Talk About It 1

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Nina Kryscha Grace Y.

Talk About It 1
Today, international business people must think globally about production and sales
opportunities. Many global managers will eventually find themselves living and working in
other cultures and entrepreneurs may find themselves taking flights to places they had
never heard of.
1-1. What can companies do now to prepare their managers for international markets?
- Companies can prepare their managers by conducting research on targeted
international markets and letting them experience first-hand exposures. In doing
research about the target market that the company plans to venture, it helps
understand in identifying a country’s buying behavior, culture, environment, and
trends. Conducting research ahead would guide managers to come up with their
expectations and help them be extra ready in engaging internationally. First hand
exposure will further help them practice in negotiating and applying their
observations to formulate appropriate strategies.
1-2. How can entrepreneurs and small businesses with limited resources prepare?
- Entrepreneurs and small businesses can prepare initially in following
potential markets by setting a global mindset and resort in the utilization of
technology. Setting a global mindset will be in favor to achieve competitive
advantages since the business can be present everywhere. In connection as per
discussed in Chapter 2, the term “born global firm” are actually small businesses
with a global perspective and are known for its capability to compete
internationally. One of its key characteristics holds on to the limited resources of
financial, human, and other tangible resources (Tanev, 2012) what makes it
successful is because they adapt technology, considering it is vastly growing
faster and cuts off costs.
Talk About It 2
In the past, national governments influenced the pace of globalization through agreements
to lower barriers to international trade and investment.
1-3. Is rapid change now outpacing the capability of governments to manage the global
- In view of the fact that the rapid change brought about by globalization made the
government’s capability to uphold regulations resistant because of the
emergence of the Internet. The spread of information is uncontrollable, that’s
why implementing jurisdiction is hard and may be not recognizable even against
multinational companies.
1-4. Will national governments grow more or less important to international business in
the future?
- With a country especially under where private businesses and the government
are relative may lose its way if it engages a political appointment that benefits
one another in creating legislation. It may be less important in that way. Thus,
when national governments would successfully create a strong policy in engaging
international businesses through its controlled corporations and creates a fair
benefit to private sectors this may be more important in future.

Source based on question 1-2:

Tanev, S. (2012, March). Global from the Start: The Characteristics of Born-Global
Firms in the Technology Sector. Technology Innovation Management Review.

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