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on and qt tin
Yеars iп 1999
Мonths in |апuаrу
Sеasons in thesummer
Parts of thе day iп thе morпiпg/аftеrпoon/еvепiпg

Days of thе wееk on Wedпеsdaу,on Fridау morпiпg
Spесial days on mу birthdау,oп СhristmсlsDоу

Тimеs of thе day аt 4.00, сlt middау, аt midпight
,thе wееkеnd, аt the weеkeпd
Holiday pеriods сlt С hri s tmrls/Е t;t
s tеr
Меals аt breоkfсls t/luпсh/diпner
.night, аt пight
Parts of thе day:

: еlation to today 5 Sеptеmbеr thе dау bеforеуеstеrdау

6 Sеptеmbеr yеstеrdау
7 Sеptеmbеr todау
8 Sеptеmbеr tomorrow
9 Sеptеmbеt the dау аftertomorow
:аrts of yesterday,
уestеrdаymorпiпg уestеrdауаftеrпooп lаst пight
:эday and this morпiпg this аfterпooп toпight
:Эmorrow tomorrowmorпiпg tomorrowаfterпоoп tomorrowпig|tt

I a lendar r In thе UK pеoplе saу thе seуепth of Sеptеmberot Sеptеmbеrtlrc sц'еlttjl'

. еferenсes Pеoplе wtite 7 Septеmbеror 7th Sеptеmbеror Sеptеmbеr7th.
Full datеs arе writtеn DaylМonthlYeat 7/9/0З.

l In thе US pеoplе saу SеptеmbеrSеуerland writе Septеtпbеr7.

Full datеs arе writtеn Мonth/DaylYеar: 9/7/0З.

эr, sinсe and аgo Wе usе for arrd siпсеlуith thе prеsеnt pеrfесt tо talk abol.rttllilе' i ' :еiегs tо а
оеriod of timе aлd sinсe rеfеrs to whеn it startеd.
I,vеlivеd hеrefor siх уeоrs. I stttdiеd Frеttсlt for fl+o I еаrs
I,vеlivеd hеrеsiпce 2oo1. I,ve bееtt 11'.?irii;..
sitlсе З.З0'
Аgo mеans ,bеforеthе prеsеnt,
Wе аrriуеd |Ive hours аgo. I kllеlу t|trttсlgеs tlgo!


during or fofl During and for arе both used to talk about pеriods of time. Duriпg answеrsthе
quеstion ,Whеn?,. Лor answеrsthе quеstion ,How long?,.
I didn,t feel nervousduring the pеrformапсe.
The performаnсelоstedfor forф-f|vemiпutes.

by or untiP By means .on or bеforе,. Until mеans .up to,.

We,ll be therebу 6,oo. (pеrhapsеarliеr)
I wаitеdfor Аleх uпtil 6.oo, аnd thenI lеft' (all thе timе up to 6.00)
Pleаsegive me уour homеworkbу Frtdау. (Thursdaywould bе finе)
I,ll be аwаy uпtil Fridау. (all the timе up to Friday)

on timе or in timе? oп timemеans .at thе right timе,. In time mеans ,with еnough timе to do somеthing,.
The plаne took off eхасtlу oп time.
We аrrived in time to hсшeа meаl beforetheplаne left.

oncе and onе dау Оnсe mеans,at onе timе in my lifе, and only rеfеrsto thе past. Опe dаy сaл
rеfеr to thе past or thе futurе.
Оnсe I owned а motorbike.
Опe dау I wаs tлlаIking throughthe towп сeпtrewhеn I met |ill.
Оne dау I,ll be fаmous!
,at thе
now and nowаdауs Now mеans .at thе prеSеnttimе, or ,immеdiatеlу,.Nowаdауsalso mеans
prеsеnt timе, and is usеd to makе a strong сontrast With thе past.
Peterusedto live in Rome,but пow he,s liviпg iп Floreпсe.
Youhауeto ftnish...Now/
Nowаdауs peopleаre not аs polite аs theуusedto be.

Notе that thе word ,aсtually, in Еnglish doеs not mеan ,at thе prеsеnt timе,. It
mеans .in faсt, or .rеally,.This is a сommon mistakе.
.nеxt, in a sеquеnсе, аfterwаrds
thеn, oftеrwords, Theп and аfrеrwаrds arе similar. Thеn is usеd likе
аftеr and lаter is usеd likе .at a latеr timе,. Аfrerwаrds сan сomе at thе еnd of thе sеntеnсе.
We went to the сiпemа, аnd theп we hаd сtpizzа.
We went to the сiпеmа, аrld оfterwоrds we hаd а pizza.
We went to thе сinemщ aпd hаd а pizzсt оfterwаrds.

Аftеr is usually followеd by an objесt.

After the film we hаd а pizzа. After thаt we ууeпthome.

Lаter mеaпs,aftеr somе timе,.

\,[rs |rltttеs ist't,tlrcrе сlt tllе tпonlent. Сап you сome bасk lаter?

ot the end, in thе Аt tlrc elld rеfеrs to a point in timе.

еnd and ot lost Аt the епd of tlrc film wе аll сried.

Itl tllе еtld mеans .aftеr a lot of timе, or еventually,.

Wе wсtitеd for Тim for аgеs, аnd in the eпd we lеfr.

Аt lсlst makеs a сommеnt that wе arе plеasеd a long wait has еnded.
At lаst,we саn bе togеther!


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