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Rolls-Royce RB 183 Mk555 1: Basic mechanics Contents Page | Introduction 1 Principles of jet propulsion 2 Methods of jet propulsion 3 itnopucTiON Compusrion chamsen 1, The devlopment ot the gas urbe engine as an thrat poner pla hae been 20 tap Pa ie Za Scud appreciate tat per tote 18508 ver few ee people had Raard. ot ie trathod oh ara = Propulsion The possbity Using arescton hac Forested’ area dongs fora tong ia, but eee sarees AIR INTAKE PROPELLING NOZZLE taiabhty agen endfor recuerg fe uc. surruy larga righ velcty aiow nocesaty forthe et ; eee - Bt Fig. 1-1 Lorin’s jet engine. 2. A French engine René Lvn,ostorted a et butt wa eleven years bette his engine completed Fionn ange hp. 12) n f01S bur ls wa an fet ag Tho Wine engine fom he base ot to mancdacture or ue ince eulabie al feusing evaoped tne ols oyce Weta, ged Metra had not then boon Sowioped and inthe sha Den engines, The Dawert and Nene tubo, : Shean ropusen. wus mn engines had wond-wide itary spplcaors 4 Extomelnoioom she low speeds a the area futeapropaler engine became wars amous ae a oithose aye te modern ram ei poner pat or he Vcore Vacourt roan Noo ‘ory amir o Lone concopon, ‘ine aera may be ted wih aor engines tomred red Swepod weap pace die a Rolls-Royce B23 Welland Eedbtge es ute peace penises Sihmeseanjerge Rolls-Royce RB183 Mk555 Rolls-Royce B23 Welland 1: Basic mechanics itnopucrion 1, The cowopmert ane gstybraengre an Arta poner plat has been 20 taped Ou ie ioe oat a fen rH etd many 2 2. A French engine René Lota, osteo ‘those ays. weve, taday the modem a fe ‘ery amis o ore conoopon, ‘31990 Frank White was granted i at patart tor using a gas turbine lo poauce a rope Contents Page Introduction 1 Principles of jet propulsion 2 Methods of jet propulsion 3 = AIR INTAKE X—_PROPELLNG NOZZLE Fig. 1-1 Lorn’ jt engine, but ae leven years dre i eg compte fet ght The Vile engine food te base the moos gos urn ange, and fam was devaopad te ll oyee Wetand, Dervet. Ne fered plespod, pass, ‘ fanana poplan, those are neville devaoprnens ct wtt’s ea engne CcoMBuSTION cHaNER ain nak prOBene Wrz. Fig. 2A Whitletype engine. 4 The jt engine ig. +2, athough appearing so Siero om fhe etn engine propelar camara fon, apples the some base. prnepas fo fect propulsion A shown in ‘bgt, both prepa hor SiS te rg’ ge wo ot 5 Aough ody et ropusion is popula inked ‘an he gs bine ene, Hee are other pos of [Bt propelled engines sucha te am tN ple Je ereckat eturbaram jo and urborcket PRINCIPLES OF JET PROPULSION 6. Jet propulsion i a practical application of Sir Ibase Nowors hd low & metion whieh sos thet. Sor evry toe acing on abedy Moves an oppast apo eqlal reactor! For atcrat propulsion, the ody iatmoaphere aha caused acouerte 422 pacses ough the engine. The force requried {© gie the eccearton has an equ fet nthe ‘Sppostatacton acing on He. apparals pro ‘hls he acceoraton Alel engine proguces ust a — Fig, 1:3 Propeller and jet propulsion. 2 Basic mechanics na simler ay to the engneioepeter combination. Bath propel tne area by fring a lrge woh ot 2 backwards 3) one no torm ost at Slpsteam at comparaivey iow speed andthe ther inn frm fa Jet of G38 at very gh Speed 7, Tis same principle of easton occusinatforne i moverrar andra been vetly apni n many ‘ays The eareat known example oe eacon fe Tato Hero's angina (ig 4) produced as aon {aac Tistoy awed Row he momar of oa ‘Suing tom arumber ots could impart an eal Sand oppoate reacion foe jlsthonsoles, Tus ‘Sasig ne engine 10 reat Treanor whiting gordon srr (a, 15) 6 {more practeal example of the pine, forthe tmazhanism rats by fue othe feacton Toe Miser je The high pressure te of maar te Fioting equipment ae an example at treason toraten, duetotheracton fhe watt, the oso tannet "be hed oF conrlled by ene. teman Perhaps the amples usraton cf tn prince ‘orded bythe cai loon whi, when tho 3 oF as le reased. rushes. replay ancy in ho ‘redton opposte to the jt ®, Jetreacton's deity an rteral shenomeran fac dove nol a Fequaty asumes, aut rom the peseure of heen the amaerhere I ct, ‘propulsion engine, whether rocket, abd, of tose, e's pose apparatus ‘designed 0 ‘costa atean oa or gos andto opal tah Welooty. There ae, of cours, numba ef Ways ot Fig. 1-4 Hero's engine — probably the earlost form of jt reacton. cling is, a¢ deseribed mn Pan2 but in alinstarces the reeutant eacton or tnus exerted onthe anne Ieproporional io ie mana or wait a expelled bb/the engine andto the velo range pares 1 imahor words, he same ust can be provided ‘toby ing age maasct aan onravloay ‘a endl mast oa large sera vlan preston Fig. 15 A garden sprinkler rotated by the ‘esoton ofthe wate ote. Basic mechanics the foe i prefered, since by lowering the jet ‘cot rlavetothe smoepherea higher propusve ‘icency i obtained. METHODS OF JET PROPULSION 10. The types of jet engine, whather ram je, se Jat rocket, postin, ural er turbo ockel, Sie oi nie way whic he tus prover ‘or engine, suppl and converts ho energy IO ower fo ire 11, The 1am jt engine (ig. 1.9) isan thio oiotermadyname-cuc give # fe ful amo. fas 00 maoertaing pars ard consis of duct wwin a "avergert ey anda. comergent or CSrvergentherget x, When lowed maton Is FUELBURNERS COMBUSTION CHAMBER ‘ 7 i I AIR INTAKE PROPELLING NOZZLE Fig. 1-6 Aram jt engine, ‘imparted trom an externa sure, ai eco ‘to tho aia wee fses velo o Kt fnargy and increases is presure energy as I posres through he verging Sct The tt oneay thn inceated by tw combustion oa, and ‘expanang gases accalrte to amospras treugh Ire outet oct A ramets the power plant er riesias apd argat veils, but unstable os an Brea power lene becaise K requires forwara fmoton paring tt lore any tute produced 12, The peter. 17) use he pre Gt marine corona nia fm eet ‘nberunetaaaiceonaton The ergetsormed By an ascayrar Gat sate a tO dleto tho hig pesnses raven tis nore fot conaicion The duc it fea ses of Iie "vaves hat sv spngioade io the open fostn. rca toh he open vas pases Fo te contusion carbene hated oy he Sa ht ec ae char The ‘sala crpanson cutee fae pres ‘Se vate o dor, and he panda son are 2 Working cycle and airflow rR INTAKE COMPRESSION, 44 COMBUSTION exsuust AR/FUELINTAKE COMPRESSION ‘COMEUSTION exHaust Fig. 21 A compariaon between the working cycle of @ turbojet engine and a piston engine. to the low octane fuels and the Uoht fabreated — [—p ——cNeUSTION ‘Sembuston chambers uted one urn angie Est very Be 4 The working eyle upon wich the gas turbine fngina unctone nits snplst om. represen byfne cys sown on he pressure vue capa in'tg. 22. Pont A ropesons a at lmoserc [rostrethatcompresed lrg the ne AB. From BifoC haat «aad foe aby iroduena 2c uring uel at conan pracy, thetehy onsideratlynereasng he ve ota. Presse | cowpicssion (esses in the combustion chambers (Part 2) are |Grsoue etry Ip Inceated by the crop batween Bard C. From Co ‘iced 1D the gases tesuting. ham combustion expend {trough te rine ana pipe back smosphere, During ths pat ofthe cyl some ol ho sag) in Fig. 22 The working eyele on a pressure- ‘heexpanding osoes etrnesintomecrancal power volume diagram. = Expansion Trova tio ae orzo ANGIENT A 2 by he turbine the remainder, on ts dscharge to thosphete,provaes 8 prope [el 5, Bocaus th txbojet engineis.a heat engin. ho Figen temportire of combustion the greater the expansion ot tne gases. The combuston temperature, however must nt oxcood. valve Wat ‘ie atirtin gas ent lerperatur stabi fe he ‘Seog ana materias of he ne essen 6. ‘The use of aroooled Blades in the turns ‘Sisem¥ partes higher cas temperature and & onenquenly hgher ermal sere}. PrINcIPLE ranci.e Working cycle and airflow ‘THE RELATIONS BETWEEN PRESSURE, ‘VOLUME AND TEMPERATURE 7._ During ne wrkng cyl othe tune engine ‘he afew or "working lad vacahes ana ioe ub Fal, so produ changes ins oessure: volume ‘and iomporatute. These dhanges gs toy eceur are ‘os retd, fo thy flaw aconenen precio at Sertodeci combination che ave ot Bole and (Ghares, Srey this means tha the product ot he pressure and tha volume ofthe at atte various Sages in the working oyce proportional tothe ‘Shao temperature othe ara coe Sages Ths ‘elatorcip apis fr wratover means Usd to EXAMPLE-TYPICAL AXIAL FLOW (COMPRESSOR OUTLET CASING Recon o NOZZLE GUIDE vanes Fig. 23 An alfiow twough alvergent and convergent ducts. rue. Senay Combustion chambers Ann casina DILUTION lm HOLES SEALINGRING IvTeRcoNncron Fig. 41 An early combustion chamber, ‘COMBUSTION PROCESS 4 A tom the engine compressor enters the ‘ombuslon enamber ata icc up 0 SOD eet per ‘Second. but because at this vane speed ‘Grtao high for sombuaton, the Ir tig tha he chamber must dosato io 1. ceoeerate €and fa te sae presnure, Soe the speed of burning (rosine a notmal minute ato sony fo foa pa Second, any fl even inte afused a ste, ‘hic row Ras a elooty of abou feet per second (woulda ttm away region of ow id veloc fas thretore to be ested h tha chariot, 0 Pat the ame wil remain sire tvcugheut ho ange o ‘engine operating conaons. 5. Innor operation, the overleaf a ombuaton chamor can vary Botwoon 45:7 ae 420, However, krasne wil eny bur fice a crogeoto,avatioo! 1:1, sth el must be buried ‘ah ony parol he a ertenng th chamber wat [Sealed a primary combusion zone, Ths achoved ‘Bymeans aflame tube (ombusten ney hat has 26 CconmuasteD Join vaio davon for metering the sittow dtibuton ‘ong the camber 6. Approximately 20 pr coe of he air mass flow fe tan bythe snout or etry soclon (ig. 42) Urata dounetosm o he snout re cw vares fad epeforaod fo, fog wie ar passa reo ‘heprinay combusion2ore The swing ar esos 1 ow upteam he cree of he ama tube ard promotes the deste eeeuaton Tea ot itd {pty the snout lows eto he anna space batwoon the fame be eed tbe ar ean, 7. Theo the wath ame ube ody, accent {6 te conbuston tone area esecod rumor o Secondary les though which aut’ 20 pe cant tf the man flow of passes te te pena ze Sho air tom the svt vanes and that Tom he Stoondaryarhales teas and reales aogion oh tow vlooty reereulaon. Tvs takes the Tom ofa (Grd votes mia fo gmake ng, rich has the ‘Sectotsabitang and encrngtafare 9.43). ‘The tecelating gases hasten he turing ey Fig. 42 Appotioning the alow. Injcted Wel doplets by rapidly bringing them to "gion ompertre. 8. isarranged that he coil ul apray rom the Pozzeeoreets he rotcuaion vores ere {Trisacton, opener wine goraral ura denosin he rary aove, oft sadam breaking up he ual ming ith the Incoming 2 9. ‘The temperate of the gases rlaasad by ‘combuston i about 1600 to 2000 dog, whieh Ietartoo het for ent fo the nozde ude vanes o thavturtina The ar not ures fr combustion, wich ‘mounts to about 80 per oon of te tall sion {harloremeroduced pregrecvelyino the lame tbe, ‘Appronmately aol his © urea ower he Gas Combustion chambers temperatura inthe cuton zone belo eres the {ting and ine remand use or enlng ha wale ‘tine metus. Thies scheved by alimotcoatng ‘Sr loning song the ride sue o ear ube ‘ra nalaing tam he ht cembuston gas 115) Arooontdovelopment lowe coalng art ovat 1 network of passages itu the me ube wa Score exting fo fom an oxlaing im of a tiscan fede he requted wal eooing ation by up fe 80 por cortCembusion shel be comple bers he ‘Shain ar tere the fame tube, otherwise the freomng sr it cool the fame. and eomiete ‘Sobor wl rau 10,_An lectic spark am an igntar ph Pat 19) Intiaes combustion and the fame ie ten sa Fig. 3 Flame stalizing and general aiiow pattern. a

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