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Name: Risha Ethel G.

Berondo Date: March 3, 2022

Course & Section: GEC109- Xx1

1. What was the major argument raised by Senator Francisco “Soc” Rodrigo against the
passage of the Rizal Bill?

- Sen. Francisco Rodrigo's Main Argument Against the Rizal Bill's Passage The Noli-Fili Bill,
often known as the Rizal Bill, was one of the most contentious bills ever passed in the
Philippines. When new laws are presented, they usually trigger a debate between the upper
and lower houses of the Senate and the House of Representatives before being officially
passed as a law. However, in the case of the Rizal Bill, things became unusual since the
church became involved in the argument over the proposal of such a bill. Whereas, as stated
in the Philippine Constitution of 1987, Article II, Section 6, which is still the core and
backbone of our country today, the church and the state should be kept separate. Senator
Recto introduced the measure with the goal of requiring all educational institutions in the
Philippines to give courses on Jose Rizal. Three senators, on the other hand, were against the
bill. Senator Francisco Soc Rodrigo was one of them. Senator Rodrigo was a devoted
Catholic with strong ties to the Catholic Church of the Philippines (CBCP). That explains
why he was opposed to the bill being passed.

2. What was the major argument raised by Senator Jose P. Laurel and Claro M. Recto in
support of the passage of the Rizal Bill?

- Senators Jose P. Laurel and Claro M. Recto made a major case in favor of the Rizal Bill's
approval, claiming that Rizal books and writings should be studied by each generation since
they convey a strong sense of nationalism and morality.

3. Are there points of convergence between the supoorters and opposers of the Rizal Bill based
on these statements?

- Yes, there are elements of convergence in both supporters and opponents' statements about
the Rizal Bill since they are still tied to the Bill's ideas about religion or morals that should be
preserved and disseminated by Filipinos.

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