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Estudiante: Zurita Chávez Daniel Matrícula: 1943542 UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE NUEVO LEÓN

Materia: Laboratorio de Dinámica Brigada: 519 Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica

Estructural Ingeniería en Aeronáutica

Evidencia: Práctica #4 No. evidencia: 04

Comentarios: Puntaje:

Practice #4 we locate the closed-loop roots before these

leave the real axis.
To get the exact values of lasso roots closed,
In this document, we will use the command we go to Tools in the menu and we select List
rltool to understand the behavior of different Closed-Loop Poles.
Create the following transfer function:
s( s+1)( s+2)
This function doesn’t have zeros, has 3 poles
on 0, -1 and -2 and a gain of 1.
P=zpk ([ ],[0−1−2], 1)
We execute the command rltool(P) to obtain
the location of the roots.

Also in higher versions you can find the poles

at the end of the window.

We can get the value of the gain K and the

location of the roots to have a behavior of
critical damping in its response. With the cursor
To observe the response over time to an input
unit step for selected gain. We select the step
box. K = .3849

This to obtain the value of the gain (K) and the To observe the response over time to an input
location of the roots for the critical stability. unit step for selected gain. We select the step
With the mouse we locate the closed-loop roots box. K = 6
when they are on the imaginary axis.
The exact values of the lasso roots are
obtained closed in List Closed-Loop Poles.

To obtain the value of the gain K for the

response has a damping ratio ( ) of 0.45. We
go to the menu and select Tools then select
Add Gris/Boundary, select the Damping Ratio
box and assign the value of 0.45
To obtain the value of the gain K so that the
response has a damping ratio ( ) of 0.45. We
go to the menu and select Tools, then select
Add Gris/Boundary, select the Damping Ratio
box and assign it the value of 0.45.
For other higher versions we go to the root
locus editor and right click on it, select Design
requirements – New - and select the option
Damping Ratio = 0.45.

For other higher versions we go to the root For other versions

locus editor and right click on it, select Design
requirements – New - and select the option
Damping Ratio = 0.45.

The time response to a unit step input for the

selected gain would be. The response
characteristics are:
 Maximum overshoot %M p = 19%
 Peak time = 5.5 pt
 Settling time ts = 12.3

With the mouse we move the closed loop poles

where the root locus crosses the damping ratio
line of 0.45. The profit needed to have this
behavior would be 1,177. The exact values of
the closed-loop roots in List Closed-Loop Poles
are obtained.
The value of K that a critically damped
system will be of 320.
Problem #3
From the root graph determined the point and
critical gain
The system will have pole values of -7.4747, -
1.778 and +-1.22i and a gain of 1.

Problem #1
Graph the location of the roots of the following
G ( s )=
( s+1)(s+3)( s+7)

Problem #5
Determine the value of “K” necessary to make
the system have a response with a relation of
dampening coefficient of ζ = 0.6.

Problem #2

Determine the range of values of K so that the

system response is Overdamped, Critically
damped, Underdamped, Undamped.
 Overdamped The value of K that we will need to have a
The range for an overdamped system will dampening coefficient of 0.6 is of 31.887
be of 0>=K>=13.45

 Critically damped Problem #6

The value of K that a critically damped
system will be of 13.45 Determine the value of “K” necessary so the
system can have and overshoot of 25%.
 Under Damped
The range for an underdamped system will
be of 13.45>=K>=320

 Undamped
The value of K that we will need to have an
overshoot of 25% is of 59.98

With the rltool command and with sisotool we
can easily find values of different graph that are
easy to plot, some examples of the things that
we can see using sisotool are the values of the
damping coefficient, gain and poles. This
information will help us to understand the
different behavior of the graph under different

[1] Ogata, K., & Dormido, S. (2010). Ingeniería de
Control Moderna 5 ed. (7.a ed.)

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