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CUIN 5341 - SPRING 1 2022


By Ridwan Sumitro

There have been various studies conducted to investigate the challenges faced by the
learners during online learning. Many of which also discussed the suggested ways to encounter
these challenges. Since the Covid-19 pandemic started, online learning is believed to be one of
the alternative that needs to be implemented in order to continue the teaching and learning

Yuzulia (2021) defined online learning as using the application of the internet in
accessing materials, having interaction with contents, teachers and other learners, and gaining
assistance in learning process to make meaning, gain knowledge and progress through learning
experience. However, there are many challenges faced by teachers and learners in maximizing
the use of online learning. The factors that caused these problems vary from the insufficient
access or the availability of the internet, the lack of technology, learners’ capacity to participate
in digital learning, and lack of proper interaction with instructors (Zhong, 2020). Based on the
results of the qualitative study conducted by Khalil et al. in a medical school in Saudi Arabia,
Barrot et al., (2021) indicated that although learners generally perceive synchronous online
learning positively, particularly in terms of time management and efficacy, it failed to address the
needs of courses that require hands-on practice. This study suggests that these challenges can
be mediated through ensuring the technology resources available to the learners, increasing the
interaction between learners and teachers, and adapting the school’s existing policies and
guidelines for online learning.

According to many studies, an effective way to overcome these challenges is to use

technology. Barrot et al. (2021) mentioned that technology has changed the landscape of
education significantly since it allows teachers to deliver instruction interactively, share
resources seamlessly, and facilitate student collaboration and interaction (Elaish et al., 2019;
Garcia et al., 2018). It is crucial to continue to support learners in the online environment,
especially in maintaining academic rigor and their engagement (Carlson, 2021). She believes
that by building a strong online course consisting regular interaction with learners through
feedback, communication plans, and assignments will help learners to be successful. Related to
this, constructivists also claim that learning occurs when a learner constructs knowledge for
themselves based on past experiences. When learners are actively engaged and motivated,
learning occurs more effectively. Therefore, richer learning experiences, involving graphics,
video, and other media and educational materials can aid learners in discovering things by
themselves (Fabunan, 2021).

Furthermore, Carmichael et al. (2018) reported that learners seem to enjoy video and
view it positively due to the independence it provides, with control over when and where to
learn, the pace of learning and what to learn (Kay and Kletskin, 2012). Videos can also provide
options to counteract the risk of isolation and lack of self-motivation, through which teachers and
learners interact and assess their performance and comprehension. Because of this, many
learners began to request more access to online content videos in their courses. On the other
hand, based on his research findings, Kosterelioglu (2016) suggested that educational video
clips can be used to allow for more effective learning environments by arousing student interest,
helping focus on the topic, helping refocus when interest wanes and helping learners reach
learning goals via sound and images.

For the teachers who want to gain maximum benefit from educational videos, there are
three components that should be considered, including cognitive load, elements that impact
engagement, and elements that promote active learning (Brame (2016). To begin with, it is
recommended that keep the videos short and focused on the learning objectives so that the
students can grasp the materials from the videos effectively. Other than that, ensuring that the
videos used promote active learning by inserting guiding questions, associated assignments
can help increase the students engagement. It can also be enhanced by using a conversational,
enthusiastic style in the video. Moreover, video elements (audio and visual) should be able to
convey the explanation appropriately. Signaling might help to highlight the important concepts in
this matter. Also, these elements should interest the learners to help them learning complex
concepts, such animation.

In conclusion, educational videos have shown many benefits that can will help students
learn more effectively. In online learning, it is very important to maintain the interaction between
teachers, students, and contents, and ensure the students engagement in learning. Videos do
not only help with understanding of the content, but it can also promote active learning and
provide a way for students to continue to interact with each other and get the support they need.
By offering the interactivity and flexibility, educational videos are certainly useful resources to be
used to support the online learning.

Barrot, J., Llenares, I., & Rosario, L. (2021). Students’ online learning challenges during the
pandemic and how they cope with them: The case of the Philippines. Education and
Information Technologies (2021) 26:7321–7338.

Brame, C. J. (2016). Effective Educational Videos: Principles and Guidelines for Maximizing
Student Learning from Video Content. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 15(4). Doi:

Carlson, K.. (2021). Supporting learners Through Online Learning. Doi:


Carmichael, M., Reid, A., & Karpicke, J. (2018). Assessing the Impact of Educational Video on
Student Engagement, Critical Thinking and Learning: The Current State of Play.
California: Sage Publishing.

Fabuan, S. H., & Ventura, E. C. (2021). Effectiveness of video-based instruction, Teachers’

performance and challenges among junior high school teachers in the new normal in the
district of Masinloc, division of Zambales. International Journal on Integrated Education,
4(9), 2-3. e-ISSN : 26203502.

Kosterelioglu, I. (2016). Student Views on Learning Environments Enriched by Video Clips.

Universal Journal of Educational Research 4(2): 359-369. DOI:

Sherin, M. G., & Sherin, B. L. (2007). Research on how people learn with and from video.
Northwestern University. Retrieved from

Yuzulia, I. (2021). The Challenges Of Online Learning During Pandemic: Students’ Voice. Jurnal
Bahasa dan Sastra, 13(1), 8-9.

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