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Master: Mayra Jacome


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 201820080073

YEAR: 2022
Express your thought about the covid-19 vaccine and experience on the
Coronavirus Pandemic
Vaccines are one of the most revolutionary discoveries in the history of mankind:
thanks to them, smallpox, a disease that cost the lives of approximately 300
million people in the previous century, could be eliminated, and deadly diseases
have been contained such as, diphtheria, polio and measles, among others.

Now, in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of vaccines

that reduce the risks of contagion or mitigate the effects of the virus are the main
global response strategy to this health emergency.

Now, the development and application of vaccines for COVID-19 worldwide will
mitigate the economic and health effects of the pandemic by reducing the
transmission of the virus and the severity of the disease.

I was very excited when I found out there was a vaccine and that I would
have access to it.

So when it was my turn to roll up my shirt sleeve at the clinic, I was really excited.

But I'm going to be open and honest: the vaccine brought me down.

Let's be clear, even knowing what happened, I would do it again. I'd rather have
side effects than covid, or another year of restrictions, or a higher chance of
accidentally passing the virus on to a loved one.

I received my first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine at 09:30 in the


That night I began to feel worse and worse and could barely get out of bed for
the next three days.

The worst was the migraine and vomiting, but I also had aches, chills and
Explain what is the problem with Education and Health in Honduras using
the vocabulary learn on this module.

Both Health and Education present serious problems due to the lack of a State
policy, corruption and disinvestment in these sectors.

Problems Education

Regarding Education, one of the main problems refers to the lack of schools, 75
percent of public schools are destroyed, seven out of ten schools are damaged
and only one health service works for each child.

Ovenir Flores, vice-president of the Honduran Teacher Training College, said for
his part that the situation of education in the country is "critical."

"75 percent of educational centers have been destroyed. There are no desks in
the classrooms, there is no school lunch or teacher training. Teachers' salaries
have been frozen for 10 years," he explained.

Health problems

The president of the Honduran Medical Association (CMH), Suyapa Figueroa,

pointed out that "the origin of the protests is the fact that the government has
systematically and progressively dismantled the health system, has made the
provision of services more precarious of health of the Honduran population
through many laws that it has been enacting".

Corruption is one of the serious problems within the health system. According to
data from the National Anticorruption Council, corruption levels in the area have
reached 49 percent.

Cuts in the health budget and the lack of medical personnel is another serious
problem. According to international estimates, there should be 25 doctors for
every 10,000 inhabitants. However, in Honduras there are 16 specialists.

The absence of medical personnel (doctors, specialists and nurses) has

complicated health care for most Hondurans.

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