Breaking The Tides - Gayares - Essay

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Breaking the Tides: Transparency in the Depths of Information

In my rest through the tranquil shores in my hiatus, it was only me, the calm waves of the

sea and the glint of the clear water. In the middle of the scorching day, a sudden realization came

up to my mind. A perspective of the seething movement of the waves and the translucent waters

through the shoreline. In breaking the tides, it’s always imperative to oppose the raging waves to

see the absolute transparency of the clear waters.

To sit beside the shoreline is indeed the best thing to do in summer. But never with the

raging waves, seemingly to attack in a few seconds of our breath. It’s always great unto our eyes

to see the sparkle from waters, signifying the serendipity present in nature. Indeed, an eye rest

as the sea displays its abundance through the luminosity of the seawater. All of a sudden, in the

siren afternoon along the shore, staring upon the waters brought me thousands of realizations

about how people deal with information. Like the extensive characterization of the sea, information

is indeed a wide scope of ideas or knowledge which varies to be factual or not.

In today’s world, handling information is significant to sustain factual platforms and basis

in creating viewpoints and opinions. Especially today wherein technology became a dominant

factor to power the information age, we should be educated enough on how to deal with and

access information that benefits us to construct an astute idea and accurate outlook.

Freedom of information is a valuable matter for a country since it is a cornerstone for us

to instill integrity in the institutions of our nation and also for ourselves as well. Inarguably,

information is power. And to handle it is something that we should master.

People who seek freedom for information uphold transparency and accountability among

the various sectors of the nation. Being the citizens of this country, it is crucial for us to be

knowledgeable and aware of the recent happenings through our society for us to keep justice and
peace in our nation. Access to factual information is needed to verify, assure, and scrutinize every

information we handle. It is also a step for us to be critical thinkers to start maneuvers of change

and inculcate fact-based thinking among the people of this nation.

My realization brought me to the idea of how the depth of information flourishes in the

nation today. A clear perspective on how important it is to uphold integrity in dealing with

information for us to combat the spread of fake news. The raging waves in my perspective on the

shore depict the rapid flow of information among our society. Raging waves are somehow risky

and harmful. The same thing on the information. It can be perilous for some reasons and should

be something beyond our consciousness.

Like the transparent waters on the seashore, freedom of information gives us assurance

and trust through upholding transparency and accountability. It is needed especially today to

provide a basis in facing problems in our country and to eliminate the spread of fake news. It is

truly an enjoyable time to stare in the transparent waters of the shore. And to see this, we must

know how to deal with the rage of the waves. To break the tides and uphold transparency in the

depths of information.


Zanti Alfonzo C. Gayares

Short Bio: Mr. Zanti Alfonzo C. Gayares is a Grade 12 student leader and journalist at the
Holy Child Catholic School. He is currently the Editor in Chief of the Visions and
Voices, the official student publication of the Holy Child Catholic School. He wrote various
contest-winning pieces in various state university competitions particularly in the categories of
flash fiction, essay, and poetry. His works focus on human rights, accessible education, and
equality. He also bagged journalism titles and glommed spots in different press conferences.
Currently, he is a contributor at Explained PH, a media organization led by student journalists in
the country supporting campus journalism and fight against fake news.

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