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1.) What are 4 examples of Web 2.0?

• Social Networking
• Blogs
• Wikis
• Video Sharing Sites
2.) Who is the inventor/father of the internet and www?
• Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee OM KBE FRS FREng FRSA FBCS, also known as
3.) Give at least 6 uses of the internet.
• For gathering of information
• Buying and selling of products
• Playing games
• Social Networking
• Video Conferencing
• Downloading of music and videos
4.) Define web, web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0
• Web or World Wide Web - consists of information organized into Web pages
containing text and graphic images. It is a larger collection of interconnected
documents or content.
• Web 1.0 – an old internet that only allows people to read from the internet.
• Web 2.0 - focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information
online via social media, blogging and Web-based communities. People may both
consume and contribute data
• Web 3.0 – a more connected, open, and intelligent, with semantic web technologies,
distributed databases, natural language processing, machine learning, machine
reasoning and autonomous agents. It is a web of data.
5.) What are the different types of servers?
• Application Server
• Mail Server
• Proxy Server
• Web Server
• File Server
• Policy Server
6.) Give 5 types of website and its features.
• eCommerce Website – where people can directly buy products and input credit
card information for payment
• Educational Website – offers online courses and educational materials
• Entertainment Website – bult for entertainment purposes
• Portfolio Websites – site that shows someone’s past works, and where they can
show potential clients their quality of works
• Media Websites – collects news and other reporting, sometimes overlap with
entertainment but this one mostly contains reporting.
7.) What are the top-level domains?
• It is the last part of the domain name, the part that comes after the final dot
for example,,
.com and .org is the TLD (Top-Level Domain)
8.) What are the two types of ISP?
• National ISP – provided internet access to a specific geographic area.
• Regional ISP – business that provides internet access in cities and towns
9.) DNS stands for? And give some examples.
• DNS stands for Domain Name System, the phonebook of internet.
• Examples: , , ,
10.) Give examples of browsers.
• Google Chrome
• Safari
• Opera Mini
• Microsoft Edge
• UC Browser

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