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19/10/21 11:17 Use of Language

Área personal / Mis cursos /

E6D2NV /
Tema 1 /
Use of Language

Pregunta 1
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Read the sentence. Then, select the correct option for the next sentence. Dehydration is a serious problem for athletes.

a. When dehydrated the body, thicker the blood, harder works the heart.
b. When the body is dehydration, it not work and heart works harder.
c. When the body is dehydrated, the blood becomes thicker and the heart has to work harder.
d. Is when the blood becomes thick and harder works the heart.
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Pregunta 2
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Choose the correct preposition and the correct verb pattern to complete the sentence. I am learning _____ my protein intake, so that I can
recover quickly _____ training.

a. controlling / after
b. to control / after
c. to control / before
d. controlling / before

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Pregunta 3
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Select the word that is an ADVERB in this fragment.

In a study, Swiss researchers discovered that eating one dark chocolate candy bar (about 1.4 ounces) had beneficial effects on highly stressed
people. Not only did eating the dark chocolate help reduce stress, it was also shown to improve mood and reduce high blood pressure.

a. pressure
b. improve
c. highly
d. dark

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19/10/21 11:17 Use of Language

Pregunta 4
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Read the sentence. Then, select the correct option for the next sentence. A balanced diet is the variety of foods that a person eats over a
period of time.

a. It includes different foods from each of the five main food groups.
b. There are differents foods from every five main food groups.
c. Does include different foods from each to the five main food groups.
d. He includes different foods from each for the five main food groups.
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Pregunta 5
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Match the words to complete the sentences.

you thought about _____ a table there? reserving

A:  I
used to work at a school.
So did I.
“B:  Really? ________!

Do you think you’ll _____ to finish the work tomorrow?

be able

You ______ hockey, don’t you?


I were a politician, I _____ spend more money on college education.

Pregunta 6
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Choose the correct option.

If you want to play tennis in my city, you ____ to be a member of a club.

Seleccione una:
a. should

b. will

c. have

d. can

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19/10/21 11:17 Use of Language

Pregunta 7
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Drop the words in the following text.

Nina: "I will invite you to my birthday party tomorrow."

She said that she would invite me to her birthday party tomorrow .

told the next day

Pregunta 8
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What sentence is correct?

a. The energy balance equation is the relationship between the energy consumed – measured in calories and the energy expended –
also measured in calories.
b. The energy balance equation is the relationship to the energy consumed – measured in calories and the energy expended – also
measured in calories.
c. The equation energy balance is the relationship with the energy consumed – measured in calories and the energy expended – also
measured in calories.
d. The energy balance equation is the relationship for the energy consumed – measured in calories and the energy expended – also
measured in calories.
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Pregunta 9
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Choose the correct preposition and the correct verb pattern to complete the sentence. The interview went really well. I told them that I really
enjoy ____ _____ kids.

a. to work / with
b. to work / about
c. working / about
d. working / with

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Pregunta 10
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Choose the correct preposition and the correct verb pattern to complete the sentence. Have a good vacation, and don’t forget _____ lots _____

a. to take / for
b. to take / of
c. taking / for
d. taking / of
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19/10/21 11:17 Use of Language

Pregunta 11
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Choose the correct answer

Film Vocabulary. I love watching all the old Hollywood _________.

a. classics
b. TV series
c. big screens
d. studios
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Pregunta 12
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Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

I don't have a TV.  I just _____ the latest

test shows on  my tablet.

Seleccione una:
a. stream

b. scan

c. broadcast

d. post

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Pregunta 13
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Choose the correct answer

Bananas are often exported to other countries in ……………………..

a. large boxes
b. great batches
c. huge races
d. big plantations

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19/10/21 11:17 Use of Language

Pregunta 14
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Choose the correct answer

I cannot see much when I swim in the ocean at night, because it is …………. and there is no moon.

a. cure
b. dark
c. light
d. bright
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Pregunta 15
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Match the words with their definitiions.

you carry on a plane.

document you show to get on a flight

When the plane leaves the ground


the plane returns to the ground.

Bags you don’t carry on a plane.


Pregunta 16
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Choose the correcrt answer

Read the sentence. Then, select the correct option for the next sentence. Dehydration is a serious problem for athletes.

a. When dehydrated the body, thicker the blood, harder works the heart.
b. When the body is dehydration, it not work and heart works harder.
c. When the body is dehydrated, the blood becomes thicker and the heart has to work harder.
d. Is when the blood becomes thick and harder works the heart.

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19/10/21 11:17 Use of Language

Pregunta 17
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Choose the correct option. 

Definitely, I need to leave my ____.

Seleccione una:
a. bad habits

b. routine

c. style

d. food

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Pregunta 18
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Choose the correct option.

After the exam Billy felt ____.

Seleccione una:
a. angry

b. miserable

c. sad

d. happy

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Pregunta 19
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Which of these nutrients is a source of energy for the body, and also helps to keep the body warm. It is present in olive oil and avocados.

a. vitamins
b. fats
c. proteins
d. carbohydrates

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19/10/21 11:17 Use of Language

Pregunta 20
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Decide if the following sentence is correct (TRUE) or incorrect (FALSE).

People often oversleep on the weekend when they don't have work.

Seleccione una:

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19/10/21 11:17 Use of Language

Pregunta 21
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Read the following test and choose the correct answers

Some students bring good luck charms to school on test days. They might keep a four-leaf clover in their pocket or wear a pair of lucky
underwear. While these things can’t hurt, there are better ways of doing well on a test.

Writing a test is like running a marathon. Both activities require you to do your best for a long time. There are a couple of strategies you can
use to stay relaxed, focused and motivated for the whole testtest.

Runners train before a big race. They practice their skills in the same conditions they will face in the marathon. You can train for a test in a
similar way. For a reading test,
test there may be comprehension questions on vocabulary, main idea, details, cause and effect, sequence and
inferences. You may also be asked to summarize the text. For a writing test,
test you will likely be asked to write a paragraph about a given topic.
The topics will often involve describing something, explaining how to do something, telling a story about something, or giving your opinion
about something. The goal of a test is usually to independently apply the skills you have learned and practiced in class.

Just like before a big race, it is a good idea to take care of your basic needs before the test begins. For example, get plenty of sleep the night
before. During the day of the testtest, get enough to eat. Go to the bathroom ahead of time. These things will help you focus.

When you get the test,

test don’t forget to put your name on it. Then, take a quick look at each page. A long test may have different sections.
Notice how many marks each section is worth. Like a runner, you will want to be careful about your pace. If you have a limited amount of time
to complete the test,
test you will want to leave yourself enough time for the sections that are worth the most marks.

Now you are ready to begin answering the questions. Read the instructions and questions very carefully. Make sure you understand what you
are being asked to do. If you do not understand a question, ask your instructor. If you feel nervous, you may want to build your confidence by
starting with the questions that are easiest for you.

Some runners use positive self-talk when they are struggling. They tell themselves things like, “I feel good about myself and my abilities. I am
not going to worry. I will do the best that I can.” Give this strategy a try. You can also take short brain breaks between sections to take some
deep breaths, roll your neck and shoulders, and massage your temples.

During a reading test,

test it can help to do a quick pre-reading exercise you have been taught, even if it is not part of the instructions. For
example, try scanning the text to figure out the topic before you read the whole thing more carefully. Then think about what you already
know about the topic. Predict the details that might be in the reading. For a writing test,
test pre-writing is a very important first step. Brainstorm
your ideas and organize them before you start writing. Some students skip these two things, but they probably shouldn’t. These activities
warm up your brain so that it will work more efficiently.

Before you hand in your test,

test review your answers. Unlike a marathon, it doesn’t matter who finishes first during a test.
test Check your grammar
and spelling. Make sure your instructor will be able to read your handwriting. Finally, be sure that you answered every question.

Follow these tips and, if your lucky underwear doesn’t work, you will have a solid back-up plan in place.
Match the questions to their answers

2. What is not listed as something to do before taking a test? 

test Do a pre-writing exercise.

5. Why are scanning and pre-writing important when you take a test?
test They warm the brain so it will work better.

1. What is not listed as something to do if you are not confident you will do well on a
Get enough to eat the day before the test.
reading test

4. What is the first thing to do when you get a test?

test Put your name on it.

3. The article is mainly about _______________ . how to do well on a test 8/9
19/10/21 11:17 Use of Language

Pregunta 22
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Listen and answer the questions.

   -0:09

How much does the Boston Marathon cost runners? 185

How long is a marathon in kilometers? 42.2 km.

How long is until the Asheville Marathon? 6 months

How many marathons has Luke run? More than 50

When did Luke run his first marathon? 1997

Ir a...

Writing Production ► 9/9

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