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I’m redoing the island tilting feat calced by Damage3245, mostly because he didn’t took into

account all the elements when making this calc.

For this I’ll calc the continental crust below Marineford (cause it’s not stated to be a floating
island and the fauna doesn’t indicate to be a naturally generated one either), the oceanic
crusts in the form of the rings lifted around the island, and all the water that was affected.

==The island==

According to Stefano4444 in this calc
%27s_tsunami_split the Marineford tower is 180m tall.

Marineford tower: 61.98px = 180m.

Island’s width (including the affected sea): 702.67px = 2040.66m.

Height the crust was lifted to: 123.96px = 360m.

The continental crust is a cylinder and continental crust’s density is 2700kg/m^3:

 Volume: 4709704693.0877 m^3

 Mass: 12,716,202,671,336.79 kg.

Let’s say the crust that makes the island stay on the surface is a conical frustrum, just to make
it simpler. This takes into account the height of the island as well.

 Base: 2040.66m.
 Height: 3700m.
 Top: 530.34px = 1540.19m.
 Volume: 37504422748.373 m^3
 Mass: 101,261,941,420,607.1 kg.

The sea floor uses to be 3.7km below sea surface, and while the water doesn’t cover all of the
space inside, I’ll use 3.5km as a height to compensate all of the difference cause it’s impossible
to calc it in an exact way.

According to this, seawater weights 1020 kg per cubic meter.

 Height: 3.5km.
 Width: 2040.66m.
 Volume: 45788795627.241 m^3
 Volume of Rock: 37504422748.373 m^3
 Actual volume: 8284372878.868 m^3
 Mass: 8,450,060,336,445.36 kg.

==Oceanic crusts==

This will be really hard to determine, mostly because we can see at least 3 layers of affected
crusts but only one can be more or less scaled. So I’ll calc the width of the first one, and then
I’ll apply the same width of that ring to the other two, assuming all of those rings are of the
same width.

 Ring’s width: 161px = 467.57m.

 Crust’s diameter: Ring’s width + island’s width.
 D: 467.57 + 2040.66
 D: 2508.23m.
 Height: 108px = 313.65m.

Oceanical crust weighs 3000kg/m^3.

 Volume: 6199117676.115 m^3

 Island’s crust volume: 4709704693.0877 m^3
 Actual volume: 1489412983.0273 m^3.
 Mass: 4,468,238,949,081.9 kg.

Second crust:

 First crust’s diameter: 2508.23m.

 Ring’s width: 467.57m.
 Second crust’s diameter: 2975.8m.

I’ll also have to asume the height the crust was lifted to. Considering the second layer can be
seen above the first layer (and so does the third with the second), let’s say that it’s 400m
above the surface and 500m for the third layer. Take into account that the third ring is at a
comparable height than the Marineford tower, which lower half is 180m and it’s elevated by
360m, so this is actually a lowball while the 400m is a mid term between both.

 Height: 400m.
 Volume: 11128005788.531 m3
 First crust and island’s crust volume: 10908822369.2027 m3
 Actual volume: 219183419.3283 kg.
 Mass: 657,550,257,984.9 kg.

Third crust:

 Previous diameter: 2975.8m.

 Ring’s width: 467.57m.
 Third crust’s diameter: 3443.37m.
 Height: 500m.
 Volume: 18624613107.451 m3
 Previous volume: 11347189207.8593 m3
 Actual volume: 7277423899.5917 m3
 Mass: 21,832,271,698,775.1 kg.

So now it’s time to calc the amount of seawater lifted in the three oceanic crusts.

First crust water:

 Diameter: 2508.3m.
 Height: 3700m.
 Volume: 73128440623.706 m3
 Volume of the island: 45788795627.241 m3
 Actual volumen: 27339644996.465 m3
 Mass: 27,886,437,896,394.3 kg.
Second crust water:

 D = 2975.8
 H = 3700
 V = 102934053543.92 m3
 Previous volume: 11347189207.8593m3
 Actual volume: 91586864336.0607 m3
 Mass: 93,418,601,622,781.914 kg

Third crust water:

 D = 3443.37m.
 H: 3700m.
 V = 137822136995.14 m3
 P V = 114281242751.7793 m3
 A V = 23540894243.3607 m3
 Mass = 24011712128227.914 kg.

==Total mass==

 Island:
o Continental crust: 12,716,202,671,336.79 kg.
o Water: 8,450,060,336,445.36 kg.
o Island: 101,261,941,420,607.1 kg.
o Total: 122,428,204,428,389.25 kg.
 First crust:
o Oceanic crust: 4,468,238,949,081.9 kg.
o Water: 27,886,437,896,394.3 kg.
o Total: 32,354,676,845,476.2 kg.
 Second crust:
o Oceanic crust: 657,550,257,984.9 kg.
o Water: 93,418,601,622,781.914 kg.
o Total: 94,076,151,880,766.814 kg.
 Third crust:
o Oceanic crust: 21,832,271,698,775.1 kg.
o Water: 24,011,712,128,227.914 kg.
o Total: 45,843,983,827,003.014 kg.

==Calcing the energy==

 PE:
o Island:
 E = 122,428,204,428,389.25 * 9.81 * 360
 E = 432367446759299475.3 joules.
o First crust:
 E = 32,354,676,845,476.2 * 9.81 * 313.65
 E = 99552315491245215.3753 joules.
o Second crust:
 E = 94,076,151,880,766.814 * 9.81 * 400
 E = 369154819980128978.136 joules.
o Third crust:
 E = 45,843,983,827,003.014 * 9.81 * 500
 E = 224864740671449783.67 joules.
o Total = 432367446759299475.3 + 99552315491245215.3753 +
369154819980128978.136 + 224864740671449783.67 =
1125939322902123452.4813 joules or 269 Megatons.
 KE:
o Island:
 Speed = Height / 5 seconds.
 S = 360 / 5
 S = 72 m/s.
 E = 122,428,204,428,389.25 * 72 * 72 * 0.5
 E = 317333905878384936 joules.
o First crust:
 S = 313.65 / 5
 S = 62.73 m/s.
 E = 32,354,676,845,476.2 * 62.73 * 62.73 * 0.5
 E = 63658682474676986.34549 joules.
o Second crust:
 S = 400 / 5
 S = 80 m/s
 E = 94,076,151,880,766.814 * 80 * 80 * 0.5
 E = 301043686018453804.8 joules.
o Third crust:
 S = 500 / 5
 S = 100 m/s
 E = 45,843,983,827,003.014 * 100 * 100 * 0.5
 E = 229219919135015070 joules.
o Total = 317333905878384936 + 63658682474676986.34549 +
301043686018453804.8 + 229219919135015070 =
911256193506530797.14549 joules or 217 Megatons.

Kurohige did the same, but he affected 5 visible layers of crust. So it’s the same mass volumes
for the first three crusts.

Fourth crust:

 Previous diameter: 3443.37m.

 Ring’s width: 467.57m.
 Foruth crust’s diameter: 3910.94m.
 Height: 600m.
 Volume: 28831247185.521 m3
 Previous volume: 18624613107.451 m3
 Actual volume: 10206634078.07 m3
 Mass: 30,619,902,234,210 kg

Fifth crust:

 Previous diameter: 3910.94m.

 Ring’s width: 467.57m.
 Fifth crust’s diameter: 4378.51 m.
 Height: 700m.
 Volume: 42160000227.958 m^3
 P V: 28831247185.521 m^3
 A V: 13328753042.437 m^3
 M: 39,986,259,127,311 kg.

Fourth crust’s water:

 Diameter: 3910.4m.
 Height: 3700m.
 Volume: 177792690977.38 m^3
 Previous volumen: 137822136995.14 m^3
 Actual volumen: 39970553982.24 m^3
 Mass: 40,769,965,061,884.8 kg.

Fifth crust’s water:

 Diameter: 4378.51m.
 Height: 3700m.
 Volume: 222845715490.64 m^3
 Previous volume: 177792690977.38 m^3
 Actual volume: 45053024513.26 m^3
 Mass: 45,954,085,003,525.2 kg.


Fourth ring:

 Fourth ring’s mass = crust + water mass.

 4th = 30,619,902,234,210 + 40,769,965,061,884.8
 4th = 71389867296094.8 kg.
 PE = 71389867296094.8 * 9.81 * 600
 PE = 420200758904813992.8 joules

Fifth ring:

 Fifth’s mass = 39,986,259,127,311 + 45,954,085,003,525.2

 5th = 85940344130836.2 kg.
 5th = 85940344130836.2 * 9.81 * 700
 PE = 590152343146452185.4 joules


Fourth ring:

 Mass = 71389867296094.8 kg.

 Timeframe = 5s.
 Height = 600m.
 Speed = 120m/s
 KE = 71389867296094.8 * 0.5 * 120^2
 KE = 514007044531882560 joules
Fifth ring:

 Mass = 85940344130836.2 kg.

 Timeframe = 5s.
 Height = 700m.
 Speed = 140m/s.
 KE = 85940344130836.2 * 0.5 * 140 ^ 2
 KE = 842215372482194760 joules

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