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Health JMS

A long time ago in the middle east, a scholar would usually be known for one thing,
but they would also be experts in many other fields of study. And an example of that in
today's world is STEM or ESTEAM education where you combine a bunch of studies to
produce a project containing all. Many students seem to panic when presented with such a
task but once you hold onto your idea it's fairly easy to connect it and you can take "Health
JMS" as an example. Health JMS is an ESTEAM project combining Science, math, and
English, it is a ring that keeps you knowledgeable of your vitals in a stylish way. Health JMS
is a health ring that went through a process involving many steps leading to it having many
benefits on the individual, society, and the world.

To begin with, the process that took to draft the prototype of Health JMS was
composed of 4 main steps. The first step included discussing the ideas with my team to know,
what are we going to install in the ring? What is going to make it special? We concluded that
we wanted it to be health-associated and decided that it will be a health tech that can track
your heart rate, temperature, and oxygen levels. Then, we drafted a digital 3D model on a
website called tinker cad, where we went through many versions of the ring until we decided
on using the feature "ring" and "diamond" to create the base of the ring. Following that, we
added "text" to demonstrate the BPM (beats per minute) of your heart on the gem. Next, a
"half sphere" at the bottom of the ring was placed representing an LED light that turns red
when sensing that a person's temperature is rising and pulses red when it is extremely high or
low. As for the gem, it turns blue when oxygen levels are too low, red if they are too high,
and it will be purple when it is balanced. This tungsten ring has built-in sensors that detect
temperature, oxygen levels, and heartbeat similar to those in Apple watches, and with skin-to-
skin contact, they can do their jobs.

This process resulted in the ring having many characteristics and benefits that could
assist whoever wears it. First of all, having a health tracker that keeps a record of your vital
information is advantageous because the ring will detect when the data taken is even a little
off, and that can be of major assistance. Especially if someone is out of surgery and wants to
recover at home, or if a child has a chronic illness that needs to be monitored, this simple ring
can keep track and not only notify him and the school but his parents too through the JMS
app where they can see a detailed report of the material detected and manage to check up on
him/her at any time. Furthermore, not only is Health JMS going to affect its users
individually but also society-wise. A society where everyone is wary of their health is a
society that is aware of any possible dangers that could happen to them, placing them in a
high rank across the globe when it comes to being mindful of well-being. And that exactly is
the purpose of the ring, to encourage people into diving deeper into their health thus caring
for it more. And if all countries' individuals, communities, and societies were conscious of
their surroundings and health we could prevent outbreaks, stabilize statistics from getting
worse, or even find a cure or solution to an arising health problem. It all starts with a simple
ring such as JMS where you can track your vitals that could slowly develop to having
thousands of dollars worth of medical devices on your hand or in your pocket.
In conclusion, our strength comes from taking care of ourselves and one way this
could be done is by a smooth ring that can easily keep track of your temperature, oxygen
levels, and blood pressure including warnings that result if any abnormalities are detected.
This effortless piece of jewelry is the compromisation that proves that we can incorporate
vital things such as health into our everyday products to further spread recognition on our
fitness in and out that not only affects each one of us individually, but it is critical for all of
the human race. The relationship between health and awareness is directly proportional, when
one's grasp of good physical health increases, society's consciousness increases leading to
global recognition regarding wellbeing.

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