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5/20/2020 Run rules as another user | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Support

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Run rules as another user

Add and configure
When configuring a rule, project admins and site admins have
automation rules
the option to change the rule actor, so that automation rules can
be seen as being run by a real member of the team. For example, Show more
if an automation rule adds a comment to all issues in a sprint,
Automation conditions
a team lead may want to configure it so that the comment is
added by them, instead of by the Automation for Jira user. Automation actions

What is a rule actor?

Before you begin
Run rules as another user
To manage project automation rules, you
must be an admin of the project. Learn more Import and export
about project permissions automation rules
To manage global automation rules, you
must be a Jira admin with the Administer
Jira permission. Learn more about global Community
Questions, discussions,
To learn more about the differences between and articles
project permissions and global permissions, see
How do permissions work?

Change the actor for a new rule

When creating a new rule, after you’ve finished configuring your
rule’s components select Rule details and change the actor
under Actor.

Learn more about creating automation rules.

Change the actor for an existing rule

1. Navigate to the automation list. 1/3
5/20/2020 Run rules as another user | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Support

For project automations, go to Project settings >

Automation. In a next-gen service project, go to 
Service project settings > Automation.
For global automations, go to Jira home > Settings
> System > Automation rules
2. Select the rule you want to configure.
3. Under Actor, search for the user you want to choose to be
the actor for this rule. Note that users from Atlassian
Marketplace apps can’t be chosen as a rule actor.

Things to remember
Once you’ve selected someone else as the rule actor, keep these
things in mind:

Notifications: The person you select as the new rule actor

will receive an email notification to inform them of this
change. They’ll also receive emails for each action that is
performed on their behalf.
History: The person selected as the new rule actor will
show as the person who performs each action executed by
the rule. For example, if an automation rule is configured
to edit each issue in a sprint, then the History tab on
those issues will show the rule actor as having made those
Project admins vs global admins: Project admins can
only choose themselves or the Automation for Jira user as
the rule actor. Global admins can select anyone to be the
rule actor.
Making changes to a rule: Project admins can only make
changes to a rule if they, or the Automation for Jira user,
are the rule actor. If someone else is the rule actor, they
must set the rule actor to be themselves or the
Automation for Jira user before making changes. This
restriction doesn’t apply to global admins.

Last modified on Nov 18, 2020

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