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3 Solutions 103

ω m 2 c4
νp = = c2 k 2 + 2 /k
dω m 2 c4
νg = = kc c k + 2
2 2 2
∴ ν p νg = c2

2.3.2 Hydrogen Atom

2.7 Apart from the principle quantum number n, three other quantum numbers
are required to specify fully an atomic quantum state viz l, the orbital angular
quantum number, m l the magnetic orbital angular quantum number, and m s
the magnetic spin quantum number.
For n = 1, l = 0, if there is only one electron as in H-atom, then it will be
in 1s orbit. The total angular momentum J = l ± 1/2, so that J = 1/2. In
the spectroscopic notation, 2s+1 LJ , the ground state is therefore a 2 S1/2 state.
For n = 2, the possible states are 2 S and 2 P. if there are two electrons as in
helium atom, both the electrons can go into the K -shell (n = 1) only when
they have antiparallel spin direction (↑↓ ) on account of Pauli’s principle.
This is because if the spins were parallel, all the four quantum numbers would
be the same for both the electrons (n = 1, l = 0, m l = 0, m s = +1/2).
Therefore in the ground state S = 0, and since both electrons are 1s electrons,
L = 0. Thus the ground state is a S state (closed shell). A triplet state is not
given by this electron configuration. An excited state results when an electron
goes to a higher orbit. Then both electrons can have, in addition, the same
spin direction, that is we can have S = 1 as well as S = 0 Excited triplet
and singlet spin states are possible (orthohelium and parahelium). The lowest
triplet has the electron configuration 1s 2s, it is a 3 s1 , state. It is a metastable
state. The corresponding singlet state is 21 S0 , and lies somewhat higher.
Carbon has six electrons. The Pauli principle requires the ground state con-
figuration 1S2 2S2 2P2 . The superscripts indicate the number of electrons in a
given state.
2.8 A carbon atom has 6 electrons. If all these electrons are replaced by π −
mesons then two differences would arise (i) As π − mesons are bosons (spin
0) Pauli’s principle does not operate so that all of them can be in the K-shell
(n = 1) (ii) The total energy is enhanced because of the reduced mass μ.

mcmπ (12 × 1,840)(270)

μ= = = 266.7 m e
mc + mπ [(12 × 1,840) + (270)]

For each π − , E = −13.6 × 266.7 = 3,628 eV

For the 6 pions, E = 3,628 × 6 = 21,766 eV

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