Don't Bother Coming Back Until Baseball Has Been Made Better

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COM Friday, Mar 4, 2022 « A11

MLB, union
meet, discuss
next step in
labor talks
By RONALD BLUM areas that include the key
The Associated Press economic components of
the luxury tax, pre-arbi-
New York • Deputy tration bonus pool and
Commissioner Dan Halem minimum salaries. The
and chief union negotiator sides expressed anger at
Bruce Meyer met for 1 1/2 each other’s proposals
hours Thursday and dis- when talks resumed later
cussed the major issues in that day.
the stalled talks to reach a Fitch Ratings said the
deal that would end Major cancellation will not im-
League Baseball’s lockout. pac t M L B a nd st ad i-
Union general counsel um-level debt ratings for
Ian Penny and MLB Exec- now due to liquidity that
utive Vice President Mor- included dedicated debt
WILFREDO LEE | The Associated Press gan Sword also participat- reserve funds sufficient
Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred gestures as he answers questions during a news conference after ed in the session. for a season-long stoppage.
negotiations with the players’ association toward a labor deal on Tuesday at Roger Dean Stadium in Jupiter, Fla. The players’ associa- Fitch said MLB’s media
tion executive board was contracts are structured
to hold a conference call for continued payments

Don’t bother coming back until later Thursday. The sides

then may decide the next
step in the drawn-out ne-
in 2022 during a lockout,
with the possibility of re-
payments due later.

baseball has been made better

gotiations. “The coronavirus-af-
Baseball’s ninth work fected 2020 sea son
stoppage was in its 92nd demonstrates that the
day Thursday and is the league and its teams have
sport’s first labor conflict financial resources to
By TIM DAHLBERG — and maybe they really didn’t. can bring in young fireballers at a to cause games to be can- withstand a shortened
The Associated Press Outside of opening day, early sea- fraction of the price to replace them celed since the 1994-95 season, albeit with reli-

son games are not generally mon- without skipping a beat. strike wiped out the World ance on liquidity support
he talks are over, at least for eymakers for owners despite Com- “The game has suffered damage Series for the first time in from ownership or debt fi-
now. Opening day is gone, too, missioner Rob Manfred’s contention for a while now. ... The game has 90 years. nancing,” Fitch said. “Un-
and now we’re forced to wait that missing the games would be a been manipulated,” union chief Negotiations broke off der a one-month cancel-
to see if we get any baseball tragedy for baseball. Tony Clark said. “The value inherent Tuesday after the ninth lation, we expect MLB
at all. For weeks, owners refused to and how players are respected and straight day of meetings will be able to preserve
If there was any good news negotiate at all. When they finally viewed has changed. Players have in Jupiter, Florida, and national media revenue
coming out of baseball’s labor talks did, it was with warnings of missed been commoditized, monetized in baseball Commissioner at levels close to those
in Florida it was this: At least now games and salaries and, finally, an a way that is really hard to explain.” Rob Manfred announced agreed to under contract.”
we know who to blame. ultimatum that opening day would What neither side seems to realize that opening day on March Fitch added “a pro-
Here’s a hint: It’s not anyone be scratched if players didn’t agree is that fans don’t really care. Not about 31 and the first two series longed work stoppage
wearing a uniform. to a last and best offer. revenue sharing, not about how many for each team this season could also alienate fans
No, baseball players aren’t blame- Afterward, they cried poor, as if players get to go to arbitration and not had been canceled. He said and corporate sponsors,
less in any of this, far from it. They anyone believed them. about whether each club has a person- there would be insuffi- which could not only af-
keep wanting more when they his- “The last five years have been very al chef in the clubhouse. cient training time for the fect revenue in the cur-
torically have always had the best difficult years from a revenue per- They just want to go to the ball- March 31 openers. rent season but could drag
deals in all of professional sports. spective for the industry given the park, drink their $18 beer and see Negotiating teams then on the growth of the sport
But this one is mostly on the 30 pandemic,” Manfred said. some baseball. headed home. in the longer term.” It also
miserable, conniving owners who They’ve been difficult for baseball Unfortunately, there’s nothing The sides had made said “team and stadium
have always cared more about fans, too, though that’s another sto- in the negotiations that will make progress during 16 1/2 financings will face rating
squeezing every last dollar out of the ry. The fact that fans are fleeing the that baseball any better. While the hours of bargaining that pressure sooner than the
game than they ever cared about the game isn’t all economic, but they’ve players and owners argue about eco- ended at 2:30 a.m. Tuesday league if the lockout ex-
game itself. certainly grown weary of paying $75 nomics, the game is dying a slow but were still far apart on tends beyond April.”
Once again, they’ve stolen from for a mediocre seat, $25 for parking death because it is simply becom-
baseball fans. This time they made and $18 plus tip every time the beer ing unwatchable.
off with opening day and at least six guy comes down the aisle. So here’s a thought. Return to Bruce Mey­
games out of the regular season. No one should feel sorry for base- the bargaining table and figure out er, chief union
Sadly, that may just be the begin- ball players, either, who make an av- what to do about arbitration years negotiator, left,
ning. The temperatures could easi- erage of $4 million a year to play a and luxury taxes. Go ahead and ex- and Tony Clark,
ly hit 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 de- child’s game. Indeed, the argument pand the playoffs, put ads on uni- executive direc­
grees Celsius) in Arizona by the time advanced by the union that they forms and adopt the DH in the Na- tor of the play­
spring training begins, if it ever does. are bargaining for a system where tional League because those are ers association,
For what purpose, it’s hard to fig- all teams are competitive is simply a done deals already anyway. arrive at Roger
ure out. Yes, the players’ union can smokescreen for higher payrolls on Then stay at the table. Figure out Dean Stadium
be demanding and is prone to asking smaller market clubs. what to do about the shift. Put a lim- for labor ne­
for far more than owners are will- But salaries that once seemed it on the number of pitchers in any gotiations be­
ing to deliver. to have no ceiling in the past have game. Come up with a way to speed tween Major
But the issues weren’t so complex slipped a bit in the last few years — a up the game and reintroduce the League Base­
they couldn’t be solved with some trend players want reversed. That’s strategies — the bunt, hit-and-run ball and the
more time at the table. And the largely because front offices now and sacrifice — that once made it so players’ associa­
truth is, there was nothing on that use analytics to figure out value interesting. tion Tuesday in
table that would tilt the playing field and teams know that — except for a Do something for the fans for Jupiter, Fla.
so badly that franchises around the few superstars — players are pretty once instead of chasing the last dol-
country would start bleeding money. much exchangeable. lar they have in their pockets. LYNNE SLADKY |
It’s almost like the owners didn’t No reason to pay a veteran reliev- Or, in the alternative, just don’t The Associated Press
want the season to start on time er $15 million a year when teams play at all.

McIlroy with 65 off to another great start at Bay Hill

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS times failing to break par year when he had the lead on Nos. 9, 13, 16 and 18.
on the weekend. the back nine in Dubai until The event is being played
Orlando, Fla. • Rory But there is a rhythm a series of bogeys cost him. opposite the Arnold Palm-
McIlroy opened with a to playing Bay Hill that His lone victory at Bay er Invitational in Orlando,
7-under 65 on Thursday makes McIlroy comfort- Hill was a 67-64 finish, so Florida. The winner will re-
and had reason to expect able, mainly taking advan- he does know how to close. ceive a two-year exemption
a score like this at Bay Hill, tage of the par 5s and some McDowell has a pair of and gets in the PGA Cham-
not so much because of the of the shorter par 4s. He had runner-up finishes in the pionship, but will not be ex-
course but rather the day of eagle putts on three of the Arnold Palmer Invitation- empt for the Masters.
the week. par 5s, making the long one al and now is one of the big- Rya n Brehm was a
Good starts have not up the ridge on the 16th, his gest supporters of the lone stroke back, and Kiradech
been a problem for McIlroy seventh hole of the round. PGA Tour event in his ad- Aphibarnrat and Aaron
at the Arnold Palm- “I played the par opted hometown. He is try- Baddeley shot 67.
er Invitational the G O L F • 5s particularly well, JOHN RAOUX | The Associated Press ing to get his game pointed LPGA Tour • In Singa-
last two years. Now and that was the Rory McIlroy hits from the third tee box in the first round in the right direction and pore, Patty Tavatanakit shot
it’s about keeping bulk of the score,” of the Arnold Palmer Invitational Thursday in Orlando, Fla. feels it is trending. a 5-under 67 to take a one-
them going to the finish line. he said. “I’ve said this all His last win on the PGA stroke lead after the first
With three birdies and along, you can play with- didn’t stop,” Rahm said. “I wasn’t even sure what he Tour was in the Domini- round of the HSBC Wom-
a 40-foot eagle on the par in yourself here and still don’t know. It was very odd.” would do Friday. can Republic in 2019. His en’s World Championship.
5s, McIlroy had his lowest shoot a good score, I feel, if McIlroy played along- It still was a comfortable victory in the Saudi Inter- Danielle Kang was tied
start at Bay Hill and a two- you’re just disciplined and side Scott, a delight for the start, especially playing with national a year later got for the lead before bogey-
shot lead over Billy Horschel, pick off the birdies where largest gallery of the morn- McIlroy and seeing the four- him back into the top 50 in ing her final hole. She was
Beau Hossler and J.J. Spaun. you’re supposed to.” ing who enjoy watching two time major champion make the world and earned him tied for second with Inbee
Adam Scott, Graeme Jon Rahm, the world’s pure swings with the driver. it look easy on a course that another spot in the Mas- Park and A Lim Kim.
McDowell and Ian Poulter, No. 1 player, made his Bay There was an exception this held its own in ideal weather. ters. Since that Saudi win, European Tour • In Nai-
who dressed in Ukrainian Hill debut with a 72 that in- time. Scott decided to leave “I like playing with Rory. McDowell has only one top robi, Kenya, English golf-
colors, were in the group cluded one extra stroke he driver out of the bag in an I really enjoy watching him 10 and is at No. 399. er Daniel Gavins went on
three shots behind at 68. didn’t anticipate. He went to attempt to hit more fair- play,” Scott said. “He’s a guy PGA Tour • In Rio a run of six birdies in sev-
“I think you turn up rap in a 10-inch par putt on ways and avoid rough that I can watch play and get Grande, Puerto Rico, Chase en holes around the turn
at any golf course where the seventh hole, didn’t feel is thicker than usual. positive swing thoughts for Seiffert started fast and in shooting 7-under 64 to
you’ve had success, and au- right and tried to stop the How did it work out? myself. I love watching him closed with a birdie for a lead the Kenya Open by one
tomatically you’re going to stroke only for it to nudge “Not bad for me — 68 swing a golf club. I think al- 7-under 65 and a share of stroke after the first round.
have some confidence com- the ball an inch. — I mean, that’s not bad,” most everyone in the world the Puerto Rico Open lead Gavins made nine bird-
ing in,” said McIlroy, who “I wish I could give you Scott said. would say that.” with Michael Kim. ies in total at Muthaiga
won at Bay Hill in 2018 and all the excuses in the world, As for his accuracy, he McIlroy already has one Trying to win for the first Golf Club in Nairobi.
hasn’t finished out of the but no, it’s as simple as it hit only seven of the 14 fair- win this season on the PGA time on the PGA Tour, Seif- Johannes Veerman of the
top 10 the last five years. just didn’t feel good in my ways. Asked if he would go Tour, at the CJ Cup in Las fert birdied Nos. 2-5 at breezy United States and Shubhan-
He opened with a 66 each hands, and I tried to stop, without a driver at the TPC Vegas last fall, though he let Grand Reserve, bogeyed the kar Sharma of India were
of the last two years, both and I didn’t. I just simply Sawgrass next week, Scott one opportunity slip this sixth and added birdies on tied for second after 66s.
A12 » Friday, Mar 4, 2022 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE

Paralympians although he’s no stranger to competition,

it was only recently he started turning his
≥ Continued from A6 sights toward Beijing.
“When I was a little kid, I always
that stands for “Locomotion Winter,” and wanted to be a pro skateboarder in the X
means he has an impairment in one leg Games,” he said. “I ended up going to the
only. He skis standing with a prosthetic X Games for monoski and getting a med-
inside of a regular boot. al there. But even being on the national
Although Keefe mainly trains at team was never something I necessarily
his hometown mountain of Sun Val- was striving to do.”
ley, he’s also spent a lot of time at the Still, Drugan, who lost both of his
NAC with Head Alpine Coach Erik legs above the knee at the age of 15 af-
Leirfallom. ter being hit by a train, said he want-
“They’ve helped me get to where I am ed to compete against the “best guys in
now, building up points and eventual- the world.”
ly getting to race against the national “I just wanted to be the best skier I can
team. Once I started beating some of be,” he said. “It [wasn’t] until last season
their guys, that’s how I got on,” he said. [that] it started becoming apparent that
“I could call Eric right now and ask him I was going to have a shot at going to the
for advice. It’s just that kind of relation- Paralympic Games.”
ship.” Drugan’s racing expertise is in
RICK EGAN | The Salt Lake Tribune monoski X, or monoski cross, a freestyle
BYU guard Spencer Johnson (20) drives the ball against Utah Valley on Dec. 1, 2021, in Orem. Haraghey, a Salt Lake native event in which numerous skiers simul-
taneously race a course with jumps, gaps
Keefe will join 26-year-old Haraghey, and berms. But there are no freestyle
Johnson where he is now.” who raced at the 2018 Winter Paralympic
Games in PyeongChang and has been on
skiing events at the Paralympics. There,
he’ll be competing in slalom, giant slalom,
≥ Continued from A6 Finding a home at BYU the national team for five years. super g, slalom combined, and possibly
In early February, Haraghey raced downhill. Adjusting his training to pre-
Johnson said. Johnson credits his time at SLCC as the at the Huntsman Cup World Para Al- pare for those events has been reward-
turning point of his basketball journey. pine Ski qualifying race, hosted by the ing, he said.
The long and winding road “That was seriously the greatest thing National Ability Center at Park City “I started ski racing because that’s what
I could have done for my career,” John- Mountain. He had already qualified I was bad at, skiing down a hard icy slope,”
Johnson has basketball in his DNA. son said. “It really was just kind of take for the Games, but the event was an im- he said. “I can go free ski anything, but
His father, Darren, played at Utah State. a step back and reevaluate what I valued portant training opportunity, one of the [with racing], setting up a certain turn ra-
His mother, Emily, received a scholarship and where I wanted to go. The options last in an intensive year of training and dius and a designated number of turns?
to play collegiately, instead chose to fo- were wide open at that point. I could stay preparation. Sounds good to me.”
cus on her studies. His older brother, Alex, there, I could stop playing, I could go pret- Haraghey skis under the LW1 designa- While Drugan said he has enjoyed
played in high school. And his younger sis- ty much anywhere I wanted that was re- tion and has lower-body impairment in training for events that are relative-
ter, Gracie, plays for Nyssa High School in cruiting me.” both legs due to Cerebral Palsy. He start- ly new to him and is eager to com-
Oregon and is getting attention from some Johnson performed so well that he ed skiing at age 7, and has been racing for pete at the most prominent event in
universities. started getting offers again. BYU, UVU, more than a decade, but it took some time his sport, he has the long-term goal of
Johnson’s entire family is intimately fa- Boise State. Nevada and Utah State mulled to find the best equipment. pushing the progression of adaptive
miliar with his militaristic passion for bas- over the same. He committed to Pope and “I use a regular set of two skis and skiing. With his background in free-
ketball. Darren Johnson said Spencer was the Cougars, though, quite early. then outriggers, [which are] like fore- style, he wants to show what is possi-
the one child who he didn’t have to moti- “I think he just felt sorry for me,” Pope arm crutches with skis on the bottom,” ble on a sit ski.
vate to practice. It was his son who sug- joked. he said. “They provide a little extra bal- “Racing’s a fun challenge, and who
gested waking up at 5:30 a.m. to go to the But committing to BYU, in some ways, ance and support. I have my ski tips tied wouldn’t like timing themselves against
nearby church that housed a gym. When was just the beginning for Johnson, who together … because of my disability, some- the best in the world, but I’m not just a ski
he went on his mission to northern Italy continued to hone his craft in a way that times my feet rotate outward, and it’s not racer. I’m a skier,” he said. “I ski every-
right after high school, “it truly was a sac- suggested he wouldn’t accept a repeat of exactly fast to be going into reverse snow- thing, but I have the most fun skiing out
rifice for him” to be away from basketball what he had already experienced. He was plow racing down the hill, so that helps in the trees and out in the moguls and in
that long, Emily Johnson said. going to stick with a program this time. keep my skis more parallel.” the terrain park, where there is so much
Johnson was so dedicated to the sport Isabella, who was in a new relationship Haraghey initially raced without out- potential.”
that he drafted a makeshift contract on with Johnson, saw her future husband’s riggers, but once he tried them, they After the Games, he said, he plans to
a piece of notebook paper that stated he dedication to basketball in the small mo- helped his form and technique. get back into the terrain park.
would do whatever it took to become a pro- ments. He’d bring it up during lunches, “They just let me work around my dis- “Over the years, I’ve tried to show the
fessional basketball player. Both he and his study sessions, while making dinner. He ability a little better.” adaptive community that we can ski any-
dad signed the contract, which hung un- told her it’d be helpful if she asked him A Utah native, Haraghey trains regu- thing a non-disabled skier can,” he said.
framed at the head of his bed so he could about practices and what he was trying to larly with the NAC. There, he benefited “I’d like to prove that.”
see it when he woke up. improve in his game. They stretched and from having an experienced and consis- Drugan may not be a Utah native, but
Even in his college apartment, posters shot baskets together. She sat next to him tent coach, he said. he keeps finding the time to return to
of Michael Jordan and other basketball fig- while he watched film and explained con- “Having a solid coaching base and Park City after a decade of competition.
ures blanket his walls. cepts to her. someone who’s seen your progression, Some of his first races were hosted by the
“Every single piece of artwork he had in Johnson even still slept with a basket- can give you that feedback and know National Ability Center.
this house included a basketball,” said Is- ball in his arms every night, Isabella John- what you need – or don’t need – to help “The NAC kind of took me under the
abella Johnson, Spencer’s wife since last son said. It was a plush one his sister gift- you develop is super helpful,” said Hara- wing,” he said. “They helped me be the
May. “I’m not exaggerating.” ed him, but it was a reminder that even as ghey, who recently has spent a lot of racer and freeskier I am now. Ripping
That dedication proved instrumental a young adult, he still lived, breathed and training time at the center to get back around Utah was the first time I ever
when he embarked on the journey that dreamt about basketball. to competition level after a few injuries skied bottomless, super soft snow. It
led him to BYU. Pope wanted him at UVU “It wasn’t even just on the top of his last year. keeps me coming back. It is like they say,
when he returned from his mission, but mind,” Isabella Johnson said. “You can the greatest snow in the world.”
Johnson chose Weber State instead. tell it was in his heart.” X Games to Beijing
“We tried to recruit him really hard and Isabella is also very much in Johnson’s — Matt Didisheim wrote this story as a
he was he was just not drinking the Kool- heart. He said that since he’s been mar- While Keefe and Haraghey ski upright journalism student at Salt Lake Communi­
Aid, man,” Pope said. “He could see right ried to her, he’s become a better basket- with two skis, 32-year-old Ravi Drugan ty College. It is published as part of a new
through me.” ball player. uses a monoski, or sit-ski. Like Keefe, this collaborative including nonprofits Amplify
But the Wildcats weren’t the right fit for Johnson is about to finish his second will be his first Paralympic Games. And Utah and The Salt Lake Tribune.
Johnson, a realization his mother said he season with BYU. He’s played in 56 games
had “almost instantly.” Isaac Johnson re- and averaged 5.5 points, 2.6 rebounds and
called his brother saying he felt like he was 0.9 assists per game in that span. And The Weather
“kicking guys’ butts in practice” but was while the numbers don’t leap off the page It’ll be cooler and breezy today with a rain shower chance.
frustrated that didn’t translate to minutes. in his role as a bench player, Pope has not The weekend will be colder with chances for snow Satur-
After a summer and just one semester at been shy about his impact for the Cougars. day night. Expect snow in the valleys with totals of 1-5”
and in the mountains with totals between 14-20”.
Weber State, Johnson turned his attention “There’s zero chance we have the suc-
to Pope and UVU. But the former Wolver- cess we had this year, last year,” Pope said.
ines coach didn’t have any more scholar- “No chance without him.” Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
ships to give. Still, Johnson chose to stick As the Cougars start their West Coast 58/41 50/34 40/27 40/22 43/31 49/28 43/25
with UVU until he could figure out his Conference Tournament run on Friday, Chance of rain,
Rain likely, breezy Snow likely Partly cloudy Mostly sunny Chance rain/snow Partly cloudy

next move. It was still his redshirt year. they’ll need all the help they can get. Alex
One semester later, Pope and much of his Barcello will need to be special, and they’ll Almanac Utah forecast Utah Thursday
Salt Lake City through 7 p.m. Thursday Through 6 p.m. Thursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp.*
staff were headed to BYU. Mark Madsen, need every role player to pull their weight Temperature Logan High 76, St. George Alta 48/31/0.00
meanwhile, was set to take over at UVU, if they want a chance at winning it all and High/low
Normal high/low
51/33 Ogden
Low 18, Randolph Blanding 62/32/0.00
where Johnson hoped to stay. But Madsen earning an automatic bid to the NCAA Record high 71 in 2022 West 55/40
Wettest none Bluff
was completely unfamiliar with Johnson, Tournament. Record low 5 in 1952 Wendover Valley
Salt Lake City Brian Head 48/27/0.00
who was not on the current roster, and thus Johnson is ready to fill his role. Precipitation
24 hours ending 7 p.m. Thu. 0.00”
55/35 58/39 Park City
Flaming Gorge
Bryce Canyon
did not offer him a scholarship, either. “Every team needs a do-it-all-guy. It’s a Month to date (normal) 0.00” (0.15”) Tooele
Heber City
Cedar City 65/28/0.00
“I think it was a series of unfortunate super valuable role,” Johnson said. “So go- Year to date (normal) 0.74” (2.88”) 57/39
50/32 49/33
events that just kind of all happened at ing into this tournament and these games Air quality forecast 52/39 Flaming Gorge 53/27/0.00
the same time,” Emily Johnson said. “And that are coming up, it’s something that Salt Lake/Davis counties
Price Hanksville
Heber City
when you get all these different coaches we’re going to rely on and it’s huge for us.” Good
Delta 52/36
Kanab 71/33/0.00
moving around, unfortunately the person Those closest to Johnson know the Utah County 57/37 49/30
Lake Powell 68/35/0.00
Logan 52/26/0.00
who gets it in the shorts probably the most long road it took for him to find his place Good
Richfield Moab 65/26/0.00
is the player.” at BYU. His wife attends almost all his Weber County
53/31 Capitol Reef NP Nephi 61/32/0.00
From there, Johnson chose to play at games, and will be in the stands in Las Ve- Good
45/35 Moab
Park City
Source: Utah Division of Air Quality
SLCC, which Pope described as a move gas cheering him on, reveling in where the Price 56/30/0.00
that took “a ton of courage.” Johnson’s love of her life is now. Sun and moon Cedar City
Bryce Canyon
Provo 66/28/0.00
The Sun Rise Set Monticello Roosevelt 54/23/0.00
younger brother agrees. “There’s been a few times that it’s really Today 6:58 a.m. 6:22 p.m. St. George 41/28 St. George 76/39/0.00
“I think taking a step back from Division brought me to tears, and I don’t cry very Saturday 6:56 a.m. 6:23 p.m. 59/47 Zion NP Lake Powell Tooele
I basketball, going to a community col- easily,” Isabella Johnson said of watching The Moon Rise Set 51/36
Zion NP 67/37/0.00
lege and betting on himself,” Isaac John- her husband play. “But I see the everyday Today
8:15 a.m.
8:39 a.m.
8:47 p.m.
9:52 p.m.
Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. *in Inches
son said, “that showed tremendous men- flash before my eyes as he makes a shot or First Full Last New Extended Utah forecast
tal maturity — from being able to just look as he steals the ball or has an amazing as- Sat. Sun. Sat. Sun.
to the future and then executing when he sist. It’s pretty incredible to watch some- City
Cedar City
was at community college and getting to one’s dreams unfold in front of them.” Mar 10 Mar 18 Mar 24 Mar 31 Lake Powell 58/33/pc 51/38/sf Provo 46/32/r 38/29/sn
Logan 42/27/c 35/18/sn Richfield 47/22/sn 36/24/sn
Utah ski report Moab 56/36/r 46/34/c St. George 54/36/sh 53/37/c
Resort Base New Ogden 47/34/r 41/25/sn Vernal 44/28/sn 39/23/sf
Alta 86” 0 Park City 42/24/sn 32/18/sn Wendover 46/35/r 46/27/c
Beaver Mt 54” 0
The nation
Shulga Shulga grew up aware of the tensions
between Ukraine and Russia. But for the
Brian Head
Deer Valley
0 City
Hi/Lo/W City
≥ Continued from A6 USU sophomore, the idea of a war in his Eagle Point 50” 0
home country was almost unthinkable. Nordic Vly 30” 0 Baltimore 47/30/s 58/47/pc New Orleans 77/61/pc 80/65/c
communicate with his own family via “It doesn’t feel real,” he said. “To this Park City
Powder Mt
Boise 50/33/pc 50/30/sn New York City 38/31/s 46/42/c
Boston 35/23/s 40/35/pc Orlando 85/61/s 83/63/pc
FaceTime and text messages. day, it honestly feels like a video game. Snowbasin 49” 0 Chicago 44/38/pc 68/43/c Philadelphia 42/32/s 55/46/pc
“It’s obviously nerve-racking when you Me personally, I felt like our humani- Snowbird 79” 0 Dallas 75/60/pc 77/64/t Phoenix 69/52/pc 68/46/s
see stuff on the news,” he said. “… Until ty grew out of declaring wars and stuff. Solitude 69” 0 Denver
Portland, OR
St. Louis
Sundance 45” 0
your people text you back to say every- That was in the past. But obviously it’s a Source:
Honolulu 80/66/pc 81/66/pc San Francisco 57/45/pc 57/43/pc
thing is good, you’re obviously nervous real thing now and you have to deal with Las Vegas 64/47/c 57/40/pc Seattle 48/39/c 49/35/pc

about it.” it. We are a very tough people. Very pa- Avalanche alerts Los Angeles 62/49/sh 58/41/pc Washington, DC 48/36/s 62/54/pc
Data collected as of 6 p.m. Thursday
Shulga lived in Kyiv until he was 13 be- triotic. We will stand our ground until Logan Moderate
The world
fore leaving the city to continue his basket- we fall basically.” Ogden Moderate
Hi/Lo/W City
ball career. He has played for Ukraine’s U18 Shulga, though, does not believe that Salt Lake
Athens 58/48/pc 60/51/sh Montreal 23/4/c 27/24/c
and U20 teams. And the guard is now in his will happen. Provo Moderate
Buenos Aires
second season at Utah State in Logan. “I just want to say that we’re going Skyline
Hong Kong 73/64/pc 73/64/pc Rome 54/38/pc 56/36/sh
“I’m happy to see my family healthy and to win,” he said. “We’re going to stand Source:
safe, but at the same time I’m mad all that through these tough first days but I hope Mexico City 77/50/s 78/51/s Tokyo 51/43/pc 63/43/s
Forecasts and graphics, except for
is going on and I can’t do nothing. I’m all and I know it will go smoother. We’ll end the KSTU forecasts, provided by
Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain,
sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
the way here,” he said. up winning.” AccuWeather Inc. ©2022 | Go to
A10 » Friday, Mar 4, 2022 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE

NFL suspends all COVID protocols

League cites recent “encouraging trends” must isolate for five days
after the positive test.
regarding coronavirus for its decision. No NFL games were
canceled during the past
By BARRY WILNER reasons to reimpose any as- two seasons because of
The Associarted Press pects of the protocols, it will the pandemic, though
do so in conjunction with many were moved during
The NFL has suspended the NFL Players Association. the 2020 schedule. About
all aspects of its COVID-19 Teams are required to 95% of the players and
protocols, citing recent remain in compliance with nearly 100% of team per-
trends showing that the state and local laws and sonnel were vaccinated,
spread of the coronavirus may continue “reasonable the league reported.
is declining. measures to protect their The NHL previously
In an agreement with staff and players,” said the dropped virus testing for
the players’ association, memo obtained by The As- TED S. WARREN | Associated Press file photo individuals without symp-
the league sent a memo to sociated Press. A video message reminds fans to wear masks before an NFL football game between the toms and other distanc-
the 32 teams Thursday in Regardless of vaccina- Seattle Seahawks and the New Orleans Saints on Oct. 25, 2021, in Seattle. ing protocols. MLB has not
which it mentioned “en- tion status, players and made any moves due to the
couraging trends regarding staff no longer must wear vaccination status. Testing Weight room restric- the service is being dis- lockout of players and no
the prevalence and severi- face coverings at team fa- will occur only when clini- tions, including capacity continued. new collective bargaining
ty of COVID-19, the evolv- cilities, though each club cally indicated or at the di- limits, have been dropped, The league is encour- agreement. The NBA hasn’t
ing guidance from the CDC, can require it individually. rection of a team physician. though each team can aging everyone to contin- altered protocols; Brooklyn
changes to state law and the Social distancing signs no But each team must impose its own rules for ue monitoring for symp- Nets coach Steve Nash and
counsel of our respective longer are required as well. have a facility to accom- weight room usage. toms of COVID-19 on a Phoenix Suns All-Star play-
experts” as reasons for the The league eliminated modate anyone who re- Contact tracing de- daily basis before entering er Devin Booker both were
move. mandatory testing of play- ports symptoms that re- vices have not been re- the team facility. Any indi- placed in health and safety
Should the NFL find ers and staff, regardless of quire testing. quired since Jan. 3, and vidual who tests positive protocols this week.

Johnny Lorin
Magna—”Binky” Born April
1, 1947 to Lorin and Lila Higley
in SLC, Ut. Johnny was raised NOTICE TO BIDDERS
in SLC, he stayed in Utah
throughout his life growing Sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Engineer, located at
up with cars, trucks, cousins, 349 South 200 East, Suite 600, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 until 2:00 p.m.
friends and the war! He fondly local prevailing time, on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, for the following:
reminisced often of the times ORANGE STREET BUS FACILITY, Job No. RDW21015. Electronically sub-
and antics growing up with mitted bids or bids delivered to any other location will not be accepted.
his cousins. They all served
in the war at the same time Bids will be publicly opened online via Webex at or about 2:15 p.m., local
in different branches. Johnny prevailing time on March 16, 2022.
enlisted in the Navy and served
with the black berets, a special INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS: Contract Documents may be obtained for
forces unit of the navy. He free online via SciQuest (The Utah Supplier Portal)
reenlisted for a second tour.
He was accommodated many The plans and specifications can be reviewed and downloaded at the fol-
medals and received several lowing website:
injuries before his honorable tomerOrg=StateOfUtah
Darrell LuRoy Deem discharge at the end of the war.
He is on the Veterans Memorial To ensure notification of addenda is received, BIDDERS please register
1932 ~ 2022 plaque in the Veterans Park in with Utah Public Procurement Place (SciQuest).
Darrell LuRoy Deem, a veteran pilot, earned his “wings” Magna, (to which he told no
February 26, 2022 as he passed from this life surrounded by one). He was a proud man and The construction contract will be awarded in compliance with the City’s
loved ones in his home. He faced multiple health challenges didn’t boast but he also didn’t value-based procurement program which takes into account certain fac-
talk much about his experiences tors in the Bidder’s work environment. For more information about this
throughout his life resulting from his 40-year battle with in the war except the good program please read SLC Administrative Rules, Procurement Roles Chap-
rheumatoid arthritis but he endured faithfully to the end. He ones, like him adopting and ter 19 (See document 00 22 18, Article 1.2 paragraph “A” for a link).
was born on June 3, 1932 in a small community called Harper caring for an orphaned monkey.
Ward north of Brigham City, son of Ida and Lu Roy P. Deem. His He worked and retired from ATTENTION TO CONTRACTORS: On Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at 9:00
father was a vegetable farmer and he and his five sisters were Kennecott Copper.Johnny was a.m. a pre-bid conference will be held online via Webex. Specific meeting
taught the blessing of hard work in the fields alongside their a tease but he got his own instructions will be found on SciQuest prior to the meeting. Attendance is
parents from a young age. teasing especially being born highly encouraged. All contractors intending to submit a bid are invited to
Darrell attended Utah State University and was a member on April fool’s Day, he took it attend to obtain relevant information concerning the project. Bidders are
of Pi Kappa Alpha and participated in plays and other well! He was a member of the advised that information affecting drawings, specifications, conditions,
organizations including editor of the yearbook. During the VFW and spent a lot of time Scope of Work, etc. may be discussed. OWNER assumes no obligation to
summers he worked as a traveling salesman of women’s with the members in Magna. disclose information discussed at the pre-bid conference to Bidders who
apparel in North Dakota and Minnesota earning enough Johnny suffered for many years do not attend. Absent Bidders assume all risk of failure to attend.
money to support himself through college. He graduated from with heart failure, causing
edema and making it hard to The work to be performed consists of furnishing and installing the equip-
Utah State University with a degree in Business Administration
get around, he was homebound ment, facilities, services, and appurtenances indicated in the Contract
and a commission in the US Air Force. He earned his wings as Documents. The Work generally includes, but is not limited to curb and
a pilot and after his active duty he joined the Air Reserve out for many years. Johnny was a
very generous man and he gave gutter, concrete flatwork and asphalt paving, pre-fabricated building, and
of Hill Field and later the Utah Air Nat’l Guard. He retired with electrical work.
to anyone in need and every charity that asked! He said that
the rank of Lt. Col. His Air Force experience afforded him the “it is the only thing I can contribute” that was not true, he
opportunity to travel the world and participate in some rather contributed knowledge, advice, love, security and the faith The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any infor-
harrowing experiences including landing on one engine after that life is worth living and he gave with dignity and grace! mality or technicality in any Bid if deemed to be in the best interest of
dumping all the cargo into the sea to lighten the load of his Johnny had two children and several grandchildren. He passed the City.
C119. peacefully on January 6th 2022. No services were his wishes.
Darrell was an entrepreneur at heart and purchased his first In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the follow-
business, the Day/Nite Laundercenter in Ogden, Utah in 1958. ing information is provided: FAX number 801.535-6093, TDD Number
Two years later he sold the business and purchased an intimate 801.535-6219, contact person: Dan Hanover, 385-315-0795, City Engi-
apparel store in Salt Lake. He changed the name to Juliette’s
and expanded from one to five locations between Ogden
Douglas James neer’s Office. If assistance is required, please contact the above office 72
hours before the bid opening.
and Orem which he managed for thirty-one years. He sold his Drolett Publication: February 27, March 6 & 13, 2022
retail stores in 1993 and then began making bridge loans and 1953-2022 SLT0015902
working in real estate. He loved investing. It was all a great
adventure, sometimes working out better than others. Most Salt Lake City, UT—Doug
recently he liked to talk about his 30,000 “girl employees,” the Drolett, 68, died at home NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE
bees in his hive. on February 23, 2022, after
enduring cancer for eight years. The following described real property will be sold at public auction to
His biggest adventure was his marriage to Jean Messinger the highest bidder, purchase price payable in lawful money of the United
He is survived by his beloved
that began on a blind date. His proposal was all business, family, wife Polly, sons Christian States of America at the time of sale, at the main entrance of the Cache
asking Jean if she thought “they could make it work?” She & Scott, daughter Lauren and County Courthouse, a/k/a First Judicial District, 135 North 100 West, Lo-
laughed for years about the unromantic nature of the whole daughter-in-law Rachel. His gan, Utah, on Thursday, April 7, 2022, at the hour of 4:00 p.m. of that
thing. She thought he might have said the same thing if passing leaves a hole in the day for the purpose of foreclosing a deed of trust originally executed by
they were going into business buying a hot dog stand. Their hearts of many - his sister Anne; Sidney Ray Blanchard, in favor of Mountain America Federal Credit Union,
marriage began in the Salt Lake Temple officiated by Gordon in-laws Tim, Tom, Kathy, Bill & covering real property located at approximately 396 East 200 South, Lo-
B. Hinckley. They made it work. They are the parents of three Pam, Chris & Bob, and Nancy; gan, Cache County, Utah, and more particularly described as:
daughters and two sons. All of the kids were taught the value his nephews, nieces, cousins, and their families; and his many
of hard work via the family vegetable garden and raspberry dear friends. He cherished you all. BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1, BLOCK 2, PLAT
patch and working various jobs at Juliette’s which included Doug derived much joy and camaraderie from bike riding. “C” LOGAN ISLAND SURVEY; THENCE SOUTH 00°09’07” WEST ALONG
If you’d like to honor him with a charitable donation, please WEST LINE OF 400 EAST STREET, 68.50 FEET; THENCE WEST 166.86
delivering merchandise and gift wrapping at Christmas. He
consider the Bike Collective SLC. Doug’s life will be celebrated FEET, MORE OR LESS; THENCE NORTH 0°37’50” WEST 68.50 FEET
was a master storyteller, delighting his kids and sometimes
their friends with his fanciful tales of Jesse James and his gang, STREET 166.86 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING.
and the real stories of his adventures as a kid with his dog, 02-010-0028
“Old Red,” and the Baker mine and the rattlesnakes. He was a
BYU football fanatic unless they were playing the Aggies. The current beneficiary of the trust deed is Mountain America Federal
The driving force in Darrell’s life was his devotion to the
gospel of Jesus Christ. He loved the Lord and devoted many
Reed J. Aitken Credit Union, and the record owner of the property as of the recording
of the notice of default is Sidney Ray Blanchard. The trustee’s sale of the
hours to callings in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day- 1953 ~ 2022 aforedescribed real property will be made without warranty as to title,
Saints, ranging from branch pres., to bishop, to counselor in It is with profound sadness possession, or encumbrances. Bidders must be prepared to tender a ca-
the stake pres., and many others. He and Jean served two and heavy hearts that we shier’s check in the amount of $20,000.00 at the sale. The balance of the
temple missions; Madrid, Spain and Veracruz, Mexico. He was announce the passing of our purchase price must be paid by cashier’s check or wire transfer received
an ordinance worker in the Salt Lake Temple for twenty years, kind, compassionate husband, by 12:00 noon the following business day. The trustee reserves the right
a calling he dearly loved and took great pride in. father, and grandfather Reed to void the effect of the trustee’s sale after the sale based upon informa-
tion unknown to the trustee at the time of the sale, such as a bankruptcy
He is survived by his wife Jean and their five children, Joseph Aitken on March 1, 2022
filing, a loan reinstatement, or an agreement between the trustor and
Julie Poll of West Jordan, Jeffrey (Jacqui) Deem of Grand (Born 1953).
beneficiary to postpone or cancel the sale. If so voided, the only recourse
Forks, ND, Karen Klomp of Park City, David (Jennifer) Deem He died at home of
of the highest bidder is to receive a full refund of the money paid to the
of Canton MI and Kristen Deem of Salt Lake City and three Progressive Super Nuclear
sisters, Donna Beesley, Sharon Jensen and JoAnn Porter. The Palsy, a progressive brain
“tribe” increased to eleven grandchildren and seven great- disease, surrounded by his
grandchildren, jewels all. The family wishes to thank Craig and family.
DATED this 25th day of February, 2022
Ellen Garrett who wrote the book on ministering, always there An Open House Celebration
for us and wonderful neighbors, Ellen Lambert and Craig Lelis. of Reed’s life will be on Tuesday, Scalley Reading Bates Hansen & Rasmussen,
March 8, 2022 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM at Starks Funeral
And most especially our granddaughter, Brooke Bastian, R.N. Parlor, 3651 South 900 East, Salt Lake City. Please share your
P.C., successor trustee
who stayed with Darrell around the clock for days, knowing By: Marlon L. Bates
memories and photos with his family and view an extended Its: Supervising Partner
just what needed to be done and keeping him comfortable. obituary at
Funeral service will be held Thurs., March 3 at the Ensign 1st 15 West South Temple, Ste. 600
Ward located at 135 A St., SLC, UT, 84103, with a visitation at Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Telephone: (801) 531-7870
9:30am and the funeral at 11:00 am.
Business Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Vivian V. Hadley SLT0015915
Trustee No. 67008-3701F

Fletcher Hadley, age 95, passed Come To Dave’s Barbershop
away on February 26, 2022 in Barber Marc M. 19 yrs experience
Placing an obituary her home in Holladay, UT. A traditional barbering and flat tops
Memorial service will be held 4775 Daybreak Pkwy, So. Jordan
To place an obituary in The Salt Lake Tribune, call 801-237- March 12 at 2pm at the Mt 801-349-6431, 801-989-4151
2990 or email Olympus Presbyterian Church, ANGEL’S HAULING #1
SLC, UT. For the complete WINTER CLEAN-UP, Bsmts, Yards, TERRY’S PLUMBING
E-edition: Deadline is 3 p.m. two business days before obituary, please visit https:// Junk, Demo. Anything. Anytime. Remodel/Repair Specialist Lic./Ins. 801-897-9297
publication. vivian-viola-fletcher-hadley/
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