Lesson Plan 6 - Rotating

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Unit: Volleyball

Lesson: Rotations
Grade: 5/6

Essential Understanding:
Students will understand there the positions and how to rotate correctly on the volleyball

Essential Questions:
- How does a team rotate during a volleyball game?

Curricular Outcomes/Achievement Indicators

The student will be able to:
Design movement sequences that show contrast in qualities of movement (e.g., levels,
pathways [open space], directions...) and formations (e.g., lines or ‘4/5-man bowl’…) performed
in a group.

Demonstrate the ability to work cooperatively/collaboratively in planning, organizing, and/or
officiating physical activities.

Performance Indicators:
- Students can find any position (1-6) on their own or with minimal help from friends.
- Students rotate clockwise.
- Students rotate when gaining back the ball from loss of serve.
- Students rotate after 5 consecutive serves from one side.

- Volleyballs (1 per student)
- 2-3 volleyball courts
- 2-3 volleyball nets
- 2-4 beach balls
- Phone for music
- Speaker
References/Sources for Lesson:
How to rotate:

Cross-Curricular Integration:

Differentiation Strategies:
- For exceptional learners: additional time to practice skills, further
explanations/demonstrations of skills, one-on-one work, extra personal space,
motivations, encouragement, and confirmation of correct execution.
- Use a slower moving ball, like a beachball, for students having problems using a

Multiple Intelligences:
1. Verbal/Linguistic: listening, reading, speaking, viewing, and representing.
2. Mathematical/Logical: patterns (locating positions on court).
3. Visual/Spatial: visual demonstration, individual assessment.
4. Bodily/Kinesthetic: movement during rotation.
5. Musical/Rhythmical: rhythm for rotation, music may be played in background.
6. Interpersonal: teamwork.
7. Intrapersonal: individual work, self-assessment.

Key Words/Vocabulary:
- Home base: the circle in the middle of the gym.
- Rotation:
Assessment Evidence (Assessment for AS/FOR/OF Learning):
FOR: Observations of rotations (see performance indicators).
AS: Students will self-assess based on rotations criteria.

Consideration of Assessments for IEP Students (if any):

Additional time to practice skills, further explanations/demonstrations of skills, one-on-one
work, extra personal space, observation in quiet area, extra time for assessment, motivation,
encouragement and confirmation of correct execution.

Activating Strategies: Preparing for Learning: (how will students activate and extend prior
knowledge and make connections with what they know and what they will learn?)
- Instant activity: Have a list of 8-10 exercises listed on the whiteboard ready for when the
students enter the gym (ex. 3 Laps, 20 jumping jacks, 25 arm circles, 15 mountain
climbers, 25 squats,10 push-ups, 10 lunges, 1 minute wall sit).
- Have the students grab a volleyball and allow them to use their prior knowledge to
manipulate the ball while they wait for other students to complete the warm-up.

Acquiring Strategies: Integrating and Processing Learning: (how will students acquire new
information or processes?)
- Teacher will gather students at home base and explain there are 6 positions on the
court (1- right back, 2- right front, 3- middle front, 4- left front, 5- left back, 6- middle
back), drawing a diagram of positions and rotation direction on whiteboard if needed.
- Teacher will inform students the direction of rotation is always clockwise, and the back
right corner is always the server.
- Some students will be directed to a position on one side of the court, another 6 will be
directed to positions on the opposing side (remaining students will stay seated and
watch the example demonstration of rotations).
o Rather than bumping and/or setting, students will catch the ball and pass it to
each other (1-2, 2-3, 3-over the net where person 1 on the other team catches
the ball and repeats the process)
- Teacher will use examples as they happen (teaching moments). If a student drops a ball,
if the ball goes out of bounds, 5 serves, when to rotate.

Applying Strategies: Consolidating Learning: (how will students apply, consolidate, or

extend the information or processes?)
- Students will continue to use the skills in 2 games (the people who were sitting will be
divided into teams, placed into spots that they must find).
- Due to the number of students per class, the games may not be 6 vs 6, so
numbers/positions will change. Students must be aware that they will have more space
to cover, that they will only have ‘x’ positions but that the rotation direction will remain
the same.
- There needs to be ample time for this to ensure students are getting the hang of

Closure: (why are we doing this?)

It is important to understand the basics of volleyball in order to master the game. Though the
rules on rotation may make it seem a bit complicated initially, practicing the formations will
help you master them with immense ease.

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