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At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the similarities and differences of media literacy, information
literacy, and technology literacy;
2. Discuss responsible use of media and information; and
3. Describe how communication is influenced by media and information.


Topic : Introduction to Media and Information Literacy
References : Media Information Literacy Module 1
Materials : PowerPoint presentation, laptop

A. Preparatory Activities
a. Daily Routine
● Prayer
● Greetings
● Checking of Attendance
b. Drill/ Review

B. Development Activities
a. Motivational/ Introduction
The teacher will ask the students to tell her what comes into their
mind when they hear the word communication.
b. Presentation / Discussion
What is communication ?
Communication is giving or gaining information by speaking or
reading writings.
Four types of communication
1. Verbal communication
2. Non-verbal communication
3. Written communication
4. Visual communication

Literacy: The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create,

communicate and compute, using printed and written materials
associated with varying contexts.

Media: The physical objects used to communicate with, or the

mass communication through physical objects such as radio,
television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any physical objects
used to communicate messages.

Media literacy: The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create

media in a variety of forms. It aims to empower citizens by
providing them with the competencies necessary to engage with
traditional media and new technologies.

Information: A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge

derived from study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols.

Information literacy: The ability to recognize when information is

needed, and to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate
information in various formats.

Technology literacy: The ability of an individual, either working

independently or with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and
effectively use technological tools. Using these tools an individual
can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create, and communicate

Media and Information Literacy: The essential skills and

competencies allow individuals to engage with media and other
information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking
and life-long learning skills to socialize and become active citizens.

Responsible use of media and information

● Don't get too attached to media

● Respect other people's opinions and ideas on social media
● Observe proper conduct online
● Do not share fake information
● Be a critical thinker
● Don't plagiarize
● Think before you click
c. Practice Exercise
Ask the students to explain;
⮚ How do they use social media as a communication tool or
⮚ How does social media affect or change the way we
communicate with other people?
d. Generalization
The teacher will ask the questions about the importance of
becoming media, information, and technology literate.

e. Evaluation
This activity will be posted on Edmodo;
❖ Directions: Determine whether the situation in each item
demonstrates media literacy, information literacy, technology
literacy or media and information literacy. Choose the letter of
the correct answer.

1) Jacob knew that the news he saw on Facebook was fake.

a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy
2) Mommy Shiela doesn't let her 3-year-old daughter watch
violent theme movies and television shows.
a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy

3) Andrew knew that it is not right to copy the work of an author

without consent, so he sent an email to ask for permission.
a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information Literacy

4) Xandra is fond of video chatting with her friend in the

province every other day.
a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information literacy

5) Angela prepared a PowerPoint presentation for her business

a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information literacy

6) Bert found erroneous facts from a magazine he is reading.

a. Media Literacy c. Technology Literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information literacy

7) Anthony looked for an elaborate discussion about the

Covid-19 crisis, so he checked some posts from the World
Health Organization and Department of Health websites.
a. Media Literacy c. Technology literacy
b. Information Literacy d. Media and Information literacy

8) Elizabeth creates video content for her youtube vlog using

her camera to shoot and her laptop to edit.
a. Media and Information Literacy c. Technology literacy
b. Media Literacy d. Media and technology literacy

9) The skill that allows people to recognize when information is

needed and how they will be able to access, locate,
evaluate, and use it effectively.
a. Media c. Media literacy
b. Information literacy d. Technology literacy

10) An ability to acquire relevant information and use modern

day tools to get, manage and communicate information.
a. Information media c. Media literacy
b. Technology literacy d. Media and Information literacy

11) Refers to how a person is able to look for relevant

information from various media.
a. Media c. Media literacy
b. Information literacy d. Technology literacy

12) These refer to processed data for specific purposes.

a. Information c. Media
b. Literacy d. Technology
13) The ability to understand printed and written materials refers
a. information c. media
b. literacy d. technology

14) The ability to access, evaluate, and create media is.

a. media c. media literacy
b. information literacy d. technology literacy

15) Examples of these are radio, television, newspaper,

magazines and social media.
a. information c. literacy
b. technology d. media
f. Valuing
Why do we need to become responsible in using media and

Create a poster with a slogan showing how to become responsible in
using media and information. The poster should use interactive online tool
like canva, piktochart, picsart, etc.(You can draw and use Microsoft lens to
convert it in PDF)

Take note of the criteria : POSTER RUBRIC

Relevance to the topic 30 %

Layout and design 40%
Originality 10%
Creativity 20%

In order for the teacher to confirm if the students understood the lesson,
the teacher will ask for clarifications, insight, and reactions about the

Prepared by : Checked by:


Student Teacher, M.I.L. Cooperating Teacher, M.I.L.


Internship Coordinator

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