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I. Introduction to the concept of marketing..........................................................3

II. An overview of the marketing process to reflect the key roles of marketing 3
1. Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs.......................................3

1.1. Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands......................................................3

1.2. Market Offerings—Products, Services, and Experiences........................3
1.3. Customer Value and Satisfaction................................................................4
1.4. Exchanges and Relationships.....................................................................4
2. Designing a Customer Value–Driven Marketing Strategy and Plan................4

2.1. Markets.......................................................................................................4
3. Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy.................................5

3.1. Customer Value–Driven Marketing Strategy.............................................5

a. Selecting Customers to Serve....................................................................5
b. Choosing a Value Proposition...................................................................5
c. Marketing Management Orientations........................................................5
3.3. Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan and Program...............................7
4. Managing Customer Relationships and Capturing Customer Value.................7

4.1. Engaging Customers and Managing Customer Relationships....................7

4.2. Capturing Value from Customers...............................................................7
III. The role and responsibilities of marketing function in the context of
Nutifood organisation..............................................................................................8
1. Introduction about Nutifood organisation.........................................................8

2. The role of the marketing department in Nutifood company............................9

2.1. The role of the marketing department for Nutifood...................................9

2.2. The role of the marketing department to consumers................................10
2.3. The role of the Marketing department for society....................................10
3.1. Relationship with each department in Nutifood company.......................11
a. Relationship between Marketing and Sales:............................................11
b. The relationship between Marketing and HR Administration Department
c. The relationship between marketing and financial-accounting department
d. The relationship between marketing and supply department..................11
e. The relationship between marketing and health department...................12
IV. Conclusion........................................................................................................12
IV.List of references..............................................................................................13

I. Introduction to the concept of marketing.
Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong
customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. (Philip and Gary,
Attracting customers and managing beneficial customer relationships are at the heart of
Marketing has two goals: to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep and
develop existing customers by providing value and satisfaction.

II. An overview of the marketing process to reflect the key roles of marketing
Five-step model of the marketing process for creating and capturing customer value.

Figure 1.1. The Marketing Process: Creating and Capturing Customer Value (Philip
and Gary, 2018:6)

As a first step, marketers need to understand customer needs and wants and the marketplace in
which they operate. We examine five core customer and marketplace concepts: (1) needs, wants,
and demands; (2) market offerings (products, services, and experiences); (3) value and
satisfaction; (4) exchanges and relationships; and (5) markets. (Philip and Gary, 2018:6)

1. Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs

1.1. Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands.

Needs are states of felt deprivation.
Wants are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual personality.
Demands are human wants that are backed by buying power.

1.2. Market Offerings—Products, Services, and Experiences

Market offerings are some combination of products, services, information, or experiences
offered to a market to satisfy a need or want.

Marketing myopia is the mistake of paying more attention to the specific products a company
offers than to the benefits and experiences produced by these products.

1.3. Customer Value and Satisfaction

Customers form expectations about the value and satisfaction of market offerings.
– Satisfied customers buy again
– Dissatisfied customers switch to competitors

1.4. Exchanges and Relationships

Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.

2. Designing a Customer Value–Driven Marketing Strategy and Plan

2.1. Markets
Market is the set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service.
Consumers market when they:
– search for products
– interact with companies to obtain information
– make purchases

Figure 1.2. A Modern Marketing System (Philip and Gary, 2018:10)

Shows the main elements in a marketing system. Marketing involves serving a market of final
consumers in the face of competitors. The company and competitors research the market and
interact with consumers to understand their needs. Then they create and exchange market
offerings, messages, and other marketing content with consumers, either directly or through
marketing intermediaries. Each party in the system is affected by major environmental forces
(demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and social/cultural). (Philip and Gary,

3. Designing a Customer Value-Driven Marketing Strategy

3.1. Customer Value–Driven Marketing Strategy

Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable
relationships with them.

• What customers will we serve (target market)?

• How can we best serve these customers (value proposition)?

a. Selecting Customers to Serve

The company must first decide whom it will serve. It does this by dividing the market into
segments of customers (market segmentation) and selecting which segments it will go after
(target marketing).

b. Choosing a Value Proposition

The company must also decide how it will serve targeted customers—how it will differentiate
and position itself in the marketplace. A brand’s value proposition is the set of benefits or values
it promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their needs.

c. Marketing Management Orientations

There are five alternative concepts under which organizations design and carry out their
marketing strategies: the production, product, selling, marketing, and societal marketing

Production concept is the idea that consumers will favor products that are available and highly
affordable; therefore, the organization should focus on improving production and distribution

Product concept is the idea that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality,
performance, and features; therefore, the organization should devote its energy to making
continuous product improvements.

Figure 1.3. Selling and Marketing Concepts Contrasted (Philip and Gary, 2018:12)

Selling concept is the idea that consumers will not buy enough of the firm’s products unless the
firm undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort.

Marketing concept is a philosophy in which achieving organizational goals depends on

knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better
than competitors do.

Figure 1.4 Three Considerations Underlying the Societal Marketing Concept (Philip and Gary,

Societal marketing concept is the idea that a company’s marketing decisions should consider
consumers’ wants, the company’s requirements, consumers’ long-run interests, and society’s
long-run interests.

3.3. Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan and Program
The marketing mix is comprised of a set of tools known a the 7 Ps:







•Physical evidence

Integrated marketing program-a comprehensive plan that communicates and delivers intended

4. Managing Customer Relationships and Capturing Customer Value

4.1. Engaging Customers and Managing Customer Relationships

Customer relationship management is the overall process of building and maintaining
profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.

Relationship Building Blocks

• Customer-perceived value

– The difference between total customer perceived benefits and customer cost

• Customer satisfaction

– The extent to which perceived performance matches a buyer’s expectations

4.2. Capturing Value from Customers

Customer lifetime value is the value of the entire stream of purchases that the customer would
make over a lifetime of patronage.

Share of customer is the portion of the customer’s purchasing that a company gets in its product

Customer equity is the total combined customer lifetime values of all of the company’s

Figure 1.5 Customer Relationship Groups (Philip and Gary, 2018:22)

Strangers are showing low potential

profitability and little projected loyalty.

Butterflies are potentially profitable but not


True friends are both profitable and loyal.

Barnacles are highly loyal but not very


The key roles of marketing

Understanding their customers "needs, wants, and demands" is an important role for marketing to
play. This understanding helps them to create desire-satisfying market offerings and value-laden
customer relationships, allowing them to capture greater customer lifetime value and market
share. The firm's long-term customer equity has increased as a result of this.

III. The role and responsibilities of marketing function in the context of Nutifood
1. Introduction about Nutifood organisation

NutiFood is a Vietnamese enterprise operating in the field of nutritional foods. Nutifood

Nutrition Food Joint Stock Company, formerly known as Thanh Tam Nutrition Food Joint Stock
Company, was established on March 29, 2000. On June 16, 2011, the company changed its name
to Nutifood Nutrition Food Joint Stock Company.

With the motto "Always focus on improving customer satisfaction with suitable and safe quality
products and the best service at reasonable prices" is the competition policy to make NutiFood
one of the leading food companies in Vietnam and in the region. With main products about:

• Nutrition products according to age.

• Special treatment and prevention products.

• Common nutritional products.


To become a leading company in nutritional food, sustainable development for the benefit of


Meeting the specific nutritional needs for each age group and different pathologies, contributing
to the comprehensive physical and intellectual development of humans.

Core value system

• Honesty

• Health benefits

• Taking care of people

• Fairness

With a nationwide distribution system, professional team, Nutifood is constantly developing

strongly and proudly leading the Vietnamese market. Currently, the company has become one of
the leading food manufacturers and distributors in Vietnam.

2. The role of the marketing department in Nutifood company

The marketing department serves as a vital link between the business and the market, as well as
between product attributes and customer requirements. The marketing department is responsible
for everything from concept generation to production deployment and product delivery to
customers. The marketing department can not only meet the needs of the consumer market, but
also the enterprise's business objectives, through planning, production, pricing, and marketing
activities. The company's ultimate goal is to make its products and services as marketable and
sustainable as possible. These are objectives that any marketer should be aware of.

For a large company like Nutifood, which is one of the leading companies in the dairy and
nutritional food industries in Vietnam, the Marketing department has made a great contribution
to the development of Nutifood. At Nutifood, the Marketing department has the following roles:

2.1. The role of the marketing department for Nutifood

The Marketing Department creates the connection between Nutifood's production activities with
the market in all stages such as searching for market information, communication (advertising,
personal selling, PR, ..), research. and develop new products, sell products, provide customer
service, etc.

2.2. The role of the marketing department to consumers

The marketing department not only brings benefits to Nutifood but also brings a lot of value to
consumers. With Mission: " Meet the specific nutritional needs of each age, each various
diseases, contributing to the comprehensive physical and intellectual development of children
people ". For customers, the marketing department helps customers solve their needs, receive
their feedback, and bring information to Nutifood. to support them.

In addition, the marketing department also helps customers feel the economic value and perceive
more value than the cost they spend to buy. A satisfying product is one that provides more
benefits than a competitor's product.

The Marketing department also creates useful information for consumers by providing
information to customers through advertising messages, sales messages..

2.3. The role of the Marketing department for society

The role of the Marketing department in society can be described as providing a standard of
living to society. All activities of Nutifood's Marketing department, especially the transportation
and distribution activities that bring goods to consumers, can affect social welfare. In developing
countries like Vietnam, improving the operational efficiency of wholesale, retail, transportation,
and other distribution aspects is the basic principle to improve the living standards of society.

3. The responsibility of the marketing department in Nutifood company

The Marketing department at Nutifood is not simply building and implementing the company's
marketing strategies well, but must always be responsible for each strategy that they set out,
which is " NutiFood Diamond Commitment - Raising the standard of nutrition" Nutrition for
Vietnamese people - NutiFood. More than a source of quality nutrition, the diamond nutrition
product line ” .

In addition to performing marketing activities for the whole company, the marketing department
is also responsible for managing the work of employees in its department. Planning activities,
assigning and assigning jobs to department employees. Have a plan to check and monitor the
work performance of employees. Review, evaluate, make decisions on rewards, discipline, salary
increase, promotion in accordance with the company's regulations.

Moreover, the marketing department must be responsible for collaborating and closely
connecting with other departments within the company, such as Sales department, HR
Administration Department, financial-accounting department, supply department, health
department. To ensure that work is always done most efficiently.

3.1. Relationship with each department in Nutifood company

a. Relationship between Marketing and Sales:

The relationship between marketing and sales is becoming increasingly clear in today's
environment, and it requires proper recognition and evaluation. The primary goal of marketing is
to determine the interests, habits, needs, and preferences of customers to provide appropriate
incentives to purchase, thereby assisting sales in increasing sales. On the other hand, a good sales
job will not waste the effectiveness of marketing efforts while also providing valuable
information gleaned from direct contact with customers.

Always encourage cooperation and reciprocity between these two departments, as this is the key
to good results in the short term as well as Nutifood's long-term strength and sustainability.

b. The relationship between Marketing and HR Administration Department

The human resources department is one of the important parts of an enterprise. This is the
department in charge of overseeing employees and other departments within the company.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for advising and supporting the Board of
Directors on all matters relating to personnel management, administrative management, and legal
and operational issues. Public relations and communication

When Nutifood's administrative and marketing teams work together, it's easier for the company
to stand out in a crowded market.

c. The relationship between marketing and financial-accounting department

The finance and accounting department at Nutifood keeps track of the company's financial
position. From planning, budgeting, and cash flow management to capital structure and risk and
cost control, finance is essential to every business decision.

Nutifood's sales are managed and developed by the marketing department. The marketing
department and the finance and accounting department must work together closely. To keep track
of business trends and manage the marketing firm's promotions. For example, a marketing
campaign can be successful in terms of total revenue. But the finance department may determine
that the cost of the campaign is too high.

In short, the finance and marketing departments in the business interact with each other to
minimize costs and maximize profits.

d. The relationship between marketing and supply department

Back-end operations and logistics were the focus of supply chain teams, while marketing looked
at the front-end of the business. They had no reason to work together.

But that's changed as supply chains have entered the public eye.

Sustainable sourcing and product origins are becoming increasingly important to consumers.
They expect prompt and accurate delivery, often at no additional charge. During the pandemic,
they became more aware of the strain that increased demand can place on supply chains.

e. The relationship between marketing and health department

In addition to co-branding, the food industry like Nutifood has partnerships with health
organizations to ensure products before being put on the market. Doing so buys credit
corporations, ties brands to the positive emotions attributed to their partnered organization and
helps buy consumer loyalty.

Nutifood's products are certified by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) which is
considered the most accurate measure of product safety for consumers' health.

From there, the marketing department clearly defines the information of each product: product
description, target audience, purpose of use, ingredients of food, production process of stamps,
labels, packaging, etc. packing, storage, distribution, transportation, expiry date,... before
promoting the product to the consumer market.

IV. Conclusion

The more society develops, the more important the role of marketing is, because marketing is the
bridge between customers and businesses. Therefore, businesses need to be market-oriented in
the most flexible way. Customers are always the ultimate judge of the survival of the business.
Businesses are profitable only when customers are satisfied, so marketing is part of the growth of
the business.

IV.List of references
Philip, K. and Gary, A., 2018. Principles of marketing. United States of America: Pearson Education, Inc,
p.4. 2022. Marketing là gì? Vai trò và chức năng của marketing trong kinh doanh |
Builder Website Designs. [online] Available at: <
vai-tro-va-chuc-nang-cua-marketing-trong-kinh-doanh.html> [Accessed 1 December 2017].

Nguyen Ngoc, Q., 2017. Nutifood GD2 - - Opportunities & Challenges - Identify Marketing issues -
Developing Marketing. [online] studocu. Available at: <
developing-marketing/5515551> [Accessed March 2017].


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