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Reading for Comprehension: Literal and Inferential

An adapted text for the purpose of language learning:

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

by Mark Cartwright
published on 27 July 2018
 Original source:

1. Before doing this task, save your work for submission as: BRW_St#_Name_Intensive-
2. Choose the best answer for every question based on the text. Bold the the options to
indicate your choices.
3. After you finish answering all question, submit your work in the available submission room
in LMS.
4. The allotted time for this task is 45 minutes.

1. What does this text say about the Hanging Gardens in Babylon?
A. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were the fabled gardens which adorned the capital of
the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
B. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were the most beautiful, mysterious sites of the
ancient Seven Wonders.
C. The exotic nature of the gardens compared to the more familiar Greek sites.
D. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon have mysterious surrounding location and

2. It can be inferred from the text that…..

A. The location was not clearly definite.
B. Historian have found where the location was.
C. Archaeological evidences have been so convincing.
D. It was proven that the gardens were at Nebuchadnezzar capital in Hellenistic era.

3. The following statement is true according the text.

A. The Babylonian king made the Babylon city one of the most wonderful cities in the
B. The most famous king of Babylon was Nebuchadnezzar II who build gardens whose fame
spread throughout the ancient world.
C. The greatest period in the city’s history was in the 6th century BCE during the reign of
Nebuchadnezzar II.
D. Babylon had the great ancient history of kingdom in the south of modern Baghdad, Iraq,
whose greatest king was Nebuchatnezarr II.

4. According to the text, the following fact is true.

A. The gardens were built for amusement.
B. The gardens were built for fertility and prosperity.
C. The gardens were full of beautiful flowers and plants.
D. The gardens were made beautiful by architectural, sculptural, and water properties.

5. What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?

A. who found the hanging gardens.
B. what the hanging gardens referred to.
C. what were in the hanging garden.
D. what supported the existence of the garden.

6. The following facts were true according to the text except….

A. what were found in the gardens.
B. why the gardens were built.
C. how the name of the queen was proven.
D. how the garden looked like.

7. What does Paragraph 7 mainly talk about?

A. How the gardens were described in various sources
B. Where the sources of the garden came from.
C. Who described the gardens.
D. Who described the gardens were the witnesses.

8. The following fact is true in Paragraph 8.

A. There were evidences of the existence of another previous gardens in Nineveh.
B. The gardens were at Nineveh and were not at Babylon.
C. The gardens were not at Nineveh but at Babylon.
D. The evidences found in Nineveh proved the existence of the Babylon gardens.

9. What can be inferred from the text about the evidence at Pasargade?
A. The evidences found at Pasargade proved the Babylon gardens.
B. Gardens of Pasargade had evidences that Babylon gardens did not.
C. Both Gardens at Pasargade and Babylon had evidences that were different.
D. Other gardens at Pasargade also existed after the existence of Babylon gardens.

10. What does the text say about the Hanging Gardens?
A. The gardens became one of the ancient Wonder because of some reasons.
B. Traveller and pilgrim visited the gardens since being included as one of the
ancient Wonders.
C. Traveller and pilgrim contributed to making the gardens into one of the ancient
D. Traveller and pilgrim made some writers include the gardens into the ancient

11. What happened to the Gardens after the decline of Nebuchadnezzar?

A. The Gardens disappeared as soon as Babylon city had no longer had great
B. The Gardens disappeared during the fame of Babylon city.
C. The Gardens still existed for quite a long time after Babylon city lost its fame.
D. The Gardens existed during the time of Babylon city gain its greatest fame.

12. What can be inferred from the text about the existence or the Gardens?
A. Based on the evidences, the existence of the Gardens is not convincing.
B. Based on the excavations, the existence of the Gardens is so convincing.
C. Based on the excavations, the existence of the Gardens is definitely imaginary.
D. Base on the evidences, the existence of the Gardens is definitely mythical.

13. What can be inferred from the scientific evidences about the existence of the
A. Scientific investigation keeps silence not to publish the evidences.
B. Scientific evidences have been found in a ruined state.
C. Scientific evidences have been found along the street in Babylon city.
D. Scientific evidences rejected the existence of the Gardens.

1 Still related with the existence of the Gardens, what does the text implies?
4 A. The existence of the Gardens is only a legend.
B. The existence of the Gardens was found the literary work in Greek literature.
C. The Gardens only existed in Greek literature and were never found in reality.
D. The Gardens were only stories written by the Greek writers.

1 What does the text implies about the existence of the Seven Wonders?
5 A. The Seven Wonders may not a real, proven object of wonders.
B. The Seven Wonders should not be archaeologically proven.
C. The Seven Wonders can only be proven in the work of literature.
D. The Seven Wonders must be proven by literary and archaeological

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