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Are We Free in the Sky?

I can see a bird which has just been released from a cage and it is
now flying full of joyfulness. It is happy because it can do whatever it
wants. It looks very boastful and full of itself; nobody is more beautiful
or more talented. Suddenly, a hunter shoots it, captures it and puts it in
a cage again. The bird looks at the sky and asks itself if this is the end of
the world and it will pass away soon.

I return back to the real life and ask you if our lives are a lot
different from this tiny soul. I am a little bit bewildered. We all have
deceptions and after a while, we “fly“again through life and think we
are the best and that we can run the world. Unfortunately, someone or
something (it does not matter) comes and punches us and we find
ourselves back on the ground and we blame ourselves and consider
that we are a “Jack of all trades” and our life has just been taken away.
And now what? We build a barrier around us and lament that we can
not brake it or jump over it.

Now comes my dillema: Are we prepared to be free, to do what

we desire, to fly and be the best version of us?

Here comes in my mind the quote of Nick Vujicic “It’s a lie to think
you are not good enough. It’s a lie to think you aren’t worth anything.”
For a better school, workplace, country, environment; for a better
world we need to have a right self-image. We place a hindrance around
us and we keep repeating in our mind “I am not the person who wants
X or Y to be.” or “I cannot succeed”. Why? Because we fall for
worldwide’s outlook: we have to be exactly like the others want or if
someone says we cannot do something, we will not even try. People
must wake up and change their image about themselves.

Let’s start from now and look in the mirror. What can we see? Just
anybody? Every morning we should convince ourselves that we are
capable of accomplishing everything that comes to our mind. Don’t be
too harsh on yourself! Of course this has to come with a lot of working
and determination, of course that only one person is not enough, but it
is like Neil’s Armstong words “This is one small step for man, one giant
leap for mankind”. If we work together and start living as we want, the
world will be the desired one. Nobody can hurt you if they do not have
your assent.

On the other hand, we all desire love and we must not reject
every single person we imagine wants to hurt us. We can find the
unexpected where we expect the least. I know a girl who has some
disabilities. Normally, her colleagues should protect, help and make her
feel like she is not different from the others. Nevertheless, they mock
her and give her nicknames. Probably, you would expect the girl to be
angry and furious; she is not. This HUMAN BEING hugs them and shares
feelings that maybe her colleagues would never be able to understand.
For example, three days ago I went to a handball match between her
classmates and another class. Even if they made a hare of her, she had
made a poster where it was written “My class is the best!” They hit her
with jeer; instead she responded with love. This is unconditional love.
What can we do to spread kindness no matter what? We first
appreciate ourselves, so that nobody can change us. Then, we start to
love each other and if they try to penetrate our souls with envy or
jealousy or something like that, we will continue to open our hearts
towards them.
All in all, our involvement in community issues, changing our
attitude towards the others, the cooperation and emphaty are so many
starting points in shaping a desirable society in accordance with human
values. “You carry in yourself the kernel of a universal life.” (Picco delle

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