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• Abel, Niels, Henrick (1802-1829) – Norwegian – Algebraist and Analyst.

• Archimedes (287-212 B.C) – Greek geometry analyst and physicist.
• Argand jram Robert (1768-1822) – Swiss mathematician.
• Banach, Stefen (1892-1945) – Polish algebraist, analyst and topologist.
• Bayes, Thomas (1702-1761) – English theologian and probabilist.
• Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1782) – Swiss anatomist, botanist, hydro
dynamist, analyst and probabilist . (Bernoullis polynomials defined by
• Bernoulli(James or Jacques or Jacob) (1654-1705) – Swiss physicist,
analyst, combinaforist, probabilist and statistician. (Bernoulli distribution)
• Bernoulli (John or Jean or Johann) (1667-1748) swiss mathematician.
Student, rival and perhaps equal of his elder brother James.
• Bernoulli Nicolas (1623-1708) – Progenitor of celebrated Swiss family of
• Bernoulli Nicolas II (1687-1759) – Swiss mathematician. Educated by his
uncles James and John. He solved of their problems.
• Bessel Friedrich Wilhelm (1784-1846) – German astronomer and
• Bolzano, Bernhand (1781-1848) – Czechoslovak analyst.
• Boole, George (1815-1864) - Pioneering British logician. He also worked
in algebra, analysis, calculus of Venetian and Probabilist theory.
• Borel, Felix Edouard Justin Emile (1871-1956) – French mathematician
and politician. Founder of modern theory of measure,dgt
• Cantor George Ferdinand Ludwig Phillip (1845-1918) – German set
• Cardan, Jerome (Girolamo Cardano) (1501-1576) – Italian physician and
• Caully Augustin Louis (1789-1857) – Great French analyst, applied
mathematician and group theorist.
• Cayley Arthur (1821-1895) – English algebraist, Geometer and analyst.
• Clairaut Alexis claude (1713-1765) French analyst differential geometer
and astronomer.
• D’Alembert Jean Le Rond (1717-1783) – French mathematician,
philosopher and physicist.
• Dedesmind Julius Wilhelm Richard (1831-1916) – German
mathematician who worked in number theory and analysis.
• Denoivre Abraham (1667-1754) statistician, probabilist and analyst born
in France, studied in Belgium settled in England.
• De morgan Augustus (1806-1871) – British analyst, logician and
• Desargues, Gviard (1591-1661) – French geometer who initiated study of
projective geometry .
• Descartes, rene (1596-1650) – philosopher and mathematician born in
France lived in several countries of western Europe and settled in Holland.
Found analytic (Cartesian) Geometry along with fermal.
• Diophantus (250 A.D) Ancient Greek arithmetician and algebraist lived
in Egypt.
• Dirichlet Peter Gustav Lejeune (1805-1859) – German number theorist,
analyst and applied mathematician.
• Einstein Albert (1879-1955) – Superb German-American theoretical
physicist and philosopher.
• Eulicid (300B.C) – Greek geometer, number theorist, astronomer and
• Euler, Leo hand (1707-1783) – Gifted Swiss mathematician, the most
prolific mathematician in history and the first in modern maths universalist.
• Farey John (1766-1826) – English civil engineer and mathematician.
• Fatou Pierre (1878-1929) – French analyst.
Fermat Pierre de (1601-1665) – Brilliant and versatile French amateur
Mathematician. An excellent number theorist. He also conceived, applied
the leading idea of the differential calculus before either Newton or
Leibniz was born. Along with pascal found probability theory. Co
inventor of analytic geometry along with Descartes. Fermat thought that
numbers of the type Fn = ------ (n=1,2,3,4…….) Called Fermat numbers
and all primes. Thoucg F1,F2,F3,F4 are prime F5 is not.
Fermat’s last theorem xn------------(n>2) has no solution in positive
integers. This theorem has been proved only recently.
• Fibonacci Leonardo (Leonardo of pissa) (1170-1250) – Italian number
theorist and algebraist.
• Fourier, Jean Baptist Joseph, Baronde (1768-1830) – French analyst,
mathematician and physicist.
• Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642) – Italian astronomer, mathematician and
• Galois, Evariste (1811-1832) – Brilliantly innovative French algebraist.
• Gauss carl friedrich (1777-1855) – German mathematician usually
considered along with Archimedes and Newton – three greatest
mathematicians of all time. Contributed to algebra analysis, geometry,
number theory, numerical analysis, probability and statistics as well as
astronomy and physics.
• Goldbach, Christian (1690-1764) – Number theorist and analyst. Born in
Prussia and lived in various west European countries and settled in Russia.
--------------------- (improved) Every even number greater than 2 is equal to the
sum of two primes.
• Green, George (1793-1841) – English analyst and applied mathematician.
• Hadamaid ,Jacques Salomon (1865-1963) – Great French analyst,
functional analyst, algebraist, number theorist and mathematical physicist.
• Hamilton, William Rowan (1805-1865) – Great Irish algebraist,
astronomer and physicist.
• Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1877- 1947) – Outstanding English analyst and
number theorist. Famous for his collaboration with littlewood and
• Hermit, Charles (1822-1901) – French algebraist, analyst and number
theorist. Solved general 5th degree eqt in one variable by means of elliptic
• Hilbert, David (1862-1943) – Great German mathematician, universalist
and philosopher. Contributed to theory of algebraic invariants, algebraic
manifolds, number fields, classified integral equations, functional analysis and
applied maths.
• Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jacob (1804-1851) – German algebraist and analyst.
• Kepler, Johann (1571-1630) – Astronomer, mathematician and
philosopher. Born in Wurttemberg lived in various parts of eastern Europe
and finally settled in Silesia.
• Kronecker, Leopold (1823-1891) – German algebraist, algebraic number
theorist and -----------------.
• Lagrange, Joseph Louis (1736-1813) – Great French analyst, algebraist,
number theorist, probabilist, physicist and astronomer. Contributed to
calculus of variation, analytic mechanism and astronomy.
• Laguerre, Edmoud Nicolas (1834-1886) – French geometer and analyst.
• Lambert, Johann Heinrich (1728-1777) – German analyst, number
theorist, astronomer, physicist and philosopher. Proved pie----- irrational.
Introduced hyperbolic functions.
• Laplace, Pierre simon, marquis de (1749-1827) – French analyst,
probabilist, astronomer and physicist. Known for his work on celestial
mechanism to probability theory and laplace equations.
• Laurent, Paul Mathieu Hermann (1841-1908) – French analyst. Best
known for Laurent series which generalizes Taylor’s
• Lebergue, Henrileon (1875-1941) – French analyst who greatly
influenced maths through his theory of measure and intergration and through
his work on trignometic series.
• Legendre, Andien Marie (1752-1833) – French analyst and number
• Lebniz, Godfrey Wilhelm von (1646-1716) – Great German philosopher,
analyst, combinatorist, logician, inventor of calculus (independently of
Newton) and of many of its symbols. Invented mechanical multiplication
• L’hospital, Guillaume Francis Antoimedel marquis de (1661-1704) –
French analyst and geometer.
• Liouville, Joseph (1809-1882) – French analyst and geometer. First to
prove existence of transcendental numbers.
• Lipschitz, Rudolph otto sigismund (1832-1903) – German analyst,
algebraist, number theorist and physicist.
• Little wood, John Edensor (1885-1977) – Great English analyst and
number theorist. Famous for his collaboration with Hardy.
• Lobachevski, Nikolai Ivanovich (1793-1856) – Russian geometer.
Independently of bolyai published first system of non-Euclidean geometry.
• Mac Laurin, Colin (1698-1746) – Scottish mathematician and physicst.
• Mathieu, Emile Leonard (1835-1890) – French mathematician and
• Mersenne, marin (1588-1648) – French Theo logician, philosopher and
number theorist.
• Mobius, August Ferdinand (1790-1868) – German geometer, topologist,
number theorist, statistician and astronomer.
• Monge, Gaspand (1746-1818) – French analyst and geometer. Invented
deceptive geometry.
• Morera, Giacinto (1856-1909) – Italian analyst and mathematical
• Napier, John (1550-1617) – Innovative Scottish amateur mathamtician.
Invented logarithms.
• Newton, Sir Isaac (1642-1727) – Superb English mathematician, physicist
and astronomer. With Archimedes and Gauss one of the three greatest
mathematicians of all time. He and Leibniz inventor calculus independently.
• Pascal, Blaire (1623-1662) – Great French geometer, probabilist,
combinatorist, physicist and philosopher. He and Fermat founded probability
theory independently. Invented and constructed first calculating machine in
• Peano, Giuseppe (1858-1932) – Italian logician, analyst and geometer.
• Poisson, Simeon Denis (1781-1840) – French analyst probabilist and
applied mathematician.
• Pythagoras of samos (580-500B.C) – Greek geometer and philosopher.
• Ramanujan, Srinivasa (1887-1920) – Highly original Indian genius of
number theory. Worked with hardy.
• Riccati, Count Jacopo Francesco (1676-1754) – Italian geometer and
analyst. Famous for his -------------------------
• Biemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard (1826-1866) – Great innovating
German mathematician who made fundamental contribution to geometry and
the theory of analytic function of a complex variable and number theory,
potential theory, topology and maths, physics. His Riemannian geometry
provided the foundation for modern relativity theory.
• Rolle, Michel (1652-1719) – French analyst, algebraist and geometer.
• Russel, Bertrand Arthur William (1872-1970) – Great English
philosopher and logician, with white head made profound study in the logical
foundation of mathematics.
• Schwarz, Hermann Amandus (1843-1921) – German mathematician who
worked in the theory of function of a complex variable and calculus of
variations. Famous for S’s inequality.
• Sylvester, James Joseph (1814-1897) – English algebraist, combinatorist,
Geometer, number theorist, poet, co-founder with cayley of the theory of
algebric invariants.
• Tantaglia, Niccolo (real name : Niccolo Fontanna) (1500-1557) – Italian
------- mathematicians and physicist. About 1541 he learned how to solve the
reduced cubic equation in one variable.
• Taylor, Brook (1685-1731) – English analyst, geometer and philosopher.
• Vandermonde, Alexander Theophile (1735-1796) – French algebraist.
Gave first logical exposition of the theory of determinants.
• Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm (1815-1897) – Powerful German
analyst. Defined analytic functions of a complex variable by means of power
• Whitehead, Alfred North (1861-1947) – English algebraist, analyst,
applied mathematician, logician and philosopher. Made important
contribution to the philosophy of mathematics with Russell.
• Wilson, John (1741-1793) – English number theorist. Famous for his
wilson’s theorem (n-1)!+1 is desirable by ‘n’ if ‘n’ is a prime.
Eg: if n=5; 4!+1=25 and if n=6; 5!+1= 121.
• Wronski (also Hoeni-wronski) Josef Maria (1778-1853) – Analyst,
combinatorialist, philosopher and physicist. Born in Poland, lived in France.
Hoeni changed his name to wronski. Introduced wronski determinant
(wronskian) of two solutions

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