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Gabrielle Haker

Professor Hunter

English 1201

27 January 2022

If I Were a Boy by BC Jean and Beyonce

“If I Were a Boy” by BC Jean and redone by Beyonce both spread awareness of the double

standard that exists in so many modern relationships. Using ethos, pathos, and musical talent to give out

the message, both singers use their artistic license to share knowledge on toxicity in relationships as well

as the gender roles and how they play in a romantic relationship through the popular song. 

In BC Jean’s video, there is a very personal feeling. It is her voice and an acoustic guitar. BC Jean

is emoting. The listener can feel that Jean poured her heart into this song. The listener also gets a very

clear image of the inequalities in the girls' relationship and how it relates to the world’s view of men.

The sincerity is confirmed by the image of a young adult girl singing about her observations of men in

relationships. She sings, “I swear I’d be a better man, I’d listen to her, ‘cause I know how it hurts, when

you lose the one you wanted ‘cause he’s taken you for granted and everything you had got destroyed”

these few lines explain that she’d be better to women if she were a man because she knows what it is to

be let down by someone you invested so much into. 

There is an extremely developed storyline in Beyonce’s rendition. She takes BC Jean’s lyrics,

changes the music on the track a little, and adds a highly produced video showcasing all of the things

that are said in the lyrics of the song. Beyonce’s music video is coated with filters and has a strong visual

storytelling element. The clips go back and forth between her singing into the camera and acting out

what the lyrics are saying. In the second verse, it says, “If I were a boy, I would turn off my phone, tell

everyone it’s broken so they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone, I’d put myself first and make the 
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rules as I go ‘cause I’d know that she’d be faithful waitin’ for me to come home'' as she’s singing the

characters in the video, a man and herself playing the female lead are using the lyrics as a script for their

actions.  When he finally confronts her, she gaslights him into thinking her actions were not a big deal.

The viewer sees the genders switch towards the end of the video. The watcher then realizes that up to

that point the whole video was not a reality, but rather a hypothetical from the female perspective. The

viewer sees that the whole time it was the man who was taking advantage of the female lead. There is

more dialogue at the end to sell the story.  

The overall messages or claims are the same between the original and cover of the song. The

point of the song and the videos are to be relatable because so many women go through either the

same thing or something very similar. BC Jean is telling a story and Beyonce is showing a story to tell

women that they are not alone if they have been mistreated in their relationships. There is a double

standard presented in society as to how women versus men should act in their love lives. 

The targeted audience is women who have been mistreated, but it applies to anyone currently

or who has been in a toxic relationship. As well as anyone who feels as though they are not appreciated

by their significant other. The singers are also saying that there is an escape, “It’s a little too late for you

to come back say it’s just a mistake. Think I’d forgive you like that if you thought I would wait for you.

You thought wrong” The woman does not stay in a bad situation which could be very inspiring to


         The songs use pathos and ethos in the song to relate to the viewer. There is a personal anecdote.

BC Jean and Beyonce both are singing about a shared experience of being in a relationship with

someone who isn’t committed to them. In the song it says, “I’d drink beers with the guys and chase after

girls”. Both singers are imagining what it would be like to be men in the culture of today.  There is also

clearly an emotional appeal. 


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       Vocally the original and the cover are very similar. The two singers accentuate the same parts and

they go quiet to express emotion and leave room for thought. Beyonce and BC Jean have very different

voices and the difference in sounds between the two songs highlights that.

        Overall, there are quite a few parallels between the original and Beyonce’s version of “If I Were a

Boy” and BC Jean’s. There is a strong emotional appeal to listeners. “If I Were a Boy” has stood the test

of time because it touches on issues that are still prevalent today. Beyonce and BC Jean offer a safe

space to people who have been hurt by their partner and shine a light on how men are seen in the

public eye making it extremely impactful. 

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Works Cited 

Jean, BC. “If I Were a Boy” 2009

v=AWpsOqh8q0M accessed on January 27, 2022

Beyonce. “If I Were a Boy” 2008

v=KSBhtSRDIMw accessed on January 27, 2022

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