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PA 16546 THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1987

Phonathon Attempts To j
Ring Up "$60 For The 60th"
By Jackie Rzomp To reach this year's overall goal of $50,000,
the theme of the Phonathon is."$60 for the
When Mercy hurst alumni hear bells, they 60th." a •
may be reminded of the familiar chimes which ; Although $60 is the minimum amount which
kept them on time for classes during their years those graduates who have never donated will
on the hill. be asked to pledge, any amount will be
When Mercyhurst alumni hear bells— graciously accepted.
telephone bells, that is—from Feb. 15-26, they & Dore remarks that even small alumni dona-
will be reminded that their generosity is vital tions are important. "Besides the fact that small
to the continued success of the college. Sunday, amounts add up, alummni participation is im-
Feb. 15 has been reserved as the kickoff day for portant to any college. When soliciting foun-
the Seventh Annual Phonathon. Fifteen phones dations for support or writing proposals to get
will be set up in the Blue Room as volunteers grants, alumni participation levels are a prime
solicit donations from approximately 4,700 consideration. Chances of obtaining grants rest
reachable alumni residing in every state of the upon participation."
nation. Currentiy, average alumni participation in
Tom Dore, Associate Director of Alumni colleges across the country is in the 20-22%
Relations and coordinator of the Phonathon, giving range. 32% of Mercyhurst graduates par-
believes that this is perhaps the most exciting ticipate in various giving programs. •
year in the history of the event. There are three Alumni who donate during the Phonathon
basic differences in this year's Phonathon J will be able to specify what aspect of the col-
First, this is a key part of the Capital Cam- lege they would like to benefit. If specifications
WfflFMi -,
paign. Although the Campaign will not official- are not made, the majority of the money will
ly end until spring, the Phonathon is its final go to the Alumni Annual Fund which gives
phase. financial aid to current students.
From last year's Phonathon, Education major Cindy Suroviec calls a Mercyhurst alumni Second, added to this year's list of prospec- Donations by parents are earmarked for the
for a donation. File Photo tive donors are approximately 1,100 parents of library fund. %'
current students. Dore points out, "Everyone The Alumni Relations Office and Phonathon
realizes that parents struggle to sent their co-chairpersons, Sally Carlow Kohler ('51) and
children to college and make additional Lance Lavrine ('83), are recruiting volunteers
sacrifices to send them to Mercyhurst. How- to help with the Phonathon, Needed are alum-

| Financial Success J
ever, it is important for parents to realize that ni, faculty and students to assist in'calling, data
any amount of generosity is helpful." entry, mailing and a host of other activities to
make this a successful project.
Although success of the Phonathon is the ma-

Behavioral Failure jor incentive for participation, there are rewards

for volunteers. Any person who donates his or
her time will receive a gift in recognition of
By Jennifer Singer until the beginning of Spring term. "1 was really The biggest event that SAC has coming up is Mercy hurst's 60th anniversary. Surprise! It will
pleased at how it went. We sold all of the tickets the first annual Mr. Mercyhurst Contest. SAC not be a T-shirt.
The Winter Formal, or the Snow Ball as it and everyone had a good time. is looking for someone with a great personali- Calling teams comprised of student groups
was so appropriately named, was held on Jan. General Manager of,the Hilton, Bob ty and a good sense of humor. Also, there will on campus will be eligible for cash prizes. The j
16 at the Hilton Hotel, located in downtown Neumaier, said that this type of behavior isn't be a talent contest*, a swim suit contest, as well team that solicits the largest donations will re-^
Erie. SAC considered the dance a success since uncommon for gatherings of this size. as a formal dresswear competition. This event ceive $200, while second and third place teams
twice as many people attended as in past years. "Students become unruly and then our security will take place on Jan. 30 in the Zurn recital will receive $100 and $50, respectively. Also,
However, it was a shame that SAC had to work handles the problem. One student, because of hall at 7 p.m. * various prizes wil be awarded to individuals
so hard to organize this event only to have some his size and attitude, became too much for us SAC also sponsors movies in the Student with top donations. j
unthankful people ruin it for others. to handle and he was secured with the help of Union every Sunday at 7 and 9 p.m. On If any person or group wishes to volunteer')
Many students were uncontrollable, some Erie Police." Since there was no physical dam- February 1, the movie OUT OF BOUNDS will for the Phonathon, contact Tom Dore in 215
due to drunkenness. Some people were pushing age done to the Hilton's property, Neumaier be shown in the video room. Main, Ext 248. #'*'?
around people and men were found in the said he'd be willing to host another dance for All members of the Mercyhurst Community
women's bathroom. Studentsfightingand fall- Mercy hurst. SAC also sponsored another are invited to attend the SAC meetings which
ing down were common sights on the Hilton's Monte Carlo Night on Saturday Jan. 24 in the are held every Monday night at 9 p.m. in the
dance floor. Lisa Costello, Director of Student Student- Union. Back Porch Cafe. All ideas are welcome.!
Union,, stated, "It was unbelievable how col-
lege students can get all dressed up to go out
and not be able to control themselves in a public FilmsiforSDiscussion:
This kind of behavior calls into question
whether there will be a formal in the Spring.
**I think that if there were to be another formal,
a lot of thought and a lot of deliberation would Forum, Is .. m pg. 5
go into this decision since the Winter Formal,
which was supposed to be a nice event was turn-
ed into a., iTCostello's voice trailed off with
disbelief. Nothing Sacred
Tracy Wasson, President of SAC, feels that
the occurrence of anotherformalis "more than Mercyhurst student Anne Melquist and friend enjoying themselves at the "Snowball" The
likely", but the planning for it will not take place winter dance was held at the Erie Hilton hotel. Photo: D. Rieger •
PAGE 2 She ftterctab

Part 2 Of A 2-Part Series:

Date Rape j
By Jennifer Conmy and Lisa themselves in the position of having have the right to set sexual limits and A DATE RAPE VICTIM | I
Georgino to face their assailants again, communicate those limits to your
especially on college campuses. date. You should also trust your feel- J Find out as much as possible about your date, particularly if he is a
Women who have been the Because of the extent of the ings and pay attention to behavior blind date or someone you do not know well.
vicitms of date*rape are often tramua involved for victims, a date that doesn't seem right, such as sit- Consider do able-dating the first few times you go out with a male you
traumatized more than a vicitm who rape victim is encouraged to talk to ting or standing too close or power are not well-acquainted with.
has been raped by a stranger. an older female that she feels she staresi And, finally, be assertive: get roommate
According to Gail C. Rawlings, can trust.. Due to the betrayal of angry, act immediately and, most of
the spokesperson for the Penn- trust, the healing process is often all, stand up for yourself. (Star ad- Know beforehand the exact plans for the evening and make sure a parent
sylvania Coalition Against Rape long and painful. Victims often must ditional tips see sidebar article on or a friend knows these plans and what time you expect you home.
(PCAR), due to societal attitudes, seek not only council for the feel- this page.) Be aware of your decreased ability to react under the influence of alcohol
the vicitim of acquaintance rape ings of betrayal butfortheir feelings If you are the victim of rape, seek
usually does not report the crime or of guilt. *' or drugs.
help or at least talk to someone.
seek help. Victims tend to feel Although date rape can occur at PCAR recommends that victims Think carefully about leaving a party or a gathering with a man you
ashamed, guilty, depressed and any time to any one, the primary contact a local rape crisis center or do not know well; if you do leave with someone, make sure you tell anoth-
angry with themselves. Other after- targets are girls and women in their school counselor to help deal with er person you are leaving and with whom.
effects of date rape are that the trust senior year of high school, freshmen the guilt or after-effects a victim Avoid out-of-the-way or secluded areas.
and integrity of a relationship has year of college, or in the summer mayfeel.The Erie Rape Crisis Cen- Trust your instincts; if a situation makes you uncomfortable, try to be
also been shattered. Women often between high school and college. ter canjjbe reached by calling calm and think of ways to remove yourself from the situation;
blame themselves for the rape oc- The rapes, tend to occur on 868-0877. The staff psychologist at
curring, they no longer feel in con- weekends and are usually commit- Mercy hurst is Carol Boyle, ext. | Examine how you behave with men, especially those behaviors that
trol of their lives. Theyfeelbetrayed ted on the assailant's own turf. 292. Her office is located in 212 could be misinterpreted.
by their own judgement. %j While there is no perfect way to Main. Assert yourself when necessary. Be firm and straightforward in your
f Adding to the victims* trauma is prevent daterapethe following tips, relationships
the fact that they often find work for many people: Know you (Courtesy of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape)

Learning Disabled Students Getting In next week's issue: A\look at teen

Fair Shake At?A College Education suicides and special coverage of the up-
coming academic celebration. Look for the
paper on Feb. 5 in its usual locations.
By Jennifer Montani * education for the learning disabled students in the program are also
enrolled at Mercyhurst College. assigned a proctor from the educa-
He did not talk until he was four, "Everyone, in some way has a lear- tion department, and an education
nor read until he was nine.:This ning disability," stated Dr. Barbara major with junior/senior class stan-
German boy had great difficulty Weigert, director of the Learning ding will act as a type of big broth-
learning math and his teachers Disability Program. "These are er or sister to help the students with
thought he was backwards; this boy severe enough to need college their classes. The students meet
went; on to become the most pre- assistance." Weigert stressed, " with their proctor a minimum of
eminent scientist in the last 300 People should be very aware of the once a week, thus enabling a close
years. . .his name was Albert fact that these students are in no way student/teacher relationship to exist.
Einstein. /; mentally retarded. Learning disabl- Weigert stated, "The Mercyhurst
Severely learning disabled, this ed students house at least average in- faculty has been extremely profes-
'youth could neither read nor write telligence, but^somewhere along the sional and giving." She stressed that
at the age of 12, and even though he line, processing information the faculty has not lowered their
overcame his difficulties to a suffi- becomes extremely difficult.** Mer- level of standards for the learning
cient extent to win appointment to cy hurst's program for learning- disabled students, but they have
the U.S. Military Academy at West disabled students, has-been in ex- been very willing to accommodate
Point, he had to hire a "reader** tq istence for approximately five these students in such areas as oral
help him get through his studies, he months, and has 12 students receiv- examinations and extra time outside
went on to command the U.S. Third ing the specialized help. These 12 of the classroom for more in-depth
Army during World War I I . . . his students have been specially tested explanations of materials covered.
name was General George S. Patton. and have been officially declared Weigert remarked, "All of our
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, learning disabled. This type of students in the program are excep-
Section 504 states: "No otherwise testing includes I.Q. tests, ACT or tionally fine young people, I would
qualified handicapped person in the SAT scores and various other private say for the student who tries, it
United States shall, solely by reason tests administered by either the stu- program) is successful." I
of his handicap be excluded from the dent's school district or a As a result of dyslexia, this boy
participation in, be denied the psychologist of the student's choos- did not learn his letters until the age
benefits of, or be subjected to ing. The students enrolled in the of eight or learn to read unt i 1 he was
discrimination under any program program have the same choices of 11. His teachers pronounced him
or activity receiving federal finan- majors and classes as those students dull and backwards with extremely
cial assistance.** This Act pertains to who are not learning disabled; hav- poor reading and writing skills. His
the physically handicapped as well ing a learning disability will in no name was Wood row Wilson and he
as the,learning, disabled. Dr. way hamper a student's choices in became the 28th President of the
William P. Garvey, president of his/her field of college studies. United States. . , Tell me and I
Mercyhurst College, first suggested In addition to the academic ad- forget. Show me and I remember.
a program in the fall of 1985, which viser all students are assigned at the Involve me and I understand.
would insure the best possible beginning of freshman year,
oUte ffflerciafc THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1987

President Praises Revamped Paper

Dear Editor, photographs were legible and the becoming an outstanding college
layout and variety of the stories pro- newspaper and you and your staff
Just a note to congratulate you on vided very interesting reading. Pei are to be commended. We look for-
the greatly improved MERCIAD haps best of all, those disturbing ward to many more issues of similar
that appeared a few weeks ago. It spelling and grammar mistakes quality.
was the best looking MERCIAD I were almost totally missing. Sincerely,
have seen in some time. The prin- In my opinion the MERCIAD
ting was vastly improved, the took a giant leap forward toward Dr. William P. Garvey

From The Adviser's Desk BRR-RR. . . A lone Mercyhurst student braves the bitter cold
temperatures and lake effect snow storms that dumped over 13 in-
ches of snow on the Erie area last weekend. After a few mild winter
months, Mother Nature flexed her muscles, reminding everyone just
By Dennis McCarthy, coach standing on the sideline can- impression of the paper.
MERCIAD Faculty Adviser not block, tackle, pass, catch or run. Landmark studies by Dr. George how nasty she can be. Photo: L Hafenmaier Lit 4
A quarterback without his ten team- Gerbner of the University of Penn-
We have just completed mates can accomplish nothing. But sylvania have demonstrated con-
celebrating America's most pro- when the team wins, the coach and clusively that the average reader
found, mythic, ritual celebration - the quarterback are lionized. When over-estimates the errors in their
the Super Bowl. Two weeks of hype the team loses the quarterback,and newspaper by a factor of 400%.
and seven hours of television for the coach, are often vilified. This is because the average reader
about seven minutes of action. Ultimately, it's a matter of only of reads 25 % and tends to read
Seven minutes is what you get when degrees. Quarterbacks and coaches only things that interest them and
you put the stopwatch on every play, get too much credit when they're they are knowledgeable about. If I
from the time the ball is snapped un- successful and too much blame read any error in the sports page I SM
til the time the play is completed. when they fail. Exactly the same will very likely recognize it as a
Even in America, one of the most principle applies to^student jour- mistake because I am interested in V
Christian nations on the face of the nalism. Last fall when we were and conversant in sports. If you read
earth, our biggest annual event is the struggling against variegated colors 25 % of the paper, and that 25 % per- K.V
Super Bowl. There is a message in for our flag and rashes of transposi- cent-is the part that you are most *r ***

there somewhere, probably best left tions, schools of typos and misspell- equipped to criticize, you quickly «
to be interpreted by each individual. ings and grammatical inaccuracies, start to over-estimate the total .?
But in any event the Super Bowl we did not control our own destiny, amount of errors. The average dai- :
has passed. Super Bowls present an and like a coach and quarterback, ly newspaper creates from scratch
M -
n >'A J>. V« <1 - i ' ;
' *

apt analogy. For the pastfewweeks, we were unduly criticized. All I every 24 hours the equivalent, in
I, and thankfully the editorial staff
of Brian Sheridan, Chris Kovski,
could do was try and keep the staff
morale up, but telling them "it's the
terms of word count, of an average
college textbook. Ponder that for a AND ALLTHE QUALITY IN
Matthew Clark and Jennifer Conmy, nature of the beast" and if they work minute. Think how many oppor- 8
have been receiving plauditsforim-
provements in the paper and that's
in the commercial press they will
find the same thing exactly. No one
tunities there are for errors when
you are producing that volume of
Domino's Pizza Delivers® LtfHfj
hot to you. You get made-
nice. Not nice enough to offset some in my experience has ever bragged material in only a span of one day. to-order, top-quality pizzaP f-.-O
of the criticism from Fall term but about their home town newspaper. Now think of a college newspaper. piping-hot and delicious,
totally understandable. In football As a matter of fact, it's quite the an- Obviously, it's easier for a college just the way you like it.
when a team wins the coach and the tithesis. Most cities are full of peo- newspaper. It's smaller, contains We're quick in the store
quarterback get undue credit. A
m so we can safely deliver
pie who have an overall negative 1 (See ADVISOR, page 7) your hot pizza in less
than 30 minutes. No
NOID" is good news, so

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Winter Films For Discussion series Dr. Garrelts claimed that the stu- commended the cast as being "all
will feature student discussion dent discussion leaders have been great." The discussion will be led by Dinner for two iDinnerfor four,
leaders throughout the term. I well received by those attending the Katie McGrath. Feb. 12 will have
The series, presented by the film discussions. Karen Cavalanica hosting a discus-
Department of Philosophy and "The audiences sticking around sion on THE GRADUATE. Tony
Religious Studies, began on Jan. 14, for discussions have been treating Marino will discuss TRUE CON-
and will run through Feb. 25. the students quite well," he said. FESSIONS on Feb. 18. The series
Dr. George Garrelts, director of The series will focus on the Great will end the following week with Get a 12" cheese pizza Get a 16" cheese pizza
the film series, noted that student in- American Actor. The films are FIVE EASY PIECES, the discus- With 2 items and 2 bottles with 3 items and 4 bottles
shown every Wednesday at 7:30 sion being led by Heidi Beezub. of Coke, for only $5.00., of Coke for only $8.99
volvement in the film series is not
p.m. in the Zurn Recital Hall. Marino feels that allowing students Tax and bottle deposit not Included lax and bottle deposit not Included
totally new. One coupon or offer per pj One coupon or offer per pizza.
The film on Feb. 4 will be to lead discussions will benefit the Expires: 2/16/87 Expires: 2/15/87
"We've used students before," he program. "We won't bring in as
said, but added, "I think the student MISTER ROBERTS, starring many Fast, Free Delivery' Fast, Free Delivery™
of America's great actors. Henry much experience but it should work 442 W. 18th St. 442 W. 18th St.
involvement this year has taken on quite well and it may even get more
a certain "notice" I think students Fonda plays the title role of a restless Phone: 453-6938 Phone: 453-6938
officer on World War II cargo ship students to attend and be involved,"
have noticed that we're taking them he said.
seriously." but the shows Academy Award per-
According to Dr. Garrelts, the formance comes from Jack Lem- All films will be presented with
student involvement was initiated by mon as the brash, young Ensign a brief introduction at 7:15 p.m. with
Pulver. Also in the cast are James the discussion to follow. It is free to ®
MM5 ®
MM 6
honor students who wanted to par- Cagney and William Powell in his the Mercyhurst community.
ticipate in the series, and also last role. Movie critic Leonard
through the efforts of Dr. i,ew Lut- » * • !
PAGE 4 Uihc fflcrciab

The Right Not Veep Feels ' 'Pretty Good
Attend About CurrentMSG Progress
By Brian Sheridan classes. '
It's not an unconcerned attitude ture series.
By John Widecan,
For the last few issues, MSG's on part of students but a sorry fact There have also been other ser-
of life. Many people have to work- MSG Vice-President
"Off the Record" column has been vices that we have made available worthwhile. I
bemoaning the fact that the Mer- including work study and off- for students, such as trips to major For instance, we hope to add
Way back in May, when Peggy
cy hu rst student body has just been campus jobs—to make enough other things such as a Lazer Tag
(Hirsch), Mike (Kelly), Barb sporting events, shuttles to Mercy-
"going through the motions" and money to stay at this school, preven- contest, team competition where
(Sayers), Tracy (Wasson), and I took hurst hockey games, and a Spring
not supporting all of the "wonder- ting them from attending school everyone can get involved and take
office in Student Government, we Break package that is superior to last
ful" MSG and SAC activities that functions. It's not fair to say to them home prizes, and possibly some
were faced with the question of what [year's. Although I feel pretty good
they have planned. Dare I use the "I'm a little disappointed "as Kelly competition between Mercyhurst
we were going to accomplish in the about those things, I feel we are far
unwelcome word at this campus that wrote in our Jan. 15 issue. They tend from done with making our step. and Behrend. There are many other
coming year. Of course we had
student Government President Mike to choose the events that really in- ideas that have yet to be worked on.
many specific goals, but our main One thing that I believe needs to be
Kelly and Vice President John terest them or coincide with their The key to having a great Activities
goal was to take another step in made better is our Activities Week-
Widecan have been hinting at each work and study schedule. Weekend is getting involved.
making Mercyhurst a better place. end. This year, I hope to do this.
week -APATHY. I'm not here to Priorities have become somewhat I am looking for input from the
We had felt that Dave Armstrong, -i Right now, what we have on tap
jump on the bandwagon and deride skewed. "Simon Sez" games might whole student body about Activities
Matt Whelan, and the others had is our Formal, Simon Sez, a band
all of you studentsfornot taking part be a lot of fun; it really isn't Weekend. If you have any ideas
done many very good things and it for Saturday Night, and the Ping
in things that hold no interestforyou something that one should get upset please stop by the Student Govern-
was our job to build on them and ex- Pong Drop. These are things that
just because you are told "it's your about if the turn-out is poor. t &j ment office at Main 209 or please
pand them. So far, I believe we have have gone well in the past and so
duty " as a student. Infeet,I'm here Sure, you do miss out on a lot of been able to do this. We have been they will be included, but we hope feel free to attend my next Activities
to justify and defend those who fun but sometimes you have to give (See PROGRESS, page 6)
able to put together an excellent lee- to add other things that will be
choose not to take part. up frivolity for substance. Now ac-
Student involvment, or school cuse me of tearing down without
spirit as it's more commonly re-
ferred to, has its roots in the institu-
tions of learning of the Twenties and
Thirties attended by the wealthy.
building up by offering suggestions
to solve the problems. I'll accept
that accusation. Maybe there is no
solution to the problem. You just
Kovski Korner ceeds to slide for varying distances.
These first students, now have to accept it, like the song says, By Chris Kovski front steps. These steps have been
remembered for their racoon skin because "that's just the way it is." specially prepared with a heavy Contestants will be judged on length
coats and megaphones, attended the Mercy hurst isn't the place where Baldwin Hall Rm. 81B, Mer- coating of snow and ice, resulting in of slide and amount of laughter
football games and other events students, it seems, want to be involv- cyhurst College The Merciad is a ramp rather than steps. generated by the event. Points will
ed. Many want to be reclusive. pleased to announce the first-ever For those interested in a more be subtracted for injuries.
because they were more concerned
There is nothing wrong with that at Mercyhurst College Winterlympics. physical endeavor, I personally Last, but not least, the Biathlon.
with "being social" than with
worrying about their impending job all. The first event in this stimulating recommend the hockey game. For those uninformed members of
placements. Most of them had jobs I could write endless editorials athletic contest is Downhill Skiing. There is no preset time for this our readership, the Biathlon is a
already lined up thanks to their dad- about the lack of letters to the editors The trials took place on Jan. 18, the event, but it will take place as soon combination of cross-country skiing
dies. College was just a place to have we get. Other papers we get have site being the sidewalk in front of as a number of individuals attempt and marksmanship with a rifle. In
fun before going into the real world. full pages of them. What good Baldwin Hall heading down to to pass a group going in an opposite this competition, entrants will ski up
We are now here, basically, to get a would it do? Zurn. The finalists are those chosen direction. This event can take place to St. Mark's, shoot out a predeter-
good job in today's tough market few who did not fall flat on the bot- anywhere on campus, but appears mined number of windows, and re-
place. The Merciad has never received tom sides of their laps. most likely to happen on the turn to campus. Points will be
many letters in the four years I've The second event is Figure sidewalk between Zurn and Preston. awarded for speed, accuracy and
It's not our "duty" but a privilege
been here. The "Off the Record" in Skating. The preliminaries of this The Bobsledding also can take number of people sent scurrying.
to attend activities set up by the
campus social groups. Our "duty" those years still talked about spectacle will be held during the place any time, but will involve a Remember, the appeals commit-
students not getting involved with next week. Doctor Garvey will be student carrying a large number of tee for any protests consists of Dr.
is to study, go to class and graduate.
student activities. I do this job sitting in Old Main, watching books. While walking on a slippery Garvey, Dean Palmer and, in the
No company will hire you because students walking in Garvey Park.
you attended all of the football because I have an internal love for sidewalk, the student places one foot case of the Biathlon, the State
Contestants will be judged on form on bare ice, twists his or her body, Police,
games but neglected to attend any (See ATTEND, page 6)
(number of times their arms pin- lands on the stack of books and pro-
wheel) as well as function (in-
dividual's rate in crossing the park). THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON
©he HHcrctaii All those students walking with a
person of the other sex while join-
i Brian Sheridan, Editor- ing hands or arms are eligible for
Chris Kovski, Managing Editor team competition. No need to
Jennifer Conmy, Sports Editor * enter—if you walk through the park,
Matthew J. Clark, News Editor you are immediately "in the runn-
Leslie Hafenmaier, Photo Editor ing" (or sliding, whichever the case
Paula Bruno, Calendar Editor may be). Next, we have the Slalom.
Tom Mulligan, Business Manager This affair will consist of ? jaunt!
Frank Pawlowskl, Circulation Manag er down the sidewalk toward the Grot-
Reporters to, subsequent sliding down the hill,
across the bridge and down the
Lisa Georglno Kelly Moore steps, followed by weaving around
Susan Marcy Jackie Rzomp multiple trees in an effort to avoid
Jennifer Montanl Jennifer Singer expensive bridge work on front
IV plats teeth, a quick dodge around Presi-
Bridget Presuttl, Chris Cade, Ann Johnson dent Reagan tracking the Iran arms
deal and a skid into the Grotto.
Anyone wanting to enter the finals
after going through this happening
Debra Rleger, Photographer once is advised to make an appoint-
nnis McCarthy, Faculty Adviser ment with a qualified psychologist.
After the thrills of that occurrence,
we proceed immediately to the Ski
The Merciad is the student-edited newspaper of Mercyhurst College, 501 East Jump event. Briggs Avenue Apart-
38th Street, Erie, PA 16546. The Merciad office is located in the basement ment residents are eligible, in that
of Baldwin Hall, phone 825-0376. the occasion takes place on their
THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1987 She filer dab PAGE 5

Mercyhurst Neglect Martin Luther
King5 Jr. Day Regarded As "Shameful 55
By Dennis McCarthy stance, decided to decline the invita- mean it is less important. Washington's or Lincoln's birthday
tion and it's not celebrated King. Today, both Hoover and King
Martin Luther King, Jr. is a hero
anymore, we have some kind of are dead Which one do you think
As an archetypal baby boomer it's throughout all segments of society whose name has some meaning. His bland compromise called Presi-
hard for me to realize that my in the states where it is celebrated. would be more identified with,
heroism was demonstrated in areas dent's Day and T certainly don't more admired by the majority of
generation is quickly becoming And that is more than discouraging, which we can all understand. And denigrate the importance of George
middle-aged, in less than six months it's a tragedy and a scandal. people today? Dr. King was human
if we can't remember the period Washington or Abraham Lincoln. and it was his very humanity that
I will beforty.And that is obvious- But it does seem to me that
ly an antique. Some students give made him such a charismatic leader.
celebrating their birthdays is kind of If you ever had the chance to hear
me the impression that deep inside like the koan about trees falling in
they feel that when I was a small him speak, in person, it is my honest
the forest with no one to hear them. and heartfelt opinion that your life
boy, the sequoias were saplings. They lived so long ago, in a culture
That's not really true. But I am old would ever - after be different. But,
that was so very different, that even we cannot convey this difference to
enough to remember many changes though we can intellectually ap-
in society. And, on one of them. I've the coming generations if we
preciate their accomplishments, decide, in our recreational wisdom,
reversed my opinion. Several years most people can't understand it, at
ago, when our government decided to slide his birthday into another one
least in the context of relating to it. of those "convenient" Mondays. In
to, in effect, abolish holidays as Lincoln and Washington are
celebrations, so as to give the ma- order for his holiday to have mean-
mythic figures, not really human, ing, in order for any holiday to have
jority of workers three day not really identifiable to the majori-
weekends, I thought it was a good meaning, I believe that some kind
ty of people alive today. Both were of public cognizance must be made
idea. It seemed to be a good idea to great men. But to the college student
me. I probably should have been by the bulk of society. I started out
of today, they rank alongside other talking about shame and,
leery because my father was born on mythic giants, like Shakespeare, or
May 30 and that meant thatforyears sometimes, it's good to complete the
Socrates. They are just too far circle. On Mon., Jan. 19, but even
I was out of school on his birthday removed by time and too much dif-
and since he was a teacher he was more so on Jan. 15,1 felt ashamed
ferent, by custom, to have relevance that my children had to go to school,
home too. Because in those days it Dr. Martin Luther King, )r. delivers his civil rights message to thousandsto the majority of young people
was called Memorial"Day, and r
in Girard. As I drove to work that
in August of 1963. Photo: AP Laser photo used with the permission today. day, I felt ashamed for every busi-
before that it been called Decoration of the Erie Times News. And I guess "young people" goes
Day so he had his birthday off ness that I saw opened.
There is shame on the state of from 1954-65, we can certainly quite a ways, because while I have As I started work that day, I felt
because it was a National holiday. Arizona, there is shame on every remember last weekend in Georgia. a certain predisposition in favor of
I spent one of my grade school years a profound sense of shame, for an
business, every school that did not And that is an important point. Dr. King; in all honest objectivity, institution, such as Mercyhurst,
in Texas and I got my birthday off closeforthis holiday. Every school Dr. King is renowned in an area that I cannot imagine what kind of cour-
because June 3 is Confederacy Day with a mission statement of the
district, like Girard which held still exists and for endeavors that still age it took George Washington and nature that we have, to nearly ignore
and at that time, at least, in the school, every store, like the vast ma- need to be fulfilled. He had a dream the other patriots. I can only im-
South, Confederacy Day was a legal Martin Luther King Jr. is
jority of Erie stores, that were open and it is not yet completed. This agine what kind of anguish Lincoln disgraceful. I felt vicarious shame
holiday. The first years of the three but MOST of all, for a religious col- timeliness, it seems to me, also in- faced in holding together the most
day weekends, as I said, I was totally for our society, for the school
lege to have classes on the day set dicates a certain impact. Dr. King's fragile of things—a unified district, for the mercantile com-
in favor of them. But my perspec- aside to honor one of the most he- struggle is still a struggle. Some of democracy. They become so
tive has changed. Holidays aren't munity, and, especially, for Mer-
roic (many would say saintly) in- us remember the struggle; those elevated, so hard to comprehend, cyhurst College.
holidays anymore. dividuals of modem times is beyond who don't can at least see his legacy. that much of their meaning is u Above all else, Ifeltashamed of
Christmas and Thanksgiving are shame.-A Catholic college in par- His children are becoming involv- diluted. myself for not being successful in
in too many cases centered around ticular devoted to the teachings of ed in activist politics. His eloquent, Their own status as myth, my attempts to convince the ad-
pro football. No one really Christ should lead the celebration widow, Coretta Scott King, is still ironically, makes them somewhat ministration of this college, that
remembers what Memorial Day is. honoring the man fwho best here to remind the students of today meaningless. Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King, Jr. is worth
When it was celebrated on the day represented the teachings of Christ who her husband was, what he did Jr. is not that distanced. And al- more than 20 minutes in the chapel
it occurred, there were parades and in our era. And we can't do that. We and why it was so significant. This though- he is also a hero to many and 10 minutes in Campus Ministry,
celebrations. If Memorial Day fell probably won't do it simply because alone makes it important enough to people, he is more comprchendable. having tea and cookies.
on a Wednesday it would be a one of an editorial opinion. I've argued differentiate this holiday from the The knavery of J. Edgar Hoover
day holiday, not enough time to take the point at two different colleges other holidays. Dr. King and his and his bureau of investigation at-
the family on a three day fishing ex- with no success but that does not legacy is still current. We don't have tempted to expose and discredit Dr.
cursion. Consequently most people,
in most towns, celebrated it as a
holiday The celebrations were in-
trinsically bound to the meaning of
Editorial: ft

the holiday.
Well, now we don't have holidays
per se. We have titular holidays; but
they get shifted to the nearest Mon-
Cleveland Wasn't The Only One To
day. This is convenient and no doubt
beneficial to the entire recreation i n-
dustry. I'm sure that the three day
weekends pump millions of dollars
Get The Denver Boot
By Matthew Clark be solved so easily.
The "color coding" solution in-
already shelled outforthe privilege
of parking on campus.
other side of campus.
Personally, I don't relish the
into the economy and it's nice to What this does, in effect, is take thought of walking across campus
have families get an opportunity to In regards to the new parking lot volves the enforcement of laws
procedures which eventually will which will punish naughty little away our basic rights, as Americans, during one of Erie's famous bliz-
have a mini-vacation together. But to freedom. Being told where to zards when I can park my car in a
something important was lost. come into effect here at Mercyhurst: boys and girls who leave their cars
I must say that I'm truly disgusted in parking lots that do not match park is just as disturbing as being lot that's closer to my class.
That something is a sense of with the Idea of "color coding" our their color code. told where to live, where to eat, I think it's great that the college
meaning. Holidays don't mean very If you leave your car in a parking where to sleep, or anything else that is expanding its parking capacity,
much anymore'and that is sad. parking lots. »
The Director of Security, former lot to which you are not assigned, violates our freedom. but I also think it's wrong to tell peo-
What makes it especially sad is Millcreek Chief of Police Merrill you could have your car towed. It This plan is going to unfavorably ple where they must park. If there's
the most recent national holiday. Dever, apparently has decided on an could also be held hostage by the affect commuters. As a commuter, anything that's wrong with this new
Martin Luther King, Jr. has a holi- extremely simplistic solution for a "Denver Boot" until you pay a fine. you now must park in an assigned procedure, it's the simple fact that
day in his honor. It is not honored problem that, I feel, cannot really A fin*—on top of the SIS you've lot, even if you have a class on the our basic rights are being abused!
in all of the states. Arizona for in-
(Ehe fWercinb

Nothing Sacred The reaction of the people I told To which I replied, "But I hardly tisement. Nobody told me there was
By Susan Marcy
was predictable. "You? A model?" know you." Someone should invent a leak in it. I quickly felt a water
They all laughed. It's not that I'm in velcro tuxes for such occasions. stain soak into my trousers. With no The second MSG meeting of the
no shape to wear designer clothes. Make-up and hair styling was also time to change, I was lucky that the year was opened by SAC Chairper-
InfeetI'm skinny (sorry, make that something a typewriter-bound jour- jacket just covered it. I don't son Tracy Wasson, discussing the
lean) enough to allow me to fit in to- nalist rarely encounters. The hair- remember Blake Carrington ever success of the Winter Formal at the
day's streamlined clothes. But dressers did more work on my hair I having a wet rump. If anyone notic- Erie Hilton. "We were very pleas-
models move with ease and ele- in one day than I do on it in an en- ed, it would have looked like I was ed with the formal but we are look-
gance, and most of my friends still tire week. They shaped it, styled it modeling tuxs for very, very ner- ing for a new place for the Spring
remember last year when I fell off and applied about ten gallons of vous people. Formal because of the crowded con-
of a two inch curb, severely sprain- guck to it. I had to be careful after All of the women looked terrific ditions," Wasson said. Over 1,000
ing my ankle. There are times when the stuff dried. If I fell, I might have |in their gowns with the long, flow- students attended the dance last Fri-
I have the grace of an elephant with broken my hair. ing trains. They were some of the day Night. In regards to a motion
jock itch. So now here I was, a man After that, I dressed myself, just prettiest dresses that I've ever step- approved in November to do
who makes his living sitting on his so I wouldn't forget how, in a white ped on. something for the homeless in Erie,
duff, thrust into a group of people jacket, pants and shoes with a bright The one in the finale cost seven MSG President Mike Kelly talked
who know the ins and outs of look- green shirt for the first set of casual grand. You'd have to sell your Chevy about the idea, of playing musical
ing good. The first thing that goes wear. I looked into the mirror at Chevette to buy it. chairs. The purpose would be to
out the window is modesty. Half- myself and had one question, "Who My moment of glory came when break the record held in the Guiness
By Brian Sheridan dressed people run past you as you the hell is this guy?" All of the pro- I danced down the runway in a pro- Book of World Records for par-
are trying to change your clothes. fessionals did it though—they made duction set to Steve Winwood's ticipants in the game, which was
It was 11:15 a.m. when the call Soon youfeeltotally at ease standing me look like a model. "Higher Love." I did a somersault 5,150 people.
came in to the office. It wasn't the clad only in your underwear and a I also was vague on the wedding and the audience of women started
smile. There's little that's exciting terminology. They told me I was the whistling and cat calling. Hundreds Mercyhurst and the other.area
Chief but Meg Tunney, manager of
and erotic about near-naked models, best man in the wedding set and had of screaming, wild women. Soon- colleges would all take part in the
the Warner theater. She wanted to
no matter how beautiful they are, the "M. O. B." What? Anyone who to-be married women^Great. A lot fund raiser, which will be held at the
know if I wanted to model tuxedos
struggling to get into a dress. After calls me a "M. O. B." is asking for of good that does me. Civic Center. Thirty ballots have
in the K104 Bridal Expo to be held |
the initial shock, they become just a fat lip. I found out it stands for Everything went successfully. I been received so far concerning the
on Saturday and Sunday at the
another body, like the nude pygmy "mother of the bride." i j$? J didn'tfelloff the stage or trip. I even mascot competition. Any more
Warner. Me? A model? I wasn't sure
women of Ghana in the NA- In the tuxedos, I tried desperate- received offers to do other shows. ideas for the contest are welcome.
she had the right person. Models
stand in front of audiences and don't TIONAL GEOQRAPHIC. ly to look like Cary Grant. I came For the first time, I was treated like Shuttles to the Mercyhurst hockey Jj
say anything. You put me in front of Having to change from one tux in- closer to looking like Ulysses S. a piece of meat. No one cared that games will continue for the next two A
a group of people and usually you to another in just over a minute Grant. Everything would have gone I could think or recite the last names weeks. If successful, the shut ties J
have a hard time shutting me up. should only be done by Clark Kent smoothly for Cary. of all of the Three Stooges, in-' will be continued until the end of the,,
"Sure:' I mumbled in disbelief, "I'll in a phone booth, but I had to do it After the intermission, I had to eluding Shemp. I felt like I was on hockey season. Kelly also announc-
three times in the show. So I had a walk down the aisle of the Warner display, used for only my looks, like ed that Thomas Walker has agreed
do it." , ^
dresser, who was female. I haven't to come to campus and take part in
What a great- gig. You stand dressed in a grey "Dynasty" tux a cheap sex object. All right, I'm not
been dressed by anyone since my a Nicarauga debate.
around in expensive tuxedos with with a pink cummerbund and tie. | too proud. "
beautiful women and they PAY you mother when I was a child. I would Before the set, I plopped myself I'll admit it. It felt great. jjjj
to do it. You can't get that job if you run back after a set and this woman down on a waterbed that Waterbed
try- would say, "Take your clothes off." Emporium had set up for an adver-

WMCY 880 AM Progress (Continued from page 4)

WINTER TERM 87 BROADCAST SCHEDULE Weekend committee meeting on

Wed. Feb. 4, 9:15 p.m. in the Back
be the best ever.
"Off The Record" is solely the
Porch Cafe. As we get closer to Ac- opinion of its writer and does not
MONDAYS & WEDNESDAY tivities Weekend, I will be able to reflect the attitudes or editorial
12:00 PM-2:00 PM Bobbie Gaydos give you a clearer picture of what policy of this publication, its staff
2:00 PM-4:00 PM John Saal & Matt Nesser (Soul) will go on. Until then, all I can say or its advertisers.
4:00 PM-6:00 PM Frank Pawlowski is that this Activities Weekend will
6:00 PM-8:30 PM Steve Main (Metal)
8:30 PM-11:00 PM Mike Bashore


Attend (Continued from page 4)
writing and reporting the news, not me question the meaning, and log-
11:00 AM-1:00PM Ranee Mack because I want to invol ve the student ic, behind a line Kelly wrote in his
1:00 PM-4:00 PM^ Brian Maiden (Metal) body in the affairs of Mercyhurst. last "Off the Record" which stated
4:00 PM-6:00 PM Jack Casey 1 hope people are reading the pa- "Most people who read this article
6:00 PM-8:00 PM Pat Looney (Classic Rock) per and are being informed and have probably stopped by now."
9:00 PM-11:00 PM Roxanne entertained. Even if only a handful Have you not started to "preach to
of students read the paper, my staff the choir?" , I
FRIDAYS and I will continue to do our best! Those who are not attending'
without complaint. That means not school functions (or reading the pa-
5:00 PM-7.00 PM Darlene Melchitzky (Punk) begging for readers because it would per for that matter) are missing out
7:00 PM-9:00 PM Jennifer Bly alias Siobhan (Dance Music) be an insult to those who are faithful on interesting and exciting things.
9:00 PM-12:00 AM Joe Simmons & Dennis Proybra (Rap) readers. How can you preach for But it is their choice and you have
people to read the paper when the to respect that choice. Just because
SUNDAY people you want to reach are not you believe it to be a wrong choice
reading the paper and thus missing does not make it so or give you the
12:00 PM-2,00 PM Joe Simmons & Steve.Main (Metal) your message to them. This makes license to condemn it.
2:00 PM-5:00 PM Joe Simmons & Steve Main (Rap)
5:00 PM-9:00 PM Siobhan (Dance Music)
9:00 PM-11:00 PM Jason McChesney (Classical)
- _ >
She ffllcrciau PAGE 7


Circle K will be selling Tbotsie There is a limited amount of The following recruiters will be
Pops and Tootsie Rolls to raise mon- Taiwan Flu vaccine left. This vac- on campus to interview interested
ey for the Geisinger's Children cine is recommended for anyone students: U.S. Air Force, Jan. 28,
Heart Foundation. Tootsie Pops are under 35 years of age. Anyone in- 1987 regarding Officer Training
10 cents, Tootsie Rolls are $1.00. For terested should contact the Health. Programs; Stouffer Restaurant
details contact Tom Dore, second Services. Vacccines are limited to a Company, Feb. 6, 1987 regarding
floor Main, Kim at 825-9034 or first come, first serve basis. Asst. Service and Restaurant
Melanie at 825-9485. Management; Creative Dining/York
SWIMMING Restaurants, Feb.. 10,1987, regarding
SENIORS The swim team will run shuttles Management Trainees. Students in-
Seniors... Make your last year- from Mercyhurst to Iroquois High terested in interviewing with any of
book the best. Give your special School for their last home swim these recruiters should come to the
touch by writing a poem. Poems meet with Niagra on February 2. Career Services Office, Main 204,
should be sent to Caryn, P.O. Box Times will be announced. to sign up for an appointment.
92, Egan Hall. 1? ?

Advisor (Continued from page 3)

fewer words and only comes out whiteness of the paper to an issue h is support of the student press and
once a week or thereabouts. But all from Fall term. Compare the in particular his authorization to buy
of those advantages are offset by the number of errors and I think you'll the new equipment and to change
fact that a college newspaper is see why we are receiving some con- printers, allowing us to get you a
prepared and worked on by students gratulations. What makes us accept better paper with fewer errors and
who have many other concerns - these congratulations gracefully, but the more preferred distribution day
other classes, other activities and with a certain ironic internal wince, of Thursday.
obviously the lack of experience is the fact that contrary to the . While we love the praise, I think
professionals possess. If they were presumed assumption of the critics sometimes there are twinges inter-
professional journalists, they or the praise from fans is the fact is Marking the opening of a Senior art show exhibit called "Do I
nally aching to say "We don't de-
wouldn't be in college. So it seems that we don't work any harder any Wake. ..Or Do I Dream" at Mercyhurst's Cummings Gallery will be
serve the praise now any more thanj
to me that the greater time demands longer or more efficiently than we a reception on Sunday, Feb. 1 from 3 to 5 p.m.
we deserved the condemnation last |
placed upon someone whose prima- did last Fall. In fact, it's just the op- The show features recent works of Seniors Jodi Abbey, Katie
term.'' All year long the staff of the McCrath and Christine D. Riazzi. The photo above is of a painting
ry occupation is "student" and the posite. By having a good printing Merciad has been diligent, profes-
reduced experience of a fledgling company do our printing, a good by McCrath called "When Black is White and Green is Red" that will
sional , efficient and harmonious in displayed in the show. This is the first show in a series that displays
journalist offset the number of typesetting company and better its internal relationships. As adviser
issues per week or per year or the the work of Mercyhurst fine art majors.
equipment in our office, we are able I give the credit for that to the finest
number of pages per issue. to give you a paper in January or The Cummings Gallery, located in the Hammermill Library, is open
overall collection of student editors |
February that is better than the one to the public during regular library hours.
It is gratifying to us on this news- that I have ever had the privilege to
paper to be complimented. But I we gave you in October. But we work with during my seven years of
think there have been an awful lot didn't work any longer, harder or advising college newspapers. And
of internal moans because people more diligently. In the matter of ab- when you consider they were
compliment us for the paper now solute facts, it's easier and quicker following a very tough act from last
and they criticized us three and four for us to do a better job now that we year, that is high praise indeed. But
months ago. Just like the footbal 1
analogy, the editor and the adviser
have the proper equipment and the
proper suppliers. We have this
upon consideration of my words, I
will in no way mitigate the praise. ATTENTION STUDENTS
get too much credit when the paper equipment because of the support of Those students have earned it and
is good and too much blame when Dr. Garvey. All student journalists I'm glad they're getting it. I just
the paper is bad The paper is clear- Ishould be very appreciative of the wish we could have avoided swings You still have a chance to go
ly better looking. Compare the president's expertise in student to the extremes oi the pendulum l
blackness of the ink and the newspapers. He was an editor, and either in laudation or denigration. to DAYTONA! f
There are'2 spots available on
the M.S.G.'s Spring Break Trip to
Daytona Beach. Trip includes
Campus Paperback Bestsellers
. * %

Tickets are roundtrip airfare and 7 nights

1. Mitfm Hiili flWf 1 lif r r > I •riTi ffrr—T "-"—' ' d F* Sidt cartoon* still available stay in the Best Western Mayan
2. BhMM County B^ytaiv by Barttf BnMlwl (Use. BTOM\
for tonight's Hotel on the beach. The price
4. UCmmffmfhmrwma^tffQmflMMillfdr^McM^
game against for the trip is $329.00. So if your
by Kurt Vonnegul { D * $4.50.) >t*f. Gannon. interested in having the? best
Tickets ^are week of your life call the M.S.G.

l Ttw ******* Tourl*. by Anna Tytor. (BerV*y. $4.50-)

Q\S\b\\\W*Wm*'4 ****"**-
7. Lata Wobagon Day* by Garrtaon Kator (Pengutl$39&)

*. 8«civta, by Dartatt 9*wl (Dai. $4.96) B«hwJf»

available, in Office at 825-0428 or stop in
tokrAmon produdoa ______
9 Th. Hunt for fed October, by Tom Clancy (BecWay. $450)
the cafeteria during check cashing hours.
or the
I t -fcirmdfc-chaaa d a nuciMf mbmartnt, _
10. 1|»Vfci^lLl«l^.byAWI>Rtoa(Biy^.$4J0)
MuMi-WUi >0 atoiy of t v n p t t now a rock atari

m \ — Athletic Dept.
PAGE 8 aibe Ulcrctub THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1987

Lakers Straggling With Injured Lineup

By Jennifer Conmy Lakers* leading scorer was Bass battled the Knights to 20 lead

The I .likerN lost a close game to

who contributed 24 points including
11 during the beginning of the sec-
changes and 18 ties before the
Knights held Mercyhurst to a Hiring Today! Top Pay!
Davis Bikini 78-75, losing their
three point Imlliinic lead. IVeshmen
ond half. Gin/burg followed Bass
turning in 16 points despite pluying
scoreless three minutes with nine
minutes to play, while racking up Work at Home
Phalon Bass again led the La ken with three stitches in his right index eight points oi their own. The
with 23 pointi while blocking two
shots and gaining five rebounds.
finger. Gin/burg was 100% from
beyond the three point line hitting
Lakers were only able to bring the
lead to within Ave before dropping No experience needed. Write:
Konen Gin/burg Ibllowed with IS
points including a three pointer.
four oi lour for 12 of his 16 points.
DiMella continued to help the
the game 85-79. DiMella came off
the bench to lead the Lakers in scor-
Cottage Industries
Both Matt Nesser and ( hrii Min Lakers from the bench scoring 14 ing, dropping in 17 points, he was 1407V2 Jenkins, ]
iiai h contributed eight points in the points and rebounds off the glass. followed by Mindach who turned in
Lakers efforts. Mindach led the The ' Hurst had their best shooting 14 points before twisting his ankle Norman, Oklahoma 73069
Lakers in rebounding, pulling down game of the season hitting 30 of 54 and leaving the game. Tim Wlnbush
seven from the glass. shots for a 56% shooting average. and Nesser each contributed 11 TM
\i The 'Hurst shot 55% from the
field, edging Davis I I kins shooting
The Lakers held Pitt Braford to

points with Nesser also helping with

10 assists. Leading the * Hurst in re-
only a 44 % shoot i ng average. The
percentage of 51%. Lakers were once again forced to bounding were Phalon Bass with 2127 West 8th 452-6716
The "Hurst was able to put a win play inpiied in their contest with eight and Mindach with seven, Your computer store
together over Pitt Bradford, giving Queens College losing (Jin/burg The Lakers will take on Gannon We have:
the Lakers their first win on the and Mindach by the 14:36 of the tonight at the Civic Center. Tip off
roud. Minduch played despite his second half. The game was played nme will be 8 p.m.
twisted tinkle contribm ing 10 points with high intensity despite the lose Laser 128 In stock Retail Hours:
and a team lending 12 rebounds. The Mon.-Fri. 12-6
of the two key starters. The 'Hurst Generic storage cases $5.00 Sat* 10-2
Cables / $15.00
'Certified IBM Technician
30 MB hard discs Now $4.89

Lady ]Lakers Gain Second jWin

Men's Basketball Women's Basketball The Lady Lakers dropped Lakers were led by Junior Kelly Maxson was named Mercyhurst
Wednesday's game to Gannon Murphy who scored 22 points in- Athlete of the week for the week of
Mercyhurst 79 Mercyhurst 63 68-50. The 'Hurst only mustered a cluding 14 in the second half. Max- Jan. 12-18. In addition she was also
Queen's 85 Westminster 44 40% shooting average while Gan- son followed scoring 21 points and named the ECAC Division II
non managed to shootfor45 % from grabbing a career high 15 rebounds. Woman's Basketball Rookie of the
the field The Golden Knights had Palm had 14 points and 16 re- Week for her performance during
Mercyhurst 74 Mercyhurst 54 a 18 point half time lead that they bounds. The Lady Lakers out- the same week. The Lady Lakers'
Pitt-Bradford 68 Allegheny 63 kept for the entire game. The Lady rebounded the Titans 51-30 while next home game will be Sun. Feb.
Lakers' record now stand at 2-8. The holding Westminster to a 29% 1 at 1 p.m. in the Campus Center
Mercyhurst 75 Mercyhurst 50 Lakers were led by Freshman Lisa shooting average. when they host LeMoyne.
Maxson who scored 15 points and
Davls-Elkins 78 Gannon 68 brought eight rebounds down from
the glass. Tina PalmfollowedMax-

Swim mersFare Wfell!WithNew

son with 10 points in the Lakers
loss. Gannon was led by Cheryl
Hubbard with 17 points, 4

The Lady Lakers fought to end

against powerful Division III
Scully Pub t

Coach At Westminster Meet Allegheny dropping a 63-54 deci-

sion Freshman Maxson had her
By Jane Anne Mohr student body will tur.n out in force best game of the year scoring 33

The Laker swimming program

has a new coach, William E, Daisy-W

ly, and his first words, "Just call me

to support them.
,The swim team split a pair of
meets with Westminster this past
week with the women posting a
points. 22 of them in the second
half. She also contibuted eight re-
bounds and three assists. Maxson
was 12 of 18 from the field while hit-
College Night
Surge." predicted the authority he
Commanded and the discipline he
79*63 win while the men lost a
94-56 decision.
ting 9 of 12 from the line.
The Lakers posted their second
"Every Wednesday
win of the season when they toppled
brought to theteam.Daisy ly rcpluo
ed Tens Stem pin, who had obliga
uons that conflicted with the team's
The women took eight first place
finishes, with Tina and Mary
Kalis/ak each placing first in three
Westminster 63-44. Mercyhurst
outscored Westminster 36-19 in the
horn 7:00-11:00 P.M.
schedule. events, They then combined with second half to capture the win. The
Daisy ly is a graduate of Edinboro
Staje University and holds
Patty Kalie/ask and Leigh Fenster-
macher to capture the 200 yard
medley relay.
Correction: All the wings you can
numerous honors, including of-
ficiating (he Olympic swim trials in
1972 and IW& He was elected to the
.The men had two swimmers tak-
ing first place finishes. John Riti
We apologize to the
Women's- Basketball
eat for $3.00 and 25<P
Pennsylvania Hall of Fame in 1982,
and is currently the National Chair-
took first in the 50 yard freestyle and
100 vurd backstroke, Sean Thornton
Team for last issues ar-
ticle stating .they were
drafts, plus hourly
man for certification of swim ot
ticials. Daisy ly is renownedforhis
expertise in stroke analysis; howe\ I
placed first in 100 yard freestyle..
The Lakers* next home meet will
be Feb, 2 at 7:00 p, m at Iroquois
still looking for win #1.
The Lady Lakers had
drink specials.
er, his knowledge is not limited to H igh. The Lakers travel to Gannon indeed already posted a
swimming alone. February 5 to race the Knights in a win defeating Pitt- Proper I J), will be req uired.
Daisyly has been pleased with the 7:00 p.m. meet.
teams progress and is hopeful the Bradford on January 8.

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