Academic and Working Vocabulary

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50 | can describe university life A Academic life 6% Word Example Meaning academic Tenjoy academic subjects like connected to edueation, especially school or i) history. iN university, uN 4 undergraduate Undergraduates usually doa a university student studying for their first three-year course degree. graduate - She'san Oxtordgraduate. a person who has finished their degree “He graduated last year, (when they finish, they graduate v). ; tutor Youcanaskyourtutorfor _sb who teaches and looks after a student or a advice on your work small group of students professor She's a professor of Taw. the highest level of teacher in a university. lecture Iwent to an interesting lecture a talk given to a large group to teach them a on Ttalian polities. subject (the person is @ lecturer ) seminar Are you going tothe seminar a class ata university where a small group this morning? discuss a subject with a tutor. i debate We had a great debate. a formal discussion. attend sth You have toattend lectures. go tosth, or be present al sth. take notes Don’t forget to take notes. write words quickly to help you remember sth. read widely ‘Try to read widely. read a lot of different kinds of books. write a thesis Tim writing a thesis on global do a long piece of writing on a particular warming. academic subject. do research You do research for a PhD. do along and careful study ofa subject. continuous We don'thave exams; it’sall a way of judging students by looking at the assessment continuous assessment. work they do during the year. e 8 Tick (7) the words that are people. > professor / > assessment X 1 thesis - 4 graduate 7 seminar 2 debate 5 undergraduate 8 research 3. lecture 6 tutor 9 lecturer Complete the text. Ifyou are an pm undergraduate at university in Britain, you spend a lot of time studying alone, but you also have to (1) a allot of (2)s and (3) |______ and take @n— . In seminars, the discussion is usually led by a (5) t_...- . You have to read (6) w and you may have to express your opinions on a range of (7) a topics. In many courses, there is continuous (8) a _...: the marks you get for your essays go towards your final results, after which, if you are successful, you (2) g Test yourself. Look at the words and cover the examples and meanings. Can you remember the meanings? 130 WORK AND STUDY B Student life Advice for new students * Student life is all about learning to manage your ‘money: tuition fees, loans, bills, accommodation + In Britain, many university students live away fees, etc, You may be able to get a scholarship, from home. This means you get the freedom and many students fitid part-time jobs to help and opportunity to meet new people. Most pay the bills, students choose to live in a hall of residence in - At university, you can be flexible about when their first year, where you are less likely to be ‘you study, but be sure to get out of bed in time homesick or lonely. for lectures, do your work on time, and plan your revision period before exams away from home « inadifferentplace from your fees ‘money you pay for the professional home. orp at home. advice or service of a doctor, lawyer, freedom the right or ability to say or do etc. (tuition fees are the money what you want. that you pay to be taught). opportunity - the possibility todo sth that lean Ifyou take outa loan, you borrow ‘you wantto do. sxx chance. money, usually from a bank. hall of residence» (in universities) building scholarship» money that an organization gives where students live sb to help them study. homesick . sad because you are away flexible able to change casily. flexibility », from home and you miss it revision the process of studying sth again to manage sth bein control ofsth. prepare for an exam. revise v. @ complete the sentences with words from the box. revision ontime intime manage flexible” Iyouare in time forsomething, you opportunity freedom homesick arrive before or at the correct time, Ifyou are on time forsomething, you > [can see you any day this week —| can be flexible arrive at exactly the correct time. 1 tha the coaiedaiva acta Fie arrived in time for the lesson. (= before the lesson started.) 2 The train was — _ fortunately. Sa een i ‘The lesson started on time. think children have too muc! Paneer rece neae) 4 Dolots of... before the exam. 5. I don't know haw to my money. 6 I got there to see Joel before he left. 7 Ilived abroad for a year but | was... and | missed my farnily. ) © complete the questions. Then write your answers, or ask another student ABOUT YOU 1 Do students usually live at home, or a... from home? = 2 Do most students live in halls of r—____. av 3 Do they have to pay t..._.__._. fees? 4. Do they have to take out | to pay the bills? 5 Can they getas to help pay for their studies? 6 Would you like the cto study abroad? © Wh tes: yoursett. cover the glossary words and look at the meanings. Can you remember the words? WORK AND STUDY 131 51 | can apply for a job 63 Applying for a job with FamAid UK ‘Wherever you ore based, you can apply for any cidvertised vacancy. Work permits For jobs in the UK, you will usually be expected lo have a valid UK work permit. For jobs outsicle the UK, the local Fam Aid. office will advise you about the permit you may need. Closing dates Your application must reach us by the advertised closing date, Online cmpplications will be acknowledged automatically by email. Gl apply for sth Ee ask for sth in writing (often a job or course). application x. Ifyou are based in a place, that place is the centre for your work. be based somewhere » vacancy » ajob that is available for stodo. work permit «an official document which says you are allowed to work. valid listh is valid, itis legally acceptable and can be used. advise sb » tell sb the best thing to do. sys give sb advice (advice x, ui). let sb know that you have received sth from them. acknowledgement »: without any human control, acknowledge sth automatically : Selection process f If we would like you to attend on interview, we will contact you. At that ~ time, and if required, we will also assess other skills you may have or need. If you cre not successful, we will contact you and, wherever possible. give you feedback, If you ae the successful candidate, we will offer you the position, but this is subject to sertisfoctory references. We shall aiiso request confirmation that you are medically fit to do the job and have the necessary permit/visa ries of things that are done for a particular reason, a meeting in which sb is asked questions to find out ifthey are suttable for a job. course, elc. (the person who: asks the questions interviewer). interview sb v. phone or write to sb. decide on the quality or ability of sth/sb, assessment x. give sb advice or criticism about how they have done sth. process . interview contact sb assess sth/sb give sb feedback candidate » aperson who makes a formal application for a job. reference * astatement or letter which describes sb's character and ability to doa job (a person who writes this isa referee). » astatement in writing which says that sth is true or accurate. confirm v. confirmation nawritten text li req this, some language will be formal. For example: attend sth sth (= need sth), request sth (= ask lor sth), subject to sth ( g0 to/for sth), = depending on sth}, position (= job), and shall (= will). The words in bold are more formal than the words in brackets, which we would normally use in spoken English. 132 WORK AND STUDY eG Bb Cover the glossary and complete the table. Verb Noun Verb Noun advise > advice contirm apply acknowledge assess, interview There is a mistake in each sentence. Write the correct sentence at the end. > My old boss said he would be my reference. My old boss sald he mould be my referee. 1 They said they'd contact to me i] 2. Issheanplying a job? saa toler 3 Have you gat a work permission? x 4 The company is based on Tokyo... = i Si 6 e 8 He gave me some good advices Eee 2e8 She gave me foodback after the interview. | have to confirmate it in writing. ae ae if you apply for a job, it’s quite a long processment. eee Replace the underlined words with a more formal word or phrase with the same meaning. > Wewill contact you as soon as possible _shall 1 Has the company asked for references? 2. They offered me the job on Thursday. 3. | went for an interview last week. vi 4. Ifyou need more infarmation, please contact me. 5 We're going to give him the job, depending on satisfactory references. —..-—— Complete the sentences with a single word. > You can’t use this visa any longer — it’s not..valid 1. Iwork in lots of places, but min Bristol 2. She was angry because they didn’t _. that they had received her letter. 3. He offered me the job on the phone, but | haven't had written .___._ yet. 4. They said they would —....... me by phone when they've made a decision. 5. You don’t need to ask for confirmation; they will reply 6 They interviewed four other... for the job as well as me. 7. Val wrote to the company for a job, but there are no... at the moment. 8 [hope they'll me feedback after the interview, 9° He wants to for the job, but he still has to fill in the _-. form, (0. You have to do tests and have several interviews; it's quite 2 long © A80uT You Write answers to the questions, or ask another student. 1 What jobs have you applied for in the past? How many interviews have you had? pet SES Have any interviewers given you feedback after the interview”... ee How many times have you been the successful candidate? ae a Who were your referees? ae Have you ever had t0 get a work permit? IF so, where? =e DUAN Test yourself. Cover the glossary meanings and look at the words. Can you remember the meanings and other parts of speech? WORK AND STUDY 133 52 | can describe jobs A Careers (0 CET e NUE CNet) ee Cee} Se eae dure ar Scere sector a part of the business activity ofa country aEtigany stehiae wanlan ae ant! (public sector = controlled by the government; Fee NAS coreg sacar private sector = controlled by private companies). complete the following: experience the things that you have done in your life, Please select any two sectors in which you qualifications the exams you have passed or have experience and/or qualifications. courses you have finished. oor engineering the activity of designing roads, oer Le) : er railways, bridges, etc. training a tienice mitary connected with soiters or thearmy, navy See . ame training the activity of teaching people the skills ree ng: they need fora job. train sb y. publishing the business of producing and selling dooks, magazines, etc. publish sth v. manufacturing the business of producing goods in factories. manufacture sth v. management the control ofa bus organization. manage sb/sth v, A career is the series of jobs you have ina particular area, €:g, aeareer in publishing. A job is any work you do to earn money, e.g. being a lessor waiter, teacher, etc. A profession is.ajob with retail selling goods to people directly in shops, on ahigh level of training and/or education, e.g. the internet, ete. the medical /teaching profession. finance the activity of managing money. recruitment the business of finding people for job vacancies. recruit sb v. @ what sector do these people work in? > | produce books and then we sell them. ..pue! hing _ 1. Leach people their jobs. 5 | produce cars... 2 I'masolder. .. 6 I'm the boss of a company. 3. | sell clothes. 7 | control the money in our business 4. design motorways. 8 fill job vacancies in companies. —.. @ complete the words in the text. I"ve just left university and! I'm hoping to have a p career in the private (1) s_ and eventually I'd like to be in (2) mand have my own business. | had a couple of jobs in small companies in my holidays, so | have a little (3) e—.....- . I'm hoping to work for a large company to start with; they do a lot of (4) t_.— and I'll be able to get some extra (5) q. too. My father's in the legal (6) p , but for some reason, he wants me to have some experience in the (7) m a soldier. I've no idea why, though. © As0uT YoU Look at the website again. Which sectors do you have experience or qualifications in? 134 WORK AND STUDY B Jobs & Job What does he/she do? plumber | installs and repairs water ‘central heating, baths, etc. mechanic 28, LADS, repairs engines, especially in vehicles. & wiring, carpenter | gp] makes or repairs parts ofa building LZ and other objects made of wood. nanny Se takes care of /cares for children in i their own home, travelagent [2 , | makes travel arrangements for people. estate agent Pal buys and sells houses or land for N people, importer imports goods, priest performs religious ceremonies in civil servant sales rep / representative somie religions. works for the civil service, ie. all government departments except the military, travels to different places and sells the products ofa particular company. ‘installs, connects, or repairs electrical Glossary install sth put in some equipment so that itis ready to use. vehicle e.g. car, bus, lorry. electrical of or about electricity object a thing that can be seen or touched but is not alive. “take care of / care for: sb/sth lock aftersb/sth, make arrangements for sb/sth make plans or preparations for sb/sth. Jand an areaof ground; an area | used for a special purpos Import sth buy goods from another country to sell in your own country. corr export sth. n other words; that is (used when you are explaining or defining sth). product a thing thai people make or grow in order to sell. oe a Cover the table above. Are these sentences true or false? Write T or F. > An importer exports goods to sell 1 Anestate agent sells holidays 2. A carpenter makes wooden objects... 3 A chil servant warks for a company. 4 A priest conducts religious ceremonies. ... 5 A mechanic can repair vehicles. 6 An electrician fixes electrical wiring. 7 Aplumber can fix your central heating Cross out one word which is wrong. Write the correct word at the end > | haven't got central heating; | need a plumber to repair a new system, install 1 Our estate agent made the arrangements, i.e. buying tickets, booking hotels. The estate agent sold the landing which belonged to the farm. .. What produces does that company make? My sister does quite a lot of training for the civil servant | believe he exports silver jewellery from abroad... Annanny takes care for children, Sales representants have to travel a lot NouaRWN © BB test yoursett, took at the jobs and cover the other columns. What do the people do? WORK AND STUDY 135 53 | can describe a career A Career structure 6% ‘Two yeers ago, | got a challenging job ‘with good prospects in local radio. | worked hard and, a5 @ reward, Iwas promoted. | was delighted. | was quickly transferred to a different department. Then things went wrong: one colleague got the sack, and another handed in his notice. After that, ten people were made redundant | didn't want to be out of work, so | decided to look elsewhere. | applied for a job in TV and was appointed assistant director. Amazing! ‘An employer may dismiss an employee if their work is not good enongh or ifthey have done something wrong. In less formal English, you can say sack sb, give sb the sack, orfire sb. An employee can get the sack rv. was sacked re J wasaiven the sack i FEY got the sack for being rue, ‘was fired / was dismissed Glossar challenging difficult to do, but interesting and enjoyable. challenge w. prospects (r1) chances of being successful in the future, reward sth you get because you have done sth helpful, worked hard, etc. reward sb v. promote sb (usually passive) give sb a better job at a higher level in a company. promotion x. transfer sb/sth (from ... to ...) move sb/sth from one place to another. department a section of a business, university, etc. hand in your notice say officially that you want to leave your job. syns resign, quit ivr. make sb redundant [often passive) make sb leave their job because they are not needed any more. out of work not working and unable to find a job. sv unemployed. elsewhere in or to another place. appoint sb choose sb fora job. @ 1s the meaning the same or different? Write S or D. > achallenge | a reward _V. ‘out of work | unemployed be promoted | be appointed get the sack | sack someone fire someone | dismiss someone RUNS > Iwas glad to be appointed 1 My job's very | want to transfer to another Complete the sentences with a single word. 40 the job | have. (chosen for the job) (difficutt but interesting) 5 prospects | chances of success... hand in your notice | resign be sacked | be promoted transfer sb | move sb to anather affice make someone redundant | fire someone wo 9d ABOUT YOU (section of the business) Ihave good my job. (chances of success) 2 3 4 I'd really love to be 5. I'm bored at work, so I’m going to look 6 I've never been 7 \'dhate to have to 8 Hil hated my job, | would definitely... 8 (given a better job in the company) (in another place) (out of work) someone. (aisrniss) (hand in my notice) we ABOUT YOU Have you got a job? If so, are the sentences in Exercise 2 true for you? Write true or false, or talk to another student who has a job. 136 WORK AND STUDY B A job with responsibility 6% kar Amy, I know you work on reception at the sports centre, but what does feller) what does (your job)» what do you have to do (in your job)? thatinvolve? involve? amy Well, Thandle all handle sth/sb take suitable action in a situation. svw deal customer bookings, and with sth/sb. answer enquiries over enquiry » aquestion about sth (make an enquiry). the phone or face-to- face-to-face © with and looking at sb. face. Occasionally 1 also have to deal with complaints from ‘complaint + astatement that you are not satisfied with sth (make a complaint). complain v. members of the public + people in general {also the public) members of the public, andifthere'sa problem, solve a problem » find an answer to a problem. syw-find a Tm the one who has to solution. solve it. clerical « connected with office work, especially kate Soit's not just clerical keeping records or accounts (the person duties, then? who does thisis a clerk). avy Oh,no.Some weekends duties HE Gs yes doe bene are anger {min charge of the in charge of sth/sb _« ina position of control over sth/sb. whole centre, and in 4 y sy responsible for sb/sth an emergency it's my make sure ~ check sth so that you can be certain about it. job io make sure that everyone is sale, Ihavea responsibility © the fact or duty of being in control of sth, so lot of responsibility. that itis your fault sth goes wrong. @ one word is missing in each line. Rewrite the sentences, adding the missing word. does her job involve? .. What does her job involve? Vid like to an enquiry about the club = | talked to her to-face. It's very hard to deal this situation. Who's charge of this department? tee You have to sure the doar is locked. ta We're not responsible the cleaning Do you know how to the problem? | want to 2 complaint about the service. sais Sac LS OY dsH EWN © complete the texts A Lused to have a boring office job -1 was am cleck____in the chil service for five years, but | couldn’t stand it and left. I've now got a job in 2 tourist information office in Liverpool and | really like it. My (1) 4 include helping people to find accommodation, dealing with their Qe. about places to visit, and finding (3) s. to their travel problems. I'm also (4r for the Beatles tour: | take people to Jahn Lennon and Paul McCartney's childhood homes. | try to make (5) s_.___. everything goes well. B | work ina travel agent's, and my job (6) i arganizing trips for people. | love meeting the Mp and | really enjoy (8) h _.....- the money side of things. Some of my work is just routine (9) c work; other times, | have a lot of (10) r. . For example, if a ‘customer's holiday goes wrong, | have to (11) _. with their (12) C————- 6 a Test yourself. Look at the glossary words and cover the meanings. What are the meanings? WORK AND STUDY 137 54 | can describe working conditions 6% Job questionnaire | working » the arrangements made at a place 1 Doyou feel your job is stressful? | conditions of work forphysical comfort and SS E salety. 2. How much time off do you get every year? | stressful « making you worry alot. stress, = | shift work apattern of work in which you 3. Do you ever have to da shift work? F sometimes work during the day and sometimes at night. overtime the time you spend working after your normal working hours (you can work overtime or do 4 Do you often have to work overtime” 5 Do you nomnally receive an annual bonus? ———— —— overtime 1NF). 6 Are you entitled to sick pay? bonus » an extra payment thatis added to a= Se what you normally receive, 7 Doyou have the right to jain a trade union? sick pay ~ money you receive when you are == ee ill and canmot work. 8 Dopeoplein your tind of jobevergoonstrike? | be entitled to ~ be allowed sth or todosth, = (do) sth because it is the law. sin have the right to (do) sth. 7 union on «an organization of people in the Eien trade union same kind of work who try to get Ifyou have, get. or take time off, you are not at work, better pay and working conditions school, etc. perhaps hecause you're ll, or on holiday. for their members Thad day off to go to a wedding, goon strike — ~ reluse to work for a period of time asa ytest for more money, better He'staking amonth off work. eee y pracrtaee tall conditions, etc @ complete the words. > loften dosh. = £ work 4 Ourw ing itions are good. 1. [belong to at union 5. |often have to work 0 time 2 We went on st last year. 6 Shet .. two weeks 9 in summer. 3 Doyou get an annual b _____s? 7 Does he suffer from st... in his job? @ write the words in the correct order, and add the final word. > you / working / have / good / have, good. working conditions? 1. is/she /trade / member /a/of/a/?—— 2 we/sick/are/ to entitled /? a 3. take /like /10/1'd / week / a Su 4 you / shift / don't / why / like /? 5 6 I /left / taday: / time / on / didn't /1/ do go/why/the/on/ did / workers /? © 480UT You if you have a job, write your answers to the questionnaire. If you haven’t got a job, ask a student who has. © Bh test yoursett. cover the glossary words and look at the meanings. Say the words. 138 WORK AND STUDY

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