ME Unni Sir

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··ro ( ;(o nt)rYJ~t~ itXS


1 v'\ -l t(\. lt tc lto~l

...lhe tl~'\r.-1 'Lt'<1V\.()\·r1(.1 \ 61::>< ~ (u ~ ~\ ,r~ L
IV1~r-ic.J(lU(ed ~ 1 u '~t~\r\(A.~ F'?fi~( k ,, V\ \C\ )_6 .
·1'') e t'-., ~ ~" ") 1.... c( ) \'\.011r?e l n~ ><(,,Hi\'
~~ < i rt~ 1V('ci f.,, o vY\..
( ~~ C
·l-o <-J-t>cck tot1&J_g O'Jk0VO U \n M(?O..V\.8 c C..oVtom.~
\ Cl~'\c\ ' 1JE1" POV • mea.v,~ ~eCl~t-~e _(rCd?'->I',''',. I~
t l -- ,~ ....

.,.- ~

r' E 'Cv~'\.0\ivH.' \-t,?< cl.ea...U LU\,llv m<:?rA..8tU<2YY\.(tvd:

• , ......... " .I)~

£ t•" 0 ~ c-'Co\'\O\'\''\.{ c -o C lo...•tfoV'l ~ V\-l\' · ~A\ tV\.OvU}h. ~,

t-Y1 I!:,
CCl\lU(l?\'Y) e.n..:.t r.U,"'\. \VY.)Y,D't \ (lV\:t petl:k O t°
\ CC-<.~~"\.t•\..15,X, 'lh~ SCo,,e o ,f ec.oV\,vme115\X 1.s
\ 'fY)uck. b'?foc.\d.eit ~ £=-C.OV\..OW\e .-\15, ~c ,~ a. C.ovY\,\dY\£l:k1'0V\.

l e CoM\"Y\.i (. -~~ .. rn a.:tt '\.Q YY\.aJ:r cal e U>V\L)YY'> \ (. c;

~ S-t:ttb'.s,t·c.. ~ fo15 tvv2. . 6·f fXov,cL[~
po..sta. (Y\ e· l-c ~ S Of
\. hec,t YY) e<lj Cctl Vc..tlL<Jl
C:?Ce>norn.i t.
rfo~ -t,V\Q
->te La:b'oVl.81.-·u p G:,,\CL&t{c ,~~r., p-ooreM.S1 ·b~e~ ~

\ ~°Vl"J~vvtl Va.Lu..l\ cu'VJ( eto,"1€) fY\.! c, -ttl\..C2.Ui'.5~ . ~

.:.J '

\ ·ce=====-""""··~
~,\ ,-B o s
Y") I(\_

CD f\ '1S 't½ LV\. ~ s . Gto\.t7l B~ ~ e)l\-1, ~ kxJ o K s - \ V)

\ '-- ~ C0nom e-~, c .-\:lne.o·i ~ .. ~ d.e•f i n<? cl._ i'+, ct-8
~ ec.vnoyy-)e~x. Y"0Q<a toe d.Q-t,\t\.O(\ cu t\l\J2. C.:.oc\'<u..

<;0'eV\ce \\.') luhich -t½e •tools of. ewvwvY"U c. -

~». r r > ~ ~ ( t ~ ~ ~

~cz\ ~a ~ ~ r N,

• • •
Hen.~ i ihei I i"' hi s \oook £
ec.ono~cx ~ cte.f<V\ed t• eCof1.DW\L9° ~ •
ConC~n~ w;{h ~ em_fi1'ica.1 ol€-\.e2M ~ r . , .
of' e~vruc lo.J.JJ~ •

Ro\e of E UJV\ OV"Y)~.\-~\'X ~ a\ s]

~ .. .,

f.- .!)' ~TeJti'11 o.f e Cov\cvni <- -\:he.ulS~

po\, ( ~ YY) Cv\<\ ~
~... ,. .
R>'beea.&+i~ (p~) ~edict -\:\,,uz. vo~ ~ a \,Ct.ti%€

E Conorv)e{',x. w~ to c~ac1e.e.ts ~~ ec.ov- orni c.

Va5u· a.lo I Q. D'! pV\UU) YY) i V\a..1/\ s .

~~CAA t(oVlD«\)c.,;. po~ 'eeonoiYU

~ ~l'"O~ of ~~ ~ ..
~c2 ~ rio e8S~al. diF.feq&\.Le loe!t•>~ -

Vl')~e~C4l eton.o""1C5' ~ e.ton.onlJc ~ -

'30-ti? s ~ ,4-,a. ~ ..-e•a.~ti on W"4 le sh.ilf
-ettJvtDrntc ~ ..._.~ v ~ ~ploSiort ,

~caL c~ ~ ~rrtA-tica .t-

EUJY\Dt'Y)~ i c. Y'O e..fht., as ~-e des ,8~ to
.-t~e W-0 actou.n.t ?f'~vn clls+~ee,
wh-4 lk C d ~ ~ v~ a.ifo Vl.S foorv:> {'hi2. €1JGG1 ct
i½e be,~iol.Uutl tait-eth.s sug~e.s-Lec4 k,21 -
e CoV'tDrn.1 l -f'l-1
-- -- -a ~ • UA.,\...~,Y~\
0 llnLJ
I.....L..U.. een~YYU Cs ..
J ..L ,., ·- _ _ l.: ,-..... •
1,,v, ,..
• I 1

F~v.. m£>~ eeon.oWLe~ic t'Y\.Q,~d.s p-tcNi ~


ne uYY) e..sucal ~ ~ -\:vtQ c.o e fB 0-evtt!; o •f

. p~m1~ ..

~ Co n.oroet~; x di fFe:i 5 both VY)a:ti1 e VY1.a:CJ· CAL

S,ta;o % cg a.,vui.. e CovwrYt.i C S-ltttf 5-ti"C ~ ,

fCoVl.-OYYli c. s-\;el;ti ~-tics rvv;J vJg CvYJ cei ned w~
Cl>llec4iVl8 , P1fOCee5S i ~ ~ pb e 5 e Y1f1'~ e Co~i<::
~ l..ttL~ ~wi., ~+ c ~ s ~ ~l~ C1-v1t/
~ -\o di~ Ui beg ~ '7f'e1a:li OVl s vu p
be,{wee,vt.. ~t'YU C ~~ - . B~ dJ:;e-& Vl.Dt

pJloVi d. eg me aJU f l 2 ~ of POS?.at YY1

eA:eR,g ,.
of •~ I
~ Cl• I
~VY\l C rlf'ela.:1101-? S~ , i ~ '·

~ YYlM ca.J__ ~~~a ole~ 'UJ~

m ~ s o.f . 1'Y?e d.a.;bet b7

eCoV1,0m1 C v~able.& uke ~Y:>5Uh')p{i DY\. ,, TVtto~...,.
Sa;.,;{~ .s., inveg-t; vY\l?Nt:t , p-ti c.e.s ~R u,g ~ ec\,e cW
b(i ~\\G 0~ pMva:te ~Cie..S. W~fe,h ~ Vlbf
~~ ~ a '?fe&~ of Ccvwro1l€.d. VXp~iYY)~.
~Co n,on') e bi ?(. is eo v, CeA V'\ "-.V i-t:1--L
~ ttl' cal oleie-e ro;V\tttl'o Y) 'Of ecoV\.C y-nJ c t.a...u., s,..,.
[ W'le oas\:ivis ois ctio"'-

\t&f"'0 -1;1,:,e ~ fu'1i eoNho,l
. rn po~~ p~se . _I

l r •
' ,
,'" . ~, M.\<e~V\,es ~ct eoo~t0 Y)J'.>t'D'A functi'on. " 7h0{e
f js a. poSi-live ?.ela:HDY>5 hip beh-v~ · CoY)Sltn-:>ptio
\ CLV\~ iV'llom.e • To ke unes ~ ih Com'2 inClieas e5>
(fa' "' D
CoVJS~mpb'on ~o 1-vu:-zS~es,: b"Z{:t: fue il'JC/Jea~,·
Gae)~ eonsurop-ooY:> Ts le.sstblVI\. ~e pJt.opo·HoV'\C.ti€
,V)uerued i¥1 ecme . . ..., ~

=> I\'>!'! \ I,. " ~ i , €e'51e t!>-V '

' t pos+~ecA ~ MP
\ '3.M,'Ke'<}Pe.S
( t'<'\oJl0i ~ p)to{>~ ~, ~ ..\:o Co v.>S u n0 i) i ~ -8-,e ?Ja.:ti o
O+ {be ~ - e ln -total lon.Suroptit>V\ io -ti,,,e c

W'n.e.Ae. 6, C == C ~ \\rt CooSilA .--opb·o fi1.

b.'/ == c ~ iV) lV)CoY"r)e ·

Tue ~ 0 f c ~ o·P ConSu~ptiOYl. .fu?f a '

c~ , V\ , V) Corr:> e i s 1}qre~~CUA.- ~ e.Jlo ~ bttA:t
less~ 1 . ( o L Mf'C L 1) J
:q spec irf-tca:b'ov, of- +he lroa:thehl?a±ical m.odtu c,f
th.e. ~~ .

ke~r,eg~post(.llaled a po6;i{ve ~la.f/or,5htp ~

C.0Y:>5urop-Hovt a..vid Tn UJme., he dld vu,i; Speaf.lf
-the poeCf!,Q. rfu1S m of fan cff onaL '1~1.a.:t{OYJ5hi p
h ~ -the. -lWo_, o-, 5rmp]t(if{j,, a ro~m.a±i'
eeonomiSi sL-<Bge.s-t -the -FoJLow~ foirr::> of -
ke f1 vi., e Sia n. DJ Y) ~ u m Jo-Iio vt '11-LN? cti D n. ,.
f'y- 13, + l32 X ,~
Wb~e, , y == CoY).5~ h?p-b~;n e?l{)endi~
x = t :neome
l3, ~ f32 = P~me+e-z!s o·f -tbe model S
f:3 2 = 5Lope o{ ~e MPC .

~, I

~ I
Cf\~ i

I I:\ ~\

I I,,

. U C',
~ Spec,.fi Ca,;ttov, o.f. {"V\12 e et\i, c h1.C oltl of
·-lh~ -t.\.1.c crl ~ .

1be PUll~ ~ ~eroa:t,i Cal m.oaiel of t-1,, e Con S'-< mptj o

~el lim,+ed ~es+ to ~ eCoVl.C..-v,eti,Ci d.4n..
Tue eq,, a,ve.vt.
b~ ~ . y y u , ~

'/ = fs, -\- ~2 X .

As5(,tmes ~ -th~ 1 s a..n. e~ ci 01 c~TY?lY)i.s+i G

isela.±ion ~ nlf> Con Sum P-ti on ~\h, wte_ .
Bu.k fue tZSela.ti on sh) p loett.i>eevt eCol"'\.O vvu c ~ i ct.hl es
M e ~ lYu ~c-t.
y= f3, ·t f32 X + Ui ~

W\t\e~e , U.\ -== cUS-ttVt\oct,vi ce -t:.,e;_VY.) (ov ~ ~ -

~ d i ~ ~ ce. ~ rzrepzs-ese¥1k all --Hw.s e ~c--lozr
-t\0a.i ~-?Pee+ Con Sum p-f::io n. ~ b'u:.t o.Jt.e V\.O -t -i:a..-k €-Yt
~ 0tCCo'U.-Vl:;f;- erx.p)fCi~ , U,

o'otev r:>; ~ ~

3 ~pes of. ~ ~ be a.vaila..b\e foe! eropesuca.l..


1 DTue 4:ime Seit~ da±a.

2) CrhosS s ec-\:ioVtal <Wd:,a.
:LJ pc,c,\ed ~ ·

CD UYY.)e S0(,es~ .
I ~ ~me sex.,•eg rs q_ Set of obsew~o.-,.s OV\

«f=he Vttluu ~ ~ vcu1a..Jd.e ctakeg a...t -

• ~ -1:(tMls-. "S'CAl'l,i ~ . . .y44fH,Wetqml liij ctt
•eac.J'"- -l:in'UP. ~ a . l g . [ ~ , ~ , ~ , ~
4k·J. Fi~ ~~e ~~~ ~ -~

C1oss -Sec~dfutl .

C10.s~ seaoon~I da,ttt 4.r-Je data em~ en \fY'l4J'l5e v""''<tl::I

AA£ CDl/tc-led ~ ~ ~ poi vii of -fim.e ..
~8:- * popuJa:tiol1. khSl-cl ;~ ev~

J> @ Poolect ct.a.ta [ MiC1o pannel ~ .

ZRl T--£ 1~ ,thfL Ccrcbinttto~ o-f ~ -1:trne Se.Ill~~
ana UtJS.S se6b'ovtal ~ .
'The C-onSu.ry;,p{io\'\. da;t6l~ d;;ffeJlev,±- ~ ~
di-FfeteV\:t ~ of people lg a..n, ~e of
pooled d.a.::td.

fii,S,,\;i Wl~O't\ 0 f -tl,e eCon.ow.>e"t'tiG ~

1l?e. -ha8k "8 J?ece -tx, ~ w t , a

of -ti-1.e Cor,SUmp•t,.Olfl ~ O
y ::z ,-,~ 'jaa X

- -2 ~---
11-:>e ~ hAf o~ y [_ 9] Mt\ d;~ -tk.a..t
1. \'+ is Q,V1., ~rt-imc t;te.. .f?fom -t½~ e.«vvt. We .f ,M. ~
Mr>c (s\.op e o.f ~ eoe.ff ';~ w~ ~ou: t- c, . -, g,
S~i b"~ ~ W?f -tYlf2. SOJn?ple -pe.suod. Clhd.
inU ~e Lh, i"1CoY"Y.Je o.f i 1i~e e l ~ (:JV\., ~
CUl.eJl¥ -tD ~..-zS e~Q f1lhe D~ a...boru_¼ 7 2. pcuSCl. . . .
1h CoY).Sitrv> p-b' €1Xpevv:li ~ e.. : ., ,
1 ('~ . ) . ,r •
,<_r - ~ • ftfvT Cc, 1 ,p
1--?f.U"}llt,t .6)--, -g,

ke~Y)es er.x pe~ ~e rvtpc -49 be pof>\B ve br\U"

les s~ " 1..: .

~ -=Fo75e CiA.&1'~ o-zs ~ed. ic+r oh.,

'I-? -the rn...od. e I Co V) fo1s vn, -tYJ e VUefpe,-t:-t;, es is o ~

t-p. ~ t.LndeJ<. Q J n ~ i ~ i On., KJ-e ~ ~eci ~
, '(,\
, t w P75 ecD c-t o--t ,fo--zr e etu-n vta {t,,,e. ~ v ~ 0 f-
·,"' ~; -t\,.e d~~ e..vt ± vt:Uio...ble ( Con£ u.~·o Y\ 6-?•l.p -eN<a l.l~ ,
~ V51'~ "tVte vYLOdel .fv'?f Covd::iol ~ PDl,41 p,,,,_pos~
' 11?.f' e , g ~ ~ rYtOe lci ~ be <t.tged._ ~
Con:t-'io} 'D"lS poliq j ~po .Se 61). a.p~o po-ra .te
· -Fisc al (wr-n 0 ~ m.onr-t-ort1j po1,ctj .
M,?t: ~ ~ oVef?nry)-0Vl:t: ~ vnC U'1. ip~ ~
' ,
Covd:-'io} VoJ?.i % le X -to pir o d..u... c e & .e. d. es io eo1
level o.f- ~ t V~a. hl(! ' y ,.
* 1l?e ~~c.-b'Ov,~ lo eeo~orY?ic s ;s. r,.ot pz,ecise..
~ ~ ~ cl en c.e . • l

"')r<'. ~ ,l'J-,~ 'b

fr of- f>'oppe,t a.va1LaJo\e ~ ·

f ~ime Con Su.t"'Oin8
~ .·
J- Lack o~ a.ccusza~ .
"' - .s J; w:,1 t .o..J •
r c,'
t- ~eope of etxpe5lim~ etcY"\,DrYUCS
no V\.
f- Mo~-f; ewnomlc. ~ Me 14• ~ c::.,,,,---I N ? ~

in -t½ei '15 n~'2 .

L,neosc ~egMSSion nwd.e\.
~ v"V"'V'- ~ _ ,

Nl fWJi ~
"~ Tue -t;e(.m R~1>e~iOl"I wot.8 Tn:kloclu Ced-- "'11 ' f 2San cis... -
' GtaJ.:toYl' · Re~"e SS,.0'(") maJY\ tool of. e ~ ~ i'X. . ,s
l<R.1'ie~Ston, ~s,·~ ;s on.t o f ~ veeg Su"611:(f.· c
<' ,, ~ \tec,l.-t nilv~ fo-, fYl.lJ.}c.,~~ p~ed1Cati'oY\.. ~ ~ -
Jr >>· •
(.l'of' '<:jJ , p~ct-ron.,. (.onf;t.(~pt(ovi, P..stt(e5 ~ ,nVel~~, s ~
.r- ,r, " •

· , Pio.f;~f U\/4,,ne, e-t-c .

~ ~ O:t"c.£ t,~''°"1::e- .
of.:-:~ F«~• uA tU'
{i'Je =-5 #(dy
~e 6'(;pe#aaiffcl ~izc:eb2-
oe+en r-f:fon. r

f1(Co1d,i'1) -i, t M. M. BlaJ'i '., '0'€0"6e&S1'ovi ~ l . t (s

a ~ema ,t;cal . rY,)e::LSUf,e ,,.,_ rlh€ c w ~ qrel,CJ.1i?,f'Jsh;p
1,e,hve<Zh. ,two ~ ~e va...e,'a..hles ~-i;e.q m5 oP ~
O.Ju9; l/1..a I iu,,J-/;-s of ~ e ~ .

"'AJt Difte,eev, ce be--twe 6vt. CcF"b--tela:.b..on ~ R~t)'"675t5 s,OVJ

~ Co~O V> m~u..l .es ➔ me~StA'ZS"es -the
--tl?e de<irJee ot- t"lfela::bon - 10tU;uRe of ~ ~on~ hf p
S~fp bclwe0A. ih2 - be-lun?en -B?e Vcte.·a.ble.s .
1/aJ'..f'a..hl.e S .

➔ :Ct need not e'Xflaln e.d. ➔ f?eg'6e..5s,·ov,.. ~s,' E c lecU.LtJ

~2 ca..u,ges effec+s iv1di ~ -ih.e 6:t.U8e-5 ~
o+ '?fel.a.tfoo.51,,;p ~ e,ffee+s of ~"ov., .sl,,1p
-tV>e V@'ai:>tes ~ e f { betwe en -lw.. v~t~J eg.
~ -
,, ' 1➔ M1elAJJOVJ IS i,wt yeqlj I➔ T-/; i5 Wide 'Uf ~e,:;( .fu.s
.'~ , u.~eM ~ f-t-UinfflS \ ~tn..e. .e
m~n-:> a..:;b' u-tl. -
..,r ,.r roa:tt?-e rr::,a,.h' Cfll - ,tre~e n,t-~ .

➔ Tu~ Coef+,•ctevtt- 0

➔ K>e11~ei55to n Coe-F-h·c{e.vd-

UJ#el.11.:tioYt. Ls a. '15e> Ia.¾l\,e, cu~ a..b.Solwte mPa,RU S?.e.S.

mett.SU-fe.. .

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