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and Reliability
S. ZARDYNEZHAD, Turbotech Consulting Corp.,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Calculate the MTBR of pumps in an oil refinery

Mean time between repairs (MTBR) keys, guards, etc., should be pump casing. Heat tracing placed
is an index for judging the performance included in the pump boundary. on the outside of the pump casing
of a specific piece of equipment. In other • Piping flange gaskets and all piping and body must also be considered.
words, it is a measure of reliability—how components after the pump flanges, • The gasket between the main
long an asset typically works until it fails. unions or valve installed on the suction/discharge flange and
It helps reliability engineers and manag- pump casing must be considered in piping system outside the pump
ers make data-driven decisions on main- the pump boundary. Pump casing, baseplate must be included.
tenance scheduling, safety, budgeting, including all flanges cast with or • Separate gearboxes, clutches
inventory management and equipment welded to the pump casing, is also and drivers with their own tag
design without relying on subjective included in the pump boundary. numbers must be included. Integral
observations. MTBR is best used for dis- Small-bore piping connected gearboxes built and supplied by
cerning whether an operating scenario is to the pump casing up to and the pump vendor with the pump
improving or worsening. including the first flange, union or must be considered in the pump
This article addresses how to calculate valve (including the valve) must be boundary. This includes all internal
the MTBR of pumps in an oil refinery considered in the pump boundary. components such as gears, bearings,
based on the author’s experience. This includes drain, vent, cooling, seals, oil pumps, etc. Accessories
external flushing and warmup lines. mounted on the outside of the
Definition of pump. The first step in Mechanical seal barrier/buffer fluid casing, such as filters, shall be
calculating MTBR is to define what is in- lines between the reservoir and seal considered in the pump boundary.
cluded (and not included) in the pump gland are also included. • Separate drivers such as motors,
and its envelope. Pumps are equipment • Steam jackets/passages that are not turbines, turboexpanders and
used to increase the pressure of a liquid cast into the pump casing must be internal combustion engines with
from a suction to discharge pressure and considered in the pump boundary, their own tag numbers are not
include all necessary support systems, along with steam supply, quench considered in the pump boundary.
such as lubrication systems and seal sup- and tracing systems connected to • Lubrication system components
port systems (FIG. 1). the pump but beyond the first block inside the pump, such as bearing
In calculating MTBR, several points valve, flange or connection from the housings, oil rings, oil flingers,
must be considered in defining the pump
• Any equipment and/or instrument
in the vicinity of the pump that
is not included in the pump base
plate. The pump foundation, base
plate, skid, support pedestals and
anchor bolts should be included in
the pump boundary.
• Shaft coupling that is not mounted
on the pump shaft, such as the
coupling between the driver and
the gearbox when the pump has
an external gearbox. Coupling
mounted directly on the pump
shaft, including the flex/rubber
FIG. 1. Pump boundary (dotted lines) for calculating MTBR.
elements, half couplings, spacer,
Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2021 45
Maintenance and Reliability

bearing seals, etc., must be satisfactory operating condition. replacement, and the power cabling to 10
considered. External lubrication Repair work on a pump starts when pumps skids was burned; however, the
systems or oil mist system the pump is isolated from the piping sys- pumps were not damaged.
components, such as filters, tem, handed to the mechanical millwright After inspection, management de-
pumps, coolers, lubricators, oil and is no longer available for use by plant cided to do a detailed check of all spare
bottles, etc., on a dedicated lube operations. A pump repair is considered pumps (Tag B) in hot standby mode.
system for the pump must be to be completed when all isolations for The other pumps (Tag A) would be run
considered in the pump boundary. mechanical work have been removed, during the unit restart.
• Cooling water supply lines to the all mechanical locks have been removed The alkylation unit was out of service
pump and/or heat exchangers are and the pump is handed to operations for for 4 weeks and was restarted on Janu-
excluded from the pump boundary. commissioning. If another failure is expe- ary 31, 2020. Gussets were added to the
• Mechanical seals and packing are rienced during commissioning or restart small-bore drain and vent from all the
considered in the pump boundary. of the pump, the resulting repair must be pumps, based on company specifications
counted as a different, additional repair. revised during this period. Some auton-
Number of installed pumps. All the TABLE 1 includes activities that can be omous maintenance was planned during
pumps that are normally present in an considered and counted as “repair.” the shutdown period. Oil changes of the
oil refinery must be counted as installed A case study provides better under- Tag B pumps were also carried out dur-
pumps. It is recommended to calculate standing of the previous explanation. On ing this time. Furthermore, pump vibra-
MTBR based on pump type, production December 31, 2019, a fire occurred in tions for all Tag A pumps were checked
unit and production complexes. It may be the centrifugal pump of a refinery alkyla- during restart.
helpful to compare the pumps installed in tion unit due to mechanical seal leakage. For the 4 weeks the alkylation plant
one refinery to the pumps present in oth- The fire reached the hot surface of the was out of service, the pump failure/re-
er refineries within a single organization. steam pipes, causing the alkylation unit pair count amounted to only two in Janu-
to shut down. ary 2020. After unit commissioning and
Definition of repair. The tricky part The alkylation unit has 158 differ- restart in February 2020, 16 of the main
of calculating MTBR is the definition ent types of pumps. Each pump has one pumps (Tag A) failed within 2 weeks af-
of a failure and/or the definition of re- standby pump. Eight pumps out of 158 ter unit restart.
pair. Before calculating MTBR, the defi- are indefinitely shut down, preserved due The root causes of the failure were
nition of the pump repair must be first to lack of operational need. Two differ- found to be mechanical seal failure, cou-
understood. A repair includes all work ent pumps were impacted by the fire, five pling failure, bearing failure and shaft
performed on a pump to maintain it in motors were damaged and required total high vibration. Therefore, the pump
failure count jumped from only two in
December 2019 to 16 in February 2020.
A note should have been added in the
MTBR report for December 2019 that
75 spare pumps were inspected and re-
paired after the fire; however, they should
not have been counted for repair.

Mean time between repairs. MTBR is

usually applied to a group of similar equip-
ment such as pumps. The industry ac-
cepted formula shown in Eq. 1 is used for
FIG. 2. Repair work visualization. calculating the MTBR of the pump:

TABLE 1. Countable and non-countable repairs

Count as repair on pump boundary Do not count as repair on pump boundary
Turnaround overhauls Result of external factors (e.g., natural phenomena, flood, earthquake,
tornado, sabotage/terrorism, unit or plant fire, lack of utility, etc.)
General overhauls Predictive maintenance (vibration analysis) or troubleshooting not requiring
a pump shutdown
Maintenance interventions require lockout/tagout (LOTO) Maintenance interventions do not require LOTO
Upgrading to improve reliability Upgrading due to environmental and/or safety requirement
Onsite repair work, such as packing replacement or packing Any work outside of the pump boundary
ring addition by millwright
If the root cause analysis indicates that the failure was Any work on the driver, gearbox and variable frequency drive
caused by operator fault (such as running the pump dry)

46 NOVEMBER 2021 |
Maintenance and Reliability

MTBR = (Total number of active siderations are recommended during before calculating the MTBR.
pumps × time period) ÷ Number calculation of the MTBR: Take care, and do not mislead plant
of repairs during time period (1) • Define the pump boundary management with an incorrect interpre-
clearly and in detail. tation of the repair or pump boundary. It
“Active pump” designates a perma- • Calculate the MTBR for API is recommended to calculate MTBR as
nently installed pump that is in active and non-API pumps separately. specifically as possible based on pump
service mode and available for opera- • Calculate the MTBR into specific type, pump classification (API/ASME),
tional use, whether its duty is continuous, groupings of pump types, type of power rating, mechanical seal type and
standby or intermittent. The definition of mechanical seal (e.g., single seal driver type.
an active pump does not include pumps or dual seal), type of driver, etc.
located in units that have been indefinite- • Define the meaning of repair The recommendations outlined in this article are
ly shut down, preserved or abandoned. and/or failure clearly and based on the author’s personal experience and are not
The longer the average time of opera- in detail (see TABLE 1). affiliated with or related to any company.
tion between pump repairs, the greater • In the author’s experience, if MTBR
the reliability of the pump. For example, is calculated over 50 months– registered Senior Mechanical/
assume that 1,200 pumps are active in a 60 months, then something may be Pipeline Engineer in Alberta and
refinery over 1 yr (12 mos) and experi- wrong and the calculation should British Columbia with more than
29 yr of experience working in
ence a total of 387 repairs during the year. be checked again. If everything the world’s largest oil, gas and
The MTBR for the pumps can be calcu- is correct, then celebrate your petrochemical projects. He has
lated as shown in Eq. 2: reliability improvement! experience in engineering, procurement services,
manufacturing, shop/field inspection, installation,
MTBR = (1,200 × 12) ÷ 387 = commissioning, startup, reliability, maintenance and
37 months  (2) Recommendations. MTBR is the av- operation of pumps, compressors and turbines. He
erage operating calendar time between holds a BS degree in mechanical engineering from the
The total number of active pumps in the required repairs for a particular piece of University of Petroleum of Iran, an MS degree in
industrial engineering from IUST Iran and an MS degrees
plant, regardless of whether or not they machinery, type of machinery, class of in mechanical engineering and project management
are in operation, should be counted in machinery or operating facility. It is nec- from the University of Calgary in Canada. He is also a
the above formula. The following con- essary to define the meaning of repair certified API Inspector for rotating equipment.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021 | 9:00 am CDT / 2:00 pm UTC
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Hydrocarbon Processing
Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2021 47
Valves, Pumps and
J. PRUSHA, Emerson Automation Solutions,
Marshalltown, Iowa

Control valve design challenges

for green diesel processes
Green (or renewable) diesel is a biofu-
el that offers several advantages over bio-
diesel, so many refineries are increasingly
including it in their production portfolios.
The downstream portion of the refining
process is very similar to traditional diesel
hydrotreating processes, making modifi-
cations less onerous than switching to the
production of a totally different fuel.
While similar, there are some process
differences between green diesel and
standard diesel that are more difficult to
handle for the critical control valves in the
unit. This article discusses the green die-
sel process, and it offers suggestions for
choosing the best valves for reliable, safe
and profitable production.

Biodiesel vs. green diesel. Biodiesel

has its roots from experiments conducted
in the 1930s, and it has been produced in
quantity since the 1980s. It uses a trans-
esterification process to convert various FIG. 1. Like biodiesel, green diesel can be created from various vegetable oils and animal
vegetable oils and/or animal fats into fatty fats. However, unlike biodiesel, green diesel has the same chemical composition and physical
properties as standard diesel and can be used as a direct replacement.
acid methyl esters (FAME). The burn char-
acteristics of FAME are like diesel fuel, but
it is chemically different and tends to gel in The significantly increased blending tractive incentives for refineries to switch
colder temperatures. This gelling limits the rates for green diesel enable producers to at least some of their production.
amount of FAME that can be blended to achieve much lower carbon intensity in
10%–20% of the total diesel volume, and, their final product. Carbon intensity is a The green diesel process. Green die-
even then, the fuel can be troublesome to method of measuring how much carbon sel can be created from a large variety of
handle during colder winter months. is emitted in the production and burning renewable feedstocks (FIG. 2). There is no
Green diesel is a more recently intro- of a particular fuel. Gasoline, jet fuel and significant advantage in production yield
duced process that starts with the same diesel derived from crude oil have a car- from one type of feedstock to the other,
collection of vegetable oils and/or animal bon intensity of about 100. Biofuels de- and each takes about 7.5 lb–8.5 lb of raw
fats, but the result is a product chemically rived from non-crude oil feedstocks have material to create a gallon of fuel.
identical to diesel. Since diesel and green substantially lower carbon intensity val- The production of green diesel starts
diesel are the same in terms of end prod- ues—as low as 20, depending on the raw with pretreatment (FIG. 3). Feedstocks
uct, there is no blending restriction, and materials used as feedstock. The overall must be separated and treated differently
any engine can operate on 100% green carbon intensity often drives regulatory to convert them into a common interme-
diesel. FIG. 1 compares biodiesel, green credits, so the low carbon intensity and diate, which feeds the hydrotreater pro-
diesel and regular diesel. high blend rates of green diesel offer at- cessing unit downstream.
Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2021 77
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

The pretreatment process requires a diesel hydroprocessing unit. This can cre- particularly difficult application.
wide variety of processing steps, with par- ate challenges for instrumentation and A typical letdown valve would em-
ticular steps depending on the raw mate- control valve selection. ploy many very small internal passages
rials used as feedstock. The best control The temperatures, pressures and cor- to stage the pressure drop and handle
valves for pretreatment will vary widely rosive nature of green diesel production the flashing conditions, but this type of
(depending on the specific operations re- pose unique challenges for operations. valve would quickly plug in this service.
quired), and selecting the proper materi- Paraffin-like components also make the Instead, the preferable valve design em-
als of construction and alloy components process more “sticky,” causing control ploys a multistage letdown arrangement
will play heavily in the design effort. problems over time. The reactor section with large flow passages to allow particu-
Once pretreated, the green diesel of the hydrotreater is the most critical unit late to move through the valve. Particu-
intermediate is fed into the same hy- for maximizing profitability, with reliable lar proprietary high-pressure multi-stage
drotreating process used in typical diesel and tight control required for smooth op- angle valvesa (FIG. 5) can be an excellent
production (FIG. 4). Green diesel pro- erations. Poor control performance can choice for this application.
cessing usually produces an elevated level shorten catalyst life and reduce yield, so These types of valves are typically
of corrosion due to the oxides and acids picking the right control valves is a cru- offered with a variety of corrosion-re-
in the intermediates. Temperatures and cial step in the design process. sistant alloys, and they are designed to
pressures can also run higher in a green handle the very high temperatures and
Separator letdown. One critical con- pressures encountered in this applica-
trol element is the separator letdown tion. These types of valves also have
control valve. This valve controls the liq- large, multistage flow passages to handle
uid level in the high-pressure separator the entrained solids and offgassing that
and passes hydrocarbons with entrained are typical in this service.
gas and particulate. Temperatures can ex- The hot/high-pressure and cold/
ceed 260°C (500°F), and the valve must high-pressure separator letdown valves
FIG. 2. A wide variety of renewable materials reduce an upstream pressure of 1,100 psi are similar applications, but within the
can be converted to green diesel. Carbon to 900 psi. The high pressure drop and hydrotreater unit. The best valve design
intensity values vary by product but very high temperature would be a chal- in these services will often depend on the
generally favor used cooking oil and tallow. lenge for any valve, but the corrosive and expected ratio of outgassing of the mate-
Source: Renewable Energy Group. sticky nature of the material makes this a rial. A very high gas volume ratio will

FIG. 3. Green diesel pretreatment involves different processing steps, depending on which raw material is used as a feedstock. Some combination of
polyethylene removal, degumming and bleaching is usually required to convert the feedstocks into a common intermediate for further processing.

78NOVEMBER 2021 |

Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

usually require a high-pressure, multi- buildup, alternate post-guided control valves are often a good choice. A posi-
stage or sweep-flow angle valve like the valves offer a lower cost alternative. tioner with advanced diagnostics should
separator letdown. be used to monitor valve stroke times and
Lower gas volume ratios may be han- Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) torque at closure, and to sound an alarm
dled with other valve designs, such as applications. PSA units are a criti- when a valve is falling out of specification
those designed for low, moderate or high cal component for the entire operation and requires service.
gas volume ratios. Regardless of the valve (FIG. 7). Two (or more) adsorption beds
designed chosen, proper alloy selection is operate in parallel, with one bed getting Compressor anti-surge applications.
critical for long service life. regenerated, while the others are online. The green diesel unit will usually employ
These units typically provide very-high- one or more hydrogen compressors to
Hydrogen quench valve. Another purity hydrogen to the hydrotreating unit. pressurize hydrogen and feed it back into
critical application involves the hydrogen The PSA process typically requires various points in the process. One of the
quench control valves feeding the reac- many control valves, each constantly cy- most important valves on a centrifugal
tor. These valves control bed tempera- cling open and closed as the beds are re- compressor is the anti-surge valve, which
tures, avoid a runaway reaction and maxi- generated and placed online. In addition protects the machine.
mize catalyst life and production yield. to the very high cycle counts, the valves During low-flow, high-discharge pres-
They should provide tight control and are exposed to high temperature differen- sure conditions, the gas flow can instan-
good shutoff. Normally, valves in this ser- tials, particulate and pressure from alter- taneously reverse through a compressor.
vice will employ a balanced plug to meet nate sides. More importantly, the valves When this occurs, the discharge pressure
the shutoff requirements and to handle must stroke quickly and provide nearly immediately falls and the gas flow surges
temperatures up to 232°C (450°F) with zero leakage because slow-acting or leak- forward again, repeating the cycle. Once
high pressures. The author’s company’s ing valves degrade purity and reduce pro- compressor surge starts, the repetitive
proprietary high-pressure globe control duction for the entire hydrotreating unit. flow reversals can shear turbine blades,
valvesb (FIG. 6) are a good option for this The best valves for this application destroy bearings and take a compressor
service. If the quench valves are exposed will vary with the pressure and tempera- out of commission for months.
to lower temperatures and pressures ture requirements of the process. Howev- An anti-surge valve is installed on the
and there is a concern about particulate er, high-cycle, reliable, tight shutoff glove discharge of the compressor and tied


Fundamentals of a Successful Turnaround

Proper Planning to Mitigate Risk, Reduce Operating
Costs and Increase Efficiencies
Moderated By:
Speaker: Mike Rhodes
Ryan Nance, Turnaround Services Sector Manager, Aggreko Managing Editor
Barney Smith, Business Development Manager Turnaround Services, Aggreko Hydrocarbon Processing

Water and Vapor Solutions Maintenance & Turnaround

Zach Nichols, Sr. Director, HPI Vertical Market, EVOQUA
Bob Wenta, Business Development Manager, HPI Vertical Market, EVOQUA
Patrick Greer, Product SME, Vapor Degassing, EVOQUA

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Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2021 79

Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

back to the suction. If the flow through moving between 0%–100% or any posi- can be destroyed in seconds, so a simple,
the compressor falls too low or a surge tion in 1 sec–2 sec, while passing very highly robust valve design is important.
is detected, then this valve is instantly high flows. Despite the very high pres- Recent advances in volume capac-
opened to establish forward flow and to sure drop and temperatures, these valves ity allow some positioners to replace the
take the compressor out of surge. must provide precise control. Reliability typical combination of positioner and
Surge valves must be carefully de- is paramount for this valve. If it fails to volume boosters that is normally found
signed to respond very quickly, often function as designed, the compressor on most anti-surge valves. These same
advanced positioners also offer advanced
diagnostics and partial stroke testing to
ensure that the anti-surge valve will work
when called to action.

Takeaway. Green diesel shows much

promise to reduce carbon intensity by
replacing some of the petroleum-based
diesel now being produced. Although
the production process for green die-
sel is like that for standard diesel, green
diesel does pose challenges, including
proper selection of control valves and
related components. Design engineers
must be careful to choose the right alloys
and valve designs to provide high perfor-
mance and long service life.
If a refining unit is considering up-
grading to green diesel production, it
is important to take the time to under-
stand the options and evaluate the vari-
ous valve technologies available. New
alloy offerings and new valve designs can
significantly improve valve performance
and service life, and consultation with
your valve vendor can ensure proper se-

FIG. 4. The pretreated intermediate feeds a typical hydrotreating unit to produce the final green NOTES
diesel product. The hydrotreating process is the same as a typical refinery but requires higher a
Fisher DST-G valve
temperatures and pressures, while posing an increased risk of corrosion.
Fisher HP series control valves

JANELLE PRUSHA works for Emerson Automation

Solutions as the Refining Industry Manager for
Emerson’s Flow Control products in Marshalltown,
Iowa. Ms. Prusha earned a degree in environmental
engineering from the Missouri University of Science
and Technology, along with an MBA degree from
the University of Iowa.

FIG. 5. Proprietary high-pressure multi-stage

angle valvesa can be a good choice for separator
service in the hydrotreating process. The robust
alloy construction and large, multistage flow FIG. 6. A balanced plug with tight shutoff is FIG. 7. The PSA process involves many
passages allow these valves to handle very high usually employed in a hydrogen quench valveb control valves cycling 50,000 times/yr–
temperatures, very high pressure drops, and service. Proper material selection is critical 200,000 times/yr. Each valve must stroke
the plugging nature of the material. for any hydrogen service application. quickly and provide tight shutoff.

80NOVEMBER 2021 |

Valves, Pumps and
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

Vertically suspended molten sulfur pumping

challenges and best practices
The objective of this article is to share both operation and maintenance—i.e., to tion of sulfur viscosity vs. temperature.
industry experience related to the reliabil- maintain reliability and minimize main- Due to polymerization, the liquid sulfur
ity challenges with vertically suspended tenance costs. experiences an exponential increase in
molten sulfur pumps. Due to the operat- One of the most critical aspects to viscosity as it passes through the tran-
ing temperatures and the unique chemical consider involves the unique properties sitional zone of above 155°C (311°F).
properties of sulfur, several operational of sulfur. Sulfur experiences an abnor- Typical pump-related troubles reported
and reliability challenges are inherently mal variation in viscosity with changes in in the field include the following:
present across the industry. The follow- temperature, which only allows sulfur to • Loss of flow or reduced capacity
ing will discuss common pump field trou- be pumped successfully within the range • High vibration
bles reported by operations, pump failure of 135°C–155°C (275°F–311°F). Most • Overamping of the motor driver
modes, and case studies that demonstrate pump designs incorporate a steam-heat- • Pump seizures or broken shaft
typical failure modes and mechanisms. ing jacket to maintain a constant temper- • Corrosion issues.
Vertically suspended molten sulfur ature throughout the entire pump. FIG. 2 These reported field troubles or failure
pumps are used in oil and gas facilities shows a typical cross-sectional drawing modes can have many different causes.
to transfer molten sulfur from melting for an API VS4-type pump with line- Each reported field trouble is discussed
plants. Both horizontal and vertically sus- shaft bearings, top anti-friction bearings in the following sections, with the pos-
pended pumps cover the broad variety of and steam jacketing. sible failure mechanisms. Case exam-
molten sulfur applications; however, this The percentage of hydrogen sulfide ples are shown of similar failure modes
article will focus on the vertically sus- (H2S) content also influences the viscos- and mechanisms.
pended pumps. ity vs. temperature characteristic, which
The typical vertical design is an API can also change the temperature range for
VS4 or VS5 type. The VS4 is a vertically successful pumping. The pump material
suspended, single-casing, volute, line- selection is also dependent on H2S con-
shaft-driven sump pump. The VS5 is the tent. FIG. 3 shows a graphical representa-
same pump design as the VS4, except that
the pump is cantilevered rather than utiliz-
ing a line shaft, with intermediate bearings
to support the rotor. The VS5 cantilevered
design is restricted to shorter submer-
gence depths (approximately 6 ft) and is
typically applied in dirty sulfur service. By
design, the cantilevered VS5 pump does
not require product lubrication to inter-
mediate bearings; therefore, this design is
better suited for dirty service. FIG. 1 shows
both VS4 and VS5 pump types.
Pumping molten sulfur can be a very
challenging application due to the inher-
ently high temperatures and the unique
chemical properties of sulfur. These
vertically suspended pumping applica- FIG. 1. API vertically suspended VS4 and VS5 FIG. 2. Cross-sectional API VS4-type pump.
pump types. Source: Lewis Pumps.
tions require special attention in terms of
Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2021 81
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

LOSS OF FLOW OR REDUCED the sulfur has a strong possibility of mak- and possible corrosion issues; therefore,
CAPACITY ing it to the pump suction boot. these systems should be properly main-
FIG. 4 shows a severely fouled suction tained to ensure proper pump operation.
There are many causes for reduced strainer, resulting from submergence in
flow or loss of flow conditions, which are a foreign material. In this case, the root High vibration amplitudes. Due to
typically caused by unfavorable suction cause was not pump related, but rather the inherent design of the vertically sus-
conditions. The following outlines various the failure of the sulfur pit wall (FIG. 5). pended pump, the working end of the
unfavorable suction condition scenarios. As shown, the acid bricks collapsed, fol- pump is located several feet below grade
lowed by the release of a foam glass mate- and is submerged in the molten sulfur.
Fouled suction. Most designs—includ- rial used for insulation behind the bricks. Seismic vibration data is typically mea-
ing both dirty and clear sulfur services— This foam glass and other foreign mate- sured at the motor and the pump top
utilize a suction strainer. These strainers rial continuously collected at the bottom bearing locations. This makes it difficult
should be adequately sized in terms of of the pump suction boot area, where it to diagnose issues occurring at the bot-
both surface area and perforation size. In eventually blocked the suction strainer. tom of the pump at the suction inlet and
addition, stainless steel is recommended the line-shaft bushings. Typical failure
to resist corrosion, which can compro- Viscosity changes and temperature modes related to vibration issues include
mise the integrity of the strainer. The control issues. For proper pumping top pump bearing failures and line-shaft
important thing is to not assume that the function, temperature control is criti- bearing/bushing failures.
pump will only see clean molten sulfur. cal for maintaining the sulfur within the The following are typical mechanisms
Foreign material is a real possibility, de- required temperature range. Any issues associated with high vibration amplitude:
pending on the integrity and condition of with the temperature control of the sul- • Excessive pipe strain
the sulfur pit. Any deterioration of the sul- fur pit can quickly turn into pumping • Driver misalignment
fur pit that introduces foreign material to problems. Pit temperatures should be fre- • Lack of line-shaft bearing/
quently monitored for proper tempera- bushing lubrication.
ture control. H2S content is also a factor Excessive pipe strain. External loads
to consider regarding the viscosity vs. on the pump can cause distortion of the
temperature characteristic. pump, resulting in internal misalignment
High viscosity not only affects the and bearing failure. Machine misalign-
pump’s ability to deliver flow but can also ment can also result in elevated vibration
affect the lubrication to the intermedi- amplitude and shortened bearing life.
ate bearings, due to low-flow or no-flow FIG. 6 shows an unloaded discharge pip-
conditions. The brake horsepower re- ing support, which resulted in external
quired also increases and can result in mo- loads on the pump. These external loads,
tor overload. along with other mounting issues, result-
ed in failure of the top anti-friction bear-
Cavitation/submergence issues. Net ing, along with high vibration amplitudes.
positive suction head (NPSH) and sub- Driver misalignment and mount-
mergence issues can also cause loss of flow ing issues. Careful pump mounting, pipe
FIG. 3. Sulfur viscosity vs. temperature plot. or low-flow conditions. These conditions connections and shaft alignment should
often arise from level control issues. These be executed to minimize any external
systems are exposed to high temperatures loads on the pump. Shaft deflection
checks should be conducted with two
dial indicators in both orthogonal direc-
tions (radial) during piping connections
to ensure no more than 0.002-in. pump
shaft deflection. The pump should be
FIG. 4. Fouled suction strainer with
rotated by hand, following piping attach-
foreign debris. ment and warm-up. This action should
be done just prior to startup to ensure
FIG. 6. Unsupported pump discharge piping. that the shaft turns freely and that there
are no issues with internal misalignment.
Line-shaft bushing lubrication is-
sues. For the VS4-type pump, the line-
shaft bearings are lubricated by the sulfur;
therefore, any foreign material or abrasives
in the sulfur will compromise the bear-
ing/bushing life. In addition, the viscosity
FIG. 7. Overheated line-shaft bearing and of the sulfur can also have a detrimental
FIG. 5. Bricks collapsed, releasing foam glass. broken bushing.
effect on the product lubricated bushings.
82NOVEMBER 2021 |
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

FIG. 7 shows a line-shaft bearing/bushing. • Always perform precommissioning

The bearing shows evidence of high tem- checks prior to startup.
perature from lack of lubrication, and the • Ensure that temperature and
carbon bushing was fractured. level controls are working for
The shaft speed of vertical pumps with proper pump function.
sulfur-lubricated sleeve bearings is critical • Mitigate any steam leaks or
in terms of increased friction/tempera- other sources of water to
ture, which can result in damage from avoid wet H2S corrosion.
sulfur solidification. Low-flow conditions • Conduct sulfur pit inspections
will also add to this temperature rise in periodically to identify any sulfur
the bearings. Based on these factors, it is pit deterioration and subsequent
recommended to restrict shaft speed to accumulation of foreign material
a maximum of 1,800 rpm. FIG. 8 shows a in the pump suction boot area.
couple of cases where shafts have failed The following is a list of proven mainte-
due to lubrication issues and high heat nance and reliability tips for improving
generation at the sleeve bearing. This is molten sulfur pump reliability and reduc-
based on reducing the radial loads/forces ing maintenance costs:
and to reduce the risk of temperature in- • Utilize flexible steam hoses to
crease in the sleeve bearings. maintain steam to jacketing during
pump removal. This will allow
Corrosion issues. Pump material selec- for proper draining of the pump, FIG. 8. Failed line shaft and sleeve bearing
tion is an important design consideration as well as for maintaining location.
to ensure adequate corrosion resistance. temperature on the pump
The following case example demon- during the free draining of the
strates that there can be other corrosion pump when lifted from the
mechanisms to consider, which can have pit. Residual sulfur left in the
a direct influence on pump reliability. pump requires significantly
The presence of water and sulfur contain- more time and effort to perform
ing H2S can result in wet H2S corrosion maintenance and parts can be
in the vapor space, which can lead to de- damaged during disassembly,
terioration of the sulfur pit. resulting in higher maintenance
FIG. 9 shows significant concrete des- costs. It is often difficult to FIG. 9. Soffit and cover plate damage due to
iccation at the pump soffit location and distinguish between damage due wet H2S corrosion.
other areas of the sulfur pit walls. Severe to disassembly or from operation
corrosion of the cover plate was also during the troubleshooting.
present. These conditions resulted in • Before applying steam to the used for future troubleshooting
both corrosion and introduction of for- pump jackets and starting the purposes. These key variables
eign material to the pit. It is imperative pump, ensure that the pump has include discharge pressure,
to mitigate water intrusion from wash- reached equilibrium temperature. motor amperage, and top
down, steam-leak and environmental is- The pump should be held in anti-friction bearing housing
sues. This corrosion mechanism can also the pit for several hours to skin temperature.
result in corrosion of the pump baseplate allow all the parts to reach
and foundation, resulting in reduced uniform temperature. If steam is ACKNOWLEDGMENT
stiffness and subsequent vibration and applied prematurely, the pump The authors would like to provide a special thanks
alignment issues. components will grow at different to Dr. Emad Abu-Aisheh at Saudi Aramco for his valu-
able troubleshooting contributions and for providing
rates and cause possible damage. inspection photos for this article.
Takeaways. There are a few takeaways • Operation procedures should
to highlight; however, none of them are include a monthly pump rotation KEITH BRASHLER is a Pump Specialist with
more important than the initial design re- to ensure that foreign material Saudi Aramco. He has 32 yr of rotating equipment
experience in oil and gas, power generation, nuclear,
view to ensure that the sulfur properties does not accumulate around and pulp and paper, with an emphasis on pump
and other design aspects have been con- a long-term standby pump. and system troubleshooting. Mr. Brashler is a
sidered. Choosing the right application • All water sources, including vibration analyst (ISO Category 4), and a certified
will be critical to maintain acceptable re- wash water, should be avoided maintenance and reliability professional. He earned
a BS degree in mechanical engineering from
liability. The following actions highlight on or around the sulfur Washington State University.
a few of the key considerations to ensure pit. Utilize water stops to
trouble-free operation: prevent ingress of water. WESAM KAHALF Allah is a Pump Engineer at
Saudi Aramco. He has 8 yr of experience with the
• Ensure proper installation • Always baseline the pump company. He earned a BS degree in mechanical
to minimize the external performance variables following engineering from Purdue University and an MS
loads on the pump. commissioning, which can be degree in engineering from Texas A&M University.

Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2021 83

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Valves, Pumps and
D. LEAVITT, Emerson Automation Solutions, Colorado
Springs, Colorado; and J. GREMILLION, Emerson
Automation Solutions, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

How to select the proper valve for reliable

performance in critical/severe service applications
Critical and severe service applications specification for zero leakage, only pro- as pump isolation, bypass valves, headers,
demand automated valves that perform viding a zero-leakage specification for re- emergency block valves and reactor isola-
reliably under punishing conditions, such silient seated valves. To add to this confu- tion valves will all place pressure on valves
as high temperatures, high cycle rates, sion, terms are used throughout the valve from either direction, so a bidirectional,
high shutoff pressures, high velocities, industry (e.g., bubble tight, drop tight and zero-leakage seal is a clear requirement.
very long required service lives and zero- leak tight) that technically have no true
leakage requirements. These applications shutoff rating or definition. In addition, Understanding triple offset technol-
may handle poisons, corrosives, slurries, many engineers are under the misconcep- ogy. TOVs employ three offsets in their
heavy particulates or other very danger- tion that Class 4 shutoff is zero leakage. It design (FIG. 2). The goal of the design is
ous or difficult-to-handle process media. is not, as Class 4 is a leakage rate standard to have the valve disc seal meet the mat-
Selecting an automated on-off valve applied to control valves but not to the ing body seat with no rubbing until the
that operates reliably under these condi- shutoff capability of isolation valves. components meet and touch simultane-
tions with these media can be very chal- The International Organization for ously over the entire 360° of the seat and
lenging, especially if the valve is critical to Standardization (ISO) 5208 standard seal. This is accomplished by offsetting
plant operations. differs in the way it categorizes valve seat the shaft upstream of the seating surface
While there are several valve technol- performance standards. ISO 5208 simply and moving the shaft slightly to one side
ogies to choose from, a triple offset valve qualifies shutoff within a category, rather of the centerline of the pipe. These first
(TOV) is a good choice for many critical than the type of seat. For bidirectional, two offsets eliminate any rubbing during
and severe service applications (FIG. 1), zero-leakage applications, valves should most of the valve travel, and the third off-
particularly when zero-leakage perfor- be qualified to ISO 5208 Rate A. set ensures performance over the remain-
mance is required. Some vendors state that their valve is ing valve travel.
This article will familiarize the reader “tested to API 598,” while failing to men-
with the internal seal design and capa- tion which test standard within API 598
bilities of this valve type, and will show was used. The API 598 Resilient Seat test
why it is a good fit for critical and severe standard specifies zero bubbles and zero
service applications. drops of water during the bidirectional
Before discussing the valve design seat leakage test. Valves successfully pass-
in detail, it is important to clarify some ing this test standard are considered to
misconceptions about leakage rates with have zero leakage. It is this test proto-
metal-seated valves and to define the test col—API 598 Resilient Seated—that is
requirements used to verify performance. usually applied to TOVs, even though
these valves are metal seated.
Zero-leakage shutoff as defined per There are other test protocols within
API 598 and ISO 5208 standards. API 598 for metal-seated valves that have
Many critical and severe service applica- an allowable leakage rate, and the allow-
tions require a bidirectional, zero-leakage able leakage increases significantly with
shutoff utilizing metal-to-metal seats. This valve size. While these leakage rates may
is a very difficult requirement to meet, and be acceptable for some processes, they FIG. 1. A TOV is often the best choice
the American Petroleum Institute (API) are unacceptable for many critical and se- for critical and severe service applications
vere service applications. Processes such requiring zero leakage.
598 standard does not have a metal-seated
Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2021 85
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

The third offset consists of a seat-and- pressure. Quality valve manufacturers can acceptable emission levels and testing cri-
seal geometry that resembles an inclined achieve bidirectional, zero-leakage seals teria for the evaluation of the efficacy of
cone. The inclined bevel of the disc seal with both laminated and solid disc seals. the valve packing gland. While the rates
and the integral body seat form a very Some TOV manufacturers claim to of leakage and the material selection for
tight junction along the entire sealing have a fourth, and even a fifth, offset in the packing are paramount to selecting a
surface as the valve reaches the closed their designs. Considering that high- valve, most manufacturers adhere to the
end-of-travel position. This inclined cone quality TOVs are completely non-rub- limits set forth by these standards.
geometry is a critical design component bing and have bidirectional, zero-leakage For the purposes of this article, the fo-
because it eliminates any rubbing be- seals, providing additional offsets is not cus will be on the type of packing gland,
tween the seat and seal. necessary and may even detract from the specifically rising stem vs. quarter-turn
As the valve closes, the seat and seal valves’ performance. operation of the automated isolation
contact simultaneously around the en- The TOV design achieves bidirec- valve. With respect to critical and severe
tire circumference of the valve, and then tional, zero-leakage performance utiliz- service applications, the use of rising-
torque is applied to the shaft to fully seat ing metal-to-metal seats. It is also fire safe stem gate valves and rising-stem ball
the disc seal. This provides a bidirection- and rated up to Safety Integrity Level 3 valves have been the standard for years.
al, zero-leakage seal, independent of line (SIL-3) for use in critical areas where These rising-stem isolation valves can
safety instrumented systems are often ap- be replaced with a quarter-turn TOV with
plied. Additionally, these valves are tem- live-loaded packing to reduce fugitive
perature rated up to 815.6°C (1,500°F) emissions and maintenance expenses sig-
and offer alternate designs for cryogenic nificantly, while increasing uptime. With
service—utilizing quarter-turn actuation rising-stem valves, the stem is pushed/
to minimize fugitive emissions from the pulled through the packing. Any foreign
stem packing, while providing greater re- particles or changes in stem diameter
liability and ease of maintenance. due to temperature gradients will lead
to a stem seal leaking at an unacceptable
Fugitive emissions. Fugitive emis- rate—requiring repair or replacement at
sions have become a major concern for significant expense, along with a possible
operators. With consent decrees and interruption in production.
environmental awareness on the rise, a A quarter-turn valve with live-loaded
valve’s stem seal performance should be packing is a more effective solution for
taken into consideration, as it directly af- fugitive emissions control. The area of
fects leak detection and repair programs. the shaft in the packing gland rotates in a
There are many facets within the scope of quarter-turn motion, so that the shaft in
fugitive emissions. that area is protected from external and
API 622 and API 624 address the internal disruption. The live-loaded na-
FIG. 2. The TOV design employs three offsets to packing material and packing gland effi- ture of the packing gland automatically
make the entire disc and body sealing surfaces ciency, respectively. EPA Method 21, TA adjusts to minor changes due to normal
touch at the same time as the valve closes. Luft and ISO 15848-1 standards provide wear and temperature changes.
This live loading is accomplished
via Bellville washers, which are concave
washers arranged in pairs, with the oppos-
ing concave surfaces facing inward upon
themselves. These washers are complete-
ly compressed by the gland nuts, effec-
tively providing a compact spring-loaded
gland packing.
While these points provide a base of
knowledge to draw upon, there are areas
that may require consultation with a valve
vendor or manufacturer for a more de-
tailed analysis and for recommendations
for particular applications.

Valve selection for specific applica-

tions. The following examples discuss
several difficult applications and provide
FIG. 3. The diagram on the left depicts a true top-entry design, where all internal parts can be suggestions for addressing them.
safely, quickly and easily removed for maintenance or inspection. The diagram on the right shows Sulfur recovery units pose extreme
a pseudo top-entry design that makes maintenance and inspection unsafe and time consuming.
challenges for automated valves. Solidi-
86 NOVEMBER 2021 |
Valves, Pumps and Turbomachinery

fication of sulfur on the valve internals equal. The left diagram of FIG. 3 illustrates often the best choice for automated valve
causes components to stick and restrict a true butt-weld top-entry design, where applications, as they generally cost less
valve travel—and process upsets create the entirety of the valve internals can be and weigh less than other valve options
significant corrosion problems. In this safely and efficiently removed for safe and offering similar performance. When care-
application, a steam-jacketed TOV that fast access and/or repair. fully specified, TOVs provide reliable bidi-
is compliant with National Association of Some valve manufacturers employ an rectional, zero-leakage performance.
Corrosion Engineers (NACE) standards access port on the top, as shown in the The best valve choice is often dictat-
works well. The constant application of right diagram of FIG. 3, or on the side of ed by the process or application. When
heat across the valve body keeps the sulfur the valve body. These entry ports are only questions arise regarding selection, valve
well above its melting point, thus avoiding effective as an access point and cannot be vendors can provide assistance and con-
sticking and sealing problems caused by used for safe and effective repair work. sultation to ensure best selection.
solidified sulfur. The metal seal ring and
Stellite 21 body seat combination are ro- Takeaway. When faced with the task of se-
bust enough to handle the difficult media. lecting a valve for critical or severe service, DAVID LEAVITT graduated with a
mechanical engineering degree from
Cryogenic LNG applications push it is important to carefully evaluate the op- the Naval Academy and has 15 yr of
valve materials to the limits of their capa- tions, and to choose the valve that provides experience in the oil and gas, power,
bility, with processes within these plants the best performance and lowest lifecycle mining and water/wastewater
industries. He is currently a Business
and facilities operating at very high pres- cost. While lower cost options may be Development Manager for
sures and extremely low temperatures. available, the added cost of constant valve Emerson’s Automation Solutions business.
TOVs work well in this application because repair and replacement, combined with
they can handle extreme temperature gra- lost-production costs or efficiencies asso- JEFF GREMILLION, formerly with
Emerson, worked in the valve
dients, while still providing a firesafe valve ciated with poor sealing performance, will industry for 25 yr, the last three
with the required shutoff capability. far outweigh any initial savings in most ap- with Emerson. He graduated from
In addition, some butt-weld LNG plications. Consultations with experts can Louisiana State University with a
degree in marketing and a minor
applications require top entry, which is help quantify these costs and justify pur- in chemistry. Mr. Gremillion has
available in a TOV design, but not all chasing the right valve for the application. a strong background providing valve solutions
butt-weld top-entry valves are created For critical or severe service, TOVs are for difficult applications.

Thursday, November 11, 2021 | 10 a.m. CST / 4 p.m. UTC

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Hydrocarbon Processing | NOVEMBER 2021 87

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