Lyrics - Siddhi Vinayakam

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Song: siddhi vinAyakam rAgA: 

shanmukha priyA (cAmaram) tALam: rUpakam

Language: sAnskrit Composer:dIkshitar Aa: S R2 G2 M2 P D1 N2 Ṡ Av: S N2 D1 P M2 G2 R2 S


siddhi vinAyakaM aniSaM cintayAmyahaM (cintayAmi-ahaM)

prasiddha gaNa nAyakaM

viSishTArtha (viSishTa-artha) dAyakaM varam


siddha yaksha kinnarAdi (kinnara-Adi) sEvitaM

akhila jagat-prasiddhaM

mUla pankaja madhyasthaM mOdaka hastam


bhAdra pada mAsa caturthyAM –

brAhmaNAdi (brAhmaNa-Adi) pUjitaM

pASAnkuSa (pASa-ankuSa) dharaM

chatra cAmara parivIjitam

raudra bhAva rahitaM

dAsa jana hRdaya virAjitaM

rauhiNEyAnujArcitaM (rauhiNEya-anuja-arcitaM) IhanA varjitam

(madhyama kAla sAhityam)

adri rAja sutAtmajaM (sutA-AtmajaM)

ananta guru guhAgrajaM (guha-agrajaM)

bhadra prada padAmbujaM (pada-ambujaM)

bhAsamAna catur-bhujam

Aham –                 I
aniSam -               always 
cintayAmi –            meditate on
siddhivinAyakam –      Siddhi Vinayaka,
prasiddha gaNanAyakam –the eminent leader of  the shiva-gaNas,
viSishTArtha dAyakam – the giver of special boons,
varam –                the distinguished  one,

siddha yaksha kinnarAdi sEvitam –the one served/worshipped by (demigods such as) siddhas,
yakshas and kinnaras and others,
akhila jagat prasiddham – the one who is celebrated in all the worlds,
mUla pankaja madhyastham –the one seated in the lotus of mUladhAra –chakra,
mOdaka hastam –           the one holding a mOdaka (steamed sweet) in his hand,

brAhmaNAdi pUjitam –      the one worshipped by all people, starting with Brahmanas,
bhAdra padamAsa caturtthyAm –on the fourth day of the moon in the month of Bhadrapada
pASAnkuSa dharam –         the one holding a noose and a goad,
chatra cAmara parivIjitam –the one hounoured with the royal umbrella (Chatra)and fanned
with the yak-tail fan (Chamara)
raudra bhAva rahitam –     the one devoid of any sentiment of fierceness or anger,
dAsa jana hRdaya virAjitam –the one enthroned in the hearts of devotees,
rauhiNEyAnujArccitam  -     the one worshipped by Krishna the younger brother(anuja) of
balarAma(the son of Rohini),
IhanA varjitam –            the one bereft of desires or motives,
adri rAja sutAtmajam –      the son of Parvati ( daughter  of the king of mountains),
ananta guruguhAgrajam –     the elder brother of the eternal guruguha,
bhadraprada padAmbujam –    the one with  lotus-like feet that bestow wealth and welfare,
bhAsamAna caturbhujam –     the one resplendent with four arms.


This Kriti is in the second Vibhakti

On the advice of Narada, Krishna worshipped Ganesha to rid himself of the undeserved
disrepute he acquired when the Syamantaka gem was lost.

The fourth day of the moon in Bhadrapada (August-September) is Vinayaka Chaturthi, the day
of Ganesha’s birth

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