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Can Mel Robin’s 5 Second Rule Change Your Life?


Making decisions is never simple, and we frequently find ourselves deliberating and
re-deliberating over them.

Mel Robbins, a well-known speaker and influencer, claims in her book "The 5
Second Rule" to offer a simple answer to our issues, which "only" requires you to make a
decision in five seconds.

The 5 Second Rule is simple to understand. If you have an inclination to act on a

goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds, or your brain will obliterate it.

When you have an urge or a desire to act on a goal or a commitment, use the Rule.

When you're unsure about doing something you know you should, count 5-4-3-2-1-
GO and take action.

As a result, when a good opportunity arises, don't overthink it; instead, count down
from 5 to 1 and make your decision.

The technique can prevent you from procrastinating and overcome your fear of
making a bad decision.

According to Robbins, you only have five seconds to act on your thoughts before
your subconscious convinces you not to.

Be constantly vigilant for those critical moments. Consider the benefits and
drawbacks of acting vs. deferring each time.

The 5-Second Rule refers to a proclivity to act rather than overthinking and
surrendering to fear. In those 5 seconds, you have the opportunity to be courageous.

It's a small bravery window that you can open for free. After 5 seconds, your days are
counted, and your brain will work against you.

This is somewhat true: don't wait for inspiration, energy, or a sense of focus before
taking action.

Make a conscious effort to motivate yourself. Once you get started, things tend to pick up
speed, and duties become easier to keep track of.

If you don't act on your inclination to change, you'll stay in the same place. You're not
going to change your mind.

You can, however, prevent your mind from working against you by taking one simple
step. You still have time to gain momentum before the deluge of negative thoughts and
excuses overwhelms you.

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