Yes Bank Limited: Management

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Yes Bank Limited is an Indian public bank headquartered in Mumbai, India and was founded

by Rana Kapoor and Ashok Kapur in 2004. It offers wide range of banking and financial products
for corporate and retail customers through retail banking and asset management services. On 5
March 2020, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken control of the bank which had an
excessive amount of bad loans in an attempt to avoid the collapse of the bank, later
reconstructed the board and named Prashant Kumar former Chief financial officer of SBI as
new MD & CEO at Yes bank.

Mr. Prashant Kumar- Managing Director and CEO (A Science graduate and a law
graduate from Delhi University)

Mr. Sunil Mehta- Non Executive Chairman(Former non-executive chairman of

Punjab National Bank)

Mr. Mahesh Krishnamurthy-Non Executive Director

SWOT Analysis


Biggest Private Sector Bank –

Yes Bank is India’s fourth-biggest private division bank. It is perceived as the top and
quickest developing bank in India Banking League Tables by the renowned media
houses and Global Advisory Firms.

Expanded Business –

Yes Bank has its business tasks in numerous territories like Commercial Banking,
Corporate, and Institutional Banking, Investment Banking, Corporate Finance,
Financial Marketing, and Retail Banking.

Management –

Yes Bank has top administration who are exceptionally experienced and take any
business choices successfully for the correct working of the business objectives.

Very good quality Technology –

Yes Bank utilizes top of the line innovation for its smooth working banking and
money related exercises.

Fund Raising  –

Yes Bank can raise assets as they have managed remote shareholding.

Human Capital –

Yes Bank has effective human money to do its start to finish exercises.

Availability –

Yes Bank account holders can get to their financial exercises whenever and from
anyplace. It gives more proficiency and better accommodation.

Listings –

 Yes Bank has been recorded in the National Stock Exchange of India, Bombay
Stock Exchange, and London Stock Exchange.

Awards and Recognition-

Yes Bank has been prevalent and is a glad achiever of numerous honors like ‘India’s
Fastest Growing Bank of the Year’ given by Bloomberg UTV Financial Leadership
Awards during the year 2011 and the ‘Bank of the Year India’ by The Banker London
during the year 2015.


Security over Digital Media –

 Since the banking and monetary exchanges of Yes Bank occurs using advanced
media, there is a high danger of security in their business tasks. The
acknowledgment level of individuals to include cash through computerized mode
isn’t supported by many.

Utilization of Digital in Rural Area –

In the majority of the provincial territories, the use of advanced media isn’t solid for
banking and monetary reason.

Heterogeneous Client –

Yes Bank is ineffectively arranged to address the heterogeneous customer


Change in Laws and Regulations –

Whenever there is an adjustment in law and guidelines forced by the administration,

it can influence the business tasks of the bank.

Huge Asset in one Client –

Yes Bank has huge resources per customer that give a colossal chance to serve
them and furthermore developed in the banking and budgetary administrations.

Worldwide Market –

Yes Bank has a great deal of permeability in the worldwide market with fewer
obstructions. This is giving a chance to the bank to go worldwide and flourish their
business objectives.

Extending Services to Clients –

Yes Bank offers an extended warning and modified administrations to the customers,
banks, and speculators. This will attempt to give them a chance to upgrade their

Business goals towards middle and lower-income groups –

Unlike different banks that fundamentally target upper working-class parts, Yes bank
grows its business to try and take into account the center and lower salary gathering
of the general public.

Awareness in Digital Media –

Increasing mindfulness in the computerized media among individuals gives a

gigantic chance to the bank to provide food to more clients.


Security Issues –

At whenever, on the off chance that the bank faces any security-related issues, at
that point it turns into a genuine danger to the bank. It is hard to pick up client
certainty again later in such cases.

High Fee –

The bank’s high charge arranging intensity of the customers is without a doubt a
tremendous risk to the bank’s the same old thing.

Worldwide Competitors –

The nearness of numerous worldwide goliaths in the banking and money

administrations is a major danger for the bank to continue in this market.
Competitive Analysis

Name Last Price Market Cap. Net Interest Net Profit Total Assets
(Rs. cr.) Income
HDFC Bank 939.95 515,401.51 114,812.65 26,257.32 1,244,540.69
ICICI Bank 372.50 241,132.10 63,401.19 3,363.30 964,459.14
Kotak Mahindra 1,187.20 227,115.91 23,943.21 4,865.33 312,172.10
Axis Bank 466.00 131,493.59 54,985.77 4,676.61 800,996.52
Yes Bank 28.90 36,270.86 29,624.75 1,720.27 380,826.16



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