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16546 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3,1986

Benedictine prioress j
Honored!with Alum Award
religious communities and also, lectured to written six books, over 37 articles, and
a variety of groups. make six cassette tapes on a variety of
^ Presently, Chittister is the Prioress to the religious issues. Also, she has completed sx
; Benedictine Sisters of Erie. She has held, research projects, directed workshops, held
and currently holds, several office positions lectures, presentations and has participated
Sr. Joan Chittister, * 'Distinguished Alumni Member of 1986" in different organisations. She was Presi- in seven international programs.
dent of the Conference of Women Besides her current award from Mer-
by Julie Cherico After recieving her B.A. in English from Religious in 1976 and the U.S. Delegate to cyhurst, Sr. Chittister has received three
Mercyhurst, Sr. Chittister completed {her the International Union of Superiors from other honorary awards within the past 10
Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B., Ph.D., M.A. in Communication Arts at the 1982 to 1986. Currently she serves as the years. These have included the "Distiguish-
was named the • "Distiguished Alumni University of Notre Dame. From there, Sr. President of the Conference of American ed Pennslyvania'* award, presented to her
Member of the Year" at the 60th Anniver- Chittister went on to receive her Ph.D. in Benedictine Prioresses and a board member by the William Penn Society and an
sary dinner, Sat. Sept 29. Sr. Chittister, a Speech/Communication Theory at Penn of the Ecumenical and Cultural Research Honorary Doctor of Law Degree from
1962 graduate of Mercy hurst was selected State University. ^ Institute. In the Erie area, Sr. Chittister sits Chestnut Hill College. &
by the Alumni Board members because of m Chittister has held numerous teaching on the Board of Corporators of Hamot The "Distinguished Alumni Member**
her outstanding contributions and jobs, elemetary through college, practiced Health Systems. * award and anniversary dinner was one of
achievements she has made throughout the in the field of social psychology, com- Along with all of those offices held, Chit- the| highlights of t his k past homecoming
years. munications theory .served as consultant to tister has managed to find time to have weekend.

rrTCernships and Co-ops •88.24%T$i our graduates are

gainfully employed in their

restructured <and renamed

by Brenda Kondik been some confusion to the grading system the internships to the Career Services
| major field of study
-19% departments show 100%
for the internships. Dr. David Palmer, department. * * "P 5.9% of our graduates are
Questions regarding supervision and academic dean, and Tyrone B. Moore, Why the change of supervision ? "...A
grading policy have recently been raised director of Career Services and Cooperative lack of uniformity and special supervi- listed as unemployed or not
concerning internships and the Cooperative Education, have attempted to straighten sion," observes Moore. This is the "ap-
Education Programs. In the past, there has out the problems by transferring control of parent reason why the division lis now seeking employment*
supervising certain internships this year.
Career Services will continue to handle all Latest statistics from External Affairs
Cooperative Programs as in the past.
High standards are set for the programs very efficient manner, as it has with the co-
requiring "special attention" Registered ops.
Dieticians, those with Masters Degrees in Students will soon be receiving a letter of
Sociology, and hospital-experience are information about internship for the
necesssary in the supervisory role in the 1986-87 academic school year. Re-
departments of Dietetics, Sociology and quirements are reviewed, as are student ap-
Nursing. Added to this list of exceptions plicability and qualifications. A research
are Medical-Technology and Education, paper (ten-page minimum) is one of the re-
which will also be handled by the indepen- quirements to be completed by each
dent departments. j» A student. t
"I foresee that the internships that are
handled by the Career Services Office will

be more efficient," concludes Dr. Palmer.
The notable success of the co-op as well as
the internship programs is due to the qualty
standards and the academic viability.
Observes Director Moore, "In the awar-
ding of academic credit, there should be but
one required standard.*' »>£ / The Far
Moore's program , "highly applauded
on national and state levels* \ has proven to
be one of the finest in the country. The
Side Pg- 4
United States Department of Education has
given the Cooperative Education Program
the title of "the Model Program.** Nptfun&
This leads to the discretion of the grading
policy, because contact between
worker/supervisor is so limited in the co-op
Sacred., ^ 6
nternship atmosphere, precise evaluation is
not possible; therefore, the pass/fail policy
will remain, . 2£ *
Sports pg§8
The Laker spirit in full force - for more, see pages 2 and 8 Palmer .also, feels-'that * -Career .Services
Photo: J. Conmy will be able to monitor"the. internships in a v "<+•
PAGE 2 fllic fMcrcta& OCTOBER 3,1986

Honors Program Rejuvenated

by Jackie Rzomp freshman year to participate in the are Chris Rayner (president),
program. Also, non-honor K a r e n C a v a l a n c i a (vice -
The Egan Honors Program was students are permitted in honors president), Christine Brown
i implemented at Mercyhurst over classes with the idea that they (recording secretary), Theresa
Kirik (social programs chairper-
10 years ago to introduce students know what they are getting into. |
fi&sAM^ wS®fe$^ x^fti

to a richer experience than that Honors Program courses are son), and Lisa Serwinski (public
which usual college courses pro- generally associated with founda- relations). £
vide. The original concept was to tion and distribution core courses. The council meets weekly to
- ^ get top students who are scattered Students who participate in the develop and implement program
across majors to come together program by taking one honors goals. According to Lutton, 'The
and share interests. course per term receive a pin upon students are trying to generate a
Last year the Egan Honors Pro- successful completion of nine sense of program—a sense of com-
gram was renamed the Mer- courses and special recognition at munity. It all fits with the nature
cyhurst Honors Program. Accor- graduation. of the program.' s i &
ding to Dr. Lew Lutton, professor Lutton is quick to point out to The major program flaw which
of biology and Honors Program students and faculty that "The the council is working to amend is
Mercyhursi Homecoming Court - from left to right: Chris Renouf, advisor, the purpose of the name courses are not meant to be more the unpredictability of when
Steve Loshelder, Chris Alessi, Mike Seierka, Julie Juenematin (Queen), change was two-fold. work or more difficult. They are honors courses are offered and
Norman Gabriel (King), Lori Martin, Peggy Hirsch and Karen David- First, the Egan Honors Pro- meant to be a reward in two their conflict with major courses.
son. Not pictured: Judy Brown, • photo: T. Fleet respects. Number one, they are a Most students who withdraw
gram was constantly confused
with the Egan Scholarship. When reward for the student who has from the program do so because it
the Honors Program originated, done well. And number two, they would be difficult for them to
Homecoming deemed a Egan Scholarship recipients were
required to participate in the
are a reward for being active in
education and not passive."
continue without upsetting their
schedules. And when honors
courses are forced into cancella-
"Definite Success" Honors Program as criteria for
scholarship renewal. This is no
longer necessary. The Egan
To encourage students to par-
ticipate actively in their own
education, the courses are design
tion because of low enrollment,
both students and faculty are
Scholarship is separate and ed as seminars with students hurt. Therefore, the councif will
By Matthew J. Clark success of the weekend event. distinct from the Mercyhurst generating open discussion. attempt to meet with students,
"It was a positive by having Honors Program. ?? Over the past year, the program faculty, and administration to
Last weekend's Homecoming Villanova for our homecoming Second, when the two programs has undergone other changes work on solving the problems.
has been termed a "definite suc- game, however, most of the alum- cut ties, it was necessary that the besides that of its title. When There are several other ac-
cess*' by Alumni Relations Direc- ni who attended came to meet old selection process for participation schedulfng, advisors and students tivities on which the council is
tor Gary Bukowski. "Based on friends and see their old school,** in the Honors Program be will notice section number 888 working. At the beginning of the
revised. \ designating any honors courses. term, the dinnei speaker series
comments from various alumni, he said. will continue in which faculty
Under the new system, I utton An H on a student's transcript
Homecoming was certainly suc- will signify that one has earned members are invited to discuss
Bukowski pointed out that looks at incoming freshmen
cessful. Everyone certainly had credits in an honors course. This non-curricular topics with the
there were many individuals who records. After weighing the fac-
something to do on campus," he holds true for all students-even Mercyhurst community in the
played a big role in the planning tors of SAT scores and high faculty, dining rn^mT |
said j those who are^not- officially .parj
of the Homecoming event. "This fchool—performanee, Lutton in- of the Honors Program—and will
Around 500 alumni attended The Honors Program also
year's homecoming committee vites students to consider enroll- (reflect on transcripts for honors hopes to host a session on apply-
the Homecoming Weekend.
really made a first-rate effort in ing in Honors Program courses. classes taken prior to the change. ing to and attending graduate
Bukowski gave special thanks to Lutton is aware that there are
pulling together a homecom- One of the biggest differences school as well as participating in
the HRM department for their consequences that result from the
ing/alumni college celebration selection process. He realizes that between the past and present pro- Dr. George Garrelts' film/discus- j
"excellent dinner** which capped
that will be one of the most "students who can benefit and gram lis the recent formation? of sion series.' *
off a fine Saturday afternoon
memorable in the college's contribute to the program maybe the Mercyhurst Honors Council. For members of the program,
football game at Erie Veterans
60-year history. Tom Dore and overlooked.'' Therefore, students Last spring, program participants social events, travel, and quiet
Memorial Stadium which featured
Joanne Druzak were a tremen- who are academically motivated held a general meeting and elected study h o u s i n g are being
the upstart Mercyhurst Lakers
dous help and did so many things may be invited after their 'five students to the Council. They considered
giving a big scare to Division I
that made the weekend's events
Villanova. *.. run so smoothly," said Bukowski.

D'Angelo Music Ensembles are

"The game was great. Many of Dore is Associate Director of
the alumni really enjoyed it. I Alumni Relations and Druzak is
think Villanova now realizes that Secretary to the Director of Alum-
Mercyhurst is a team to be ni Relations.
reckoned w i t h , " Bukowski
suggested. * Bukowski suggested that next
seeking interested songbirds
Bukowski stated that having a year's Homecoming will once by Jennifer Singer singers perform in costume in singers. Rehearsals for both are
big name team was a plus to the again offer many activities for December at the Madrigal dinner held at St. Marks Center, where
Homecoming event, but that it alumni. "We're already planning Do you like to sing? Were you sponsred by HRM. they have been held for the past
really wasn't THE reason for the for next year," he concluded. involved with your high school In addition to chorus there is four years. Chorus rehearsals are
chorus? Do you want to get in- also the instrumental ensemble. If Monday, Wendesday, Thursday,
volved while you are at college? If you were a member of your high and Friday from 3-3:45. Madrigal
your answer was yes to all of these school band or just enjoy playing rehearsals are Tuesday and Thurs-
questions, then the next question a musical instrument you are* day from 4-5. For more informa-
would be "Are you involved with welcome to join the ensemble. tion contact Chiarelli at the
the Mercyhurst Chorus yet?" If Like the chorus, the ensemble is D'Angelo School of Music, Joan-
so, great! If not, why? ™ open to all. na Dingfelder at 833-0205 or An-
The Mercyhurst Chorus is still Mr. Joseph Chiarelli conducts nie Branthoover at Baldwin Hall,
in need of chorus and Madrigal both the chorus and the Madrigal 825-9389. ~ ^ *
singers and it is open to all
members of the Mercyhurst Com- A D* wmon o ' l C P * n n e r Co Itw
munity. You do not have to be a TRUST
music major; all majors are T H R I F T D R U G • » f r p e m <
welcome, whether you are an art
major or an education major. As
Joanna Dingfelder puts it "We
even have a football player involv- Grandvlew Shopping Plaza
nSW^w ed." You can join chorus as an 825-2333
extracurricular activity which will
show on your transcript, or you
can join for one credit per term. JCPenney Catalog
This applies to all majors. The
chorus puts on a performance To order call: Order Inquiries Call
The Laker football team and fans sided 'together to taunt every term and the* Madrigal 1 -800-222-6161
Villanova* * photo:J.Conmy i 825-2901
OCTOBER 3,1986 31? e UJUrcfaft PAGE 3

At MSG Meeting
Toaster issue pops up
by Jennifer Singer S.A.C. officers was once again This year the MSG officers are
discussed since it was tabled at last taking over the Student Directory.
B On Sept. 28, 1986 Michael Kel- week's meeting. Susan Trumbull If you'want your phone number
ly, President of Mercyhurst Stu- restated the proposal and a roll published in the directory be sure
dent Government called the week- call vote was called. The MSG to talk with MSG secretary, Peggy
ly meeting to order. Following the representatives voted against this Hirsch or one of the volunteers
roll call, Susan Trumbull, S.A.C. propoal. Therefore, ^last year's' who will be coming to the apart-
spokesperson was introduced. She proposal still stands. ments to check on names and
announced a performance will be President Michael Kelly and numbers.
held in the recital hall on Friday at Vice-president John Widican The Mercyhurst Student
8 p.m. Saturday afternoon shut- discused the new alcohol policy i Government is trying to boost
tles will transport students to and with Mr. Kennedy, Dr. Garvey, school spirit with a contest to find
from Millcreek Mall. and Phyllis Aiello last Friday the/Mercyhurst mascot. To enter i
The Cafeteria Committee is evening. Kelly and Widican in- all that is needed is a rough sketch
looking for new ways to make the formed everyone at the meeting and a brief description. There will
breakfasts hotter and better. They that parties are not banned. Beer be a cash prize given to the winn-
are considering the purchase of kegs and loud music is what is ing idea. Information will be
toasters for the students to make banned. If the parties are kept in- posted concerning this contest.
their own toast. side and are not destructive then The meeting was then adjourn- (Left to right) Paul Iddings, Kimberly G,*David Scribner, Bobble
The pay scale proposal for there should not be any problems. ed by Michael Kelly. Gay do and Ad rien Bohl.

Library makes substantial acquisitions; a

The Leavings" opens
appoints Assistant Director iof fLibrary Little Theatre season
by Lisa Georgdino before someone suggested that his York City, to a system of more By Matthew J. Clark library in Cleveland, OH and has
talent would work better for him regionalized productions. The just received a Ph.D. in Informa-
The director of the National in theater. main incentive for this migration In its efforts to continually im- tion Science from Case Western
Playwrights Showcase is Mr. Paul When asked to comment on the is primarily financial. It is possi- prove learning opportunity and Reserve University. *
jC. Iddings. He has been involved future of the theatrical arts, Id- ble to lose in excess of $10 million academic growth, the Hammer- "This is especially important to
with theater for thirty years, and dings had much to say. He in one night in New York City. mill Library administration has us," continued Cooper, "because
jhas directed, acted, and taught in • •
purchased many new books and in the years ahead, Mercyhurst's
New York and other cities. This hired a new assistant librarian. library will have to be automated
Virginia native is part of the full- in order to keep up with the sei
time faculty staff at Mercyhurst! j& They've acquired 11,020 new
books since April, 1985. The new vices that are now available
College. Upon arrival, he had through on-line systems." £
directed over fifty productions; books purchased cover all areas of
study. j ^ a * ' W e were looking for
jiddings, along wiih his produc- somebody who had good poten-
tions and performers, has been "Our main aim has been to im-
prove and enhance the curriculum tial for academic reference work
awarded the Sadie Award by the and administrative details and
Times Publishing Company, and related areas of study, especially
music and literature,'' said Ham- who also had had some diverse ex-
the Bravo Award by the Erie perience in different kinds of
Theater Arts Institute. He has had mermill Library Director, Joan
Cooper. % t libraries," she said. i
work produced at the regional Cooper went on to say that Rit-
level of the A.C.T.F. More than $600,000 has been tenhouse, "has an excellent
Iddings began working at Mer- granted to the Library from the background in business and the
cyhurst in 1971, but he left four Mercyhurst's Hanunermill Library Capital Campaign Fund to be natural sciences and that should
years later. After two years of believes, "Theater is the most I The play with which Iddings is spent in a period of three to five be a big help to students needing t
professional work, he began lifelike of all the arts. It can currently involved, "The Leav- years. As of Sept. 1,1986, the new reference assistance in this
teaching at Penn State University, change things in our society. ings," is an example of how the book purchases brought the total library." J£$| : f
where he stayed for six years. He Comedy in particular can point high cost of producing theater in number of volumes in the Ham- Rittenhouse had some good
.returned to Mercyhurst in 1985. out things and poke fun at them New York City has influenced mermill Library to 114,000. things to say about his new home.
At one time Iddings was work- to create change." theater. This play will open for "The campus is very attractive
ing towards religious ministry Just over the past summer, a
L Iddings suggests that theater is the first time as a production of a new assistant librarian was hired and the students seem happy and
through the Church of the beginning to move away from ma- regional theater group. positive about themselves. The
to replace Judy Maxham, who
Brethren. It didn't take long jor theatrical centers like New As Iddings explains it, "The was a reference librarian and an curriculum is very broad for a
Leavings" is, * * About a young, assistant to the director for the small liberal arts college. I think
TONY SABELLA'S Jewish mother who is dying of ter- past 13 years. A national search
minal cancer. She is determined to was conducted with an ad being
make her death memorable. As placed in the "Chronicle of
the church influence helps the
quality of the schools," he
commented. £
GENUINE i the play states, she 'shakes death's Higher Education." Mercyhurst
boat.' " received responses nationwide and
p" Reiterating her confidence\ in
the new assistant librarian,
PIZZA & DELICATESSEN Even though the subject is had a total of about 40 applicants
serious, the play is very funny. It for the position. '* *
Cooper stated, "A good librarian
has to have a global view and you
is a flashback, told by her hus- have to be interested in libraries
Hours: Tues., Wed., The new hiree for the Assistant
band, played by Iddings. Saul, her Librarian position, Dr. Robert J. other than your own and your
Thurs., Sun. 5-11:00 p.m.; son, is played by David Scribner, Rittenhouse, comes from a type of library,! and Dr. Rit-
fit, Sat. 5-1 a.m. and the therapist-nurse is played background in public libraries. He tenhouse ^certainly fits those
by Bobbie Gaydos. spent seven years in a corporate criteria.

F R E E DELIVERY Iddings adds, "Ultimately, the

play shows how the mother deals
DINE IN OR with dying and how it affects .
CARRY OUT m^ others around her." *• %
The playwright, Hal Lieber-
• International Physical
man, will arrive from Los Angeles
Fitness Association (IPFA)
FRESH DOUGH CHEESE PIZZA on Oct. 4. "The Leavings"
world premiere, so do as Iddings
is a
With 2 extra items of your choice says and, "See it first at the
* i HurstS" % f (jDlgmptr IFittwaua (btttar
The production dates include
LARGE CALZONE Oct. 10, 11, 16, 17, and 18, at
With 4 Items Of Your Choice 8:00PM, and Oct. 12, at 2:30PM.
and *&ttt ©anntng <£enter f? |
It is free to the students on This Card Good For One Free Visit And Use Of Facilities
_ each Thurs., Oct. 9, at 8:00 p.m., and 12064)8 East 38th Street • Erie, Pa. • Phone 825-7084
Expires 10/17/86 Good For 1st Visit Only ^ht \
Sun., Oct. 12.

PAGE 4 CStie UBerctaii OCTOBER 3, 1986

Losing with dignity

by Brian Sheridan t
Attempting to curb OFF
There arc many ways to lose but to lose with dignity is pro-
bably the toughest. On Saturday, that's exactly how the Laker
football team lost to Villanova. The defeat was tough to take
"No Keg" confusions CORD

.especially with iObeing homecoming week-end, but nobody by Michael Kelly, MSG President the school has also decided to pro-
should have been upset because the both the fans and players j hibit large noisy parties which
brought respect to the Mercyhurst name.* In the past number of weeks the J they define as ones overflowing
I was there working for WSBE TV's Newswatch 35 sports and' campus has been the scene of j the unit, be it a townhouse or
had a view as close as you can get without actually being a much of confusion over the ad- apartment. Responsible drinking
minstration's new alcohol policy. and discretion by the students is
player. It also gave me a chance to listen to the chatter on the Parties were held by students, seen as desirable and necessary by
bench and see the fans in the stands. Most of the time the players they were written up, the keg con- the adminstration. i
| seemed to be holding their breath in anticipation. fiscated leaving the students That I understand is the postion
For the lay person like myself who didn't know what the heck wondering what they could and at this time. Nobody is trying to that the majority are being
a nose tackle was until two weeks ago, Villanova's reputation could not do. As promised at the prevent us from having fun. penalised for the excesses of the
for playing on the level of Division One football meant as much recent MSG meeting, John I Anyone who attended the Jeffer- minority. Unfortunatly in this
to me as the mechanics of a rocket engine. Their importance was Widican and I arranged a meeting son Street band a week ago saw case this seems to be true but it is
demostrated to me on my own terms when I found out that this with Dr. Garvey, Mr. Kennedy, many people drinking. Everything up to the majority to show that as
game was being broadcast live to the entire Philadelphia area Ms. Aiello and Mr. Dever, head was under control and Dr. Garvey a student body, we are responsi-
of Mercyhurst security. was very pleased that the night ble. By being sensible and discreet
over WGBS-TV. The money they spent to broadcast and the about our drinking I feel that, not
Very briefly, I would like to tell was going well. The events of last
| sophisticated equipment and personel employed cost a bundle you what they told me and to of- Friday and Saturday night leads only can we have as much fun as
demonstrating this wasen't a small-time team. Our men showed fer some of my own thoughts on me to believe that parties on Mer- before, but we can also prove that
them that we weren't nickle-and-dimers either. the subject. Basically, on the Mer- cyhurst can be as good as before the majority may, in this case,
tft really takes a certain amount of guts to agree to take on a cyhurst campus, the use of kegs is and maybe better. In the coming have been unfairly sanctioned.
team that tough. The players may have convinced themselves | prohibited. For as the adminstra- months, the weather will change "Off the Record" is solely the
they could win but the polls outside of the college reflected other tion is concerned they encourge and the parties by neccessity will opinion of its writer and does not
ideas. Coach Demeo was right, it was the classic "David and speakeasies which are illegal. Due be inside. reflect the attitudes or editorial
Goliath" situation. Our Davids may not have made the giants to reported complaints from Many people have commented policy of this publication, its staff
fall but certainly did put a scare into them. |_neighbors in the Briggs Ave. area,
^ ^ in the last few days that it is unfair or its advertisers.

I'm not going to go into the play-by-play of the game, you can tiWT* *• •
turn to the sports pagerfoMhat* but H u s t ^ r a m t e d n o l a l T e T h ^ ^ l \ ^ ^ V % ^ C \<£\ 9
time to tell the team they did an outstanding job. At the game's pM^k^J • CJmm-E
end, they, and this college, had nothing to be sad about. They §
played with excellence. This week, I walked into the one invariably heard as the conve-
Merciad office to do my whatever nience 'Store clerk rings up a pur- Managing Editor's note: Please
It was also great to see tl\e crowd support for the Hurst. The it is I do, and Brian Sheridan told chase - "Will there be anything do not misconstrue this column as
"green machine" and the cheerleaders did as an excellent job as me I had to come up with 36 lines else^bday ? M

n another 'Nothing Sacred,' I am

the team did. The people down in Philly watching the game got a for my column. Thirty-six lines I'm not sure if they want to quite capable of ranting and rav-
taste of Laker-mania and probably were impressed by such a isn't too bad but I didn't have any know if I need anything else, or if ing like a lunatic on my own,
small school having such enthusiasm even when our team was idea what I wanted to write. I I plan on ceasing my existence at thank you. (So there, Brian. Take
down by more than one touchdown. Before closing I have to decided to give in to the inane that exact moment. that!) h > : !
mention for the benifit of the "green machine" that yes indeed, desire to rave.
the crew team has spirit too. v A First, I will give the reason why
the Roman Catholic answer to all
of life's questions is 42. s YHE PAR SIDE By GARY LARSON
CUheiiHerctaO To begin, there were 12
apostles. Factor 12 into its com-
ponents, and we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
Brian Sheridan, Editor and 12. Discard 1 and 12, since 1
Chris Kovskl, Managing Editor is a factor of every number and
every number is a factor of itself.
Jennifer Conmy, Sports Editor Now we have the pairs 2-6 and
Ton I Fleet, Photography Editor 3-4. The number for the Trinity is
3, so we take the 3 half of that
Paula Bruno, Calendar Editor pair. To make the numerical cor-
4 respondence complete, we take
H. L. Beezub, Business Editor
the 2 out of the other pair. The
Tom Mulligan, Asst. Business Manager reason for this move is the fact
Matthew J- Clark, Circulation Manager that 2x3 equals 6, so we now ac-
count for the 2 and 6. Two
squared is four, so now all factors
are involved. We are now con-
VOL. 60 NO. 3 FRIDAY.OCT.3.1986 sidering 2, 3 and 6. Ask a number
of people to cite their lucky
number, and 95 percent will res-
Reporters pond with 7. The lowest common
multiple.of 2, 3, 6 and 7 is 42.
Alan Carpenter Usa Georgino Jennifer Montanl
Julie Cherico Ann Johnson Jackie Rzomp I hate the way doctors askj
Chuck Fleet Brenda Kondick Jennifer Singer "How are we doing today?" Ob-
viously the doctor is doing better
than me. He is healthy, has an ex-
Angela Chlrillo, Photographer Bridget Presutti, Typist pensive home, drives a Mercedes
convertible or a Porsche and takes
Dennis McCarthy, Faculty Adviser Wednesdays off to play golf.
I, on the other hand, am sick
T h e Merclad is the student-edited newspaper of (or I wouldn't be there), live with
Mercyhurst College, 501 East^38th Street, Brie, PA my parents, drive an old
16546. The Merclad office is located in the base- Oldsmobile and work seven days a
ment of Baldwin Hall phone 825-0376. week, i '•' ..&£,'
• Another question 1 'hate is the i-ii
Life on a microscope slide
OCTOBER 3,1986
Stye iMercfad PAGE 5

Former ?radio D. J adjusts to life as! Hurst A.D

by John Leisering Principle" years ago. Among academic losers. I will also admit I
other things, the author talked Mercyhurst continues to hire good to use my 11 years in radio to help
do not place a premium on winn- coaches and recruit the best stu- our communications majors and
It was the last week in March I about one reaching the level of in- ing- Paramount to me are the ef-
was working in the Brie Blades of- dent athletes possible, winning minors. The radio industry is a
competence. Could that possibly fort and good sportsmanship. If will take care of itself. J
fice at the Erie Civic Center. Erie very competitive one. Good train-
had made the Alantic Coast I hope to improve (if that's the ing is essential. My experienced
Hockey League Division playoffs correct choice of words) the rela- has made me profoundly aware of
again juid was getting ready to tionship between the athletic and this. . \: J
host Virginia in the semi-finals. other departments. We in the I am proud to be here at Mer-
The phone rang. It was Dorthy Campus Center expect support cyhurst. I am equally proud to be
Kirk from Dr. Garvey's office. from you, we must reciprocatal. I working with and for so many
The Mercyhurst College President was watching the recent Jerry good people. Life here will not be
would like to meet me at my Lewis Telethon when Mr. T. without its share of problems and
earliest convenience. Did she made an appearance. " T " told headaches. Joy and sorrow are
know the purpose of the meeting? the viewers he could not, in good i often next door neighbors. But
No, Dorthy had simply been in- conscience, ask them to con- when good people are working
structed to call and set up tribute if he didn't make a pledge together, ho difficulty is ever too
something. Little did I realize then [himself. He then proceeded to great to overcome.
that the meeting would bring give Jerry a personal check for My door is always open. I look
about a major change in my life. $50,000. I feel the ame way. forward to seeing you at as many
That's why I'll do my best to be as of our athletic events as you have
It was during that meeting Dr. visible as I can on this campus. time for and I wish each and
Garvey and the Director of Ad- John Leisering, Athletic Director
ministration, Tom Billingsley, As for the position in the com- everyone of you a wonderful and
discussed the possibility of my photo: T. Fleet munications department, I hope safe school year.
becoming the Athletic Director happen to me in this case? After
and Communications Department all, I had never taught in my life.
instructor here at Mercyhurst. And while I had. some ad-
What a surprise! A year ago, ministrative experience, very little
unemployed due to an ownership of it had involved athletics. Then,
change at a local radio station, I too, I enjoyed my duties with the
had been pounding the pavement Blades - public relations director
lookig for work. Among my stops and radio play-by-play an-
was my alma mater where Dr. nouncer. Going from the known
Garvey told me there was nothing I io the relatively unknown worried
at the moment for which I would me. But after many conversations
be suited but the would keep his with my wife and some personal
eyes and ears open. I remember soul searching, I accepted.
thanking him for his time but As this is being written, my first
seriously doubting that I would month at the college is coming to
ever hear from him again. A few an end. And if there is one word
weeks later, I was hired as news to describe my first 30 days, it
director at another local radio sta- would be "hectic." The jobs are
tion. Last November, I transfer- very demanding and time-
red to the Erie Blades on a full- consuming.
time basis. So much for I am a firm believer in
Mercyhurst. academics. As athletic director,
But now the offer had, in ef- acadmics must come first. I'd hate
fect, been tendered, what to do? I to see any of our student athletes
remember reading * 'The Peter leave as athletic winners but .

?2lawemflflS A

Cit Ea*k:> E.S.P. Show - 8 rvm Zuni
K v V. Ul 11 .ill I &
Hay Production — The Uwuiy.
tattle Theatre *
K |\m..

lUcak Away Weekend - IVUds in CMHTU* Mnuslry ft

SATURDAY A J S X& Art Show — 3-S (vm »Cumnm«> Cattery lil
4 MiMcrcck Mall - Shuttle, tmv YU.A. Niivvuiber II
Play Product ton - 7m- IAUIWU. * » n w .
SUNDAY M\ _ Theatre
Movie - Hnvkfttst Club. 7 n.m. dhmwft.
Student Uiuun
6 o i o d i u l e School Day - --•• •>.•> UUHMUI
I k u w w t ) ILimmviiiuH Center -
13 Campus Ministry Food f i r m

- TUESDAY ^ * 1 4 Rap* on KcUflon - ItrJU a m . ft
/ Rap* on Hcligion — l U u t t a n t . C a m p u s Miinvli\
Ministry Campus Ministry Food Drive
8 TVo tlctl Recruiting — I Vi.uK in CaKVi I D Seminar: Writing Ke| fc— l*i M 4.1

Serxvo llenlatKr lo**m

•; 7:15 m» /in FilmforDiscussion — ttrvfon Kmdkm\ 7:15
Film lor Dl>cu>slon - |
Kcvrtal II.U1 pin. ZumloxiUl llaU
Coop Seminar — 7 \\M . I k u t ^ s ICmnu
Theatre Audition* — /fie W W J , <> iun|
liilL- llu-jlie
I D World Food Day u
C.KA. I t a i RecrnitinM - llnmivsdiuah-
FALL WEEKEND lU.^uivt and Cwm. uVtad* in t W Seethes
Piny Product MM — 7m laura*/ M pin.. I attic
. «lDAY
ft Omr - 12 mum m FuuikialAkl
L UK Vuuuri,toJim I rtlk
liar - Imr l«urmy. » j\*>.. l-*Uk 1)iedlte

!*W^ .1/ ' • •

v )


QJIK iflerciab

ii ^
Tough Guys'\ haven't changed

by Brian Sheridan Douglas. Their acting style, with as well.

the rock solid chins and steely- P
Unfortunately not everything in
In the days of old Hollywood, eyed stares, hasn't exactly been in this film toes the lines like its
actors specializing in tough guy demand lately and they have had stars. Orr's and Cruickshank's i
roles were a dime a dozen. Most to take secondary roles playing script relys too much on scenes «•*«*«*•»

of them had the looks of an old administrators or simple cameo cutting back and forth between
bulldog looking for a fight, but appearances. TOUGH GUYS the ex-cons separately rediscovei
unlike today*s toughies, they gives Douglas and Lancaster the ing music, sex and work. It's an «

could give a passable acting per- limelight, and they perform with easy way to get laughs and some
formance when called upon. gusto. I of the gags don't elicit the intend-
Now,; two of the best, Kirk Since this is a "fish-out-of- ed guffaws.
Douglas and Burt Lancaster, have water" comedy, director Jeff Also on hand in supporting
teamed up to apply the hard- Kanew and writers James Orr and roles are other performers from
nosed style of the fifties to today's Jim Cruickshank have stressed the the fifties like actress Alexis
culture. So look out you Schwar- point that Lancaster and Douglas Smith, ravishing as evei, and Eli •> •

zeneggers, Stallones and Norrises, are actors from another period. Wallach. Wallach's involved in
because TOUGH GUYS shows T h e y d r a w c a r t o o n i s h TOUGH GUYS best running gag,
how it's supposed to be done. charicatures from their own im- about a nearly blind hit man name
Nothing Sacred
They just don't* come any ages. The pin-stripe suits they Leone B. Little, who tries to kill
meaner than Archie Long wear look wider and sharper than Long and Doyle, though they
by Brian Sheridan
(Douglas) or Harry Doyle (Lan- they should be and it appears that can't remember why. With all the hoopla (and you up. Looped. Lushy. S
caster). They were incarcerated in someone drilled a deeper dimple By the time Doyle and Long get know how much I love anything Mashed. Messed. Muzzy. Nail-
1956 after attempting a train rob- in Douglas' chin. For their ages, sick of today's rules and decide to that allows me to use the word ed. Nappy. Oblivated. Oiled.
bery and since that year they have Douglas at 67 and Lancaster at once again hold up the train they hoopla) recently about drinking Ossified. Overserved. Pasted.
been cellmates holding onto the 72, both still look great and the got caught doing 30 years ago, on our campus, I took a look at Pickled. Pie-eyed. Pissed.
code of macho behavior. Now muscles on Douglas would make a you're hooked on the charm of the use of alcohol in our culture. Paralytic. Plastered. Plotched.
they find themselves paroled and 21 year old envious. TOUGH GUYS. Yes, it does have The "bending of the elbow," as it Polluted. Pounded. Potted. Prim-
the world a different place in The comedy they're required to a similarity to Michael Winner's were, is held in pretty high regard ed to the sticking point. Pummell-
where guys like them just don't perform, though, doesn't com- comedy, GOING IN STYLE, despite the fact that too much of ed. Quiffed.
fit. They try nevertheless to stick promise their dignity. It comes starring George Burns and Art! the joy juice leads to assorted cir- Racked. Raddled. Ragged. Rip-
to their code and make the best of close when Douglas has a scene Carney. That story of three senior r hoses, excuses for violence, ped. Sauced. Schizzed out.
the situation. They also have to trying on the latest fashions, but citizens who hold up a bank, took forgotten nights and unwanted Shanghaied. S faced.*
fight the prejudice that old people he plays disdain so well, he makes the sentimental* route,i where pregnancies. J-tar jg | S h e r id a n . S h el l a c k e d .j
can only eat cream of spinach and it funny. Instead of crazed reac- TOUGH GUYS never takes off Somewhere on tne granaplaiT Schnockered. Scrooched. Shot.
spend time trying to look down tions to encounters with homosex- it's brass knuckles. t. i & of life we stop hero-worshipping Skunked.' Slammed. Smashed. I
the blouses of the nurses at the uals, nymphomaniacs and street "We haven't changed. The best guys like Batman and move to Small. Snapped. Soaked. Socked
retirement home. gangs, the boys cooly pull things in life never do," the guys kneeling at the porcelain alter of S o u s e d . S t i n k o . Stewed.
I The problem of the characters'! hilarious deadpans and slow stated twice in the movie. Douglas Budman. By that time the whole Stupored. Squashed. Squiffy.
vocabulary changes, we no longer Tanked. Tagged. Three sheets
cultural outdatedness does not ap- burns. The few tender* scenes they and Lancaster prove that, point just drink too much and get
ply in the movie but also to the ac- share show they're still capable of time and time again in TOUGH drunk, we get annihilated. Or to the wind. Thumped. Tight.
tual careers of Lancaster and handling the emotional moments GUYS, i * i ya bagged. Bamboozled. Bent out of, Tipsy. Toasted. Toe tagged. Tool
Ishape. Blasted. Blistered; Blitzed. ed. Torqued. Trashed. Twisted.
Blown away. Bombed. Boozed- Under the influence. Under the
up. $ table. Waffled. Wailed£
Walloped. Wasted. Whiffed.
Cockeyed, Corked. Corned. Zombied. Zonko. Zossed.
Cranked. Crocked. Crushed.
Dazed. Drenched. Euchred. Fac- * Sorry, Fouled-up and Slip-
ed. Feeling no pain. Feeling faced.
groovy. Flattened. Fryed. F—ed- That's over one hundred
up*. Fuddled. synonyms for the word "drunk."
The wimpy "Preppy Handbook"
Run as a "Write In" candidate for an Gassed. Gone. Gone borneo.
Goofy. Grogged. Grinning. Ham-
mered. Have a jag on. Hosed. In a
had only 20. If you think about
though, it's a little sick to have
fog. Inebriated. Imbibed. Juiced.
i MSG representative position. Junked. Kazooed. Knee walkin',
seat • stabbin'. Labeled. Lam-
| these many words for this kind of
activity. That's why from now on
I'm switching to the white stuff.
basted. Libated. Lit. Liqoured- Moo juice. Milk, that is.
| resident rep
3 freshmen reps AUTHENTIC
Letters of intent must be STEINS
brought to the MSG office, $7.95-2/$15.00
209 Old Main J as soon as Kit includes stein, opener & coasters
Available at: 4

possible i City Beer Company

2116 Ash Street
Elections will be held on October 21 & 22. Part-time Jobs Available Must Be 21 Years Off Age)

* ^
OCTOBER 3,1986
ffllie ittercfaft PAGE 7


NAUTILUS CENTER 1 (with matching grants for the 25 pages or less, along with
departments of the winners) name, age, college affliation,
ft The Nautilus Center will be are $1000, $600, and $400 permanent home address and
open Monday to Thursday respectively. The first place phone to PLAYBOY COL-
8:30 a.m.fto 4:30 p.m. and entry will also be published in LEGE FICTION CONTEST,
8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; Fri- the PENNYLVANIA CPA 919 North Michigan Avenue,
day 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; JOURNAL and all entrants Chicago, 111. 60611. Entries
and Sunday 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 will receive a one-year must be postmarked by
p.m. during fall term. subscription to the journal. January 1, 1987. First prize is
For more information, write $3,000 and publication of the
RECRUITERS ON to The Pennlyvania Institute story in PLAYBOY magazine.
CAMPUS! i of CPA's, 1608 Walnut Street, *

Philadelphia, PA, ^19103. PAPER BOXES

The following recruiters will LIBRARYHOURS j
be on campus this week: Taco The Erie Daily Times and
Bell Oct. 8 for HRM, Business 2 Fall term hours for the Morning News paper boxes
Administration, and Liberal Hammermill Library are as has been provided for your
Arts majors for Management follows: Monday thru | convience around campus.
positions; Marriott Corpora- Thursday- 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 "Hal Figured you might try escapln',
Please treat it as a convience. Bert — so I just took the liberty
tion Oct 8-9 for HRM majors p.m.; Friday- 8:30 p.m. to Of removin' your horse's brain."
for Co-op and Internship 4:15 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 p.m.

Editor's Note
placementsjand Catholic to 4:00 pan.; Sunday 2:00
University Oct.6 at Gannon. p.m. to 11:00 p.m. More people are needed to
For more information contact STUDENT UNION help out with p a r e n t ' s Since it's Fall Weekend, we will mannered reporters for "The Dai-
the Career Services* Office, The luxrious St udent Union is weekend. If you are interested be having next Friday off, so we ly Planet." *^
Main 204/ open Monday to Friday, 8:30 call Chris Riazzi - 866-0237 or will not be publishing an issue of They also want to encourage
p.m. to 11:00 p.m. On Satur- Babette Sharp 4825-8698. The Merciad next week. Both of anyone with an opinion about
^ACCOUNTING MAJORS day and Sunday the hours are the editors will be flying to the 'life, school, truth, justice and the
Bahamas for rest and recupera- American way to please write a
from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. CAMPUS CENTER tion. Please do not bother them. letter to the Editor and drop it off
p The Pennsylvania CPA HOURS They will not admit -to knowing in the mail room. Brian is par-
Journal is sponsoring a stu- PLAYBOY'S FICTION you. ticularly getting depressed open-
dent manuscript competition CONTEST Mkm* The Campus Center hours 1§ Before they board the plane to ling up the paper's mail box only
for accounting majors. The for fall term are as follows: the islands, they want to leave to find the current issue* of a
topic is Computer Applica- Playboy Enterprises an- Monday thru Thursday 8:30 everyone with an extra "Far Cuban newspaper. All letters,
tions in Accounting and all nounces its College Fiction a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 8:00 Side" comic to amuse most of you though, must be signed or they
papers should r be, 1500-200 Cpntest for all student writers. p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; Friday and to offend the rest. It can be cannot] be published. 1 Letter
words, t accompanied by a Enter your fictional, short 8:30 aim. to 4:30 p.m.; Sun- found directly above this note,. AIL bombs need no signature. Thank
50-75 word abstract. Awards story, typed, double- spaced, day 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in a days work for these mild- you for your continued support.

Saying Y o u »

Sorry 868-5151. Cinema World, 15th

by Dennis McCarthy There is also a potentially embar- committed a couple of typically and Pittsburgh Ave- 454-2881.
rassing situation regarding the teenage acts of inconsideration. Eastway, Eastway Plaza-
An immensely profitable book, cause of the sorrow. After all one He was wrong; but I really 899-4115. Plaza Theater, 8th and
and later movie, called "Love of the doomed lovers was losing I jumped on him, once in front of Pittsburgh Ave.- 455-0050.
Story" made a college teacher, their life; the other wouldn't even friends. Suddenly, I remembered
named Segal, millions of dollars, have a suitable prom date. the morning class and I publically THEATER Gannon -Theater
thrilled millions of people who While all this has always semed apologized and asked forgiveness. HYPNOTIST Gil Eagles, Hyp- will be presenting "The Little
read with their lips moving and sophomoric; it never seemed nox- One of the other teenagers later notist, will be appearing in the Theatre of the Green Goose" Oct.
was so cloying that, to borrow ious until last Friday, when I said, "My dad would never say he Zura recital hall Oct. 3 at,8:00 2-5 and Oct. 8-11 at 8:00 p.m. For
Dorothy Parker's memorable found myself doing less than my was wrong, especially in front of p.m. more information call the box of*
phrase, made other millions absolute best with my class. my friends." I felt profoundly fice at 871-7494. I
"want to fwow up". Teachers, being human generally, complimented which, of course, is SHUTTLES Millcreek Mall
[j< Further damage was done are obviously subject to human I completely immaterial. shuttles will be available Saturday MUSIC Walter Hendl Director
because Segal's story contained failings. It hasn't been very often What is important is that there Oct. 4. V | of the Erie Philharmonic presents
the oft-repeated admonition that that I felt while teaching that I is nothing wrong with apologizing pianist Garrick Ohlsson. Ticket
"Love means never having to say wasn't doing an adequate (or bet- to anyone when you're wrong, prices start at $8.25. For more in-
you're sorry." The simplistic| Iter) job. And when I knew, deep even, or more accurately, formation call 455-1375. Special |
reasoning apparently went as | inside, that I wasn't at my best, especially when you love that per- discounts are available for
follows: if you love someone they Iusually, I would just bluster my son. Segal and McGraw were students.
will always forgive you regardless way through, afterall, that was wrong; O'Neal was right. When
of your insensitivity or the example that I witnessed on you love someone and you fail MORE THEATER The Lin-
boorishness. " several occasions as a student. them or you see them being hurt if coln Theatre will open "Loot"
Also you don't need to express Suddenly, I knew that a1 you aren't sorry, you very well MOVIE "Breakfast Club" will Oct. 10. For times and additional
sorrow about any mischance that pretense of that kind was wrong. may not really love them. And if be shown Sunday, Oct. 4 in the information call the theater at
befalls the subject of your ardor — So I said to the class, "I am sorry you are sorry, tell them. I( you Student Union. The movie starts 459-2735 J
even premature, fulminating but this isn't my best, I'll do a bet- give a lover, a ^friend, a family at 7:00 p.m. f |HB
death by cancer — because, since ter job for you next time". I still member, a co-worker* a teacher LADIES NIGHT Felix's
you love the incipient victim, you don't j know what made that or, in my case, your students less MORE MOVIES Opening this presents "The' Men" Oct. 8.
are obviously desolated by the im- thought strike me then. But I'm than£ they deserve, you have a a weekend at a cinema near you- Ticket! are now. available at
pending loss and protestations of glad it did. moral obligation to apologize and "Tough Guys" and "Playing for Felix's, 418 East 12th or by calling
grief are therefore superfluous. ^That night my 15-year-old son to square accounts. «*f Keeps." Millcreek Mall^Cinema- 455-7647K E J K I
~ -
- ~
PAGE 8 4 .
ai|t«mfai OCTOBER 3,1986

Final Score. 35-42

L a k e r s stun V i U a n o v a despite loss

"Laker Mania" came alive in first quarter. The Wildcats' first Konyha scored j from four yards Lakers returned with three main ing in the contest. The score
Erie Veteran's Memorial Stadium score came on a four yard run by out. Matthew Dellana's kick was unanswered scores of their own. came on a flanker reverse pass of
this past weekend as the Mer- Ron Sency. The Wildcats would wide left, leaving the Lakers down Senior Bill Prencipe scored on a 35 yards. Mercyhurst last posse-
cyhurst Lakers hosted the Divi- score two more touchdowns 6-21. 4 jf 16 yard run in the opening sion ended when they failed to
sion I ViUanova Wildcats. The before the never-say-die Lakers The Hurst followed with a 14 minutes of the fourth quarter, br- convert a 4th and 1 play.
Wildcat fans in Philedelphia saw came back to score 19 unanswered yard pass from Brian Rostek to inging the score to** 25-35. The The ViUanova Wildcats held
an electrifying game as the Lakers points in the final minutes of the Scott Gorring. The two point con- Lakers defense got into the scor-~ only a slight advantage in total
gave the Wildcats a scare before second quarter. version failed, leaving the score at ing factor when Paul Mocho sack- yards, racking up 444 total yards
losing 35-42. * § The Lakers' scoring binge 12-21. Finally with 1:25 left in the ed the ViUanova quarterback in compared with ".the Lakers 400.
ViUanova Jumped out to a 21 -0 began with 3:07 remaining in the half, the Lakers pulled to within the end zone for the safety and Bill Prencipe led the Laker rushers
lead after scoring at will in the half, when sophomore Lou two, when Rocky Cosby pulled in two!points. When the Lakers gaining 67 yards on 16 carries.
a 35 yard Rostek pass, followed again had control of the ball, Rostek had his best day as a
by the Dellana kick. The score at Rostek executed a five yard TD quarterback, completing 18 of 37
the half stood at 19-21, in favor of run along with a two point con- passes for a school record 259


half in the same fashion as the

version. The Lakers had tied the .
The Wildcats began the second Wildcats 35-35 f t 5*
The Lakers shared the lead with
The 'Cats scored two ViUanova until the Wildcats again
yards. He gained an additional 43
yards rushing for a total offense
record of 302 yards. ?
Greg Latimer and Mike Paris
touchdowns before the spunky scored a touchdown with 2:25 re-
Football Soccer (con't) led the defense with 11 tackles
each. Jim Zank had nine tackles,
Mercyhurst 35 Mercyhurst 8 one sack and a blocked field goal.
Head coach Tony DeMeo felt
ViUanova 42 St. Francis 1 "the team did everything they
could to win. ...felt it was the
typical David and Goliath situa-
Soccer Volleyball tion. I felt we did ourselves pro-
ud." He added that he "felt we
Mercyhurst 8 Mercyhurst 15 didn't leave the field * losersr
Vjllanova was bvjartfie best^cam
Westminster 0 St. Bonaventure 11 13 we've played. ^ ^ ^ P J ^ P ^ ^ '
t Saturday's-game was seen by
approximately 1 million people in
Mercyhurst 4 Mercyhurst 1P 15 ^10 the Philadelphia area. It gave the
Washington & Gannon 15 f 2 15 • team and the college good ex-
posure and notoriety in a major
Jefferson 1 metropolitan area, commented
% DeMeo. ,jgfe
In conclusion DeMeo said,
A Laker defender gains one of four quarterback sacks In the game "I've never been prouder of the
against ViUanova Saturday. > % .# %f team, we played well in the last
• . photo by; J. Conmy minutes."

Booters ride seven

game streak
by Jennifer Conmy 5» Freshman John Melody turned
The Mercyhurst College men's in the third shutout for the Lakers
soccer team now rides a six game this season in goal, while Dave
winning streak after gaining three Delzell and Keily each scored
wins this past week. The Lakers twice. \JQ
posted a 8-0 victory over ™ Burns stated, "This week has
Westminster before defeating been a very demanding week both
Washington & Jefferson 4-1 and physically and mentally, playing
St Francis 8-1 in action over four matches in one week." $
Homecoming weekend. The Lakers racked up 23 goals
Head coach Rick Burns was in the week to advance their
pleased with the team's perfor- record to 7-2-1 on the season.
mance on the week. Shaffrey'and Dave Delzell were
the outstanding players of the
We innovate while We provide fast £|
In the Lakers' game against St.
Francis, the team turned in an week combining for five goals and others imitate dependable service
outstanding performance with three assists. *
players gaining two goals apiece. Burns feels that if the team does
u. Both Donnough Shaffrey and as well during the second half of Locations:
Bobby Bergfalk had two goals the season as they did during the
each. Other goal scorers were first half they have a very good
chance of making the playoffs. As
2428 Prospect Street 5035 Peach Street
Dallas Kaiser, Kevin Lagos* Tom
Mulligan, and Derry Keily all with it stands now the Lakers are still Ashtabula, Ohio 44004 SummitPaza
ranked 9th in the Great Lakes
one goal apiece.
In the team's earlier game Region of Division II teams with (216)992-6444 I Erie, Pa. 16509
the hopes of moving up.
against Washington & Jefferson,
The Lakers next home game
Shaffrey again turned in two
goals, this time with Mulligan tur- will be Sat., Oct. 4 at f p.m. when Mon.-Sat. 10a.m.-9p.m., Sun. 12a.m.-5p.m.
ning in the other two goals. Shaf- they host Pitt-Johnstown. The
frey also picked up an assist in the match will take place on St.
match. Marks field.

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