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Name: Trexie R. Justol Course and Year:


Teacher: Ma. Myra Mae R. Sobretodo Date:


Instructions: Relate the following questions to real- life situations and write
your answers on the space provided.

1. If you were given the chance to inculcate the ideals of patriotism and
nationalism in people, what strategies would you adopt or use?
The strategies that I would adopt or used is that to love, protect
and feel the belongingness of my country. Patriotism is show
importance in both military and culturally. While nationalism is to
protect the political interdependence of nation against other nation. As
the citizens of the country, I would adopt and used both patriotism and
nationalism because it portrays positive love for our country and
ideology in promoting interest in particular nation for the benefit of all.
And also, it is the way of giving importance of belonging in one nation.

2. If you were a soldier required to render service to the victims of flash

flood, would you rescue your family members in the same area first or
assist the other victims and just let the other rescuers aid your family
I would rescue first my family members in the same area.
Practically, they are my family. And I know I am not the only soldier in
that area to rescue the victims of flash food. Besides, this is not only
about having them as my family but they are also part of the group of
people in my mission. Since they are the nearest ones to me, I don’t
think there is something wrong of helping them first. I believe that
even my superior will not go against my choice of helping my
family first. And after securing my family, I will go back to rescue the
others who are victims of flash flood.

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