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EE 3249 Applied Electromagnetic

Tutorial 3

1. Given

A→=8 x^ −2 ^y +3 ^z
B = x^ +2 ^y 
(a) The component of A along

 
(b) The magnitude of 2 A  B
  
(c) A unit vector C along A  2 B → →
(d) Plot Graph the position vector of point A ( r ) and B ( r ) using Cartesian coordinate.
(e) The distance vector from A to B.
(f) Find the dot product of A and B.
(g) Find the cross product of A and B.

2. At point P (−3,4,5 ) , express the vector that extends from P to Q (2,0 ,−1 ) in:
(a) Cartesian coordinates.
(b) Cylindrical coordinates
(c) Spherical coordinates
(d) Show that each of these vectors has the same magnitude

3. A section of a sphere is described by 0≤R≤2 , 0≤θ≤90° , and 30 °≤φ≤90° . Find:

(a) the surface area of the spherical section.
(b) the enclosed volume The surfaces

4. Find the gradient of each following:

V 1 =24 V 0 cos ( ) ( )
2 πz
3 in Cartesian coordinates

−2 r
V 2 =V 0 e sin 3 φ in cylindrical coordinates.

V 3 =V 0 ( ) cos 2 θ
(c) R in spherical coordinates.

5. Find the divergence of

A= ρcos φa ρ +ρ sin φaφ +3 za z , at (2,0,3)
−2 y
(b) A=e ( x^ sin 2 x+ ^y cos2 x )
6. Find the Laplacian of these scalars
a.−z [10]
V =e sin 2 xcosh y
U=b.ρ zcos2 φ [10]
W=10 r sin θ cosφ

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