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Implementation Of RFID Using IOT


We hereby declare that the thesis is based on our original work except for quotations and
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Department of Electrical Engineering

NFC Institute of Engineering & Fertilizer Research Faisalabad

The undersigned certify that they have read and recommend to the Graduate Studies Program
for acceptance of this thesis for the fulfillment of the requirements for the degree stated.

Signature: ____________________________
Supervisor: Dr. AsimQuddus

Signature: ____________________________
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Salman Arain

Signature: ____________________________
External Examiner: ____________________________

Signature: ____________________________
Head of Department: Dr. Badar-ul-Islam


Implementation of RFID using IOT Applications





Submitted to the Graduate Studies Program as a Requirement

for the Degree of





MARCH 2022


To Friends and Family

LIST OF FIGURES.....................................................................................................................................8
LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................................9
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER 1..............................................................................................................................................13
1. Project Motive:..............................................................................................................................14
2. Background....................................................................................................................................14
3. Methodology:................................................................................................................................16
i. Temperature sensor:...................................................................................................................17
ii. Pulse sensor:..............................................................................................................................17
iii. RFID:.........................................................................................................................................17
iv. Arduino IDE..............................................................................................................................18
v. Flow chart:.................................................................................................................................18
4. Solution overview:.........................................................................................................................20
5. Expected results:............................................................................................................................20
CHAPTER 2..............................................................................................................................................21
LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................................................21
1. Introduction:..................................................................................................................................21
2. Internet of things (IOT):................................................................................................................22
3. Wireless sensor networks (WSN):.................................................................................................22
4. Cloud computing:..........................................................................................................................23
5. IOT applications:...........................................................................................................................23
6. IOT applications to enhance customer value:................................................................................24
7. Monitoring and control:.................................................................................................................24
8. Information sharing and collaboration:..........................................................................................25
9. Evolution of the foundational IOT technologies:...........................................................................26
10. RFID technology:......................................................................................................................30
i. RFID principles:........................................................................................................................30
ii. Physics behind the RFID:..........................................................................................................31

11. Ward Current Situation:.............................................................................................................33
i. Improvement Needed:................................................................................................................33
ii. Our Work:..................................................................................................................................34
iii. Temperature sensor:...................................................................................................................34
iv. Pulse sensor:..............................................................................................................................35
12. Discussion on Current Dilemmas:.............................................................................................36
13. Arduino IDE..............................................................................................................................37
14. Related Work:............................................................................................................................39


RFID Radio-frequency identification

IR Infrared

IOT Internet of things

ICT Information communication technology

GPS Global positioning system

IDE Integrated development environment

SQL Structured query language


First and foremost, we must thank our research supervisors, DR ASIM QUDDUS

And DR SALMAN ARAIN. This project would never have been

completed without their assistance and committed participation in every step of the

process. We want to thank you for your support and understanding over the last four

years. We are thankful for sharing their expertise and experience with other faculty

members who support us a lot in our project.


A person wants its medical checkup quickly and efficiently and also wants continuous
monitoring by doctor or staff member and our project deals with this as it is related to E-
health. The main purpose of the project is to provide quick basic checkup and to continuously
monitor the health of the person entering the ward. As our project includes IOT, the
responsible person can be able to monitor patient’s health from his room or office. RFID
technology is used for person’s identification entering the ward and their details would be
store using an application. We have studied about IOT, health monitoring system, RFID
technology and how different sensors work. It is difficult to give quality time and continuous
care to patients in rushy hospital wards. Therefore , we finally concluded that E- health is the
most efficient method to monitor the health of the person.
It includes various sensors like temperature sensor, pulse sensor and motion sensor. In a
special case if the person is partially paralyzed, a hand motion recognition circuit is provided
to the patient to help patient convey various messages to doctor/ staff member at office over

Figure 1.1: Flow chart diagram .....................................................................................16

Table 2.1: Evolution of key IoT technologies............................................................23
Table 2.2: Normal and Abnormal body conditions ...................................................23
Table 2.3: Normal and Abnormal blood pressure................................... ..................24


Internet of things (IOT) includes a wide range of field and is modern field of research. IOT
makes our life smarter, more efficient and easier. We can monitor a warehouse through IOT
and it can also be used in smart home automation. Several life threatening diseases can be
easily monitored by IOT based systems. The main problem in the wards of hospital especially
in government hospitals , there are a lot of patients, doctors and staff members are unable to
provide quick checkup and monitoring of the patients. Smart health monitoring devices
determine the health condition i.e. rate of pulse, body temperature and respiratory rate etc. by
using sensors.

It requires different sensors to monitor the health and for the automation of the prototype. It is
a moveable device which can be implemented in the ward easily. On the whole it is designed
for the identification of person, continuous monitoring and patient can convey his messages
over internet to responsible person in his office or room.

An IoT ecosystem consists of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded systems, such as
processors, sensors and communication hardware, to collect, send and act on data they
acquire from their environments. IoT devices share the sensor data they collect by connecting
to an IoT gateway or other edge device where data is either sent to the cloud to be analyzed

or analyzed locally. Sometimes, these devices communicate with other related devices and
act on the information they get from one another. The devices do most of the work without
human intervention, although people can interact with the devices -- for instance, to set them
up, give them instructions or access the data.

The Internet of Things is redefining healthcare as we know it. We’re moving on to a whole
new level when it comes to the way that apps, devices and people interact when delivering
healthcare solutions. IoT has given us a fresh outlook as new tools that accommodate an
integrated healthcare network, subsequently the care that is provided is of a higher standard.

The use of IoT in healthcare allows for the automation of processes that have previously
taken time; these processes previously allowed human error. For example, nowadays many
hospitals use connected devices to control the airflow and temperature in operating theatres.
The advantages of IOT in healthcare are seemingly endless, but here’s just a few of the major
benefits: IOT allows for the accurate collection of data, automated workflows and minimized
waste, but most importantly it reduces the risk of error. With IOT, patient monitoring can be
done in real-time, drastically cutting down the need for doctors going out and making visits.
Connected home care facilities will also help reduce hospital stays and re-admissions. Better
patient experience – A connected healthcare system creates an environment that meets each
patient’s needs. Dedicated procedures, enhanced treatment options and improved diagnosis
accuracy make for a better patient experience. With real-time data healthcare providers can
continuously monitor patients. This means that they can spot any disease before it spreads
and becomes serious. Sensors are installed onto various pieces of medical apparatus (e.g.
heart rate monitors) by the bedside of a patient. The data gathered is sent to the hospital
where a qualified member of staff analyses it for any abnormalities. The developments of IoT
have the potential to really revolutionise healthcare in a positive way. However we must be
careful. Health data is sensitive and if it’s shared inappropriately or misused has the potential
to damage people’s privacy. Ensuring hospitals have secure and manageable infrastructure is
essential in the healthcare sector.

With the emergence of intelligent technologies in this age of information from the global context,
advanced artificial intelligence (AI) techniques promise massive applications in a variety of sectors.
AI and ML, which have been successfully applied in a wide range of research areas is also proven
efficient and better in health sector. AI and ML can play a significant role in addressing the healthcare
and social sector challenges that health sector is facing.

i. Project Motive:
The importance of IOT Based Health Monitoring System is one which cannot be ignored.
The patient’s health and ward management is very important. We hope that our project will
be advantageous for the health monitoring in. It will be simple enough, easy to use, and
independent platform for the users to feel convenient while using it. Moreover, by gathering
real-time information automatically, it increases personal and decision makers' knowledge of

ii. Background
Different E-health monitoring systems have been used accordingly. Temperature and pulse
sensors and RFID technology has been used separately. The main feature of our project is
that we are using all the sensors, IOT technology and RFID technology simultaneously. The
data of an individual would be stored and health will be monitored. It is a portable device
having different features and no such work has been done before. Data storage using an
application is advanced technology and it would help to monitor and store data of the patient.

There is considerable international interest in exploiting the potential of digital health care
solutions, often referred to as E-Health—the use of information and communication
technologies—to enhance the quality and safety of health care. Often accompanied by large
costs, any large-scale expenditure on E-Health—such as electronic health records, picture
archiving and communication systems, e-Prescribing, associated computerized provider order
entry systems, and computerized decision support systems—has tended to be justified on the
grounds that these are efficient and cost-effective means for improving health care. United
Kingdom has invested at least £12.8 billion in a National Program for Information
Technology for the National Health Service, and the Obama administration in the United
States has committed to a US$38 billion E-Health investment in health care. When searching
the internet (using Google) by using search terms such as ‘‘e-health solutions and patient
involvement,’’ very sparse information can be found, and at present, it is not possible to
perform literature searches due to very limited published results. However, a ‘‘hub’’ of e-
health providers has undertaken the task of providing a global overview of the e-health
solutions available. Solution providers, consultants advising the healthcare system, and
healthcare professionals have been prompted on the internet to contribute with solutions for
patient better and efficient monitoring. It has been the hub’s aim that all the solutions should
be made available across all hospitals. With the hub’s permission, we present an overview of
the assembled solutions, their functionality, and their distribution by country.

Technology plays an important role in today's world like industries, personal life's,
environment and agriculture fields. Among these fields health care process is the most
important field and crucial also. The improvement of medical equipment and devices also
plays a significant contribution for technology development in health care devices. Patient's
also connect video conference to the physicians for improving their health status. It also
reduces patient's money and waiting time at hospitals. Using this technology development,
patient's health status should be recorded in their own mobile phone, in the doctor,s approach
then store the data.

Currently there is considerable work being undertaken in the rationalization of frequency

spectrum allocation between countries, development of standards and the introduction of
many commercial applications. There are now over 350 patents registered with the US Patent
Office related to RFID and its applications. Today RFID is a generic term for technologies
that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. There are several methods of
identification, the most common of which is to associate the RFID tag unique identifier with
an object or person. An RFID system will typically comprise the following:

 an RFID device (tag);

 a tag reader with an antenna and transceiver; and
 a host system or connection to an enterprise system

A growing trend in computing is the “Internet of Things” – objects or devices connected to

the Internet (and/or to other devices) that can gather, process, and share data. These are also
called connected devices or smart devices. Most people already carry around an IOT device
with them – a smartphone. Now many other connected devices are becoming available to
consumers, businesses, and cities: wearable devices that track your health and fitness, voice-
activated speakers that serve as a virtual assistant, smart thermostats that learn how to keep
your home comfortable while also saving energy, smart streetlights that automatically
brighten or dim based on how many pedestrians or vehicles are nearby, etc.

iii. Methodology:
A person will be provided RFID card by the management. When a person entering the ward,
first he has to swipe the card on RFID for the identification whether he is the registered or not
by the ward management. After the identification of the person, the pulse rate would be
calculated using the pulse sensor and the temperature would be measured using the infrared
temperature sensor. And the calculated results will be send to the doctor or responsible

person by an application, the temperature and pulse will be monitored continuously by the
sensors. And if , in a special case a patient is partially paralyzed , a hand motion recognition
circuit will be provided to the patient so he can convey his messages to the doctor or loved
one in his place over the internet. During the whole scenario the data of the patient will be
stored on a data server named as SQL server using IOT technology. An application named as
Visual studio is used for the design of the system.

iv. Temperature sensor:

Temperature sensor is used to measure the temperature with an electrical output proportional
to the temperature. We will use Infrared temperature sensor (GY-906 MLX90614ES) to
measure the temperature of the person. An infrared thermometer works to measure the object
temperature by theinfrared radiation in the form of an electromagnetic wave through the light
emitted on the object. MLX90614 is a powerful infrared sensing device with a very low noise
amplifier with a 17 bit ADC. It utilizes non-contact temperature sensing to collect the
temperature info without touching any surface of the object. It enables to obtain the
measurement of high accuracy and resolution.

v. Pulse sensor:
Pulse Sensor is a well-designed plug-and-play heart-rate sensor for Arduino. It can be
used by students, artists, athletes, makers, and game & mobile developers who want to easily
incorporate live heart- rate data into their projects.

We wire the pulse sensor to the Arduino as following:

 S of pulse sensor -> A0 of Arduino

 ‘-‘of pulse sensor ->GND of Arduino

‘+’ of pulse sensor -> +5V of Arduino

vi. RFID:
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify
and track tags attached to objects. An RFID system consists of a tiny radio transponder, a
radio receiver and transmitter. When triggered by an electromagnetic interrogation pulse from
a nearby RFID reader device, the tag transmits digital data, usually an identifying inventory
number, back to the reader. This number can be used to track inventory goods.

Adoption of RFID in the medical industry has been widespread and very effective. Hospitals
are among the first users to combine both active and passive RFID. Active tags track high-
value, or frequently moved items, and passive tags track smaller, lower cost items that only
need room-level identification. Medical facility rooms can collect data from transmissions of
RFID badges worn by patients and employees, as well as from tags assigned to items such as
mobile medical devices.

vii. Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE is an amazing bit of software. If you have been using Arduino IDE for a
number of years, you will certainly agree that the IDE offers developers a host of tools and
features to make them more productive. You will also be aware that it has grown a lot during
the past couple of years and is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to providing tools to
develop world-class software. It is basically used for the different designing procedure of the

viii. Flow chart:

Figure 1.1

1.3 Project designing hardware:

While designing the project we use following components:

 Arduino UNO
 Temperature sensor (MLX-90614)
 Pulse sensor
 RFID tag and reader
 Door
 PIR module (HCSR-501)

 Atmega Microcontroller
 Accelerometer & Gyro
 ESP8266 Wifi Module
 RF Tx Rx
 LCD Display
 Crystal Oscillator
 Resistors
 Capacitors
 Transistors
 Cables and Connectors
 Diodes
 PCB and Breadboards
 Transformer/Adapter
 Push Buttons
 Switch 
 IC
 IC Sockets

ix. Solution overview:
In the past, the monitoring of temperature is manually conducted by a person standing at
the entrance. This is a quick and efficient method as campare to the past. We provide a
portable system which monitors the temperature using sensor placed at the station. New
technology added more devices with wireless technology and accessed those devices over
the internet. We do not need a professional firm to track our security systems anymore.

x. Expected results:
The expected results will be through the application which will detect the health and
identity at the same time of the individual within a certain time.


We write some aspects about the history of health monitoring system. Sensor technology,
RFID and E-health have provided us the necessary information about the background.

1. Introduction:
The rapid development of information communication and technology (ICT) has made

automatization of human-assisted task in a wide range of application, such as asset tracking

for logistics (mainly within the context of 4.0 industry) or people monitoring for security and

safety applications. In recent years, the internet of things (IOT) [1, 2] and sensor networks [2-

3] have contributed dramatically towards this goal.

The implementation of ICT systems for automation of logistics and management in hospitals

should consider the following design requirements [2,4,5]:

(i) The use of disposable, low-cost sensors, which will be tagged to the patients,

medication, and medical assets to be tracked.

(ii) The connectivity between hardware (readers, end-user mobile devices, servers

with their databases located at the hospital ICT department) should be adapted to

the existing network infrastructure of the hospital and/or be based on wireless

networks. Among the advantages provided by ICT systems for location and

tracking in healthcare applications [2]

ii. Internet of things (IOT):
The unpredictable growth of the “Internet of Things” is changing the world and the rapid

drop in price for typical IOT components is allow public to innovate new designs and

products at home. IOT can be used in monitoring patient’s health, for making smart home

and smart city. The unexpected occurrence in patient’s are monitored using IOT. In this paper

specialized sensor is used to monitor patient’s heart rate, body temperature, body movement

and breathing rate. [6]

iii. Wireless sensor networks (WSN):

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consist of spatially distributed autonomous sensor-

equipped devices to monitor physical or environmental conditions and can cooperate with

RFID systems to better track the status of things such as their location, temperature, and

movements (Atzori,Iera,& Morabito, 2010). WSN allow different network topologies and

multi hop communication. Recent technological advances in low-power integrated circuits

and wireless communications have made available efficient, low-cost, low-power miniature

devices for use in WSN applications (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic, & Palaniswami, 2013). WSN

have primarily been used in cold chain logistics that employ thermal and refrigerated

packaging methods to transport temperature-sensitive products (Hsueh & Chang, 2010;

White & Cheong, 2012). WSN are also used for maintenance and tracking systems. For

example, General Electric deploys sensors in its jet engines, turbines, and wind farms. By

analyzing data in real time, GE saves time and money associated with preventive

maintenance. Likewise, American Airlines uses sensors capable of capturing 30 terabytes of

data per flight for services such as preventive maintenance.

iv. Cloud computing:
Cloud computing is a model for on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable resources

(e.g., computers, networks, servers, storage, applications, services, software) that can be

provisioned as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or Software as a Service (SaaS). One of the

most important outcomes of the IoT is an enormous amount of data generated from devices

connected to the Internet (Gubbi et al., 2013). Many IoT applications require massive data

storage, huge processing speed to enable realtime decision making, and high-speed

broadband networks to stream data, audio, or video. Cloud computing provides an ideal back-

end solution for handling huge data streams and processing them for the unprecedented

number of IOT devices and humans in real time.

v. IOT applications:
The IOT facilitates the development of myriad industry-oriented and user-specific IOT

applications. Whereas devices and networks provide physical connectivity, IOT applications

enable device-to device and human-to-device interactions in a reliable and robust manner.

IOT applications on devices need to ensure that data/messages have been received and acted

upon properly in a timely manner. For example, transportation and logistics applications

monitor the status of transported goods such as fruits, fresh-cut produce, meat, and dairy

products. During transportation, the conservation status (e.g., temperature, humidity, shock)

is monitored constantly and appropriate actions are taken automatically to avoid spoilage

when the connection is out of range. For example, FedEx uses Sense Aware to keep tabs on

the temperature, location, and other vital signs of a package, including when it is opened and

whether it was tampered with along the way. While device-to-device applications do not

necessarily require data visualization, more and more human-centered IOT applications

provide visualization to present information to end users in an intuitive and easy-to-

understand way and to allow interaction with the environment. It is important for IOT

applications to be built with intelligence so devices can monitor the environment, identify

problems, communicate with each other, and potentially resolve problems without the need

for human intervention.

vi. IOT applications to enhance customer value:

Despite growing popularity of the IOT, few studies have focused on categorization of the

IOT for enterprises (e.g., Chui, Lo¨ffler, & Roberts, 2010). Based on the technology trends

and literature review, this article identifies three IOT categories for enterprise applications:

(1) monitoring and control, (2) big data and business analytics, and (3) information sharing

and collaboration. Understanding how these three IOT categories can enhance the customer

value of an organization is a prerequisite to successful IOT adoption. This article next

discusses the three IOT categories, along with an illustration of real-world IOT applications

developed to enhance customer value.

vii. Monitoring and control:

Monitoring and control systems collect data on equipment performance, energy usage, and

environmental conditions, and allow managers and automated controllers to constantly track

performance in real time anywhere, anytime. Advanced monitoring and control technologies

such as smart grid and smart metering reveal operational patterns, spot areas of potential

improvement, or predict future outcomes and optimize operations, leading to lower costs and

higher productivity. The smart home is known to be at the forefront of innovation regarding

IoT monitoring and control systems. The primary value propositions are family and property

protection and energy savings. For example, the Verizon Home Monitoring and Control

network uses a wireless communications technology designed specifically for remote control

applications in home automation. IOT-enabled home appliances and devices can be

monitored and controlled outside the user’s home through a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

The Verizon Home Monitoring and The Internet of Things (IOT): Applications, investments,

and challenges for enterprises 433 Control network allows users to adjust the lights, control

the climate, manage the security system, receive automatic event notifications, and even lock

and unlock doors. The IOT is also used to monitor and control various components in cars.

The primary customer value propositions are drivers’ personalized experience and

satisfaction. Ford and Intel teamed up in 2014 to explore new opportunities to personalize the

user experience using facial recognition software and a mobile phone app. The joint research

project, called Mobile Interior Imaging, incorporates perceptual computing technology to

offer improved privacy controls and to identify different drivers and automatically adjust

features based on an individual’s preferences. The in-car experience is then personalized

further by displaying information specific to the driver, such as his/her calendar, music, and

contacts. The customer value propositions are appropriately integrated into the connected car

environment to provide another revenue stream for Ford.

viii. Information sharing and collaboration:

Information sharing and collaboration in the IoT can occur between people, between people

and things, and between things. Sensing a predefined event is usually the first step for

information sharing and collaboration. In the supply chain area, information sharing and

collaboration enhance situational awareness and avoid information delay and distortion. For

example, if sensors are placed throughout a retail store where refrigeration is necessary, alerts

can be sent to the store manager’s mobile device whenever the refrigerators malfunction. The

manager can then check the employee status report to see who is available and send task

assignments to that employee via his or her IOT-enabled mobile device. To enhance

information sharing and collaboration with shoppers, Macy’s is deploying shop kick’s shop

Beacon technology, an enhanced mobile location based technology that uses ultrasound

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Shop Beacon provides shop kick app users with personalized

department-level deals, discounts, recommendations, and rewards. As shoppers enter Macy’s,

shop Beacon reminds those shop kick app users who have opted in. This enhancement in

Macy’s information sharing with shoppers allows for increased consumer engagement and

promotional and marketing relevancy that lead to higher customer satisfaction and increase

revenues. In September 2014, following a pilot test of the application, Macy’s decided to roll

out shop Beacon in all of its 4,000 U.S. locations. Other major retailers such as Target,

American Eagle Outfitters, and JCP enney also partnered with shop kick and launched shop

Beacon in 2014. Due to competitive pressure, there is expected to be a rapid adoption of

shopBeacon at other national retailers, too.

ix. Evolution of the foundational IOT technologies:

Various types of IOT applications have emerged, and the willingness of enterprises to utilize

them is 434 I. Lee, K. Lee growing rapidly. According to Bradley, Barbier, and

Handler(2013),the IOT will generate $14.4 trillion in value; the combination of increased

revenues and lower costs will migrate among companies and industries from 2013 to 2022.

From an industry perspective, four industries make up more than half of the $14.4 trillion in

value. These leading four industries in terms of value at stake include manufacturing at 27%;

retail trade at 11%; information services at 9%; and finance and insurance, also at 9%. Other

industries such as wholesale, healthcare, and education lag behind in terms of value

generation, with a range between 1% and 7%. Much of the value for manufacturers comes

from greater agility and flexibility in factories, and from the ability to make the most of

workers’ skills. Additionally, a large amount of the value for retailers comes from connected

marketing and advertising. Geographic distributions of the value are heavily driven by each

region’s relative economic growth rate and by the relative size of industry sector in each

region. In the United States, $4.6 trillion of value is most prevalent in the services area.

However, in China, $1.8 trillion of value is derived from rapid economic growth, mainly in

the manufacturing sector. Table 2.3 shows projected evolution in the area of foundational

IOT technologies: network, software and algorithms, hardware, and data processing. The

network is the backbone of the IOT. It refers to uniquely identifiable objects (things) and

their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure. Network technology is moving to

unobtrusive wire free communication technology that allows device-to-device applications to

be deployed more flexibly. Network technology is evolving toward a context aware

autonomous network. Objects rely on software to communicate effectively with each other

and to deliver enhanced functionality and connectivity. Software should be developed with

the IOT’s interoperability, connectivity, privacy, and security requirements in mind. The

focus of software development is shifting to user-oriented, distributed intelligence and

machine-to-machine and machine-to-human collaboration. The news that Google is paying

$3.2 billion in cash to buy Nest, a smart thermostat business, demonstrates the value of

hardware in the IOT. Hardware is innovatively designed and robustly produced, driven by the

consumerized IOT devices which have myriad features, functionalities, and operating

environments. While RFID tags and sensors have been the focus of hardware innovation,

miniaturization of hardware and nanotechnology is leading the energy-efficient, low-power

hardware evolution. IOT devices generate enormous quantities of data that need to be

aggregated and analyzed in real time to provide information regarding status, location,

functionality, and environment of the devices. The traditional data processing method does

not work well in the real-time streaming data process of the IOT environment. Since

processing large quantities of IOT data in real time will increase workloads of data centers at

an exponential rate, data processing will become more context-aware, optimized, and

cognitive. In the IOT environment, a large number of devices are connected with each other,

and it is not feasible to process all the streaming data available to those devices. Context-

aware data processing enables sensors and devices to use context-specific information such as

location, temperature, and the availability of a certain device to decide what data to collect

and interpret to provide relevant information to other devices or users.

For example, context-aware data processing can deliver relevant information to a user by

knowing the user’s current location (e.g., within a department store, a park, or a museum).

Cognitive data processing integrates the human cognition process into IOT applications.

Rather than being programmed to deal with every possible data-processing need, a cognitive

data-processing application is trained using artificial intelligence algorithms to sense, predict,

infer, and learn tasks and environments.

For example, cognitive data processing uses image recognition techniques to understand the

surrounding environment, processes data for a user, and utilizes feedback from the user to

learn further. The optimization of data processing is critical to timely processing of the

continuous stream of massive amounts of data. Technological advances in optimized data

processing help make timely decisions in time-critical big data applications such as smart

grids, environmental monitoring, and smart manufacturing.[18]

Table 2.1 Evalution of Key IOT technologies
Before 2010 2010-2015 2015-2020 Beyond 2020

Network  Sensor network  Self-aware and  Network context  Network cognition

selforganizing awareness  Self-learning,
networks selfrepairing networks
 Sensor network
 Delay-tolerant
 Storage networks
and power networks
 Hybrid networking
Software and  Relational  Large-scale, open  Goal-oriented  User-oriented
database semantic software software software
algorithms integration modules  Distributed  The invisible IoT
 IoT-oriented  Composable intelligence,  Easy-to-deploy IoT
RDBMS algorithms problem solving software
 Event-based  Next generation  Things-to-  Things-to-Humans
platforms IoTbased social Things collaboration
 Sensor software collaboration  IoT 4 All
middleware  Next generation environments
 Sensor IoTbased enterprise
networks applications
 Proximity/
Hardware  RFID tags and  Multiprotocol,  Smart sensors  Nanotechnology and
some sensors multistandards (biochemical) new materials
 Sensors built readers  More sensors
into mobile  More sensors and and actuators
devices actuators (tiny sensors)
 NFC in mobile  Secure, low-cost
phones tags (e.g., Silent
 Smaller and Tags)
cheaper MEMs
Data processing  Serial data  Energy, frequency  Context-aware  Cognitive processing
processing spectrum-aware data processing and optimization
 Parallel data data processing and data
processing  Data processing responses
 Quality of context adaptable

x. RFID technology
In recent years, radio frequency identification technology has moved from obscurity into

mainstream applications that help speed the handling of manufactured goods and materials.

RFID enables identification from a distance, and unlike earlier bar-code technology (see the

sidebar), it does so without requiring a line of sight. RFID tags support a larger set of unique

IDs than bar codes and can incorporate additional data such as manufacturer, product type,

and even measure environmental factors such as temperature. Furthermore, RFID systems

can discern many different tags located in the same general area without human assistance. In

contrast, consider a supermarket checkout counter, where you must orient each bar-coded

item toward a reader before scanning it. So why has it taken over 50 years for this technology

to become mainstream? The primary reason is cost. For electronic identification technologies

to compete with the rock-bottom pricing of printed symbols, they must either be equally low-

cost or provide enough added value for an organization to recover the cost elsewhere. RFID

isn’t as cheap as traditional labeling technologies, but it does offer added value and is now at

a critical price point that could enable its large-scale adoption for managing consumer retail

goods. Here I introduce the principles of RFID, discuss its primary technologies and

applications, and review the challenges organizations will face in deploying this technology.


i. RFID principles:
Many types of RFID exist, but at the highest level, we can divide RFID devices into two

classes: active and passive. Active tags require a power source—they’re either connected to a

powered infrastructure or use energy stored in an integrated battery. In the latter case, a tag’s

lifetime is limited by the stored energy, balanced against the number of read operations the

device must undergo. One example of an active tag is the transponder attached to an aircraft

that identifies its national origin. Another example is a Lo Jack device attached to a car,

which incorporates cellular technology and a GPS to locate the car if stolen. However,

batteries make the cost, size, and lifetime of active tags impractical for the retail trade.

Passive RFID is of interest because the tags don’t require batteries or maintenance. The tags

also have an indefinite operational life and are small enough to fit into a practical adhesive

label. A passive tag consists of three parts: an antenna, a semiconductor chip attached to the

antenna, and some form of encapsulation. The tag reader is responsible for powering and

communicating with a tag. [8]

Radio frequency identification (RFID) allows automatic identification and data capture using

radio waves, a tag, and a reader. The tag can store more data than traditional barcodes. The

tag contains data in the form of the Electronic Product Code (EPC), a global RFID-based

item identification system developed by the Auto-ID Center. Three types of tags are used.

Passive RFID tags rely on radio frequency energy transferred from the reader to the tag to

power the tag; they are not battery-powered. Applications of these can be found in supply

chains, passports, electronic tolls, and item-level tracking. Active RFID tags have their own

battery supply and can instigate communication with a reader. Active tags can contain

externalsensorsto monitortemperature, pressure, chemicals, and other conditions. Active

RFID tags are used in manufacturing, hospital laboratories, and remote-sensing IT asset

management. Semi-passive RFID tags use batteries to power the microchip while

communicating by drawing power from the reader. Active and semi-passive RFID tags cost

more than passive tags [18]

ii. Physics behind the RFID:

RFID is a contactless technology with as initial and main function (as given by its name) the

identification of objects, animal and people associated with the transponder (so-called tag)

that can be brought, stuck, attached, implanted etc. The communication is established

between a dedicated reader is generally distributed to a remote database. For instance, the ID

for an object is constituted of only 96-bits (indicating company name, object type/class and

serial number) allowing relative low data transfer between tag and reader. [9]

Nowadays, low-cost radio frequency identification (RFID) has been attracting more and more

interests from both industry and academic institutes [26]. It has gained wide range adaptation

for low-cost and ubiquitous computing applications, such as location tracking, access control

and environmental conditions monitoring. An RFID system consists of three parts: radio

frequency (RF) tags, RF tag readers and the back-end database that associates records with

tag data collected by readers. Tags are composed of a microchip for memory and logical

operations, and an antenna coil for receiving and transmitting wireless signals. Readers

interrogate tags for their contents through RF antenna and interface to back-end databases for

more functionalities. A typical scenario of exploiting RFID is supply chain management. It

aims at reducing supply chain inefficiencies and improved inventory flow whilst considering

the returns process. RFID based supply chain management achieves has many beneficial

features over traditionally used bar code. 1) It doesn’t require line-of-sight access to read. 2)

The reading range of RFID is larger than bar code, though it’s still short range. 3) Tags can

be read simultaneously. Inventory can be obtained in a very short time without line of sight at

the entrance, because multiple tags can be read at the same time. 4) Tags can store more data,

such as the unique ID for a certain good and data from the readers and the environment.

Hence they can be tracked from producers to distributors and to retailers. The beneficial

features greatly improve supply chain management efficiency and ease of use. However, they

expose RFID based supply chain to security and privacy challenges. A secure RFID system

has to avoid eavesdropping, traffic analysis, spoofing and denial of service, as it has large

read range and no line of sight requirement. In contrast, security and privacy is not a problem

for barcode, as the reading range of barcode is as short as several centimeters. An important

security concern is that a store’s inventory labeled with unprotected tags may be monitored

by competitors’ unauthorized readers. The inventory data holds significant financial value for

commercial organization and their competitors. Another privacy concern is that individuals

may be tracked through RFID tags labeled on the carried objects. Even if the tags only

contain product codes rather than unique serial number, someone’s tastes in brands

“constellation” will also betray their identity. Moreover, even if the responses of tags are

encrypted, the owner can also be identified and tracked by the fixed encrypted code.

iii. Ward Current Situation:

The present situation of most of the wards is not satisfactory. The doctors and staff members

are unable to give quality time to each patient. The present health sector status is manual as

the doctor itself or staff members check the bp and temperature of the patient and there is’nt

continuous monitoring of the patients. As the basic checkup is manual so the patient waits for

the checkup until the doctor or staff member comes and checks it. And then the staff person

gets the temperature and bp results to the doctor. There is no special facilities for the person

that is paralyzed (partially or fully). So the paralyzed person is unable to convey his message

to the doctor or relatives at the time he wants.

i. Improvement Needed:
The things that need to be changed or upgraded in the ward is that it’s management is needed

to be upgraded. The current system is manual as explained earlier, basic checkup and

monitoring should be automated so doctor or responsible person can continuously monitor

patient’s health condition. Also for paralyzed patients , a facility should be provided so he

can any time convey his message according to his need.

ii. Our Work:

We have upgraded this manual ward health system into E-health. Automated RFID

identification will be provided to the patients and after identification he himself can check his

temperature and pulse through its sensors. And for partially paralyzed patients, a hand motion

recognition circuit will be provided to the patient so that he can send his messages to his love

one. Also continuous monitoring will be provided to the patients in the ward.

iii. Temperature sensor:

The MLX90614 infrared thermometer is a contactless temperature sensor module for

Arduino compatible device. An infrared thermometer works to measure the object

temperature by the infrared radiation in the form of an electromagnetic wave through the light

emitted on the object [14]. MLX90614 is a powerful infrared sensing device with a very low

noise amplifier with a 17 bit ADC. It utilizes non-contact temperature sensing to collect the

temperature info without touching any surface of the object. It enables to obtain the

measurement of high accuracy and resolution. It was calibrated with a digital System

Management Bus (SMBus) from the factory in wide temperature ranges: -40 °C to 125 °C for

the ambient temperature and -70 °C to 380 °C for the object temperature with being standard

accuracy of ±0.5 ˚C around room temperatures. An accuracy of ±0.2 ˚C in a limited

temperature range around the human body temperature has been offered to a special version

for medical applications exist [15].

Table 2.2 Normal and Abnormal body conditions

Body temperature

Normal: The average normal temperature is 98.6oF (37oC). But

“normal” varies from person to person.

Abnormal: Oral, temporal artery temperature

Fever: 100.4oF (38oC) to 103.9o F(39.9o C)

High fever: 104o F (40o C) and higher.

Armpit (auxiliary) temperature

Fever: 99.4oF (37.4oC) to 102.9o F(39.4oC)

High fever: 103o F (39.5oC) and higher.

A rectal or ear temperature of less than 97o F (36.1o C)

means a low body.

iv. Pulse sensor:

Pulse Sensor is a well-designed plug-and-play heart-rate sensor for Arduino. It can be used

by students, artists, athletes, makers, and game & mobile developers who want to easily

incorporate live heartrate data into their projects. The sensor clips onto a fingertip or earlobe

and plugs right into Arduino with some jumper cables. It also includes an open-source

monitoring app that graphs your pulse in real time. [15]

Heart rate is measured by using two numbers. The first number is called systolic heart rate

which measures the pressure in our blood vessels when your heart beats. The second number

is called diastolic heart rate which measures the pressure in your blood vessels when your

heart rests between beats. If the measurement reads 120 systolic and 80 diastolic, you would

say "120/80 mmHg."A heart rate less than 120/80 mmHg is normal. A heart rate of 140/90

mmHg or more is too high. People with levels in between 120/80 and 140/90 have a

condition called prehypertension, which means they are at high risk for high heart rate. The

output of the heart beat sensing by heart beat sensor measured in beats per minute (BPM).It

will measure the pulse in every minute and displayed it on the android.[27]

Table 2.3 Normal and Abnormal blood pressure

Normal Systolic rate is lesser than 120 mmHg and

diastolic rate is lesser than 80mmHg.

At risk ( prehypertension) Systolic rate is higher than 120-139 mmHg

and diastolic rate is higher than 80-89


High Systolic rate is 140 mmHg or higher diastolic

rate is 90 mmHg or higher

v. Discussion on Current Dilemmas:

There are various forms of challenges surrounding multi sensor security system: convergence

for information into a valid issue, and enhancement of global control using specific detectors.

Networks, as well as their validity to use wireless sensors, need to fix many critical

challenges. Real-time monitoring systems produce a large amount of data that can cause

network overhead, mainly when limited bandwidth is available. Mechanisms for error

detection must be introduced to provide a program that can deal with that.

A significant key aspect in introducing intelligent functions into real-world systems seems to

be the shortage of reliability, the incapability to evaluate and justify these structures in

various usage cases, and the lack of network performance measurement.

The security or surveillance system has become a need for the houses and apartments, as well

as other famous places, in today's life. There are several methods which are used for

monitoring a system, but today's world requires the smart system. The Internet of Things

(IoT) is the new technologies through which we use web buses and intelligent phone systems

and help systems there.

vi. Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE is the new IDE for developers released by Microsoft. It not only focuses on

building application targeting the Microsoft platform but it can also be used to build

applications using C++, Python and so on. In short it will be an IDE for every developer who

needs to build apps on any platform.

Arduino IDE will help you to save time and effort for all the tasks that you want to do with

your code, be it code navigation refactoring, code fixes, debugging, intelligence or unit

testing of your module.Not only from the code perspective, but it will also streamline your

real time architectural dependency validation and provide stronger support for the integration

of the source code repositories, such as TFS (team foundation Server) or Git.

It comes with the brand new light weight installation experience that modularizes that need to

improve your efficiency of the fundamental task with a faster IDE access to a new way of

viewing, editing, debugging and testing your code.

Not only the common code editing features, but visual studio also comes with Xamarin,

which will help you build mobile applications for android, IOS and windows, more quickly

and easily than ever. You can also choose the path to build the mobile apps with visual C++

or Apache Cordova, the clouds first applications powered by Microsoft Azure.

We will cover the new installation experience as well as the new features and enhancements

that Microsoft has added to visual studio. The following are the topics that we will discuss in

this chapter:

 The new installation experience :

 Overview of the new installation experience.

 Installing using the online Installer.

 Creating an offline installer of Visual Studio.

 Installing Visual studio from the Command Line.

 Modifying your existing Visual studio installation.

 Uninstalling Visual Studio Installation and signing into visual studio.

 The new features and enhancement to the visual studio IDE:

 Overview of the redesigned start page.

 The improved code navigation tool.

 Changes to Find All References of an Instance.

 Structural guide lines.

 Editor Config.

 The Roaming extension manager.

 Open folders in a convenient way.

 The lightweight solution loading.

 The connected services.

 Acquiring tools and features by using the In-product Acquisition.

 To run to click feature.

 Improved attach to process with process filtering.

 The new exception helper.

 Adding conditions to exception setting.

 Updates to the diagnostic tools

vii. Related Work:

Several projects on indoor quality monitoring are available in the literature, particularly,

infrared temperature sensors have been used for numerous applications in diverse research

fields. Various IoT architectures for indoor monitoring that incorporates open-source

technologies for processing and data transmission and micro sensors for data acquisition but

also allows access to data collected from different places simultaneously through Web access

and through mobile applications in real time are proposed by [28-19].

A thermometer that uses infrared sensors to detect temperature without contact is designed is

proposed by [30]. The proposed system incorporates an MLX90614 temperature sensor to

collect human or object temperature and an LCD to display and alarm when over-

temperature. This system must be placed in the forehead for a few seconds to get the body

temperature, to alarm once the set value is exceeded. A real-time human body surface non-

contact temperature monitoring system for optical rehabilitation therapy has been proposed

by [31]. The system error is less than 0.2 and the response time is less than 0.1s considering

0-60cm distance range. A non-contact liquid security identification system has been

developed by [32] using a non-contact infrared thermometer. The system incorporates an

MLX90614 sensor and an STM32F107 microprocessor. The authors claim that the system

meets the requirements of high reliability, low-cost, low power consumption, real-time

response and the demands of the non-contact liquid security identification system. A study on

the potential of infrared thermometry and thermal imaging for monitoring plant water stress

in a commercial sugar beet field by comparing canopy temperature data acquired from a

conventional thermal camera with a cost-effective infrared sensor (MLX90614), both

mounted on a rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was conducted by [33] . Results

indicated that the lightweight canopy temperature system was robust and reliable. In

conclusion, several applications using infrared temperature sensors has been done in the past,

however, no one of the solutions provide an IoT architecture approach.


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