and correspond to those of the drawing in
maxillary nerve and artery and the rete mirabile have been dissected Figure 1. NPC,nerve of the pterygoid canal. Magnification bar, 5 mm.

the nerve plexus of the rete. In some preparations, sym- the superior rectus muscle (Fig. 6). Most of the nerves
pathetic nerve branches are seen to join small ganglia from the pterygopalatine ganglion fuse with or accom-
located in the caudal portion of the rete. pany the ethmoidal nerve or, to a lesser extent, the
Because of the complexity of the nerve plexus, it is infratrochlear nerve in their peripheral distributions.
impossible to trace the course of individual nerves in- Some, however, travel centrally along the nasociliary
side the rete. Therefore, we could not establish with nerve branches to the superior surface of the optic nerve,
certainty whether sympathetic nerves link with nerves where they join with ciliary nerves or arteries supplying
from the pterygopalatine ganglion, which nerves join the eye.
with the microganglia of the plexus, or to what extent Nerves from the pterygopalatine ganglion reaching
plexus nerves innervate the arterial walls. However, the optic nerve by all three of these pathways ultimately
we observed that fine nerves from the plexus travel to form an interdigitating network of fine nerves that sur-
the superior surface of the optic nerve in association round and accompany the ciliary artery; these nerves
with the nasociliary nerve passing through the rete and remain clearly distinct from the intramural innervation
with the ciliary artery arising from the rete (Fig. 3C). of the vessel (Fig. 7). Some of the nerves join ciliary
These nerves from the plexus then course anteriorly nerves close to the eye, but most enter the globe along
along the optic nerve to enter the eye. the inferior surface of optic nerve with branches of the
2. Nerves to the inferior optic nerve sheath. Near the ciliary artery.
orbital apex there is usually a small mass of ganglion The only nerves traveling between the pterygopala-
cells associated with the nerve of the pterygoid canal. tine ganglion and the eye identifiable with certainty in
A branch from this accessory ganglion, together with unstained orbital dissections are the nerves on the in-
other nerves running caudally from the pterygopalatine ferior optic nerve surface. On the basis of histological
ganglion, takes a dorsal course to the inferior surface sections of the optic nerve within the orbital apex region
of the optic nerve near the optic foramen (Fig. 5). One from five orbits of three cats, the number of nerves on
or more of the nerves accompany the internal ethmoidal the inferior optic nerve surface have been determined
artery from the orbit through the optic foramen to the to range from two to five. The majority of axons in these
cranial cavity. The remaining nerve or nerves turn to nerves are unmyelinated, but 15 of 17 examined nerves
course along the inferior surface of the optic nerve and contained a modest number of myelinated fibers meas-
ultimately enter the eye. uring between 1 p.m and 6 p.m in diameter (Fig. 8).
3. Nerves connecting with terminal branches of the
nasociliary nerve. As many as 5-10 nerve branches from DISCUSSION
the pterygopalatine ganglion travel medially under and The fine nerves from the pterygopalatine ganglion
around the extraocular muscle cone. They join the eth- that supply the cat eye have not been noted in previous
moidal and infratrochlear branches of the nasociliary anatomical descriptions of ocular parasympathetic
nerve that emerge from beneath the medial border of nerves in this animal (Cristensen, 1935-1936; Lele and
98 T. LIN ET AL.

Fig. 3. Pathway 1: Nerves to the rete mirabile. A: Nerves from the blood vessels and other nerves in this region. One or more of the sym-
proximal end o f the pterygopalatine ganglion and from the nerve o f the pathetic nerves (arrowhead) pass rostrally to enter the rete mirabile and
pterygoid canal enter the rete mirabile, where they join a complex plexus join the nerve plexus within it. C: Nerves (arrowheads) from the plexus
of nerves containing microganglia (arrowheads) and isolated ganglion accompany the nasociliary nerve (NCN) and ciliary artery (arrow) as
cells. The nerve of the pterygoid canal (arrow) is cut close to the point they leave the rete and travel with them to the optic nerve (ON). 111,
at which it enters the orbit. B The internal carotid nerve (arrow) crosses oculomotor nerve; V-1, ophthalmic nerve; V-2, maxillary nerve; V-3,
the inferior surface of the trigeminal ganglion and supplies branches to mandibular nerve, VI,abducens nerve. Magnification bars, 1 mm.

Fig. 4. Histological sections of nerves in the rete mirabile. A: Many A single ganglion cell is present in a very small nerve. Magnification
nerve bundles (arrowheads) are scattered through the connective tissue bars: A, 200 pm; B, 50 pm; C, 20 pm.
of the arterial rete. B: A cluster of ganglion cells lie at a nerve junction.

Fig. 5. Pathway 2: Nerves to the inferior optic nerve sheath. A: Branches

(arrows) from the nerve of the pterygoid canal (“(2) and fmm a prom-
inent accessory ganglion (open arrow) near the orbital apex extend to
the inferior surface of the optic nerve (ON). Here they turn to travel
toward the eye. Other nerves (arrowheads) accompany the interior eth-
moidal artery (IEA) fmm the orbit through the optic foramen to the
cranial cavity. B Another preparation demonstrates the ofken branching
course of nerves from the pterygopalatine ganglion on the inferior surface
of the optic nerve. 111, oculomotor nerve; CG, ciliary ganglion; SCN, short
ciliary nerve. Magnification bars, 1mm
100 T.LIN ET AL.

Fig. 6. Pathway 3 Nerves connecting with terminal branches of the

nasociliary nerve. A: Whole mount of M y dissected nerves connecting
the distal pterygopalatine ganglion (PPG) and the terminal branches of
the nasociliary nerve (NCN). These nerves (between arrows) travel me-
dially from the pterygopalatine ganglion, below and around the extra-
ocular muscle cone, and join the ethmoidal and infratrochlear nerves.
B Medial view of a partially disseded preparation. Stained nerves (ar-
rows) fromthe pterygopalatine ganglion (PPG)join the branches of the
nasociliary nerve (open arrows). Some fine stained nerves pass back
along the nasociliary nerve to reach the superior surface of the optic sheath, where it joins other nerves directed to the eye. Additional nerves
nerve (ON). NPC, nerve of the pterygoid canal. C: The nasociliary nerve (arrowhead)from the pterygopalatine ganglion are visible on the inferior
is lifted away from the superior surface of the optic nerve. A small stained optic nerve sheath. CA, ciliary artery. Magtllfication bars: A, 5 m;B,
nerve (arrows) transfers from the nasociliary nerve to the optic nerve C, 0.5 mm.

Weddell, 1959; Grimes and von Sallmann, 1960). The The pathways by which nerves from the pterygopa-
omission is not surprising, because these nerves do not latine ganglion reach the optic nerve in the cat are
stain by the silver method used as a dissection aid in circuitous and differ from those described in other
the earlier studies (Ruskell, 1965; Kuwayama et al., mammalian species. In comparison to cats, the ptery-
1987), and they are too fine to be evident in unstained gopalatine ganglia of monkeys (Ruskell, 1970a),rabbits
preparations. (Ruskell, 1965), and rats (Kuwayama et al., 1987) lie

Fig. 7. Final common pathway. Near the eye, nerves traveling from
the pterygopalatine ganglion by all three paths form a network of tine
nerves that surrounds and accomuanies the ciliary artery (CA) but is
distinct fmm its intramural innekation. All of these nerves enter the
eye with branches of the ciliary artery or &r joining ciliary nerves, Fig. 8. A, B Cross sections of representative nerves originating from
The nmbers, correspondingto those in Figure 1, indicate the pathways the PteWZOPalatine g a d i o n on the inferior surface of the optic nerve.
by which the labeled nerves reach the optic nerve. SCN,short These nerves, taken from two different eyes, contain mostly unmyeli-
nerves. Magmfkation bar, 1 mm. nated nerve fibers but also a few myelinated axons. Magnification bar,
10 um.



pterygoid canal

Fig. 9. Schematic diagram illustrating the nerve pathways between
Ganglion the pterygopalatine ganglion and the eye in cats. The numbering of the
cells in Rete pathways corresponds to that in Figure 1.
102 T. LIN ET AL.

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Uddman, R., J. Alumets, B. Ehinger, R. Hakanson, I. Loren, and F.
This study was supported by National Institute of Sundler 1980b Vasoadive intestinal peptide nerves in ocular and
Health grants EY-05454 and EY-03444 and by the F. orbital structures of the cat. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 19:878-

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