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5/20/2020 Create links in the application navigator | Atlassian Support

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Create links in the application

You can add custom links in the application navigator, to make it Configure dashboards
easier for users to navigate to frequently used information.
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Configure custom
What is the application navigator? dashboards
The application navigator displays a menu of links to other
Use dashboard gadgets
applications. It's only displayed to users if there is more than one
link. You can customize the links that appear in the application Configure the default
navigator, as well as making certain links only visible to specific issue navigator
Adding links to the application Configure the user default
Create links in the
If applications are linked to your Jira instance via application application navigator
links, those applications will automatically appear in the
application navigator. If you don't have any applications linked,
the application navigator icon   will appear only for
administrators. After you've set up some links, the application
navigator icon will automatically be visible to all users.  Questions, discussions,
and articles
1. Choose   > Edit (under the SWITCH TO heading).
2. Create links by entering a name and the URL on the page.

After you've created a link, it will appear in the application

navigator for all your applications after a few minutes (up to 10).
Or, if you want links to appear immediately, you can navigate to
the application navigator administration page in each application
and refresh the page. 

If you want to make a link appear in the application navigator for

only specific users, use the Groups box to specify which groups
can see the link. To hide the link from all users, select 1/2
5/20/2020 Create links in the application navigator | Atlassian Support

the Hide checkbox (for example, if you want to temporarily hide

the link without deleting it entirely).

 When you make a link visible for a specific group, the link
visibility is only set up in the application where you are
configuring the link. For example, if you change the visibility in
the Jira administration screen and you also want it to be visible to
the same users in Confluence, you must make the same changes
in the Confluence administration settings. 

To modify links that were created and are managed in other

applications (for example, in a different Jira application), edit the
link in that application. You cannot delete links to linked
applications, you must delete the application link instead. 

Last modified on Apr 14, 2020

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