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NPTEL MOOC on “Principles of Modern CDMA/ MIMO/ OFDM Wireless Communications”

[NOC15 EC05]

Aditya Jagannatham
Associate Professor
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
IIT Kanpur


1. A wireless communication system can be modeled using the following model

a. Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Model
b. Rayleigh Fading channel model
c. Uniformly Random channel model
d. None of the above
Ans b.
2. For a given transmit SNR, the average bit error rate (BER) for a Rayleigh fading wireless channel is given as
a. ½ X e^{-1/2 X SNR}
b. e^{-SNR^2}
c. ½ X (1-sqrt(SNR/(2+SNR)))
d. 1/SNR^2
Ans c
3. What is the BER of a wireless communication system for SNR_dB = 30 dB
a. 5 X 10-4
b. 5 X 10-3
c. 5 X 10-2
d. 5 X10-1
Ans a
4. Compute the SNR_dB required for a wireless system for BER = 10-7
a. 57 dB
b. 67 dB
c. 47 dB
d. 37 dB
Ans b
5. Compute the SNR_dB required for a wireline (AWGN) channel for BER = 10-7
a. 11.9 dB
b. 12.9 dB
c. 13.9 dB
d. 14.9 dB
Ans d
6. The approximate BER of a wireless channel at a given SNR is
a. ½ X e(-1/2 X SNR)
b. sqrt(1/SNR)
c. 1/(2 SNR)
d. e^{-SNR^2}
Ans c
7. Using the formula for approximate BER, the SNR for BER = 10-7 is
a. 67 dB
b. 57 dB
c. 47 dB
d. 37 dB
Ans a
8. For equal noise power, the difference in transmit powers required to achieve BER = 10^-7 in a wireless and wireline systems is
a. 52 dB
b. 45 dB
c. 39 dB
d. 33 dB
Ans a
9. The performance of a wireless communication system can be intuitively explained by
a. Additive Noise
b. Multiplicative Noise
c. Deep fade event
d. Gaussian Noise
Ans c
10. The probability of deep fade in a wireless channel is proportional to
a. SNR
b. 1/SNR
c. SNR^2
d. 1/SNR^2
Ans b
11. At SNR = 40 dB, deep fade occurs when the amplitude a of the Rayleigh fading channel is
a. < 0.01
b. < 0.001
c. <0.0001
d. <0.00001
Ans a
12. At SNR = 40 dB, the probability of deep fade is
a. 1-e^-0.1
b. 1-e^-0.01
c. 1-e^-0.001
d. 1-e^-0.0001
Ans d
13. The BER of a wireless channel is approximately
a. Proportional to the speed of the mobile
b. Probability of deep fade
c. Amplitude of the channel coefficient
d. Number of multipath components
Ans b
14. The principle employed to combat fading and improve the BER performance of a wireless communication system is
a. Power Balancing
b. Load Balancing
c. Diversity
d. User Scheduling
Ans c
15. A wireless system with multiple antennas is an example of
a. System Integration
b. Receive Diversity
c. Power Control
d. Multipath Interference
Ans b
16. If the noise samples n_i, n_j at antennas i, j respectively are zero-mean uncorrelated, then it follows that
a. E{n_1^2 } = E{n_2^2}
b. E{n_1^2 n_2^2} = E{n_1^2}E{n_2^2}
c. E{n_1n_2} = 0
d. n_1, n_2 are Gaussian
Ans c
17. Consider a wireless system with L antennas, with noise elements on all antennas uncorrelated, zero-mean and variance
\sigma^2. The variance of the noise after maximal ratio combining with weights w_1, w_2 …, w_L is given as,
a. \sigma^2\sum_{i=1}^L |w_i|^2
b. \sigma^2\sum_{i=1}^L |w_i|
c. \sigma\sum_{i=1}^L w_i
d. \sigma^2
Ans a
18. Consider a multiantenna wireless system with channel vector \bar{h}. The MRC combining weight vector is given as,
a. \bar{w} = \bar{h}^*
b. \bar{w} = \bar{h}^T
c. \bar{w} = [1,1,…,1]^T
d. \bar{w} = \bar{h}/|| \bar{h}||
Ans d
19. Consider a wireless system with L = 2 antennas and the channel coefficients given as, h_1 = 1/sqrt{3} + 1/\sqrt{3} j and h_2 =
1/sqrt{3} - 1/\sqrt{3} j . The MRC weight vector \bar{w} for this scenario is given as,
a. \bar{w} = 1/2 [1 - 1j, 1 + 1 j]^T
b. \bar{w} = 1/2 [1 + 1 j, 1 - 1 j]^T
c. \bar{w} = [1/2 1/2]^T
d. \bar{w} = [1/sqrt{3} - 1/\sqrt{3} j, 1/sqrt{3} + 1/\sqrt{3} j]^T
Ans b
20. Consider a wireless system with L = 2 antennas and the channel coefficients given as, h_1 = 1/sqrt{3} + 1/\sqrt{3} j and h_2 =
1/sqrt{3} - 1/\sqrt{3} j . Let the noise variance \sigma^2 = 2 and transmit power be P. The SNR at the output of the MRC is,
a. 4/3 P
b. 8/3 P
c. 2/3 P
d. 1/3 P
Ans c

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