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Flextronics Supply Chain

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Flextronics Supply Chain


With the rise in current customer demands and expectations, supply chain linkages need

to adapt and conform to these needs to satisfy customers in terms of product delivery periods. In

this regard, firms have opted for more advanced and digitalized supply chain management

systems to ease the entire procurement and supply process for cases of numerous supplies. For

example, Flextronics Company’s incorporation of an end-to-end value stream business model

has aided ease in managing productions and stores for the company. This paper aims to explore

the various concepts of supply chain modifications to suit the rising customer demands.

Who are the key supply chain members?

The major players in this supply chain include suppliers from across the world delivering to over

100 consumers. Besides, there are embedded warehouses with the entire Flextronics procurement

systems from the sub-assemblies to the consumers' ERP system (Griffin & Tong, 'n.d'). Retailers

also play a significant role in the entire supply chain.

Describe their roles and responsibilities as they relate to the supply chain

The suppliers' and retailers' principal role is co-related in that suppliers disseminate products and

services while retailers stock these products in the warehouses. The ERP system helps in

integrating and unifying all other processes to a universal flow.

What are the key activities within product development and commercialization?

Product innovation and development go through the concept inception stage, then to the design

and engineering stage, then to prototyping and product stabilization (Griffin & Tong, 'n.d'). The

product has been developed and ready for dissemination; therefore, it undergoes voluminous

production to suit the market demands. The product goes to the market and later returned for

repairs and refurbishment.


How was product development and commercialization applied to this situation?

Flextronics Company has invested heavily in research and product innovation with dynamic

control systems in its supply chain flow. For example, the control portal helps minimize product

production and supply time by employing state-of-art technological advancements (Griffin &

Tong, 'n.d'). Therefore, commercialization has taken a more significant technological advance.

Which functions played a key role in the product development and commercialization

process of the supply chain?

The initial incubation and innovation stages played a vital role in the entire production stages.

Consequently, the design and engineering process is also critical as it is the initial section of the

product's actual visualization. These sections have a crucial function in the product's life as they

incept and implement the idea.

How was returns management applied to this situation?

Flextronics has heavily gained from numerous inceptions and innovations. Therefore, it has a

return procedure for its products. For example, the products can be returned for refurbishing and

maintenance for damaged products or upon consumer complaints (Korpela et al., 2017). In this

regard, this return stage is provided for in the product development stage.

If not addressed, how would you implement returns management?

I would ensure products are tested and verified before delivery to the products. Also, I would

allow a time frame for the return of products, for example, return in 72 hours after delivery to

enhance customer satisfaction.

What strategies would you use in your implementation process?

I would align the supply chain processes with adapting to the new guidelines to conform to the

consumer needs. I would as well align demands and logistic networks for the supply chain



A proper way to improve supply chain management is by improving value proposition and

knowledge on an operation. I would also recommend a product and channel customization to

help adjust to the dynamic supply chain. For an impressive and efficient flow of products, there

has to be an alignment of supply chain channels to suit the market demands and requirements.


Flextronics Company has experienced improved supply due to the modernization of its

supply chain management system. With this, it has realized revenue growth of up to 30%, a rise

in customers, and about 1000 suppliers globally. Therefore, these supply chain sectors'

ramification has helped enhance smooth and effective supply chain linkages for all the supply



Griffin, T. & Tong, A. (n.d). End-to-End Supply Chain Innovation and Technology


Korpela, K., Hallikas, J., & Dahlberg, T. (2017). Digital supply chain transformation toward

blockchain integration. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii international conference on

system sciences.

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