Were Was Were

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I. Complete the sentences with was / were.

1. How many people Were at your house last weekend?

¿Cuántas personas estuvieron en tu casa el fin de semana pasado?
2. The book wasn’t difficult It Was easy.

3. Those Were my best jeans.

4. Dinosaurs __________ prehistoric animals.
5. __________ your friends at school yesterday?
6. Sandra __________ not at school yesterday.
7. You __________ nasty to me!
8. __________ your grandparents designers?
9. John and I __________ in the garden.
10. __________ your parents in the restaurant? Yes, they __________ .
1. Night – were – last – Where – you -?

where were you last night

donde estabas anoche

2. Were – summer – London – students – the – in – last

students were london in the last summer

los estudiantes fueron londres en el último verano

3. Exercises – difficult – were – the

the exercises were difficult

los ejercicios eran dificiles

4. Cousins – the – were – my _ at – cinema

my cousins were at the cinema

5. Yesterday – good – the – was – weather -?

6. First – today – class – was – what – your -?

7. Teacher – your – was – Who – English -?

¿who was your teacher english?

¿Quién fue tu profesor de inglés?

8. At – your – was – teacher – school

9. Yesterday – it – was – sunny -?

it was sunny yesterday

hacia sol ayer

10. Library – at – Rita – was – the

11.Friend – was – best – she – my

12.Cusco – year – parents – in – my last – were

13.Last – you – home – were – at – night -?

14.The – children – on – park - at – the – Monday – weren´t-

15.Exciting – birthday – was – my – party

16.Was – brother – your - Lima – in – yesterday -?

17.good – university – he – the – a – was – student – at -?

III. Answer:

1. Was she your teacher? Yes, she was

2. Were they at home? No, they weren´t

3. Was your father a lawyer? Yes, he was

4. Was it a good film? No, it wasn´t

Reading Comprehension: "Was-Were Story"

Last week, there was one really, really bad day. It was Monday.
Usually, there are about 25 students in my class, but that day, there
were only 5 people! It wasn't warm. In fact, it was really cold. It was
raining a lot. It was dark and gray outside. There wasn't any
sunshine. I think the students weren't at school because they were
sick. They were at home. Maybe they were in bed. Mr. Jibbit is our
teacher. He is always at school. He is never at home on a Monday.
Last Monday was no different. He was not in bed. He was in the
classroom, and he was cold! Why was he so cold? That's a very good
question. He was cold because the heater in the school was broken.
It was freezing. The school was like a refrigerator. Our room was like
a freezer! And poor Mr. Jibbit was like ice! The small class was cold,
cold, cold! The next days were much warmer. The heater was fixed
on Tuesday, so everything was ok. There were 25 students, not only
5. But where was Mr. Jibbit? He wasn't there. He was at home, sick
in bed!

IV: Complete the sentences with the proper expression.

1. The weather was cold and rainy.

a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
2. Many students weren't in class.
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
3. A lot of students were sick at home.
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
4. The teacher wasn't at home.
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
5. The classrooms ___________very cold!
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
6. Our classroom _______freezing!
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
7. There ______any heat!
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
8. That day _________really horrible!
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
9. The next days ________better.
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
10. The heat _______ok the next day.
a. was b. wasn't c. were d. weren't
V. True or False?

1. There were 25 students in the class that Monday. (F/T)

2. It was warm that day. (F/T)

3. Mr. Jibbit was present that Monday. (F/T)

4. The heater in the school was working that day. (F/T)

5. Mr. Jibbit and the students felt cold that day. (F/T)

6. The heater was broken on Tuesday. (F/T)

7. The next days were warmer. (F/T)

8. Mr. Jibbit had to stay at home because he got sick. (F/T)

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