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Elysium End-Game Guide


Written by Arkaic
Edited and Formatted by Mishka

Elysium is an End-Game oriented Fellowship in the VRMMORPG

OrbusVR. As of the writing of these guides (March of 2020), Elysium is the
#1 ranked guild for PvE. Although we’re strict about who we let in and we
focus on being the best of the best, we want to help the rest of the commu-
nity grow and improve at the game as well. These guides were written by
our elite members for the purpose of helping any and all other players who
want to play at the highest level of the game. We’ve done the testing, run
the numbers, and tried many tactics to arrive at the rotations and strategies
we currently use. While we encourage you to experiment with different
strategies and rotations, these are the ones that we use when running level
15 Shard Dungeons. They work for us, but we’ve also been running dun-
geons as a tight-knit group for a long time. If something we suggest isn’t
working, communicate with the rest of your team and see what you can
Basics of Precision:
The best Talents in terms of overall DPS are Precision, Rapid Charge, Ar-
row Sight, Globe Master, and Critical Aim (the tree should look like left,
right, left, left, left). Taking Overcharge instead of Globe Master gives you
MUCH higher spike damage, but overall DPS is a little lower than Globe
Master. If you can’t maintain 30+ meters, Needler is preferred over Critical
Aim, and Multishot should be considered over Arrow Sight.

If you have controller vibration enabled, you will feel a small, single vibra-
tion in your bow-hand controller when the precision bar is about 80% full.
This is the best moment to release each arrow.

The best arrows are Piercing (6 second cooldown) and Poison (12 second
cooldown). Smoke Arrow does nothing, Spread Arrow is only useful if
you’re next to the enemy (you should be staying at least 30 meters away),
and Fire Rain has too long of a cooldown.

Weak spots (the red dots that deal extra damage when you hit them)
disappear after 5 seconds, and spawn on your first hit 5 seconds after the
last weak spot spawned. Charged Shots that don’t hit a weak spot will
spawn one where it landed; all others spawn in random places. Weak spots
spawned this way do not affect the normal spawn rate. If a Charged Shot
hits a weak spot, it triggers the one it hit AND the one it would normally
spawn. This is the only way to trigger two weak spots at once.

The orbs on the side of your bow fill up when you hit enemies from a cer-
tain distance. Missing a shot or hitting enemies too close to you will de-
plete one orb. For most enemies, you’ll gain one orb if you are at least 15
meters away. If you have the Globe Master Talent, you fill two orbs between
21 and 35 meters, and three orbs if you are beyond 35 meters from the tar-
Distance and Shot Rating
You can check your distance by looking underneath your orbs when you
land a shot. The format is:


Size is how big the enemy is, shown as S, M, or L. Small (S) enemies are
your common enemies like Stafrushers or Tear Wizards. Medium (M) ene-
mies are bigger common enemies like Stafrutes and Tear Brutes. Large (L)
enemies are bosses.

Distance/Shot Rating Tests

Current ranges found for distance and rating against Small Enemies:
1 orb: 15-21 meters, 35-50 shot rating
2 orbs: 21-34 meters, 51-98 shot rating
3 orbs: 34+ meters, 99+ shot rating

Relevant tests against Medium Enemies:

26 meters, unknown rating (probably 50 +/-1), 1 orb
25 meters, 48 rating, 1 orb
27 meters, 53 rating, 2 orbs
41 meters, 85 rating, 2 orbs

No tests have been done against Large Enemies (bosses) yet.

Based on current tests, gaining or losing orbs may be dependent solely on

shot rating instead of distance.
Your Ranger trap is not entirely useless. Your trap and Charged Shot are your only interrupts.
Charged Shot is a 7 second cooldown, which is the same as your Piercing arrow cooldown. Your
trap has a 45 second cooldown but can trap an enemy for 20 seconds, or until they take damage.
These both count for only one interrupt, so make sure you can hit enemies with them consis-
tently. Note that against Link Shielding enemies and Stafrute Heals, they don’t take damage from
whatever interrupts them. Use your Trap, or let others do the interrupt if possible so you can
save your Charged Shot for damage.

Charged Shots and Weak Spots

ALWAYS charge your Piercing arrows. The damage boost is much higher than charging normal
shots or using uncharged Piercing. Hit as many weak spots as you can with your Charged Pierc-
ing arrows. It’s best to count your shots so you know when the next weak spot appears, allowing
you to start charging your Piercing arrow as the weak spot spawns. Eventually you’ll have a feel
for the timing and won’t have to count every shot. The DOT from your Poison arrow deals dam-
age proportional to the damage of the original shot. If you crit or hit a weak spot with the Poison
arrow, your Poison will deal more overall damage.

Your Super gives you a massive damage increase on all shots, and your special arrows have a
much lower cooldown. It’s best to activate the Super right before you release a charged Piercing
arrow at a weak spot. Any sooner and you lose a few fractions of a second, and if you activate it
too late then your charged Piercing won’t have the damage bonus.

Tiles and rotations are mostly based on your Poison and Piercing arrows. Because of this, you
want to use them within a few seconds of each other as often as you can. The most common way
to start combat is Poison, Charged Piercing on weak spot, then 7 to 9 normal shots, Charged
Piercing, 1 to 4 normal shots, then Poison again. After that, try to use your special arrows often
and together.

The preferred affixes on your bow are Bleed, Charged Strikes/Iceheart, or Unbending. Bleed and
Charged Strikes will raise your DPS (Iceheart being preferred over Charged Strikes if you’re play-
ing with Mages that hit with Frosts), and Unbending is nice to have in case you miss a mechanic.
The best affixes on armor are Crit Chance and Projectile Damage
Dungeon Bosses
Dungeon Troll - While Mages and Shamans should be up close and personal to keep circles hitting the Troll, feel
free to stay back. Time your Charged Piercing and Poison Arrows to prepare for uptime. If the Tank faces the
Troll correctly, you can stand far enough back in the hallway and not get hit by Earth Blast.

Lich King - Stay back and in line with the Lich’s shoulders. Keep rotation up and avoid dying to mechanics.

Mutated Rat - This is probably the easiest boss to deal with. Just keep your rotation up and don’t miss your shots.

Sewer Slime - Do your best to keep as much distance as you can without risking the Slime changing direction on
aggro change. Keep those Charged Piercing and Poison Arrows going!

Chaos Purity - Stay at range to keep Orbs up. Catch orbs on your head to avoid having to deal with AOE circles.
Keep your rotation up and enjoy killing.

Chaos Hunter - Same old same old. Shoot, get DPS, and when you see the Impending Doom debuff, cleanse
yourself in the circle, then get back to range.

Broken Halls
Minotaur - Another easy boss. Stand behind the tank. Shamans, Musketeers, Bards, and Paladins can all take
care of the interrupt. You just worry about murdering.

Gorgon - Yet another easy boss. Stay in line, and make sure you’re far enough back to get your Orbs. You may
have to get closer in between Charged Shots to get healing. Kill the Minion boxes before they spawn Minions,
and keep rotation up.

Abandoned Mines
Dovregubben - Unless you have a Musketeer (and you really shouldn’t) or a Scoundrel, shooting the spikes is
going to fall on you. As Tank leads the boss to each spike, get your rotation going to proc tiles, shoot the spike,
then continue your rotation.

Scav Shaman - Rotation as normal, but watch out for Puzzling Predicament. You should be able to stand far
enough back so that Magic Missile disappears before it gets to you.

Ancient Temple
Ancient Guardian - Always, ALWAYS stay near one of the pillars. You may not always be able to keep distance,
but it beats dying.

Mist Keeper - Follow the mechanics and keep DPS up. If the mages can’t get all the orbs, you’ll have to use your
Poison Arrow on one of the orbs to avoid Red Phase on the boss.

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