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Give common prefixes or suffixes to Spring bean configuration files

If you give common prefixes or suffixes to xml bean configuration files in the application, like beans-
service.xml, beans-dao.xml,

beans-security.xml, beans-config.xml and so on, then it becomes easier to load those xml configuration files
while creating Spring

Container using wildcards as follows.







1.4 Avoid using import elements within Spring XML configuration files as much as


Spring XML based configuration offers element to include bean definitions within another xml file. However,
you should use

element wisely. If you use it within several different places in your xml configuration files, it becomes
difficult to grasp big

picture of the system configuration and get confused about bean definition overrides as well. Instead, either
prefer loading xml

configuration files by making use of wild cards as explained in the previous tip, or create a separate xml
configuration file, whose

sole purpose is just to contain elements.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<beans xmlns=""


xsi:schemaLocation=" https://www. ←-">

<import resource="classpath:/appcontext/beans-controller.xml"/>

<import resource="classpath:/appcontext/beans-service.xml"/>

<import resource="classpath:/appcontext/beans-dao.xml"/>

1.5 Stay away from auto wiring in XML based bean configurations

Mixing auto wiring with explicit setter or constructor injection in xml bean definitions might cause confusion
and make it harder

to grasp the big picture in the application. Therefore, either make use of auto wiring in all of your bean
definitions throughout

the application, or stick with the explicit dependency injection definitions.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<beans xmlns=""


xsi:schemaLocation=" https://www. ←-" default-autowire="byType">



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