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Journal of Molecular Liquids 279 (2019) 342–350

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Understanding the corrosion inhibition of mild steel by selected green

compounds using chemical quantum based assessments and molecular
dynamics simulations
Kazeem O. Sulaiman a,⁎, Abdulmujeeb T. Onawole b, Omar Faye c, Damola T. Shuaib d
Department of Chemistry, University of Saskatchewan, 110 Science Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5C9, Canada
Department of Chemistry, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 57 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5A9, Canada
Department of Chemistry, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Both quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations enabled better understanding of mild
Received 2 September 2018 steel corrosion inhibitions by citrulline (CE), quercetin (QN), and bonducellin (BN) as green compounds, at mo-
Received in revised form 27 December 2018 lecular level. The theoretical study gave insights to the active sites, chemical reactivity and possible interaction
Accepted 25 January 2019
mechanism between the inhibitor compounds and mild steel surface. The compounds showed sufficient nucle-
Available online 28 January 2019
ophilicity in sulfuric acid medium to indicate their low propensity to accept electron from mild steel, to affirm
their corrosion inhibition effects. Based on the obtained theoretical parameters, these compounds could be
Adsorption ranked in the order of QN N BN N CE for their degrees of inhibition efficiencies. These compounds bound onto
Citrulline iron surface spontaneously with binding energies of 570.95 kcal/mol, 563.96 kcal/mol, and 539.23 kcal/mol for
Corrosion inhibition QN, BN, and CE respectively.
Density functional theory © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Green compounds
Mild steel
Molecular dynamics simulations

1. Introduction Over time, the use of protective film and other substances, that can
offer excellent protection to the mild steel or metal materials, has
The use of mild steel is foremost in several construction works, pos- been identified as panacea to metal corrosion problem [4], so much
sibly due to its superb mechanical properties and comparatively that current research interests focus on making cheap and effective ma-
cheaper cost. Like other metals, however, its degradation, when in con- terials for corrosion inhibition, without underestimating the need to un-
tact with corrosion agents like acids, is a considerable issue for its exten- derstand the inhibition process. Synergizing the knowledge about
sive use [1]. For instance, essential processes like pickling, descaling and corrosion inhibition process through both experimental and theoretical
oil well acidizing employ acids such as hydrochloric (HCl) and sulfuric studies has led to the development of efficient materials that inhibit
(H2SO4) acid solutions, with the disadvantage of corroding metal com- metal degradation via metal surface protection [4,5]. The known effec-
ponents [2]. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) report- tive materials are both of synthetic and natural sources, and in the inter-
edly projected the global cost of corrosion to be US$2.5 trillion to est of environmental safety, those with greater potential of being eco-
emphasis the cost management of the corrosion effects, not limited to friendly are mostly preferred [6].
environmental damage and safety, in global society. Meanwhile, proper Organic heterocyclic compounds containing heteroatoms such as
implementation of corrosion control measures can save about $875 bil- oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P), constitute
lion annually [1,3]. This can be well achieved with the use of effective vast number of effective inhibitors. The heteroatoms serve as active
corrosion inhibitors. Thus, research attention is geared towards explor- sites for the adsorption onto the metal surface and the adsorption can
ing existing materials as well as developing new materials that are capa- be through physisorption and/or chemisorption process [7]. Inhibitors
ble of inhibiting metal corrosion in presence of acid. can possibly adsorb so well to form protective layers on metal surfaces
and thus enable better resistance to surface degradation in the presence
of acid solution. Meanwhile, many of these organic inhibitors are exor-
⁎ Corresponding author. bitant and less environmentally friendly, and these major demerits fa-
E-mail address: (K.O. Sulaiman). cilitate the exploration and development of green inhibitors that are
0167-7322/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K.O. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 279 (2019) 342–350 343

eco-friendly to enable environmental sustainability [8,9]. In contrast to 2. Computational details

synthetic compounds, natural products, especially plant extracts are
the most common sources of green corrosion inhibitors and their effec- 2.1. Quantum chemical calculations and parameters definition
tiveness in corrosion prevention is well reported in the literature
[10–14]. All quantum chemical calculations were performed using DFT with
Although natural products are commonly used as green inhibi- hybrid function of Becke three-parameters Lee, Yang and Parr
tors, yet understanding their corrosion inhibition mechanism is not (B3LYP), that is DFT-B3LYP, method with Gaussian 09 software [27].
well documented. Perhaps, this is partly due to the fact that there The 6-311G++ (d,p) basis set was used owing to the fact that it pro-
are different chemical compounds in plant extracts, such that identi- vides accurate electronic properties and geometries for a large number
fying active compound(s), with significant contribution(s) to the in- of organic compounds, besides giving comparable results to those from
hibitory property, can be challenging [9,15]. However, in few cases, plane-wave calculations [28]. The calculations were carried out in both
the major active compounds are known and that can facilitate their gas and acidic media, and the Density-based Solvation Model-Self-Con-
specific corrosion inhibition studies, both experimentally and theo- sistent Reaction Field (SMD-SCRF) was applied to generate sulfuric acid
retically. Typical examples are watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), as acidic medium. SMD is a universal solution model, which is applicable
apple (Malus domestica), bonduc (Caesalpinia bonducella) leaf ex- for both charged and uncharged molecules [29]. It is more accurate in
tracts that are very rich sources of citrulline (CE), quercetin (QN), the calculation of cavitation and dispersion-repulsion energies which
and bonducellin (BN) respectively, as active agents against corrosion gives excellent results for free energies of solvation than the Polarizable
of mild steel in acidic solution [16,17]. It is noteworthy that these Continuum Model (PCM) [29–32]. The H2SO4 medium was absent
identified active agents typically have more than a source. They among the default solvent media in Gaussian 09, and its simulation
may be found at different concentrations in different parts of the was done using the calculated solvent parameters of 100 and 2.19 for
same plant, or in different plant entirely [16,17]. both static and optical dielectric constants respectively [33,34]. The de-
Many parts of the watermelon contain CE as an active agent that tail of similar calculation for HCl was previously reported [26] but in this
is responsible for their corrosion inhibition performance [17,18]. case, 1.48 was found on MSDS (material safety data sheet) as the refrac-
Specifically, the watermelon rind extract (WRE) was experimentally tive index of H2SO4 [35]. The Fukui functions were calculated via the Fi-
found to have significant inhibitory effect against acid stimulated nite Difference (FD) method using the UCA-FUKUI v 1.0 software [36]
corrosion of mild steel and CE was subsequently identified as the and the output file from Gaussian 09, while LeadIT was used to deter-
major active inhibitor constituent of the WRE. The CE accounts for mine the protonation site in each compound [37].
about 51% of the total 90.2% inhibition efficiency of WRE [17]. On The structural geometry of each of the studied green compounds
its own, CE has been reported to be a mixed-type corrosion inhibitor was firstly optimized, followed by the vibrational frequency analysis,
with about 46% inhibition efficiency, which decreases with increase prior to other quantum chemical calculations whose outputs were
in temperature of the medium. However, the adsorption process of used to estimate some useful derived parameters such as electron affin-
the CE was only assumed to be physisorption, approximately ity (EA), ionization potential (IP), global hardness (η), electronegativity
modeled by Temkin adsorption isotherm [17], and this assumption (χ), global electrophilicity index (ω), and the quantity of electron trans-
gives a chance for more insightful molecular understanding of such ferred to metal atom from inhibitor molecule (ΔN) using Eqs. (1)–(7)
adsorption process on mild steel surface. Similarly, QN and BN below. The ΔN was calculated using Eq. (7), where ηFe equals zero and
were also experimentally accessed to be a mixed-type green inhibi- ϕFe is the work function of iron surface [38–40]. The sum of the nega-
tors with inhibition efficiencies that increased in proportion to in- tively charged atoms in the Mulliken charges analysis gives the total
crease in their concentration and decreased with increase in negative charge (TNC) [41] and the Eqs. (8)–(9) were used to calculate
solution temperature [19,20]. It was earlier reported that bonduc the Fukui functions, where the P(N + 1), P(N) and P(N-1) represent the
and apple leaf extracts, containing BN and QN respectively as active charge values for cation, neutral and anion of the selected atoms respec-
compounds, showed corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 0.5 M sulfu- tively [42].
ric acid by physical adsorption using electrochemical measurements
[19]. Similar inadequacy can be identified like in the case of CE, such EA ¼ −ELUMO ð1Þ
that understanding of corrosion inhibition of these active com-
pounds, CE, BN, and QN, at molecular level is a research gap that
needs to be bridged.
η ¼ ðIP−EAÞ=2 ð3Þ
Computational modeling is a simulative, predictive, and powerful
tool that helps in the mechanistic study of corrosion inhibitors [21,22]. χ ¼ ðIP þ EAÞ=2 ð4Þ
In fact, several reports in the literature have remarked density func-
tional theory (DFT) as a reliable theoretical tool to evaluate the interac- ω ¼ μ 2 =2η ð5Þ
tion between inhibitor and metal surface [23–25]. However, the snag of
a simulation is to utilize a method that efficiently replicates the reality ρ ¼ 1=η ð6Þ
that occurs experimentally. Most computational calculations do not
properly imitate the acidic environment in which the corrosion process ΔN ¼ ½ϕFe −χinh =½2 ðηFe þ ηinh Þ ð7Þ
occurs. Rather than using ordinary water like in common practice, our
previous work [26] established the proper mimicking of the acidic envi- f k ¼ PðN þ 1Þ−PðNÞ ð8Þ
ronment, that is simulation of water with high ionic strength, to circum-

vent the complexity of the surrounding environment of an inhibitor in f k ¼ PðNÞ−PðN−1Þ ð9Þ
actual experimental scenario. This present study attempted to bridge
the identified knowledge gap by presenting molecular level insights to
the corrosion inhibition of CE, BN and QN as selected green inhibitors 2.2. Molecular dynamics simulation
using chemical quantum approach and molecular dynamics simula-
tions, as well as a better simulation of corrosion environment. These re- The Forcite module implemented in Materials Studio software was
vealed hitherto unrecognized connections between structure and used to evaluate the nature of the interaction between the adsorbate
properties, which are essential for the complete understanding of and the iron sorbent. Fe crystal was cleaved along (111), (110), and
these green corrosion inhibitors. (100) surfaces but Fe (110) surface was identified to have the most
344 K.O. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 279 (2019) 342–350

stabilization compared to other Fe surfaces, and thus Fe (110) surface bands for C\\N stretching at 800 cm−1, H\\C\\H bending at
was selected for further studies. Accordingly, Fe (110) surface reveals 1400 cm−1, C_O (carboxylic acid) stretching at 1635 cm−1, C_O (car-
more active sites for interaction with inhibitors [43], hence we bonyl) stretching at 1710 cm−1, CH\\ stretching at 2920 cm−1, and
employed a supercell 8 × 8 × 1 of Fe (110) surface, with periodic bound- \\NH and \\OH stretching at ca. 3430 cm−1 among others [18]. The
aries conditions along the x and y directions, to study our systems. The QN shows IR bands for C\\O aromatic ether, aromatic C_C, C_O,
Fe (110) was fabricated with periodic slab surfaces that consist four C\\H stretching vibration, and O\\H band at 1103.17 cm−1 and
atomic layers and a vacuum slab with 21 Å thickness was made above 1202.2 cm−1, 1453.5 cm−1 and 1598.7 cm−1, 1687.8 cm−1,
the Fe (110) plane. The calculations were carried out in the NVT canon- 2918.9 cm−1, and 33.23.2 cm−1 respectively. The BN shows IR bands
ical ensemble at 300 K with a time step of 0.1 fs and a total simulation at 1042.1 cm−1, 1373.6 cm−1 and 1243.0 cm−1, 1449.1 cm−1 and
period of 0.5 ps using an Anderson thermostat. The condensed-phase 1650.2 cm−1, 1706.6 cm−1, 2848.9 cm−1, 2916.7 cm−1, and
optimized molecular potentials for atomistic simulation studies (COM- 3337.4 cm−1 for C\\O single bond of O-CH3, C\\O aromatic ether, aro-
PASS) force field was used for geometry optimization of structures matic C_C, C_O, C\\H sp2 stretching vibration, C\\H sp. stretching vi-
[44]. The COMPASS force field is an ab initio force field that provides cor- bration, and O\\H band [17]. Table 1 presents the structural parameters
rect predictions of gas phase properties like conformational, structural, in term of the bond lengths and bond angles for the optimized neutral
vibrational as well as the condensed phase properties such as cohesive molecules calculated at the B3LYP/6-311G++ (d,p) level of theory, in
energies and interaction energies for a wide range of organic molecules, comparison with observed values experimentally [49–51]. The results
inorganic molecules and metals [45–47]. The interaction and binding show significant level of agreement with some minor differences to sug-
energies of each molecule with the Fe surface were obtained using the gest that acidic environment does not significantly affect the spatial ar-
Eqs. (10) and (11) below: rangements of constituent atoms of these green inhibitor molecules.
 The constituent heteroatoms serve as active adsorption sites for the
Einteraction ¼ Etotal – Esurface þ Emolecule ð10Þ compounds on the mild steel surface. Besides, the benzene rings in QN
and BN can also give π-electron in binding to electrophilic metal surface.
Ebinding ¼ − Etotal − Esurface þ Emolecule ð11Þ The molecular structures were optimized in DFT-B3LYP calculations in
both gas phase (Fig. S1) and simulated sulfuric acid medium (Fig. 1).
where Etotal is the total energy of the molecules and the metal surface The structural geometry optimizations of the respective compounds re-
system, Esurface is the energy of the metal surface without adsorption of veal the spatial arrangement of constituent atoms. The observed non-
molecules, and Emolecule is the energy of the isolated inhibitor molecule. planar configurations can be related to the differences in the obtained
structural parameters for different molecular environment [52]. The vi-
3. Results and discussion brational frequency analyses of the optimized structures show the ab-
sence of imaginary frequency to indicate the true minimum in the
The molecular structures of the selected green compounds (CE, QN, energy profiles.
and BN) are presented in Fig. 1 to clearly show the composition and The employed DFT-B3LYP method is suitable for rationalizing the
numbering of atoms in the compounds. CE contains amide, amine and frontier molecular orbitals for the assessment of inhibitor-metal inter-
carboxylic functional groups that afford oxygen (O) and nitrogen action [22]. The energy of highest occupied molecular orbital (EHOMO)
(N) as heteroatoms while each of QN and BN has O as only heteroatom. and that of lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (ELUMO) are directly ob-
The Infra-Red (IR) spectra of the compounds were obtained and com- tainable, alongside with the energy band gap (ΔELUMO-HOMO) from the
pared with those obtained experimentally. These IR spectra are pre- computational output. The qualitative descriptions of frontier molecular
sented in Fig. 2 and it turns out that the theoretically calculated IR orbitals, HOMO and LUMO, obtained in acidic medium are presented in
bands for all the three inhibitors are in good agreement with those re- Fig. 3, which clearly show even distribution of molecular orbitals over
ported from the FTIR measurements [17,19,48]. The CE shows IR the entire molecules to suggest possible interactions, and thus almost

Fig. 1. (a) Chemical structures and (b) DFT optimized structures in H2SO4 medium, of CE, QN, and BN, using B3LYP/6311G++(d,p) level of theory.
K.O. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 279 (2019) 342–350 345

Fig. 2. Theoretically calculated (a) and experimentally observed [48] (b) IR spectra of CE, QN, and BN.

parallel adsorption of molecules onto metal surface. Such evenly distrib- smaller ΔELUMO-HOMO value will indicate better donating ability of the
uted molecular orbitals are not observed for molecules in gas phase, es- molecular orbitals of the inhibitor to the metal surface molecular or-
pecially for CE (Fig. S1). Expectedly, differences due to molecular bitals. Such frontier molecular orbital interactions results to high ad-
environment reflect in all quantum chemical parameters (Tables 2 and sorption of the inhibitor onto the metal surface, and thus reduces the
S1). Quantitatively, the EHOMO gives information about the electron do- reaction of metal in acidic medium [53].
nating ability of the inhibitor while the ELUMO relates to its capability to Zhang and Musgrave (2007) reported a convincing argument
accept electrons. Higher EHOMO value depicts greater tendency of the in- against the accuracy of quantitative values for EHOMO and ΔELUMO-
hibitor to donate electron to the metal with unoccupied molecular or- HOMO without necessary correction factors, especially for small mole-
bitals, while a lower ELUMO implies that the inhibitor would readily cules. Therein, depending on the DFT functional, equations were given
accept electrons from the metal surface. By implication, a good inhibitor to obtain corrected values from uncorrected values, with experimental
will have both a high EHOMO value and a low ELUMO value, such that validations [54]. With respect to the functional employed in this study,

Table 1
Experimentally observed and theoretically calculated (in gas phase and acidic medium) structural parameters of CE, QN, and BN calculated at B3LYP/6311G++(d,p) level of theory.


Bond length Obs. Calculated Bond length Obs. Calculated Bond length Obs. Calculated


N1-H2 0.899 1.009 1.012 O1-C2 1.365(7) 1.375 1.375 O1-C7 1.444 1.441 1.449
N1-H3 0.900 1.009 1.012 O1-C10 1.370(4) 1.359 1.359 O1-C8 1.364 1.357 1.354
C4-O5 1.257 1.220 1.234 O4-C3 1.267(7) 1.256 1.256 O2-C9 1.236 1.226 1.232
N6-H7 0.843 1.008 1.010 O18-C6 1.375(7) 1.340 1.34 C6-C9 1.464 1.475 1.474
C8-H9 0.970 1.096 1.091 O18-H28 0.948(5) 0.987 0.987 C5-C9 1.482 1.494 1.490
C8-H10 0.970 1.091 1.095 O19-C8 1.358(7) 1.361 1.361 O3-C14 1.351 1.363 1.358
C11-H12 0.969 1.097 1.097 O19-H29 0.914(5) 0.963 0.963 O3-H32 0.820 0.963 0.968
C11-H13 0.970 1.095 1.095 O20−C17 1.351(7) 1.355 1.355 O4-C20 1.364 1.359 1.355
C14-H15 0.970 1.094 1.095 O20-H30 0.906(3) 0.977 0.977 O4-C21 1.970 1.424 1.434
C14-H16 0.970 1.094 1.094 O21-C5 1.396(5) 1.357 1.357 – – – –
C17-N18 1.478 1.456 1.461 O21-H32 0.975(4) 0.967 0.967 – – – –
C17-C22 1.513 1.537 1.534 O22-C13 1.373(7) 1.377 1.377 – – – –
C17-H19 0.980 1.096 1.094 O22-H32 0.990(5) 0.962 0.962 – – – –
N18-H20 1.029 1.014 1.016 C2-C17 1.357(8) 1.369 1.369 – – – –
N18-H21 1.035 1.014 1.016 C2-C16 1.479(5) 1.462 1.462 – – – –
C22-O25 1.251 1.357 1.211 C17-C3 1.449(6) 1.449 1.449 – – – –
– – – – C3-C11 1.418(8) 1.434 1.434 – – – –


Bond angle Obs. Calculated Bond angle Obs. Calc. Bond angle Obs. Calc.


O5-C4-N1 120.03 122.13 121.68 C9-C10-C11 122.79(4) 122.186 122.3 C8-O1-C7 116.08 116.6 116.5
O23-C22-O25 125.12 122.15 122.24 C9-C10-O1 116.79(4) 117.433 117.4 C5-C9-C6 116.01 115.3 115.6
– – – – C11-C10-O1 120.42(5) 120.380 120.2 C6-C9-O2 121.69 122.1 121.8
– – – – C3-C11-C6 122.83(5) 119.263 122.3 C5-C9-O2 122.3 122.5 122.6
– – – – C3-C11-C10 120.17(4) 119.263 119.2 H32-O3-C14 109.46 109.8 109.9
– – – – C6-C11-C10 116.96(5) 118.667 118.4 C20-O4-C21 118.29 118.8 118.9
– – – – C2-C16-C14 121.34(5) 122.323 122.4 – – – –
– – – – C2-C16-C15 119.34(5) 119.399 119.2 – – – –
– – – – C14-C16-C15 119.30(4) 118.279 118.4 – – – –

Note: bond lengths are measured in Å while bond angles are measured in degrees. Atoms are numbered as shown in Fig. 1b. Also, ‘G’ represents gas phase while ‘A’ represents acidic
346 K.O. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 279 (2019) 342–350

Fig. 3. Frontier molecular orbitals, HOMO and LUMO, for CE, QN, and BN in H2SO4 medium.

Eqs. (12) and (13) were used to obtain corrected values for both EHOMO [22,26,52]. All the studied compounds show greater dipole moment
and ΔELUMO-HOMO. The uncorrected values are presented in Table S1 than that of water (1.88 Debye) to suggest possibly strong dipole-
while corrected values for global chemical reactivity indices, and other dipole interactions between each molecule and metal surface [55]. Im-
parameters derived thereof, are presented in Tables 2 and 3 respec- portantly, these three compounds show better charge separation in
tively. acidic solution than in gas phase to suggest better intra-molecular inter-
 action in forming good adsorption layers on metal surface in acidic me-
EHOMO;corrected ¼ 1:42 þ 1:20  EHOMO;uncorrected ð12Þ dium. Intuitively, the protonation of these compounds in acidic medium
 enables the separation of their solute molecules. This notion is in line
ΔELUMO−HOMO;corrected ¼ −1:02 þ 0:93  ΔELUMO−HOMO;uncorrected ð13Þ with the observed changes in structural geometries and total negative
charges (TNC) of these compounds to further show the solvent effects.
The electron-donating ability of the compounds follows the order of The TNC values quantitatively describe the adsorption sites in an inhib-
CE b BN b QN with respect to the values of their EHOMO while the itor molecule such that a high value of TNC signifies a strong adsorption
electron-accepting ability follows the order of CE N BN ~ QN (Table 2). of the inhibitor molecule on a metal surface. Accordingly, the proton-
While QN has almost the same value for energy gaps in gas phase and ation site was found to be O1 for QN (this agrees with what is reported
in sulfuric acid medium, BN shows lower values for the energy gaps in for a structurally similar compound, xanthone [56]), O4 for BN, and N18
acidic medium than in gas phase to indicate more reactivity, and thus for CE. The QN, BN, and CE have −3.070e, −6.940e, and − 7.605e re-
increase in adsorption of molecule onto metal surface, in acidic medium. spectively for TNC values in gas phase as compared to −3.465e,
In contrast, CE shows greater values for energy gap in acid medium than −7.496e, and − 7.925e respectively in acid medium (Table 2). Alto-
in gas phase, to suggest its probably lesser reactivity in acidic medium. gether, the high TNC, high dipole moment, and low energy gap facilitate
The energy gap of 2.323 eV, 2.434 eV, and 4.908 eV are obtained in acidic electron transfer to the metal through adsorption.
medium for QN, BN, and CE respectively. High chemical reactivity and Table 3 summarizes the values obtained for other derived quantum
low kinetic stability are general features of a molecule with low energy chemical descriptors. The corrected HOMO values correctly predicts
gap [42], and as such the order of corrosion inhibition efficiency in sul- ionization potential (IP) using Koopman's theorem, mathematically
furic acid medium is expected to be QN N BN N CE. expressed in Eq. (1). The same trend is observed with respect to ioniza-
Dipole moment (μ) is another crucial parameter that is well corre- tion potential and electron affinity which are basic descriptors of chem-
lated with inhibition efficiency of a molecule in the literature ical reactivity. The IP values are of 5.534 eV, 5.706 eV, and 6.615 eV for

Table 2
Chemical reactivity indices obtained for the studied compounds in neutral forms using the Table 3
DFT-B3LYP/6-311G++(d,p) level of theory. Quantum chemical descriptors derived for the studied compounds in neutral forms at
DFT-B3LYP/6-311G++(d,p) level of theory.
Compound Medium EHOMO ELUMO ΔEL-H μ Relative TNC
(eV) (eV) (eV) (Debye) energy (e) Compound Medium IP EA η χ ρ ω ΔN
(au) (eV) (eV) (eV) (eV) (eV−1) (eV)

CE G −6.804 −2.086 4.718 4.538 0.000 −7.605 CE G 6.804 2.086 2.359 4.445 0.424 4.188 0.080
A −6.615 −1.707 4.908 6.695 0.040 −7.925 A 6.615 1.707 2.454 4.161 0.407 3.528 0.134
QN G −5.654 −3.328 2.326 4.132 0.000 −3.070 QN G 5.654 3.328 1.163 4.491 0.860 8.671 0.141
A −5.534 −3.211 2.323 6.034 0.025 −3.465 A 5.534 3.211 1.162 4.373 0.861 8.230 0.193
BN G −5.917 −3.302 2.615 2.317 0.000 −6.940 BN G 5.917 3.302 1.308 4.610 0.765 8.125 0.081
A −5.706 −3.272 2.434 3.027 0.042 −7.496 A 5.706 3.272 1.217 4.489 0.822 8.279 0.136

Note: ‘G’ represents gas phase and ‘A’ represents acidic medium. Note: ‘G’ represents gas phase and ‘A’ represents acidic medium.
K.O. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 279 (2019) 342–350 347

Fig. 4. Electrostatic potential (ESP) maps and Mulliken charges for CE, QN, and BN compounds in H2SO4 medium.

QN, BN, and CE respectively in acidic medium. These lower values of IP shows high reactivity and thus has better inhibition efficiency [57]. All
suggest better reactivity than in gaseous phase. In accordance with the compounds show lower electronegativity in acidic medium to indi-
Sanderson's principle of electronegativity equalization, a compound cate their better corrosion inhibition properties in spite of acidic envi-
with low electronegativity assumes equalization less rapidly and ronment. Their constituent heteroatoms have electron donating

Table 4
Condensed Fukui Functions obtained for the studied compounds.

Compound Atom Medium P(N) P(N + 1) P(N-1) f−

k f+
k f0k

G −0.831 −0.851 −0.785 0.020 0.046 0.033

A −0.855 −0.938 −0.756 0.082 0.100 0.091
G −0.664 −0.671 −0.544 0.006 0.121 0.064
A −0.660 −0.716 −0.350 0.056 0.310 0.183
G −0.825 −0.848 −0.598 0.022 0.228 0.125
A −0.871 −0.869 −0.719 −0.002 0.152 0.101
G −0.655 −0.680 −0.425 0.025 0.230 0.127
A −0.725 −0.730 −0.609 0.005 0.116 0.061
G −0.696 −0.727 −0.663 0.031 0.034 0.032
A −0.694 −0.697 −0.682 0.002 0.012 0.007
G −0.615 −0.632 −0.489 0.018 0.126 0.072
A −0.645 −0.644 −0.596 −0.002 0.049 0.024
G −0.470 −0.506 −0.450 0.020 0.036 0.028
A −0.470 −0.511 −0.432 0.038 0.041 0.040
G −0.667 −0.765 −0.617 0.050 0.098 0.074
A −0.695 −0.705 −0.331 0.365 0.009 0.187
G −0.683 −0.724 −0.633 0.050 0.041 0.045
A −0.715 −0.741 −0.674 0.041 0.026 0.034
G −0.673 −0.702 −0.641 0.032 0.029 0.030
QN O-19
A −0.691 −0.767 −0.746 −0.055 0.076 0.010
G −0.696 −0.722 −0.625 0.071 0.027 0.049
A −0.717 −0.755 −0.723 −0.007 0.039 0.016
G −0.679 −0.713 −0.607 0.072 0.034 0.053
A −0.703 −0.766 −0.743 −0.040 0.063 0.012
G −0.717 −0.736 −0.681 0.037 0.019 0.028
A −0.739 −0.764 −0.748 −0.009 0.025 0.008
G −0.540 −0.564 −0.493 0.024 −0.493 0.035
A −0.547 −0.568 −0.542 0.020 0.005 0.013
G −0.575 −0.714 −0.509 0.140 −0.509 0.103
A −0.614 −0.765 −0.597 0.151 0.017 0.084
G −0.660 −0.698 −0.605 0.038 −0.605 0.047
A −0.676 −0.702 −0.673 0.026 0.003 0.014
G −0.541 −0.557 −0.438 0.016 −0.438 0.060
A −0.553 −0.557 −0.391 0.004 0.162 0.083

Note: ‘G’ represents gas phase while ‘A’ represents acidic medium.
348 K.O. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 279 (2019) 342–350

Table 5 in estimating ΔN, and 3.88 eV, 3.91 eV, and 4.82 eV are ϕ values ob-
Binding and interaction energies of green inhibitors adsorbed on Fe (110) surface in the tained for Fe (111), Fe (100), and Fe (110) surfaces respectively, from
presence of corrosion species.
DFT calculations [39,59]. In this study, ϕ value of 4.82 eV was used to es-
Compounds Ebinding (kcal/mol) Einteraction (kcal/mol) timate ΔN for each compound because Fe (110) surface, as the most sta-
CE 539.23 −539.23 ble, was chosen in this study. According to Lukovits et al., the amount of
QN 570.95 −570.95 electron transferred from inhibitor molecule to metal atom (ΔN) can be
BN 563.96 −563.96 used to rank the extent of inhibiting metal dissolution for any system of
ΔN b 3.6 [60]. While positive value of ΔN suggests electron transfer from
molecule to metal, negative value indicates electron transfer in reverse
direction [39,61]. The three compounds QN, BN, and CE have greater
potential to account for their relative electropositivity which is empha- positive values for ΔN in acidic medium than in gas phase to suggest
sized with the notable colours that appear in their electrostatic potential their efficacies against metal corrosion in acidic medium. The QN, BN,
map (Fig. 4). The electrostatic potential decreases in the order of blue, and CE have ΔN values of 0.193, 0.136, and 0.134 respectively in sulfuric
green, orange, and red [26]. acid environment, and this trend agrees with results obtained for order
The stabilization of a molecular system when electron is received of electron donating ability at metal surface to corroborate their corro-
from environment is estimated as the global electrophilicity index sion inhibition effects.
(ω), and its high value indicates a good electrophilicity of a compound Tables S2 and S3 present results obtained for chemical reactivity
and vice versa [58]. A corrosion inhibitor is expected to be a good nucle- indices and quantum chemical descriptors respectively, for proton-
ophile rather than being an electrophile, and the greater nucleophilicity ated forms of these compounds. Although almost similar trends can
observed for each of the three studied compounds in sulfuric acid me- be observed, values are significantly different from those reported
dium than in gas phase indicates their lower propensities to accept elec- for neutral forms, and the solution effects are more obvious, with
tron from metal, and thus further corroborates their corrosion inhibition much differences in values for gas phases and acidic media. Notably,
effects. In fact, the protonation in acidic medium will create more ΔN values are mostly negative (Table S3), unlike in the case of neu-
atomic sites on a compound for electrophilic attack by the metal to be tral forms, and this indicates that electrons are transferred from
protected from corroding (i.e. dissolving). Furthermore, heteroatoms metal to these molecules when in protonated forms. In other
with negative charges are regarded as binding sites to the metal surface words, it can be said that protonated forms of these compounds
by Mulliken charges analysis (Figs. 4 and S2) such that more electrons show greater propensities to accept electron from metal, and this be-
are donated to the empty orbital of metal by the site with greater nega- havior will lessen their corrosion inhibition effects, in comparison
tive charges [41]. All studied compounds show greater negative charges with neutral molecules.
on their constituent heteroatoms in acidic medium and their TNC values By extension, Fukui indices can be used to determine the active sites
follow the same trend. This observation like other global chemical de- of an inhibitor compound and its function entails using local descriptors
scriptors reflects the stabilization effect of the sulfuric acid solution to to theoretically justify the HSAB principle [62,63]. The natural popula-
support decrease in individual molecular energies compared to in gas tion analysis and estimated Fukui functions for QN, BN, and CE are sum-
phase (Table S1). marized in Table 4. This gives information about the most probable site
The work function (ϕ) of a metal surface has been reported as the for electrophilic or nucleophilic attack on the molecule. Specifically, the
mostly correct parameter to be used, instead of electronegativity (χ), preferred site for electrophilic attack has the highest value for f− while

Fig. 5. Adsorption of CE, QN, and BN compounds onto Fe (110) surface in H2SO4 medium.
K.O. Sulaiman et al. / Journal of Molecular Liquids 279 (2019) 342–350 349

that for nucleophilic attack has the highest value for f+. The largest f− Funding
and f+ values occur both on the O4 atom for QN, on O2 and O4 respec-
tively for BN, and on N1 and N6 atoms respectively for CE. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agen-
The MD simulations were conducted to further gain insight into the cies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
interaction between these green corrosion inhibitors and metal surface.
At first, the energy of each Fe surface was calculated and found to follow Appendix A. Supplementary data
the trend: E(111) N E(100) N E(110) while stabilities of Fe surfaces increase
with their packing densities: Fe (111) b Fe (100) b Fe (110), in agree- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
ment with trend reported in literature [39,64,65]. The densely packed org/10.1016/j.molliq.2019.01.136.
Fe (110) surface with most stabilization energy, together with other en-
tities like H2O, H3O+, and SO42−, that could participate in the sulfuric References
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